com.vmware.photon.controller.model.adapters.awsadapter.util.AWSClientManager Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (c) 2015-2016 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
* under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, without warranties or
* conditions of any kind, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
package com.vmware.photon.controller.model.adapters.awsadapter.util;
import static com.vmware.photon.controller.model.adapterapi.EndpointConfigRequest.ARN_KEY;
import static com.vmware.photon.controller.model.adapterapi.EndpointConfigRequest.EXTERNAL_ID_KEY;
import static com.vmware.photon.controller.model.adapters.awsadapter.AWSConstants.CW_CLIENT_CACHE_INITIAL_SIZE;
import static com.vmware.photon.controller.model.adapters.awsadapter.AWSConstants.CW_CLIENT_CACHE_MAX_SIZE;
import static com.vmware.photon.controller.model.adapters.awsadapter.AWSConstants.EC2_CLIENT_CACHE_INITIAL_SIZE;
import static com.vmware.photon.controller.model.adapters.awsadapter.AWSConstants.EC2_CLIENT_CACHE_MAX_SIZE;
import static com.vmware.photon.controller.model.adapters.awsadapter.AWSConstants.INVALID_CLIENT_CACHE_INITIAL_SIZE;
import static com.vmware.photon.controller.model.adapters.awsadapter.AWSConstants.INVALID_CLIENT_CACHE_MAX_SIZE;
import static com.vmware.photon.controller.model.adapters.awsadapter.AWSConstants.LB_CLIENT_CACHE_INITIAL_SIZE;
import static com.vmware.photon.controller.model.adapters.awsadapter.AWSConstants.LB_CLIENT_CACHE_MAX_SIZE;
import static com.vmware.photon.controller.model.adapters.awsadapter.AWSConstants.S3_CLIENT_CACHE_INITIAL_SIZE;
import static com.vmware.photon.controller.model.adapters.awsadapter.AWSConstants.S3_CLIENT_CACHE_MAX_SIZE;
import static com.vmware.photon.controller.model.adapters.awsadapter.AWSConstants.S3_TM_CLIENT_CACHE_INITIAL_SIZE;
import static com.vmware.photon.controller.model.adapters.awsadapter.AWSConstants.S3_TM_CLIENT_CACHE_MAX_SIZE;
import static com.vmware.photon.controller.model.adapters.awsadapter.AWSUtils.TILDA;
import static com.vmware.photon.controller.model.adapters.awsadapter.AWSUtils.awsSessionCredentialsToAuthCredentialsState;
import static com.vmware.photon.controller.model.adapters.awsadapter.AWSUtils.getArnSessionCredentialsAsync;
import static com.vmware.photon.controller.model.adapters.awsadapter.AWSUtils.isArnCredentials;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletionException;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import com.amazonaws.handlers.AsyncHandler;
import com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchAsyncClient;
import com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsRequest;
import com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsResult;
import com.amazonaws.services.ec2.AmazonEC2AsyncClient;
import com.amazonaws.services.elasticloadbalancing.AmazonElasticLoadBalancingAsyncClient;
import com.amazonaws.services.s3.AmazonS3Client;
import com.amazonaws.services.s3.transfer.TransferManager;
import com.vmware.photon.controller.model.UriPaths;
import com.vmware.photon.controller.model.adapters.awsadapter.AWSConstants.AwsClientType;
import com.vmware.photon.controller.model.adapters.awsadapter.AWSUtils;
import com.vmware.photon.controller.model.adapters.util.LRUCache;
import com.vmware.xenon.common.DeferredResult;
import com.vmware.xenon.common.OperationContext;
import com.vmware.xenon.common.StatelessService;
import com.vmware.xenon.common.Utils;
import com.vmware.xenon.services.common.AuthCredentialsService.AuthCredentialsServiceState;
* Holds the cache for managing the AWS Clients used to make calls to AWS from the photon model adapters.
public class AWSClientManager {
private static String SEPARATOR = "-";
// Flag for determining the type of AWS client managed by this client manager.
