com.vmware.xenon.common.Operation Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (c) 2014-2015 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
* under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, without warranties or
* conditions of any kind, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
package com.vmware.xenon.common;
import static java.lang.String.format;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.CancellationException;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletionException;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import com.vmware.xenon.common.Service.Action;
import com.vmware.xenon.common.ServiceDocumentDescription.Builder;
import com.vmware.xenon.common.ServiceErrorResponse.ErrorDetail;
import com.vmware.xenon.common.ServiceHost.ServiceNotFoundException;
import com.vmware.xenon.common.serialization.KryoSerializers;
* Service operation container. Encapsulates the request / response pattern of client to service and
* service to service asynchronous communication
public class Operation implements Cloneable {
* Portion of serialized JSON body string to include in {@code toString}
private static final int TO_STRING_SERIALIZED_BODY_LIMIT = 256;
public interface CompletionHandler {
void handle(Operation completedOp, Throwable failure);
public static class SocketContext {
private long lastUseTimeMicros;
public long getLastUseTimeMicros() {
return this.lastUseTimeMicros;
public void updateLastUseTime() {
this.lastUseTimeMicros = Utils.getSystemNowMicrosUtc();
public void writeHttpRequest(Object request) {
throw new IllegalStateException();
public void close() {
throw new IllegalStateException();
static class InstrumentationContext {
long handleInvokeTimeMicros;
long enqueueTimeMicros;
long documentStoreCompletionTimeMicros;
long handlerCompletionTimeMicros;
long operationCompletionTimeMicros;
* Operation metadata being sent to the transaction coordinator.
public static class TransactionContext {
* Action the service received
public Action action;
* Set of pending transactions on the same service
public Set coordinatorLinks;
* Notify whether the service completed (true) or failed (false) the operation
public boolean isSuccessful;
static class RemoteContext {
SocketContext socketCtx;
Map requestHeaders;
Map responseHeaders;
Principal peerPrincipal;
X509Certificate[] peerCertificateChain;
String connectionTag;
Map cookies;
* An operation's authorization context.
* The {@link Claims} in this context was originally set by an authentication
* if the operation originated from a remote client and the claims were encoded
* in a token. If the operation is an internal derivative of such an operation,
* the authorization context is inherited so that the claims object doesn't
* need to be deserialized multiple times.
public static final class AuthorizationContext {
* Set of claims for this authorization context.
private Claims claims;
* Token representation for this set of claims.
* This field is only kept in this field so that we don't have to recreate the token
* when this context is inherited and used for a request to a peer node.
private String token;
* Whether this context should propagate to a client or not.
* If it is, the transport layer will propagate the context back to the client.
* In the case of netty/http, it will add a Set-Cookie header for the token.
private boolean propagateToClient = false;
* The resource query is a composite query constructed by grouping all
* resource group queries that apply to this user's authorization context.
private Map resourceQueryMap = null;
* The resource query filter is a query filter of the composite query
* constructed by grouping all resource group queries that apply to
* this user's authorization context.
private Map resourceQueryFiltersMap = null;
public Claims getClaims() {
public String getToken() {
return this.token;
public boolean shouldPropagateToClient() {
return this.propagateToClient;
public Query getResourceQuery(Action action) {
if (this.resourceQueryMap == null) {
return null;
return Utils.clone(this.resourceQueryMap.get(action));
public QueryFilter getResourceQueryFilter(Action action) {
if (this.resourceQueryFiltersMap == null) {
return null;
return this.resourceQueryFiltersMap.get(action);
public boolean isSystemUser() {
return isUserSubject(SystemUserService.SELF_LINK);
public boolean isGuestUser() {
return isUserSubject(GuestUserService.SELF_LINK);
private boolean isUserSubject(String userLink) {
Claims claims = getClaims();
if (claims == null) {
return false;
String subject = claims.getSubject();
if (subject == null) {
return false;
return subject.equals(userLink);
public static class Builder {
private AuthorizationContext authorizationContext;
public static Builder create() {
return new Builder();
private Builder() {
protected void initialize() {
this.authorizationContext = new AuthorizationContext();
public AuthorizationContext getResult() {
AuthorizationContext result = this.authorizationContext;
return result;
public Builder setClaims(Claims claims) { = claims;
return this;
public Builder setToken(String token) {
this.authorizationContext.token = token;
return this;
public Builder setPropagateToClient(boolean propagateToClient) {
this.authorizationContext.propagateToClient = propagateToClient;
return this;
public Builder setResourceQueryMap(Map resourceQueryMap) {
this.authorizationContext.resourceQueryMap = resourceQueryMap;
return this;
public Builder setResourceQueryFilterMap(
Map resourceQueryFiltersMap) {
this.authorizationContext.resourceQueryFiltersMap = resourceQueryFiltersMap;
return this;
public enum OperationOption {
* Set to request underlying support for overlapping operations on the same connection.
* For example, if set, and the service client is HTTP/2 aware, the operation will use the
* same connection as many others, pending, operations
* Set by the client to both request a long lived connection on out-bound requests,
* or indicate the operation was received on a long lived connection, for in-bound requests
* Set on both out-bound and in-bound replicated updates
* Set on both out-bound and in-bound forwarded requests
* Set to prevent replication
* Set by request listener to prevent cloning of the body during
* {@link Operation#setBody(Object)}
* Set to prevent notifications being sent after the service handler completes the
* operation
* Set if the target service is replicated
* Set by client to disable default logging of operation failures
* Set by a local {@code ServiceRequestListener} instance indicating the operation
* originated outside the process / host
* The operation exceeded the rate limit associated with it logical context
* (authorization subject by default)
* Infrastructure use only
* Set by transport/client to indicate the operation has an active socket
* channel associated with it.
