com.vmware.photon.controller.model.adapters.awsadapter.enumeration.AWSImageEnumerationAdapterService Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2015-2017 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
* under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, without warranties or
* conditions of any kind, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
package com.vmware.photon.controller.model.adapters.awsadapter.enumeration;
import static com.vmware.photon.controller.model.adapters.awsadapter.AWSConstants.AWS_IMAGE_VIRTUALIZATION_TYPE_FILTER;
import static com.vmware.photon.controller.model.adapters.awsadapter.AWSConstants.AWS_IMAGE_VIRTUALIZATION_TYPE_HVM;
import static com.vmware.photon.controller.model.adapters.awsadapter.AWSConstants.AWS_IMAGE_VIRTUALIZATION_TYPE_PARAVIRTUAL;
import static com.vmware.photon.controller.model.adapters.awsadapter.AWSConstants.VOLUME_TYPE;
import static com.vmware.photon.controller.model.adapters.awsadapter.util.AWSClientManagerFactory.returnClientManager;
import static com.vmware.photon.controller.model.resources.util.PhotonModelUtils.waitToComplete;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import com.amazonaws.services.ec2.AmazonEC2AsyncClient;
import com.amazonaws.services.ec2.model.BlockDeviceMapping;
import com.amazonaws.services.ec2.model.DescribeImagesRequest;
import com.amazonaws.services.ec2.model.DescribeImagesResult;
import com.amazonaws.services.ec2.model.DeviceType;
import com.amazonaws.services.ec2.model.EbsBlockDevice;
import com.amazonaws.services.ec2.model.Filter;
import com.amazonaws.services.ec2.model.Image;
import com.amazonaws.services.ec2.model.Tag;
import com.google.gson.reflect.TypeToken;
import com.vmware.photon.controller.model.adapterapi.ImageEnumerateRequest;
import com.vmware.photon.controller.model.adapterapi.ImageEnumerateRequest.ImageEnumerateRequestType;
import com.vmware.photon.controller.model.adapters.awsadapter.AWSConstants;
import com.vmware.photon.controller.model.adapters.awsadapter.AWSConstants.AwsClientType;
import com.vmware.photon.controller.model.adapters.awsadapter.AWSUriPaths;
import com.vmware.photon.controller.model.adapters.awsadapter.util.AWSClientManager;
import com.vmware.photon.controller.model.adapters.awsadapter.util.AWSClientManagerFactory;
import com.vmware.photon.controller.model.adapters.awsadapter.util.AWSDeferredResultAsyncHandler;
import com.vmware.photon.controller.model.adapters.util.AdapterUtils;
import com.vmware.photon.controller.model.adapters.util.TaskManager;
import com.vmware.photon.controller.model.adapters.util.enums.EndpointEnumerationProcess;
import com.vmware.photon.controller.model.resources.ImageService;
import com.vmware.photon.controller.model.resources.ImageService.ImageState;
import com.vmware.photon.controller.model.resources.ImageService.ImageState.DiskConfiguration;
import com.vmware.photon.controller.model.resources.util.PhotonModelUtils;
import com.vmware.photon.controller.model.tasks.ImageEnumerationTaskService.ImageEnumerationTaskState;
import com.vmware.xenon.common.DeferredResult;
import com.vmware.xenon.common.Operation;
import com.vmware.xenon.common.StatelessService;
import com.vmware.xenon.common.Utils;
import com.vmware.xenon.services.common.QueryTask.Query.Builder;
* AWS image enumeration adapter responsible to enumerate AWS {@link ImageState}s. It handles
* {@link ImageEnumerateRequest} as send/initiated by {@code ImageEnumerationTaskService}.
public class AWSImageEnumerationAdapterService extends StatelessService {
public static final String SELF_LINK = AWSUriPaths.AWS_IMAGE_ENUMERATION_ADAPTER;
* @see #getImagesPageSize()
public static final String IMAGES_PAGE_SIZE_PROPERTY = "photon-model.adapter.aws.images.page.size";
* @see #getImagesMaxConcurrentEnums()
public static final String IMAGES_MAX_CONCURRENT_ENUMS_PROPERTY = "photon-model.adapter.aws.images.max.concurrent.enums";
* Get images page size from {@value #IMAGES_PAGE_SIZE_PROPERTY} system property. The value is
* used to partition original AWS images list.
* @return by default return 1000
public static int getImagesPageSize() {
final int DEFAULT = 1000;
return Integer.getInteger(IMAGES_PAGE_SIZE_PROPERTY, DEFAULT);
* Get max number of concurrent images enumerations from
* {@value #IMAGES_MAX_CONCURRENT_ENUMS_PROPERTY} system property.