private AwsClientType awsClientType;
private Map ec2ClientCache;
private Map cloudWatchClientCache;
private Map s3clientCache;
private Map s3TransferManagerCache;
private Map loadBalancingClientCache;
private Map> arnCredentialsCache;
private ExecutorService executorService;
private LRUCache invalidEc2Clients;
private LRUCache invalidCloudWatchClients;
private LRUCache invalidLoadBalancingClients;
private LRUCache invalidS3Clients;
+ "AWSClientManager.retryInterval";
private static final int DEFAULT_RETRY_AFTER_INTERVAL_MINUTES = 60;
private static final int RETRY_AFTER_INTERVAL_MINUTES = Integer
AWSClientManager(AwsClientType awsClientType) {
this.arnCredentialsCache = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<>());
this.awsClientType = awsClientType;
switch (awsClientType) {
case EC2:
this.ec2ClientCache = Collections
.synchronizedMap(new LRUCache<>(EC2_CLIENT_CACHE_INITIAL_SIZE,
this.invalidEc2Clients = new LRUCache<>(INVALID_CLIENT_CACHE_INITIAL_SIZE,
this.cloudWatchClientCache = Collections
.synchronizedMap(new LRUCache<>(CW_CLIENT_CACHE_INITIAL_SIZE,
this.invalidCloudWatchClients = new LRUCache<>(INVALID_CLIENT_CACHE_INITIAL_SIZE,
case S3:
this.s3clientCache = Collections
.synchronizedMap(new LRUCache<>(S3_CLIENT_CACHE_INITIAL_SIZE,
this.invalidS3Clients = new LRUCache<>(INVALID_CLIENT_CACHE_INITIAL_SIZE,
this.s3TransferManagerCache = Collections
.synchronizedMap(new LRUCache<>(S3_TM_CLIENT_CACHE_INITIAL_SIZE,
this.loadBalancingClientCache = Collections
.synchronizedMap(new LRUCache<>(LB_CLIENT_CACHE_INITIAL_SIZE,
this.invalidLoadBalancingClients = new LRUCache<>(INVALID_CLIENT_CACHE_INITIAL_SIZE,
String msg = "The specified AWS client type " + awsClientType
+ " is not supported by this client manager.";
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(msg);
public AWSClientManager(AwsClientType awsClientType, ExecutorService executorService) {
this.executorService = executorService;
* Accesses the client cache to get the EC2 client for the given auth credentials and regionId.
* If a client is not found to exist, creates a new one and adds an entry in the cache for it.
* This process is done asynchronously, and the EC2 client will be passed via the
* successConsumer.
* Allows for ARN-based credentials (as well as traditional key-based credentials), where a set
* of credentials with the ARN key set will communicate with AWS to trade for a set of session
* credentials that can allow the instantiation of an Amazon client.
* @param credentials The auth credentials to be used for the client creation
* @param regionId The region of the AWS client
* @param service The stateless service making the request and for which the executor pool needs
* to be allocated.
* @return A {@link DeferredResult} of the AWS client.
public synchronized DeferredResult getOrCreateEC2ClientAsync(
AuthCredentialsServiceState credentials, String regionId, StatelessService service) {
if (this.awsClientType != AwsClientType.EC2) {
return DeferredResult.failed(new UnsupportedOperationException(
"This client manager supports only AWS " + this.awsClientType + " clients."));
OperationContext operationContext = OperationContext.getOperationContext();
return getArnCredentialsFromCache(credentials, service)
.thenApply(refreshedCredentials -> {
return getOrCreateEC2Client(refreshedCredentials, regionId, service,
t -> { throw new CompletionException(t); });
* Accesses the client cache to get the EC2 client for the given auth credentials and regionId.
* If a client is not found to exist, creates a new one and adds an entry in the cache for it.
* Note: ARN-based credentials will not be accepted unless they have already been exchanged to
* AWS for session credentials. If unset, this method will throw a
* {@link UnsupportedOperationException} exception in this circumstance. To enable ARN-based
* credentials, migrate to {@link #getOrCreateEC2ClientAsync(AuthCredentialsServiceState,
* String, StatelessService)}.