public static class SerializedOperation extends ServiceDocument {
public Action action;
public String host;
public int port;
public String path;
public String query;
public Long id;
public URI referer;
public String jsonBody;
public int statusCode;
public EnumSet options;
public String contextId;
public String transactionId;
public String userInfo;
public static final ServiceDocumentDescription DESCRIPTION = Operation.SerializedOperation
public static final String KIND = Utils.buildKind(Operation.SerializedOperation.class);
public static SerializedOperation create(Operation op) {
SerializedOperation ctx = new SerializedOperation();
ctx.contextId = op.getContextId();
ctx.action = op.action;
ctx.referer = op.getReferer(); =;
ctx.statusCode = op.statusCode;
ctx.options = op.options.clone();
ctx.transactionId = op.getTransactionId();
if (op.uri != null) { = op.uri.getHost();
ctx.port = op.uri.getPort();
ctx.path = op.uri.getPath();
ctx.query = op.uri.getQuery();
ctx.userInfo = op.uri.getUserInfo();
Object body = op.getBodyRaw();
if (body instanceof String) {
ctx.jsonBody = (String) body;
} else {
ctx.jsonBody = Utils.toJson(body);
ctx.documentKind = KIND;
ctx.documentExpirationTimeMicros = op.expirationMicrosUtc;
return ctx;
public static boolean isValid(SerializedOperation sop) {
if (sop.action == null || == null || sop.jsonBody == null || sop.path == null
|| sop.referer == null) {
return false;
return true;
public static ServiceDocumentDescription buildDescription() {
EnumSet options = EnumSet.of(Service.ServiceOption.PERSISTENCE);
return Builder.create().buildDescription(SerializedOperation.class, options);
public static void fail(Operation request, int statusCode, int errorCode, Throwable e) {
ServiceErrorResponse r = Utils.toServiceErrorResponse(e);
r.statusCode = statusCode;
r.errorCode = errorCode;
if (e instanceof ServiceNotFoundException) {
r.stackTrace = null;
request.setContentType(Operation.MEDIA_TYPE_APPLICATION_JSON).fail(e, r);
static void failOwnerMismatch(Operation op, String id, ServiceDocument body) {
String owner = body != null ? body.documentOwner : "";
Throwable e = new IllegalStateException(format(
"Owner in body: %s, computed locally: %s",
owner, id));
ServiceErrorResponse rsp = ServiceErrorResponse.create(e, op.getStatusCode(),
rsp.setInternalErrorCode(ServiceErrorResponse.ERROR_CODE_OWNER_MISMATCH);, rsp);
public static void failActionNotSupported(Operation request) {
new IllegalStateException("Action not supported: " + request.getAction()));
public static void failLimitExceeded(Operation request, int errorCode, String queueDescription) {
// Add a header indicating retry should be attempted after some interval.
// Currently set to just one second, subject to change in the future
request.addResponseHeader(Operation.RETRY_AFTER_HEADER, "1");
fail(request, Operation.STATUS_CODE_UNAVAILABLE,
new CancellationException(format("queue limit exceeded (%s)", queueDescription)));
public static void failForwardedRequest(Operation op, Operation fo, Throwable fe) {
public static void failServiceNotFound(Operation inboundOp) {
public static void failServiceNotFound(Operation inboundOp, int errorCode,
String errorMsg) {
fail(inboundOp, Operation.STATUS_CODE_NOT_FOUND,
new ServiceNotFoundException(inboundOp.getUri().toString(), errorMsg));
public static void failServiceNotFound(Operation inboundOp, int errorCode) {
fail(inboundOp, Operation.STATUS_CODE_NOT_FOUND,
new ServiceNotFoundException(inboundOp.getUri().toString()));
static void failServiceMarkedDeleted(String documentSelfLink,
Operation serviceStartPost) {
fail(serviceStartPost, Operation.STATUS_CODE_CONFLICT,
new IllegalStateException("Service marked deleted: "
+ documentSelfLink));
public static void failServerNotAvailable(Operation inboundOp) {
Throwable e = new IllegalStateException("Server unavailable");
ServiceErrorResponse rsp = new ServiceErrorResponse();
rsp.message = e.getMessage();
rsp.details = EnumSet.of(ServiceErrorResponse.ErrorDetail.SHOULD_RETRY);
rsp.statusCode = inboundOp.getStatusCode();, rsp);
// HTTP Header definitions
public static final String REFERER_HEADER = "referer";
public static final String CONNECTION_HEADER = "connection";
public static final String CONTENT_TYPE_HEADER = "content-type";
public static final String CONTENT_ENCODING_HEADER = "content-encoding";
public static final String CONTENT_LENGTH_HEADER = "content-length";
public static final String CONTENT_RANGE_HEADER = "content-range";
public static final String RANGE_HEADER = "range";
public static final String RETRY_AFTER_HEADER = "retry-after";
public static final String PRAGMA_HEADER = "pragma";
public static final String SET_COOKIE_HEADER = "set-cookie";
public static final String COOKIE_HEADER = "cookie";
public static final String LOCATION_HEADER = "location";
public static final String USER_AGENT_HEADER = "user-agent";
public static final String HOST_HEADER = "host";
public static final String ACCEPT_HEADER = "accept";
public static final String ACCEPT_ENCODING_HEADER = "accept-encoding";
public static final String AUTHORIZATION_HEADER = "authorization";
public static final String ACCEPT_LANGUAGE_HEADER = "accept-language";
public static final String TRANSFER_ENCODING_HEADER = "transfer-encoding";
public static final String CHUNKED_ENCODING = "chunked";
public static final String LAST_EVENT_ID_HEADER = "last-event-id";
// HTTP2 Header definitions
public static final String STREAM_ID_HEADER = "x-http2-stream-id";
public static final String STREAM_WEIGHT_HEADER = "x-http2-stream-weight";
public static final String HTTP2_SCHEME_HEADER = "x-http2-scheme";
// Proprietary header definitions
public static final String HEADER_NAME_PREFIX = "x-xenon-";
public static final String CONTEXT_ID_HEADER = HEADER_NAME_PREFIX + "ctx-id";
+ "auth-token";
+ "rpl-phase";
+ "rpl-quorum";
public static final String REPLICATION_PARENT_HEADER = HEADER_NAME_PREFIX + "rpl-parent";
+ "all";
+ "tx-phase";
public static final String TRANSACTION_ID_HEADER = HEADER_NAME_PREFIX + "tx-id";
public static final String TRANSACTION_REFLINK_HEADER = HEADER_NAME_PREFIX + "tx-reflink";
// Non standard but widely used headers
public static final String REQUEST_ID_HEADER = "x-request-id";
* Infrastructure use only. Set when a service is first created due to a client request. Since
* service start can be invoked by the runtime during node synchronization, restart, this
* directive is the only way to distinguish original creation of arbitrary services (without relying
* on state version heuristics)
public static final String PRAGMA_DIRECTIVE_CREATED = "xn-created";
* Infrastructure use only. Set when the runtime, as part of its consensus protocol,
* forwards a client request from one node, to a node deemed as the owner of the service
public static final String PRAGMA_DIRECTIVE_FORWARDED = "xn-fwd";
* Infrastructure use only. Set when the consensus protocol replicates an update, on the owner
* node service instance, to the peer replica instances
public static final String PRAGMA_DIRECTIVE_REPLICATED = "xn-rpl";
* Infrastructure use only. Set when the Synchronization task makes a POST request
* to trigger synchronization of a service instance. This post request is processed
* by the OWNER of the service instance.