* @return by default return 1, which implies sequential enumerations
public static int getImagesMaxConcurrentEnums() {
final int DEFAULT = 1;
* {@link EndpointEnumerationProcess} specialization that loads AWS {@link Image}s into
* {@link ImageState} store.
private static class AWSImageEnumerationContext
extends EndpointEnumerationProcess {
* As of now there are AWS regions with 90K+ images and their loading in a single call is
* memory and time consuming. To overcome the memory leap we split images loading using
* virtualizationType as partitioning criteria.
* This class represents an iterator on top of images partitions.
* The iterator is sync. Still its loading done by
* {@link AWSImageEnumerationContext#loadAwsImages()} is async.
private static class PartitioningIterator extends PaginatingIterator {
* The AWS images criteria (as {@link Filter}) used to partition all images during
* enumeration. The sum of all partitions represents all AWS images and is evenly
* distributed.
* As of now we are using partitioning by virtualizationType which results in two
* buckets: paravirtual = 40968 images, hvm = 54800 images.
final Iterator partitioningCriteria = Arrays.asList(
* Current partition. Internally it is being paginated.
PaginatingIterator partition = PaginatingIterator.empty();
PartitioningIterator withPartition(PaginatingIterator partition) {
this.partition = partition;
return this;
* - current partition is fully iterated
* - there are more partitions to iterate
boolean shouldLoadNextPartition() {
return !this.partition.hasNext() && this.partitioningCriteria.hasNext();
* From client perspective either current partition has more pages or there are more
* partitions to iterate.
public boolean hasNext() {
return this.partition.hasNext() || this.partitioningCriteria.hasNext();
* Just delegate to current partition.
* It is up to the {@link AWSImageEnumerationContext#loadAwsImages()} to load next
* partition through {@link #withPartition(PaginatingIterator)}.
public List next() {
List delegatedPage = this.partition.next();
this.totalNumber += delegatedPage.size();
return delegatedPage;
* The underlying image-enum request.
final ImageEnumerateRequest request;
* The image-enum task that triggered this request.
ImageEnumerationTaskState imageEnumTaskState;
AmazonEC2AsyncClient awsClient;
PartitioningIterator awsImages = new PartitioningIterator();
TaskManager taskManager;
AWSImageEnumerationAdapterService service,
ImageEnumerateRequest request) {
// TODO: set "computeHostLink" value for AWS image resources.
super(service, request.resourceReference,
null, ImageState.class, ImageService.FACTORY_LINK);
this.taskManager = new TaskManager(this.service,
this.request = request;
if (request.requestType == ImageEnumerateRequestType.PUBLIC) {
// Public/Shared images should NOT consider tenantLinks and endpointLink
public String getEndpointRegion() {
return this.request.regionId;
* - Extract calling image-enum task state prior end-point loading.
* - Extract end-point region id once end-point state is loaded.
protected DeferredResult getEndpointState(
AWSImageEnumerationContext context) {
return DeferredResult.completed(context)
.thenCompose(ctx -> super.getEndpointState(ctx));
* Extract {@link ImageEnumerationTaskState} from {@code request.taskReference} and set it
* to {@link #imageEnumTaskState}.
private DeferredResult getImageEnumTaskState(
AWSImageEnumerationContext context) {
Operation op = Operation.createGet(context.request.taskReference);
return context.service
.sendWithDeferredResult(op, ImageEnumerationTaskState.class)
.thenApply(state -> {
context.imageEnumTaskState = state;
return context;
* Create Amazon client prior core page-by-page enumeration.
protected DeferredResult enumeratePageByPage(
AWSImageEnumerationContext context) {
return DeferredResult.completed(context)
.thenCompose(ctx -> super.enumeratePageByPage(ctx));
protected DeferredResult createAmazonClient(
AWSImageEnumerationContext context) {
DeferredResult r = new DeferredResult<>();
((AWSImageEnumerationAdapterService) context.service).clientManager
context.getEndpointRegion(), context.service)
.whenComplete((ec2Client, t) -> {
if (t != null) {
context.awsClient = ec2Client;
return r;
protected DeferredResult getExternalResources(String nextPageLink) {
// AWS does not support pagination of images so we internally partition
// all results thus simulating paging
return loadAwsImages().thenApply(imagesIterator -> {
RemoteResourcesPage page = new RemoteResourcesPage();
if (imagesIterator.hasNext()) {
final List awsImagesPage = imagesIterator.next();
for (Image awsImage : awsImagesPage) {
page.resourcesPage.put(awsImage.getImageId(), awsImage);
// Return a non-null nextPageLink to the parent so we are called back.