* @param credentials The auth credentials to be used for the client creation
* @param regionId The region of the AWS client
* @param service The stateless service making the request and for which the executor pool needs to be allocated.
* @return The AWSClient
public AmazonEC2AsyncClient getOrCreateEC2Client(AuthCredentialsServiceState credentials,
String regionId, StatelessService service, Consumer failConsumer) {
if (this.awsClientType != AwsClientType.EC2) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"This client manager supports only AWS " + this.awsClientType + " clients.");
if (isArnCredentials(credentials) && !isSetCredentials(credentials)) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"For ARN-based credentials, exchange for session-based access key/secret key first before retrieving the client.");
AmazonEC2AsyncClient amazonEC2Client = null;
String cacheKey = createCredentialRegionCacheKey(credentials, regionId);
try {
amazonEC2Client = this.ec2ClientCache.computeIfAbsent(cacheKey, key -> AWSUtils
.getAsyncClient(credentials, regionId, getExecutor()));
} catch (Throwable e) {
return amazonEC2Client;
* Returns true if a set of credentials has set the private key and privateKeyId fields.
* @param credentials A set of credentials to test.
* @return True if credentials object has set the privateKey and privateKeyId fields.
private boolean isSetCredentials(AuthCredentialsServiceState credentials) {
return credentials.privateKey != null && !credentials.privateKey.isEmpty() &&
credentials.privateKeyId != null && !credentials.privateKeyId.isEmpty();
* Checks if an EC2 client has been marked as invalid.
* @param credentials
* The auth credentials to be used for the client creation
* @param regionId
* The region of the AWS client
* @return true if the EC2 client is marked as invalid, false otherwise.
public boolean isEc2ClientInvalid(AuthCredentialsServiceState credentials,
String regionId) {
String cacheKey = createCredentialRegionCacheKey(credentials, regionId);
synchronized (this.ec2ClientCache) {
return isInvalidClient(this.invalidEc2Clients, cacheKey);
* Marks an EC2 client as invalid.
* @param service
* The stateless service for which the operation is being performed.
* @param credentials
* The auth credentials to be used for the client creation
* @param regionId
* The region of the AWS client
public void markEc2ClientInvalid(StatelessService service,
AuthCredentialsServiceState credentials, String regionId) {
String cacheKey = createCredentialRegionCacheKey(credentials, regionId);
service.logWarning("Marking EC2 client cache entry invalid for key: " + cacheKey);
synchronized (this.ec2ClientCache) {
this.invalidEc2Clients.put(cacheKey, Utils.getNowMicrosUtc());
* Get or create a CloudWatch Client instance that will be used to get stats from AWS.
* Allows for ARN-based credentials (as well as traditional key-based credentials), where a set
* of credentials with the ARN key set will communicate with AWS to trade for a set of session
* credentials that can allow the instantiation of an Amazon client.
* @param credentials The auth credentials to be used for the client creation
* @param regionId The region of the AWS client
* @param service The stateless service making the request and for which the executor pool needs
* to be allocated.
* @return The AWSClient
public synchronized DeferredResult getOrCreateCloudWatchClientAsync(
AuthCredentialsServiceState credentials, String regionId, StatelessService service,
boolean isMock) {
if (this.awsClientType != AwsClientType.CLOUD_WATCH) {
return DeferredResult.failed(new UnsupportedOperationException(
"This client manager supports only AWS " + this.awsClientType + " clients."));
OperationContext operationContext = OperationContext.getOperationContext();
return getArnCredentialsFromCache(credentials, service)
.thenApply(refreshedCredentials -> {
return getOrCreateCloudWatchClient(refreshedCredentials, regionId, service,
isMock, t -> { throw new CompletionException(t); });
* Get or create a CloudWatch Client instance that will be used to get stats from AWS.
* Note: ARN-based credentials will not be accepted unless they have already been exchanged to
* AWS for session credentials. If unset, this method will throw a
* {@link UnsupportedOperationException} exception in this circumstance. To enable ARN-based
* credentials, migrate to {@link #getOrCreateCloudWatchClientAsync(AuthCredentialsServiceState,
* String, StatelessService, boolean)}.