public static final String PRAGMA_DIRECTIVE_SYNCH_OWNER = "xn-synch-owner";
* Infrastructure use only. Set when the owner node of a service instance
* computes the best state as part of synchronization and broadcasts the
* best state to all peer nodes.
public static final String PRAGMA_DIRECTIVE_SYNCH_PEER = "xn-synch-peer";
* Infrastructure use only. Set when all versions, not just the latest, need
* to be synchronized.
public static final String PRAGMA_DIRECTIVE_SYNCH_ALL_VERSIONS = "xn-synch-all-ver";
* Infrastructure use only. Set when all versions, not just the latest, need
* to be synchronized.
public static final String PRAGMA_DIRECTIVE_SYNCH_HISTORICAL_VERSIONS = "xn-synch-hist-ver";
* Infrastructure use only. Set on a synchPeer request when a specific historical
* version needs to be synchronized.
public static final String PRAGMA_DIRECTIVE_SYNCH_VERSION = "xn-synch-ver";
* Advanced use. Instructs the runtime to queue a request, for a service to become available.
public static final String PRAGMA_DIRECTIVE_QUEUE_FOR_SERVICE_AVAILABILITY = "xn-queue";
* Infrastructure use only. Instructs the runtime that this request should be processed on the node
* it arrived on. It should not be forwarded regardless of owner selection and load balancing decisions.
public static final String PRAGMA_DIRECTIVE_NO_FORWARDING = "xn-no-fwd";
* Infrastructure use only. Set on notifications only.
public static final String PRAGMA_DIRECTIVE_NOTIFICATION = "xn-nt";
* Infrastructure use only. Set by the runtime to inform a subscriber that they might have missed notifications
* due to state updates occurring when the subscriber was not available.
public static final String PRAGMA_DIRECTIVE_SKIPPED_NOTIFICATIONS = "xn-nt-skipped";
* Infrastructure use only. Does a strict update version check and if the service exists or
* the service has been previously deleted the request will fail.
public static final String PRAGMA_DIRECTIVE_VERSION_CHECK = "xn-check-version";
* Infrastructure use only. Used for on demand load of services. Checks the index if a service
* exists.
public static final String PRAGMA_DIRECTIVE_INDEX_CHECK = "xn-check-index";
* Instructs a persisted service to force the update, overriding version checks. It should be used
* for conflict resolution only.
public static final String PRAGMA_DIRECTIVE_FORCE_INDEX_UPDATE = "xn-force-index-update";
* Infrastructure use only. Instructs a persisted service to complete the operation but skip any index
* updates.
public static final String PRAGMA_DIRECTIVE_NO_INDEX_UPDATE = "xn-no-index-update";
* Infrastructure use only. Instructs AuthorizationContextService to treat this as a request to
* clear the authz cache
public static final String PRAGMA_DIRECTIVE_CLEAR_AUTH_CACHE = "xn-clear-auth-cache";
* Infrastructure use only. Debugging only. Indicates this operation was converted from POST to PUT
* due to {@link com.vmware.xenon.common.Service.ServiceOption#IDEMPOTENT_POST}
public static final String PRAGMA_DIRECTIVE_POST_TO_PUT = "xn-post-to-put";
* Infrastructure use only. Instructs AuthenticationService to treat this as a request to
* authenticate and retrieve the auth token
public static final String PRAGMA_DIRECTIVE_AUTHENTICATE = "xn-authn";
* Infrastructure use only. Instructs AuthenticationService to treat this as a request to
* verify the auth token
public static final String PRAGMA_DIRECTIVE_VERIFY_TOKEN = "xn-verify-token";
* Infrastructure use only. Instructs AuthenticationService to treat this as a request to
* logout and invalidate the auth token
public static final String PRAGMA_DIRECTIVE_AUTHN_INVALIDATE = "xn-authn-invalidate";
* Set when a MigrationTaskService invokes operations against the destination cluster.
public static final String PRAGMA_DIRECTIVE_FROM_MIGRATION_TASK = "xn-from-migration";
* Infrastructure use only. Indicate document state was not modified by the update request.
* When this pragma is set in handler methods, rest of the pipeline will not update the
* indexed/cached state.
public static final String PRAGMA_DIRECTIVE_STATE_NOT_MODIFIED = "xn-state-not-modified";
public static final String TX_ENSURE_COMMIT = "ensure-commit";
public static final String TX_COMMIT = "commit";
public static final String TX_ABORT = "abort";
public static final String REPLICATION_PHASE_COMMIT = "commit";
public static final String MEDIA_TYPE_APPLICATION_JSON = "application/json";
public static final String MEDIA_TYPE_TEXT_YAML = "text/x-yaml";
public static final String MEDIA_TYPE_APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM = "application/octet-stream";
public static final String MEDIA_TYPE_APPLICATION_KRYO_OCTET_STREAM = "application/kryo-octet-stream";
public static final String MEDIA_TYPE_APPLICATION_X_WWW_FORM_ENCODED = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
public static final String MEDIA_TYPE_TEXT_HTML = "text/html";
public static final String MEDIA_TYPE_TEXT_PLAIN = "text/plain";
public static final String MEDIA_TYPE_TEXT_CSS = "text/css";
public static final String MEDIA_TYPE_APPLICATION_JAVASCRIPT = "application/javascript";
public static final String MEDIA_TYPE_IMAGE_SVG_XML = "image/svg+xml";
public static final String MEDIA_TYPE_APPLICATION_FONT_WOFF2 = "application/font-woff2";
public static final String MEDIA_TYPE_TEXT_EVENT_STREAM = "text/event-stream";
public static final String CONTENT_ENCODING_GZIP = "gzip";
public static final int STATUS_CODE_FAILURE_THRESHOLD = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST;
public static final int STATUS_CODE_UNAUTHORIZED = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED;
public static final int STATUS_CODE_UNAVAILABLE = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAVAILABLE;
public static final int STATUS_CODE_FORBIDDEN = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_FORBIDDEN;
public static final int STATUS_CODE_TIMEOUT = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_CLIENT_TIMEOUT;
public static final int STATUS_CODE_CONFLICT = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_CONFLICT;
public static final int STATUS_CODE_NOT_MODIFIED = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED;