if (imagesIterator.hasNext()) {
page.nextPageLink = "awsImages_" + (imagesIterator.pageNumber() + 1);
} else {
this.service.logInfo("Enumerating AWS images: TOTAL number %s",
return page;
static final class ListOfFilters extends TypeToken> {
static Type asType() {
return new ListOfFilters().getType();
private DeferredResult> loadAwsImages() {
if (!this.awsImages.shouldLoadNextPartition()) {
return DeferredResult.completed(this.awsImages);
// Otherwise load next partition of AWS images
boolean isPublic = this.request.requestType == ImageEnumerateRequestType.PUBLIC;
DescribeImagesRequest request = new DescribeImagesRequest()
.withFilters(new Filter(AWSConstants.AWS_IMAGE_STATE_FILTER)
.withFilters(new Filter(AWSConstants.AWS_IMAGE_IS_PUBLIC_FILTER)
// The filter used as partitioning criteria
// Apply additional filtering to AWS images (used by tests)
if (this.imageEnumTaskState.filter != null
&& !this.imageEnumTaskState.filter.isEmpty()) {
// Deserialize the JSON string to a list of AWS Filters
List filters = Utils.fromJson(
this.imageEnumTaskState.filter, ListOfFilters.asType());
// NOTE: use withFilters(Filter...) to append NOT withFilter(List<>)
request.withFilters(filters.toArray(new Filter[0]));
final String msg = "Enumerating AWS images by partition " + request;
// ALL AWS images are returned with a single call, NO pagination!
AWSDeferredResultAsyncHandler handler = new AWSDeferredResultAsyncHandler<>(
this.service, msg);
this.awsClient.describeImagesAsync(request, handler);
return handler.toDeferredResult().thenCompose(awsImagesResult -> {
this.service.logInfo("%s: TOTAL number %s",
msg, awsImagesResult.getImages().size());
if (awsImagesResult.getImages().isEmpty()) {
// Current partition is empty. Try recursively with next one.
return loadAwsImages();
// "artificially" paginate images once we load them all
PaginatingIterator partition = new PaginatingIterator<>(
awsImagesResult.getImages(), getImagesPageSize());
// Use loaded images as current partition
return DeferredResult.completed(this.awsImages);
protected DeferredResult buildLocalResourceState(
Image remoteImage, ImageState existingImageState) {
LocalStateHolder holder = new LocalStateHolder();
holder.localState = new ImageState();
if (existingImageState == null) {
// Create flow
if (this.request.requestType == ImageEnumerateRequestType.PUBLIC) {
holder.localState.endpointType = this.endpointState.endpointType;
} else {
// Update flow: do nothing
// Both flows - populate from remote Image
holder.localState.name = remoteImage.getName();
holder.localState.description = remoteImage.getDescription();
holder.localState.osFamily = remoteImage.getPlatform();
holder.localState.diskConfigs = new ArrayList<>();
if (DeviceType.Ebs == DeviceType.fromValue(remoteImage.getRootDeviceType())) {
for (BlockDeviceMapping blockDeviceMapping : remoteImage.getBlockDeviceMappings()) {
// blockDeviceMapping can be with noDevice
EbsBlockDevice ebs = blockDeviceMapping.getEbs();
if (ebs != null) {
DiskConfiguration diskConfig = new DiskConfiguration();
diskConfig.id = blockDeviceMapping.getDeviceName();
diskConfig.encrypted = ebs.getEncrypted();
diskConfig.persistent = true;
if (ebs.getVolumeSize() != null) {
diskConfig.capacityMBytes = ebs.getVolumeSize() * 1024;
diskConfig.properties = Collections.singletonMap(
VOLUME_TYPE, ebs.getVolumeType());
for (Tag remoteImageTag : remoteImage.getTags()) {
holder.remoteTags.put(remoteImageTag.getKey(), remoteImageTag.getValue());
return DeferredResult.completed(holder);
* - During PUBLIC image enum explicitly set {@code imageType}.