* @param credentials The auth credentials to be used for the client creation
* @param regionId The region of the AWS client
* @param service The stateless service for which the operation is being performed.
* @param isMock Indicates if this a mock request
* @return
public AmazonCloudWatchAsyncClient getOrCreateCloudWatchClient(
AuthCredentialsServiceState credentials, String regionId, StatelessService service,
boolean isMock, Consumer failConsumer) {
if (this.awsClientType != AwsClientType.CLOUD_WATCH) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"This client manager supports only AWS " + this.awsClientType + " clients.");
if (isArnCredentials(credentials) && !isSetCredentials(credentials)) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"For ARN-based credentials, exchange for session-based access key/secret key first before retrieving the client.");
String cacheKey = createCredentialRegionCacheKey(credentials, regionId);
if (isCloudWatchClientInvalid(cacheKey)) {
new IllegalStateException("Invalid cloud watch client for key: " + cacheKey));
return null;
AmazonCloudWatchAsyncClient amazonCloudWatchClient = null;
try {
amazonCloudWatchClient = this.cloudWatchClientCache.computeIfAbsent(cacheKey, key -> {
AmazonCloudWatchAsyncClient client = AWSUtils.getStatsAsyncClient
(credentials, regionId, getExecutor(), isMock);
new AsyncHandler() {
public void onError(Exception exception) {
markCloudWatchClientInvalid(service, cacheKey);
public void onSuccess(DescribeAlarmsRequest request,
DescribeAlarmsResult result) {
return client;
} catch (Throwable e) {
return amazonCloudWatchClient;
private boolean isCloudWatchClientInvalid(String cacheKey) {
synchronized (this.cloudWatchClientCache) {
return isInvalidClient(this.invalidCloudWatchClients, cacheKey);
public void markCloudWatchClientInvalid(StatelessService service,
String cacheKey) {
service.logWarning("Marking cloudwatch client cache entry invalid for key: " + cacheKey);
synchronized (this.cloudWatchClientCache) {
this.invalidCloudWatchClients.put(cacheKey, Utils.getNowMicrosUtc());
* Get or create an S3 Transfer Manager client.
* Allows for ARN-based credentials (as well as traditional key-based credentials), where a set
* of credentials with the ARN key set will communicate with AWS to trade for a set of session
* credentials that can allow the instantiation of an Amazon client.
* @param credentials The auth credentials to be used for the client creation
* @param regionId The region of the AWS client
* @param service The stateless service making the request and for which the executor pool needs
* to be allocated.
* @return The AWSClient
public synchronized DeferredResult getOrCreateS3TransferManagerAsync(
AuthCredentialsServiceState credentials, String regionId, StatelessService service) {
if (this.awsClientType != AwsClientType.S3_TRANSFER_MANAGER) {
return DeferredResult.failed(new UnsupportedOperationException(
"This client manager supports only AWS " + this.awsClientType + " clients."));
OperationContext operationContext = OperationContext.getOperationContext();
return getArnCredentialsFromCache(credentials, service)
.thenApply(refreshedCredentials -> {
return getOrCreateS3TransferManager(refreshedCredentials, regionId, service,
t -> { throw new CompletionException(t); });
* Get or create an S3 Transfer Manager client.
* Note: ARN-based credentials will not be accepted unless they have already been exchanged to
* AWS for session credentials. If unset, this method will throw a
* {@link UnsupportedOperationException} exception in this circumstance. To enable ARN-based
* credentials, migrate to {@link #getOrCreateS3TransferManagerAsync}.
* @param credentials The auth credentials to be used for the client creation
* @param regionId The region of the AWS client
* @param service The stateless service making the request and for which the executor pool needs
* to be allocated.
* @param failConsumer A callback to handle failure responses.