public static final int STATUS_CODE_NOT_FOUND = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND;
public static final int STATUS_CODE_MOVED_PERM = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_MOVED_PERM;
public static final int STATUS_CODE_MOVED_TEMP = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_MOVED_TEMP;
public static final int STATUS_CODE_OK = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK;
public static final int STATUS_CODE_CREATED = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_CREATED;
public static final int STATUS_CODE_ACCEPTED = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_ACCEPTED;
public static final int STATUS_CODE_BAD_REQUEST = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST;
public static final int STATUS_CODE_BAD_METHOD = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_BAD_METHOD;
public static final int STATUS_CODE_INTERNAL_ERROR = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR;
public static final String MEDIA_TYPE_EVERYTHING_WILDCARDS = "*/*";
public static final String EMPTY_JSON_BODY = "{}";
public static final String HEADER_FIELD_VALUE_SEPARATOR = ":";
public static final String CR_LF = "\r\n";
private static final char DIRECTIVE_PRAGMA_VALUE_SEPARATOR_CHAR_CONST = ';';
private static final char HEADER_FIELD_VALUE_SEPARATOR_CHAR_CONST = ':';
private static final AtomicLong idCounter = new AtomicLong();
private static final AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater completionUpdater = AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater
.newUpdater(Operation.class, CompletionHandler.class, "completion");
private URI uri;
private Object referer;
private final long id = idCounter.incrementAndGet();
private int statusCode = Operation.STATUS_CODE_OK;
private Action action;
private ServiceDocument linkedState;
private byte[] linkedSerializedState;
private volatile CompletionHandler completion;
private String contextId;
private String transactionId;
private long expirationMicrosUtc;
private Object body;
private Object serializedBody;
private String contentType = MEDIA_TYPE_APPLICATION_JSON;
private long contentLength;
private RemoteContext remoteCtx;
private AuthorizationContext authorizationCtx;
private Map contextAttributes = new HashMap<>();
private InstrumentationContext instrumentationCtx;
private short retryCount;
private short retriesRemaining;
private EnumSet options = EnumSet.of(OperationOption.KEEP_ALIVE);
private volatile Consumer serverSentEventHandler;
private volatile Consumer headersReceivedHandler;
public static Operation create(SerializedOperation ctx, ServiceHost host) {
Operation op = new Operation();
op.action = ctx.action;
op.body = ctx.jsonBody;
op.expirationMicrosUtc = ctx.documentExpirationTimeMicros;
op.referer = ctx.referer;
op.uri = UriUtils.buildUri(host, ctx.path, ctx.query, ctx.userInfo);
op.transactionId = ctx.transactionId;
return op;
public Operation() {
// Set operation context from thread local.
// The thread local is populated by the service host when it handles an operation,
// which means that derivative operations will automatically inherit this context.
// It is set as early as possible since there is a possibility that it is
// overridden by the service implementation (i.e. when it impersonates).
OperationContext opCtx = OperationContext.getOperationContextNoCloning();
this.authorizationCtx = opCtx.authContext;
this.transactionId = opCtx.transactionId;
this.contextId = opCtx.contextId;
static Operation createOperation(Action action, URI uri) {
Operation op = new Operation();
op.uri = uri;
op.action = action;
return op;
public static Operation createPost(Service sender, String targetPath) {
return createPost(sender.getHost(), targetPath);
public static Operation createPost(ServiceHost sender, String targetPath) {
return createPost(UriUtils.buildUri(sender, targetPath));
public static Operation createPost(URI uri) {
return createOperation(Action.POST, uri);
public static Operation createPatch(Service sender, String targetPath) {
return createPatch(sender.getHost(), targetPath);
public static Operation createPatch(ServiceHost sender, String targetPath) {
return createPatch(UriUtils.buildUri(sender, targetPath));
public static Operation createPatch(URI uri) {
return createOperation(Action.PATCH, uri);
public static Operation createPut(Service sender, String targetPath) {
return createPut(UriUtils.buildUri(sender.getHost(), targetPath));
public static Operation createPut(ServiceHost sender, String targetPath) {
return createPut(UriUtils.buildUri(sender, targetPath));
public static Operation createPut(URI uri) {
return createOperation(Action.PUT, uri);
public static Operation createOptions(Service sender, String targetPath) {
return createOptions(UriUtils.buildUri(sender.getHost(), targetPath));
public static Operation createOptions(ServiceHost sender, String targetPath) {
return createOptions(UriUtils.buildUri(sender, targetPath));
public static Operation createOptions(URI uri) {
return createOperation(Action.OPTIONS, uri);
public static Operation createDelete(Service sender, String targetPath) {
return createDelete(UriUtils.buildUri(sender.getHost(), targetPath));
public static Operation createDelete(ServiceHost sender, String targetPath) {
return createDelete(UriUtils.buildUri(sender, targetPath));
public static Operation createDelete(URI uri) {
return createOperation(Action.DELETE, uri);
public static Operation createGet(Service sender, String targetPath) {
return createGet(UriUtils.buildUri(sender.getHost(), targetPath));
public static Operation createGet(ServiceHost sender, String targetPath) {
return createGet(UriUtils.buildUri(sender, targetPath));
public static Operation createGet(URI uri) {
return createOperation(Action.GET, uri);
public void sendWith(ServiceRequestSender sender) {
public String toString() {
SerializedOperation sop = SerializedOperation.create(this);
if (sop.jsonBody != null && sop.jsonBody.length() > TO_STRING_SERIALIZED_BODY_LIMIT) {
// Avoiding logging the entire body, which could be huge, and overwhelm the logs.