* - During PRIVATE image enum setting of {@code tenantLinks} and {@code endpointType} (by
* default logic) is enough.
protected void customizeLocalStatesQuery(Builder qBuilder) {
if (this.request.requestType == ImageEnumerateRequestType.PUBLIC) {
private AWSClientManager clientManager;
private ExecutorService executorService;
public AWSImageEnumerationAdapterService() {
super.toggleOption(ServiceOption.INSTRUMENTATION, true);
* Extend default 'start' logic with loading AWS client.
public void handleStart(Operation op) {
this.clientManager = AWSClientManagerFactory.getClientManager(AwsClientType.EC2);
this.executorService = allocateExecutor();
* Extend default 'stop' logic with releasing AWS client.
public void handleStop(Operation op) {
returnClientManager(this.clientManager, AwsClientType.EC2);
public void handlePatch(Operation op) {
if (!op.hasBody()) {
op.fail(new IllegalArgumentException("body is required"));
// Immediately complete the Operation from calling task.
AWSImageEnumerationContext ctx = new AWSImageEnumerationContext(
this, op.getBody(ImageEnumerateRequest.class));
if (ctx.request.isMockRequest) {
// Complete the task with FINISHED
// Encapsulate core images enum code as Supplier, so we can manipulate and pass it.
final Supplier> imagesEnum = () -> {
final String msg = ctx.request.requestType + " images enum";
logInfo(() -> msg + ": STARTED");
// Start image enumeration process...
DeferredResult imagesEnumDR = ctx.enumerate()
.whenComplete((o, e) -> {
// Once done patch the calling task with correct stage.
if (e == null) {
logInfo(() -> msg + ": COMPLETED");
} else {
logSevere(() -> msg + ": FAILED with " + Utils.toString(e));
completeWithFailure(ctx, e);
return imagesEnumDR;
// Apply different execution strategies depending on enum type
if (ctx.request.requestType == ImageEnumerateRequestType.PRIVATE) {
// PRIVATE enums are handled immediately
} else {
// PUBLIC enums are executed sequentially in a dedicated Thread Pool
Runnable publicImagesEnum = () -> waitToComplete(imagesEnum.get());
exc -> completeWithFailure(ctx, exc));
private void completeWithFailure(AWSImageEnumerationContext ctx, Throwable exc) {
private void completeWithSuccess(AWSImageEnumerationContext ctx) {
* Creates an executor specific to AWS public images enum, which by default is single threaded
* with a queue of size 20.
private ExecutorService allocateExecutor() {
final int corePoolSize = 1;
// By default returns 1, so effectively we have single threaded executor;
// otherwise the pool size varies
final int imagesMaxConcurrentEnums = getImagesMaxConcurrentEnums();
final long keepAliveTime = 0L;
final TimeUnit unit = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS;
// Use queue with size 20, which is close to AWS regions count
final BlockingQueue workQueue = new ArrayBlockingQueue<>(20);
ThreadFactory tFactory = r -> new Thread(r,
"/" + getUri() + "/" + Utils.getSystemNowMicrosUtc());
return new ThreadPoolExecutor(
corePoolSize, imagesMaxConcurrentEnums, keepAliveTime, unit, workQueue, tFactory);
* An iterator of pages of a list, each of the same size (the final page may be smaller).
public static class PaginatingIterator implements Iterator> {
public static PaginatingIterator empty() {
return new PaginatingIterator<>();
private final List originalList;
final int pageSize;
private int lastIndex = 0;
int pageNumber = 0;
int totalNumber = 0;
private List page = null;
* For internal use only!
private PaginatingIterator() {
this(null, 0);
public PaginatingIterator(List originalList, int pageSize) {
// we are tolerant to null values
this.originalList = originalList == null ? Collections.emptyList() : originalList;
this.pageSize = pageSize;
public boolean hasNext() {
try {
return this.lastIndex < this.originalList.size();
} finally {
// Since AWS serves all images as single List,
// we do our best to release it as soon as possible.
* Returns the next page from original list.
public List next() {
if (!hasNext()) {
throw new NoSuchElementException(
getClass().getSimpleName() + " has already been consumed.");
// Store prev lastIndex as beginIndex
final int beginIndex = this.lastIndex;
// Calculate current lastIndex
this.lastIndex = Math.min(beginIndex + this.pageSize, this.originalList.size());
// Get a subList
this.page = this.originalList.subList(beginIndex, this.lastIndex);
this.totalNumber += this.page.size();
return this.page;
* Clear consumed page to let GC do its work.
private void clearLastPage() {
if (this.page != null) {
for (int i = 0, size = this.page.size(); i < size; i++) {
this.page.set(i, null);
this.page = null;
* Return the number of pages returned by {@link #next()} so far.
public int pageNumber() {
return this.pageNumber;
* Return the total number of elements returned by {@link #next()} so far.
public int totalNumber() {
return this.totalNumber;