* @return The AWSClient
public synchronized TransferManager getOrCreateS3TransferManager(
AuthCredentialsServiceState credentials,
String regionId, StatelessService service, Consumer failConsumer) {
if (this.awsClientType != AwsClientType.S3_TRANSFER_MANAGER) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"This client manager supports only AWS " + this.awsClientType + " clients.");
if (isArnCredentials(credentials) && !isSetCredentials(credentials)) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"For ARN-based credentials, exchange for session-based access key/secret key first before retrieving the client.");
String cacheKey = createCredentialRegionCacheKey(credentials, regionId);
try {
return this.s3TransferManagerCache.computeIfAbsent(cacheKey, key -> AWSUtils
.getS3TransferManager(credentials, regionId, getExecutor()));
} catch (Throwable t) {
return null;
* Get or create a ElasticLoadBalancing Client instance that will be used to create/delete
* load balancers from AWS.
* Allows for ARN-based credentials (as well as traditional key-based credentials), where a set
* of credentials with the ARN key set will communicate with AWS to trade for a set of session
* credentials that can allow the instantiation of an Amazon client.
* @param credentials The auth credentials to be used for the client creation
* @param regionId The region of the AWS client
* @param service The stateless service making the request and for which the executor pool needs
* to be allocated.
* @return The AWSClient
public synchronized DeferredResult getOrCreateLoadBalancingClientAsync(
AuthCredentialsServiceState credentials, String regionId, StatelessService service,
boolean isMock) {
if (this.awsClientType != AwsClientType.LOAD_BALANCING) {
return DeferredResult.failed(new UnsupportedOperationException(
"This client manager supports only AWS " + this.awsClientType + " clients."));
OperationContext operationContext = OperationContext.getOperationContext();
return getArnCredentialsFromCache(credentials, service)
.thenApply(refreshedCredentials -> {
return getOrCreateLoadBalancingClient(refreshedCredentials, regionId, service,
isMock, t -> { throw new CompletionException(t); });
* Get or create a ElasticLoadBalancing Client instance that will be used to create/delete
* load balancers from AWS.
* Note: ARN-based credentials will not be accepted unless they have already been exchanged to
* AWS for session credentials. If unset, this method will throw a
* {@link UnsupportedOperationException} exception in this circumstance. To enable ARN-based
* credentials, migrate to {@link #getOrCreateLoadBalancingClientAsync}.
* @param credentials The auth credentials to be used for the client creation
* @param regionId The region of the AWS client
* @param service The stateless service for which the operation is being performed.
* @return
public AmazonElasticLoadBalancingAsyncClient getOrCreateLoadBalancingClient(
AuthCredentialsServiceState credentials,
String regionId, StatelessService service, boolean isMock,
Consumer failConsumer) {
if (this.awsClientType != AwsClientType.LOAD_BALANCING) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"This client manager supports only AWS " + this.awsClientType + " clients.");
if (isArnCredentials(credentials) && !isSetCredentials(credentials)) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"For ARN-based credentials, exchange for session-based access key/secret key first before retrieving the client.");
String cacheKey = createCredentialRegionCacheKey(credentials, regionId);
if (isLoadBalancingClientInvalid(cacheKey)) {
failConsumer.accept(new IllegalStateException(
"Invalid load balancing client for key: " + cacheKey));
return null;
try {
return this.loadBalancingClientCache.computeIfAbsent(cacheKey, key -> AWSUtils
.getLoadBalancingAsyncClient(credentials, regionId, getExecutor()));
} catch (Throwable e) {
return null;
private boolean isLoadBalancingClientInvalid(String cacheKey) {
synchronized (this.loadBalancingClientCache) {
return isInvalidClient(this.invalidLoadBalancingClients, cacheKey);
* Marks an ElasticLoadBalancing client as invalid.
* @param service
* The stateless service for which the operation is being performed.
* @param credentials
* The auth credentials to be used for the client creation
* @param regionId
* The region of the AWS client
public void markLoadBalancingClientInvalid(StatelessService service,
AuthCredentialsServiceState credentials, String regionId) {
String cacheKey = createCredentialRegionCacheKey(credentials, regionId);
"Marking load balancing client cache entry invalid for key: " + cacheKey);
synchronized (this.loadBalancingClientCache) {
this.invalidLoadBalancingClients.put(cacheKey, Utils.getNowMicrosUtc());
* Get or create an S3 Client asynchronously.