// Keep just an arbitrary prefix, serving as a hint
sop.jsonBody = sop.jsonBody.substring(0, TO_STRING_SERIALIZED_BODY_LIMIT);
return Utils.toJsonHtml(sop);
* Returns a string summary of the operation appropriate for logging
public String toLogString() {
StringBuilder sb = Utils.getBuilder();
sb.append(this.action.toString()).append(" ")
.append(this.getUri()).append(" ")
.append(" ")
.append(this.getRefererAsString()).append(" ");
if (this.contextId != null) {
sb.append("[ctxId] ").append(this.contextId);
if (this.transactionId != null) {
sb.append("[txId] ").append(this.transactionId);
if (this.authorizationCtx != null && != null) {
sb.append("[subject] ").append(;
return sb.toString();
public Operation clone() {
Operation clone;
try {
clone = (Operation) super.clone();
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
throw new AssertionError(e);
// Clone mutable fields
// body is always cloned on set, so no need to re-clone
clone.options = EnumSet.copyOf(this.options);
if (this.remoteCtx != null) {
clone.remoteCtx = new RemoteContext();
if (this.remoteCtx.cookies != null) {
clone.remoteCtx.cookies = new HashMap<>(this.remoteCtx.cookies);
// do not clone socket context
clone.remoteCtx.socketCtx = null;
if (this.remoteCtx.requestHeaders != null && !this.remoteCtx.requestHeaders.isEmpty()) {
clone.remoteCtx.requestHeaders = new HashMap<>(this.remoteCtx.requestHeaders);
clone.remoteCtx.peerPrincipal = this.remoteCtx.peerPrincipal;
if (this.remoteCtx.peerCertificateChain != null) {
clone.remoteCtx.peerCertificateChain = Arrays.copyOf(
clone.remoteCtx.connectionTag = this.remoteCtx.connectionTag;
return clone;
private void allocateRemoteContext() {
if (this.remoteCtx == null) {
this.remoteCtx = new RemoteContext();
private void allocateRequestHeaders() {
if (this.remoteCtx.requestHeaders == null) {
this.remoteCtx.requestHeaders = new HashMap<>();
private void allocateResponseHeaders() {
if (this.remoteCtx.responseHeaders == null) {
this.remoteCtx.responseHeaders = new HashMap<>();
public boolean isRemote() {
return this.options.contains(OperationOption.REMOTE) ||
(this.remoteCtx != null && this.remoteCtx.socketCtx != null);
public Operation forceRemote() {
return toggleOption(OperationOption.REMOTE, true);
public AuthorizationContext getAuthorizationContext() {
return this.authorizationCtx;
* Sets (overwrites) the authorization context of this operation.
* Infrastructure use only.
public Operation setAuthorizationContext(AuthorizationContext ctx) {
this.authorizationCtx = ctx;
return this;
public String getTransactionId() {
return this.transactionId;
public Operation setTransactionId(String transactionId) {
this.transactionId = transactionId;
return this;
public boolean isWithinTransaction() {
return this.transactionId != null;
public String getContextId() {
return this.contextId;
public Operation setContextId(String id) {
this.contextId = id;
return this;
public Object getAttribute(String name) {
return this.contextAttributes.get(name);
public Enumeration getAttributeNames() {
return Collections.enumeration(this.contextAttributes.keySet());
public void removeAttribute(String name) {
public void setAttribute(String name, Object object) {
this.contextAttributes.put(name, object);
Map getContextAttributes() {
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(this.contextAttributes);
public Operation setBody(Object body) {
if (body != null) {
if (hasOption(OperationOption.CLONING_DISABLED)) {
this.body = body;
} else {
this.body = Utils.clone(body);
} else {
this.body = null;
return this;
public Operation setStatusCode(int code) {
this.statusCode = code;
return this;
* Infrastructure use only
* @param body
* @return
public Operation setBodyNoCloning(Object body) {
this.body = body;
return this;
public ServiceErrorResponse getErrorResponseBody() {
if (!hasBody()) {
return null;
ServiceErrorResponse rsp;
try {
rsp = getBody(ServiceErrorResponse.class);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// Unrecognized content-type or unparsable json
rsp = new ServiceErrorResponse();
rsp.statusCode = getStatusCode();
if (this.contentType != null
&& this.contentType.contains(MEDIA_TYPE_APPLICATION_JSON)) {
rsp.message = e.getLocalizedMessage() + " '" + getBody(String.class) + "'";
} else {
// some remote services return plain text error - the body is the message
rsp.message = getBody(String.class);
if (rsp.message == null && rsp.statusCode == 0) {
// very likely not a error response body
return null;
return rsp;
* Deserializes the body associated with the operation, given the type.
* Note: This method is *not* idempotent. It will modify the body contents
* so subsequent calls will not have access to the original instance. This
* occurs only for local operations, not operations that have a serialized
* body already attached (in the form of a JSON string).
* If idempotent behavior is desired, use {@link #getBodyRaw}
public T getBody(Class type) {
if (this.body != null && this.body.getClass() == type) {
return (T) this.body;
if (this.body != null && !(this.body instanceof String)) {
if (this.contentType != null && Utils.isContentTypeKryoBinary(this.contentType)
&& this.body instanceof byte[]) {
byte[] bytes = (byte[])this.body;
this.body = KryoSerializers.deserializeDocument(bytes, 0, bytes.length);
this.serializedBody = Utils.toJson(this.body);
return (T) this.body;
if (this.contentType == null
|| !this.contentType.contains(MEDIA_TYPE_APPLICATION_JSON)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("content type is not JSON: " + this.contentType);
if (this.serializedBody != null) {
this.body = this.serializedBody;
} else {
String json = Utils.toJson(this.body);
return Utils.fromJson(json, type);
if (this.body != null) {
if (this.body instanceof String) {
this.serializedBody = this.body;
// Request must specify a Content-Type we understand
if (this.contentType != null
&& this.contentType.contains(MEDIA_TYPE_APPLICATION_JSON)) {
try {
this.body = Utils.fromJson(this.body, type);
} catch ( e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unparseable JSON body: " + e.getMessage(),
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Unrecognized Content-Type for parsing request body: " +
return (T) this.body;
throw new IllegalStateException();
public Object getBodyRaw() {
return this.body;
public long getContentLength() {
return this.contentLength;
public Operation setContentLength(long l) {
this.contentLength = l;
return this;
public String getContentType() {
return this.contentType;
public Operation setContentType(String type) {
this.contentType = type;
return this;
public Operation setCookies(Map cookies) {
this.remoteCtx.cookies = cookies;
return this;
public Map getCookies() {
if (this.remoteCtx == null) {
return null;
return this.remoteCtx.cookies;
public int getRetriesRemaining() {
return this.retriesRemaining;
public int getRetryCount() {
return this.retryCount;
public int incrementRetryCount() {
return ++this.retryCount;
public Operation setRetryCount(int retryCount) {
if (retryCount < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("retryCount must be positive");
if (retryCount > Short.MAX_VALUE) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("retryCount must be less than " + Short.MAX_VALUE);
this.retryCount = (short) retryCount;
this.retriesRemaining = (short) retryCount;
return this;
public Operation setCompletion(CompletionHandler completion) {
this.completion = completion;
return this;
* Takes two discrete callback handlers for completion.
* For completion that does not share code between success and failure paths, this should be the
* preferred alternative.
* @param successHandler called at successful operation completion
* @param failureHandler called at failure operation completion
* @return operation
public Operation setCompletion(Consumer successHandler,
CompletionHandler failureHandler) {
this.completion = (op, e) -> {
if (e != null) {
failureHandler.handle(op, e);
return this;
* Sets the handler to be invoked upon receiving {@link ServerSentEvent}.
* @param serverSentEventHandler called when {@link ServerSentEvent} is received
* @return operation
public Operation setServerSentEventHandler(Consumer serverSentEventHandler) {
this.serverSentEventHandler = serverSentEventHandler;
return this;
* Inserts a handler in LIFO style.
* @see #nestHeadersReceivedHandler(Consumer)
* @see #nestCompletion(CompletionHandler)
* @param serverSentEventHandler
* @return
public Operation nestServerSentEventHandler(Consumer serverSentEventHandler) {
if (this.serverSentEventHandler != null) {
serverSentEventHandler = serverSentEventHandler.andThen(this.serverSentEventHandler);
return this.setServerSentEventHandler(serverSentEventHandler);
* Sets the handler to be invoked upon receiving the headers.
* @param handler called after the headers are received.
* @return operation
public Operation setHeadersReceivedHandler(Consumer handler) {
this.headersReceivedHandler = handler;
return this;
* Inserts a handler in LIFO style.
* @see #nestServerSentEventHandler(Consumer)
* @see #nestCompletion(CompletionHandler)
* @param handler
* @return
public Operation nestHeadersReceivedHandler(Consumer handler) {
if (this.headersReceivedHandler != null) {
handler = handler.andThen(this.headersReceivedHandler);
return this.setHeadersReceivedHandler(handler);
public CompletionHandler getCompletion() {
return this.completion;
public Operation setUri(URI uri) {
this.uri = uri;
return this;
public URI getUri() {
return this.uri;
Operation linkState(ServiceDocument serviceDoc) {
if (serviceDoc != null && this.linkedState != null
&& this.linkedState.documentKind != null) {
serviceDoc.documentKind = this.linkedState.documentKind;
// we do not clone here because the service will clone before the next
// request is processed
this.linkedState = serviceDoc;
return this;
ServiceDocument getLinkedState() {
return this.linkedState;
* Infrastructure use only
byte[] getLinkedSerializedState() {
return this.linkedSerializedState;
boolean hasLinkedSerializedState() {
return this.linkedSerializedState != null;
public Operation setReferer(URI uri) {
this.referer = uri;
return this;
public Operation setReferer(String uri) {
this.referer = uri;
return this;
public Operation transferRefererFrom(Operation op) {
this.referer = op.referer;
return this;
public boolean hasReferer() {
return this.referer != null;
public URI getReferer() {
if (this.referer instanceof String) {
try {
this.referer = new URI((String) this.referer);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return (URI) this.referer;
public String getRefererAsString() {
if (this.referer == null) {
return null;
return this.referer.toString();
public Operation setAction(Action action) {
this.action = action;
return this;
public Action getAction() {
return this.action;
public long getId() {
public Operation setSocketContext(SocketContext socketContext) {
this.remoteCtx.socketCtx = socketContext;
return this;
public SocketContext getSocketContext() {
return this.remoteCtx == null ? null : this.remoteCtx.socketCtx;
public long getExpirationMicrosUtc() {
return this.expirationMicrosUtc;
* Sets the expiration using the supplied absolute time value, that should be in microseconds
* since epoch
public Operation setExpiration(long futureMicrosUtc) {
this.expirationMicrosUtc = futureMicrosUtc;
return this;
public int getStatusCode() {
return this.statusCode;
public void complete() {
public void fail(Throwable e) {
while (e instanceof CompletionException) {
Throwable prevEx = e;
e = e.getCause();
if (prevEx == e) {
if (e instanceof WrappedDeferredResultException) {
WrappedDeferredResultException wdre = (WrappedDeferredResultException) e;
this.statusCode = wdre.statusCode;
fail(e, wdre.failureBody);
} else {
fail(e, null);
* Sends a "server sent event". See SSE specification}
* @param event The event to send.
public void sendServerSentEvent(ServerSentEvent event) {
if (this.serverSentEventHandler == null) {
// Keep track of current operation context
OperationContext originalContext = OperationContext.getOperationContext();
try {
} catch (Exception outer) {
Utils.logWarning("Uncaught failure inside serverSentEventHandler: %s", Utils.toString(outer));
} finally {
// Restore original context
* Sends the headers to the channel.
* This effectively enables streaming.
public void sendHeaders() {
if (this.headersReceivedHandler == null) {
// Keep track of current operation context
OperationContext originalContext = OperationContext.getOperationContext();
try {
} catch (Exception outer) {
Utils.logWarning("Uncaught failure inside headersReceivedHandler: %s", Utils.toString(outer));
} finally {
// Restore original context
* Send the appropriate headers and prepare the connection for streaming.
public void startEventStream() {
addResponseHeader(Operation.TRANSFER_ENCODING_HEADER, Operation.CHUNKED_ENCODING);
public void fail(int statusCode) {
switch (statusCode) {
fail(new IllegalAccessError("forbidden"));
fail(new TimeoutException());
fail(new Exception("request failed with " + statusCode + ", no additional details provided"));
public void fail(int statusCode, Throwable e, Object failureBody) {
this.statusCode = statusCode;
fail(e, failureBody);
public void fail(Throwable e, Object failureBody) {
if (this.statusCode < STATUS_CODE_FAILURE_THRESHOLD) {
if (e instanceof TimeoutException) {
this.statusCode = Operation.STATUS_CODE_TIMEOUT;
if (failureBody != null) {
boolean hasErrorResponseBody = false;
if (this.body != null && this.body instanceof String) {
if (Operation.MEDIA_TYPE_APPLICATION_JSON.equals(this.contentType)) {
try {
ServiceErrorResponse rsp = Utils.fromJson(this.body,
if (rsp.message != null) {
hasErrorResponseBody = true;
} catch (Exception ex) {
// the body is not JSON, ignore
} else {
// the response body is text but not JSON, we will leave as is
hasErrorResponseBody = true;
if (this.body != null && this.body instanceof byte[]) {
// the response body is binary or unknown text encoding, leave as is
hasErrorResponseBody = true;
if (this.body == null
|| ((!hasErrorResponseBody) && !(this.body instanceof ServiceErrorResponse))) {
ServiceErrorResponse rsp;
if (Utils.isValidationError(e)) {
this.statusCode = STATUS_CODE_BAD_REQUEST;
rsp = Utils.toValidationErrorResponse(e, this);
} else {
rsp = Utils.toServiceErrorResponse(e);
rsp.statusCode = this.statusCode;
private void completeOrFail(Throwable e) {
CompletionHandler c = this.completion;
if (c == null) {
if (!completionUpdater.compareAndSet(this, c, null)) {
Utils.toString(new IllegalStateException("double completion")),
// Keep track of current operation context so that code AFTER "op.complete()"
// or "" retains its operation context, and is not overwritten by
// the one associated with "op" (which might be different).