* Allows for ARN-based credentials (as well as traditional key-based credentials), where a set
* of credentials with the ARN key set will communicate with AWS to trade for a set of session
* credentials that can allow the instantiation of an Amazon client.
* @param credentials The auth credentials to be used for the client creation
* @param regionId The region of the AWS client
* @param service The stateless service making the request and for which the executor pool needs
* to be allocated.
* @return The AWSClient
public synchronized DeferredResult getOrCreateS3ClientAsync(
AuthCredentialsServiceState credentials, String regionId, StatelessService service) {
if (this.awsClientType != AwsClientType.S3) {
return DeferredResult.failed(new UnsupportedOperationException(
"This client manager supports only AWS " + this.awsClientType + " clients."));
OperationContext operationContext = OperationContext.getOperationContext();
return getArnCredentialsFromCache(credentials, service)
.thenApply(refreshedCredentials -> {
return getOrCreateS3Client(refreshedCredentials, regionId, service,
t -> { throw new CompletionException(t); });
* Get or create an S3 Client.
* Note: ARN-based credentials will not be accepted unless they have already been exchanged to
* AWS for session credentials. If unset, this method will throw a
* {@link UnsupportedOperationException} exception in this circumstance. To enable ARN-based
* credentials, migrate to {@link #getOrCreateS3ClientAsync}.
* @param credentials The auth credentials to be used for the client creation
* @param regionId The region of the AWS client
* @param service The stateless service making the request and for which the executor pool needs
* to be allocated.
* @param failConsumer A callback to handle failure responses.
* @return The AWSClient
public AmazonS3Client getOrCreateS3Client(AuthCredentialsServiceState credentials,
String regionId, StatelessService service, Consumer failConsumer) {
if (this.awsClientType != AwsClientType.S3) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"This client manager supports only AWS " + this.awsClientType + " clients.");
if (isArnCredentials(credentials) && !isSetCredentials(credentials)) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"For ARN-based credentials, exchange for session-based access key/secret key first before retrieving the client.");
String cacheKey = createCredentialRegionCacheKey(credentials, regionId);
try {
return this.s3clientCache.computeIfAbsent(cacheKey, key -> AWSUtils.getS3Client
(credentials, regionId));
} catch (Exception e) {
markS3ClientInvalid(service, credentials, regionId);
return null;
* Marks an S3 client as invalid.
* @param service
* The stateless service for which the operation is being performed.
* @param credentials
* The auth credentials to be used for the client creation
* @param regionId
* The region of the AWS client
public void markS3ClientInvalid(StatelessService service,
AuthCredentialsServiceState credentials, String regionId) {
String cacheKey = createCredentialRegionCacheKey(credentials, regionId);
service.logWarning("Marking S3 client cache entry invalid for key: " + cacheKey);
synchronized (this.s3clientCache) {
this.invalidS3Clients.put(cacheKey, Utils.getNowMicrosUtc());
* Checks if an S3 client has been marked as invalid.
* @param credentials
* The auth credentials to be used for the client creation
* @param regionId
* The region of the AWS client
* @return true if the S3 client is marked as invalid, false otherwise.
public boolean isS3ClientInvalid(AuthCredentialsServiceState credentials,
String regionId) {
String cacheKey = createCredentialRegionCacheKey(credentials, regionId);
synchronized (this.s3clientCache) {
return isInvalidClient(this.invalidS3Clients, cacheKey);
* Checks if a client (via cache key) has been marked as invalid within the last
* {@link #RETRY_AFTER_INTERVAL_MINUTES} minutes. If a client has been marked before, but
* {@link #RETRY_AFTER_INTERVAL_MINUTES} minutes has passed, the client is removed from the
* cache and it is no longer considered invalid.
* @param cache
* The cache to check.
* @param cacheKey
* The commonly used key to identify a client in the cache.
* @return true if the client is marked as invalid, false otherwise.
private boolean isInvalidClient(LRUCache cache, String cacheKey) {
Long entryTimestamp = cache.get(cacheKey);
if (entryTimestamp != null) {
if ((entryTimestamp + TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMicros(RETRY_AFTER_INTERVAL_MINUTES)) < Utils
.getNowMicrosUtc()) {
} else {
return true;
return false;
* Generates a common cache key formed via credentials and specific region ID.