OperationContext originalContext = OperationContext.getOperationContext();
try {
c.handle(this, e);
} catch (Exception outer) {
Utils.logWarning("Uncaught failure inside completion: %s", Utils.toString(outer));
// Restore original context
public boolean hasBody() {
return this.body != null;
* Add CompletionHandler in LIFO style.
* This is symmetric to {@link #appendCompletion(CompletionHandler)}.
* {@code
* op.setCompletion(ORG);
* op.nestCompletion(A);
* op.nestCompletion(B);
* // complete() will trigger: B -> A -> ORG
* }
public Operation nestCompletion(CompletionHandler h) {
CompletionHandler existing = this.completion;
this.completion = (o, e) -> {
this.statusCode = o.statusCode;
this.completion = existing;
h.handle(o, e);
return this;
* Add CompletionHandler in LIFO style, with support for cloned operations.
* This is a workaround for
* which has some complications for a root cause fix.
* This is symmetric to {@link #appendCompletion(CompletionHandler)}.
* {@code
* op.setCompletion(ORG);
* op.nestCompletion(A);
* op.nestCompletion(B);
* // complete() will trigger: B -> A -> ORG
* }
public Operation nestCompletionCloneSafe(CompletionHandler h) {
final CompletionHandler existing = this.completion;
this.completion = (o, e) -> {
this.statusCode = o.statusCode;
o.completion = existing;
h.handle(o, e);
return this;
public void nestCompletion(Consumer successHandler) {
CompletionHandler existing = this.completion;
this.completion = (o, e) -> {
this.statusCode = o.statusCode;
this.completion = existing;
if (e != null) {
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
* Add CompletionHandler in FIFO style.
* This is symmetric to {@link #nestCompletion(CompletionHandler)}.
* {@code
* op.setCompletion(ORG);
* op.addCompletion(A);
* op.addCompletion(B);
* // complete() will trigger: ORG -> A -> B
* }
public Operation appendCompletion(CompletionHandler h) {
CompletionHandler existing = this.completion;
if (existing == null) {
this.completion = h;
} else {
this.completion = (o, e) -> {
existing.handle(o, e);
return this;
Operation addHeader(String headerLine, boolean isResponse) {
if (headerLine == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("headerLine is required");
if (idx < 3) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("headerLine does not appear valid");
String name = headerLine.substring(0, idx);
String value = headerLine.substring(idx + 1);
if (isResponse) {
addResponseHeader(name, value);
} else {
addRequestHeader(name, value);
return this;
public Operation addRequestHeader(String name, String value) {
return addRequestHeader(name, value, true);
private Operation addRequestHeader(String name, String value, boolean normalize) {
if (normalize) {
value = removeString(value, CR_LF).trim();
name = name.toLowerCase();
this.remoteCtx.requestHeaders.put(name, value);
return this;
public Operation addResponseHeader(String name, String value) {
value = removeString(value, CR_LF).trim();
this.remoteCtx.responseHeaders.put(name.toLowerCase(), value);
return this;
public Operation addResponseCookie(String key, String value) {
addResponseHeader(SET_COOKIE_HEADER, key + '=' + value);
return this;
private String removeString(String value, String delete) {
int i = 0;
while ((i = value.indexOf(delete, i)) != -1) {
if (i == 0) {
value = value.substring(i + delete.length());
} else if (i + delete.length() == value.length()) {
value = value.substring(0, i);
} else {
value = value.substring(0, i) + value.substring(i + delete.length());
return value;
* Add a directive. Lower case strings must be used.
public Operation addPragmaDirective(String directive) {
String existingDirectives = getRequestHeader(PRAGMA_HEADER, false);
if (existingDirectives != null) {
if (indexOfPragmaDirective(existingDirectives, directive) != -1) {
return this;
+ directive;
directive = removeString(directive, CR_LF).trim();
addRequestHeader(PRAGMA_HEADER, directive, false);
return this;
* Checks if a directive is present. Lower case strings must be used.
public boolean hasPragmaDirective(String directive) {
String existingDirectives = getRequestHeaderAsIs(PRAGMA_HEADER);
return existingDirectives != null
&& indexOfPragmaDirective(existingDirectives, directive) != -1;
* Checks if a directive is present. Lower case strings must be used.
public boolean hasAnyPragmaDirective(List directives) {
String existingDirectives = getRequestHeaderAsIs(PRAGMA_HEADER);
if (existingDirectives == null) {
return false;
for (String directive : directives) {
if (indexOfPragmaDirective(existingDirectives, directive) != -1) {
return true;
return false;
* Removes a directive. Lower case strings must be used.