* @param credentials
* The auth credentials to be used for the client creation
* @param regionId
* The region of the AWS client
* @return A common, consistent cache key for use in the AWS Client Manager.
public static String createCredentialRegionCacheKey(AuthCredentialsServiceState credentials,
String regionId) {
return Utils.computeHash(credentials.privateKeyId + SEPARATOR + credentials.privateKey)
* Common client manager method to retrieve (or update) credentials from the
* {@link #arnCredentialsCache} if ARN-based, or just return the current credentials set if not.
* If expired, the credentials will be regenerated. Otherwise, they will continue to be
* retrieved as normal.
* @param credentials The auth credentials to be used for the client creation
* @param service A service to issue requests
public synchronized DeferredResult getArnCredentialsFromCache(
AuthCredentialsServiceState credentials, StatelessService service) {
if (!isArnCredentials(credentials)) {
return DeferredResult.completed(credentials);
String arn = credentials.customProperties.get(ARN_KEY);
String arnCacheKey = Utils.computeHash(arn);
// If the ARN is in the arnCredentialsCache, then retrieve the credentials and check
// if they are expired. If not expired, continue to use them.
if (this.arnCredentialsCache.containsKey(arnCacheKey)) {
// If there is already a cache entry, but it has not been completed, just return the
// cache reference.
if (!this.arnCredentialsCache.get(arnCacheKey).isDone()) {
return this.arnCredentialsCache.get(arnCacheKey);
// Check if the credentials are expired. If not, return. If so, refresh.
AuthCredentialsServiceState arnCredentials = this.arnCredentialsCache.get(arnCacheKey)
.getNow(new AuthCredentialsServiceState());
if (!AWSUtils.isExpiredCredentials(arnCredentials)) {
return this.arnCredentialsCache.get(arnCacheKey);
service.logInfo("Refreshing session credentials for arn: '%s'", arn);
this.arnCredentialsCache.put(arnCacheKey, new DeferredResult<>());
// If unavailable in the cache, or expired, generate a new set of session credentials.
OperationContext operationContext = OperationContext.getOperationContext();
getArnSessionCredentialsAsync(arn, credentials.customProperties.get(EXTERNAL_ID_KEY),
getExecutor()).whenComplete((awsSessionCredentials, t) -> {
if (t != null) {
service.logInfo("Generated session credentials for arn: '%s'", arn);
AuthCredentialsServiceState arnCredentials =
// Update the cache with the new credentials.
return this.arnCredentialsCache.get(arnCacheKey);
* Helper method to clean up this client manager's arnCredentialsCache.
public void cleanUpArnCache() {
* Clears out the client cache and all the resources associated with each of the AWS clients.
public void cleanUp() {
switch (this.awsClientType) {
cleanupCache(this.cloudWatchClientCache, c -> c.shutdown());
case EC2:
this.ec2ClientCache.values().forEach(c -> c.shutdown());
cleanupCache(this.ec2ClientCache, c -> c.shutdown());
case S3:
this.s3clientCache.values().forEach(c -> c.shutdown());
cleanupCache(this.s3clientCache, c -> c.shutdown());
cleanupCache(this.s3TransferManagerCache, c -> c.shutdownNow());
cleanupCache(this.loadBalancingClientCache, c -> c.shutdown());
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"AWS client type not supported by this client manager");
private void cleanupCache(Map, T> cache, Consumer consumer) {
synchronized (cache) {
cache.values().forEach(c -> consumer.accept(c));
* Returns the executor pool associated with the service host. In case one does not exist already,
* creates a new one and saves that in a cache.
public ExecutorService getExecutor() {
return this.executorService;
* Returns the count of the clients that are cached in the client cache for the specified client type.
public int getCacheCount() {
int size = 0;
switch (this.awsClientType) {
case EC2:
size = this.ec2ClientCache.size();
size = this.cloudWatchClientCache.size();
case S3:
size = this.s3clientCache.size();
size = this.s3TransferManagerCache.size();
size = this.loadBalancingClientCache.size();
return size;
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