public Operation removePragmaDirective(String directive) {
String existingDirectives = getRequestHeaderAsIs(PRAGMA_HEADER);
if (existingDirectives != null) {
int i = indexOfPragmaDirective(existingDirectives, directive);
if (i == -1) {
return this;
if (i == 0) {
existingDirectives = existingDirectives.substring(i + directive.length());
} else {
existingDirectives = existingDirectives.substring(0, i - 1) + existingDirectives
.substring(i + directive.length());
addRequestHeader(PRAGMA_HEADER, existingDirectives, false);
return this;
int indexOfPragmaDirective(String existingDirectives, String directive) {
int i = 0;
while ((i = existingDirectives.indexOf(directive, i)) != -1) {
// make sure sure we fully match the directive
if (i + directive.length() == existingDirectives.length()
|| existingDirectives.charAt(i + directive.length())
return i;
return -1;
public boolean isKeepAlive() {
return this.remoteCtx != null && hasOption(OperationOption.KEEP_ALIVE);
public Operation setKeepAlive(boolean isKeepAlive) {
toggleOption(OperationOption.KEEP_ALIVE, isKeepAlive);
return this;
* Sets a tag used to pool out bound connections together. The service request client uses this
* tag as a hint, in addition with the operation URI host name and port, to determine connection
* re-use for requests
public Operation setConnectionTag(String tag) {
this.remoteCtx.connectionTag = tag;
return this;
public String getConnectionTag() {
return this.remoteCtx == null ? null : this.remoteCtx.connectionTag;
public Operation toggleOption(OperationOption option, boolean enable) {
if (enable) {
} else {
return this;
public boolean hasOption(OperationOption option) {
return this.options.contains(option);
public EnumSet getOptions() {
return EnumSet.copyOf(this.options);
void setHandlerInvokeTime(long nowMicros) {
this.instrumentationCtx.handleInvokeTimeMicros = nowMicros;
void setEnqueueTime(long nowMicros) {
this.instrumentationCtx.enqueueTimeMicros = nowMicros;
void setHandlerCompletionTime(long nowMicros) {
this.instrumentationCtx.handlerCompletionTimeMicros = nowMicros;
void setDocumentStoreCompletionTime(long nowMicros) {
this.instrumentationCtx.documentStoreCompletionTimeMicros = nowMicros;
void setCompletionTime(long nowMicros) {
this.instrumentationCtx.operationCompletionTimeMicros = nowMicros;
private void allocateInstrumentationContext() {
if (this.instrumentationCtx != null) {
this.instrumentationCtx = new InstrumentationContext();
InstrumentationContext getInstrumentationContext() {
return this.instrumentationCtx;
* Toggles logging of failures.
* The default is to log failures on all operations if no completion is supplied, or
* if the operation is a service start operation. To disable the default failure
* logs invoke this method passing true for the argument.
public Operation disableFailureLogging(boolean disable) {
toggleOption(OperationOption.FAILURE_LOGGING_DISABLED, disable);
return this;
public boolean isFailureLoggingDisabled() {
return hasOption(OperationOption.FAILURE_LOGGING_DISABLED);
public Operation setReplicationDisabled(boolean disable) {
toggleOption(OperationOption.REPLICATION_DISABLED, disable);
return this;
public boolean isReplicationDisabled() {
return hasOption(OperationOption.REPLICATION_DISABLED);
* Prefer using {@link #getRequestHeader(String)} for retrieving entries
* and {@link #addRequestHeader(String, String)} for adding entries.
public Map getRequestHeaders() {
return this.remoteCtx.requestHeaders;
* Prefer using {@link #getResponseHeader(String)} for retrieving entries
* and {@link #addResponseHeader(String, String)} for adding entries.
public Map getResponseHeaders() {
return this.remoteCtx.responseHeaders;
public boolean hasResponseHeaders() {
return this.remoteCtx != null && this.remoteCtx.responseHeaders != null
&& !this.remoteCtx.responseHeaders.isEmpty();
public boolean hasRequestHeaders() {
return this.remoteCtx != null && this.remoteCtx.requestHeaders != null
&& !this.remoteCtx.requestHeaders.isEmpty();
public String getRequestHeader(String headerName) {
return getRequestHeader(headerName, true);
* Retrieves header from request headers, skipping normalization
public String getRequestHeaderAsIs(String headerName) {
return getRequestHeader(headerName, false);
* Retrieves and removes header from request headers, skipping normalization
public String getAndRemoveRequestHeaderAsIs(String headerName) {
if (!hasRequestHeaders()) {
return null;
return this.remoteCtx.requestHeaders.remove(headerName);
private String getRequestHeader(String headerName, boolean normalize) {
if (!hasRequestHeaders()) {
return null;
String value = this.remoteCtx.requestHeaders.get(headerName);
if (!normalize) {
return value;
if (value == null) {
value = this.remoteCtx.requestHeaders.get(headerName.toLowerCase());
if (value == null) {
return null;
return removeString(value.trim(), CR_LF);
public String getResponseHeader(String headerName) {
return getResponseHeader(headerName, true);
* Retrieves header from response headers, skipping normalization
public String getResponseHeaderAsIs(String headerName) {
return getResponseHeader(headerName, false);
* Retrieves and removes header from response headers, skipping normalization
public String getAndRemoveResponseHeaderAsIs(String headerName) {
if (!hasResponseHeaders()) {
return null;
return this.remoteCtx.responseHeaders.remove(headerName);
private String getResponseHeader(String headerName, boolean normalize) {
if (!hasResponseHeaders()) {
return null;
String value = this.remoteCtx.responseHeaders.get(headerName);
if (!normalize) {
return value;
if (value == null) {
value = this.remoteCtx.responseHeaders.get(headerName.toLowerCase());
if (value == null) {
return null;
return removeString(value.trim(), CR_LF);
public Principal getPeerPrincipal() {
return this.remoteCtx == null ? null : this.remoteCtx.peerPrincipal;
public X509Certificate[] getPeerCertificateChain() {
return this.remoteCtx == null ? null : this.remoteCtx.peerCertificateChain;
public void setPeerCertificates(Principal peerPrincipal, X509Certificate[] certificates) {
if (this.remoteCtx != null) {
this.remoteCtx.peerPrincipal = peerPrincipal;
this.remoteCtx.peerCertificateChain = certificates;
* Infrastructure use only. Used by service request client logic.
* First decrements the retry count then returns the current value
public int decrementRetriesRemaining() {
return --this.retriesRemaining;
* Value indicating whether the target service is replicated and might not yet be available
* locally
* @return
public boolean isTargetReplicated() {
return hasOption(OperationOption.REPLICATED_TARGET);
* Infrastructure use only
public Operation setFromReplication(boolean isFromReplication) {
toggleOption(OperationOption.REPLICATED, isFromReplication);
return this;
* Infrastructure use only.
* Value indicating whether this operation was created to apply locally a remote update
public boolean isFromReplication() {
return hasOption(OperationOption.REPLICATED);
* Infrastructure use only
public Operation setConnectionSharing(boolean enable) {
toggleOption(OperationOption.CONNECTION_SHARING, enable);
return this;
* Infrastructure use only.
* Value indicating whether this operation is sharing a connection
public boolean isConnectionSharing() {
return hasOption(OperationOption.CONNECTION_SHARING);
* Infrastructure use only.
* Value indicating whether this operation was forwarded from a peer node
public boolean isForwarded() {
return this.hasOption(OperationOption.FORWARDED);
* Copies response headers from the operation supplied as the argument, to this instance. Any
* headers with the same name already present on this instance will be overwritten.
public Operation transferResponseHeadersFrom(Operation op) {
if (!op.hasResponseHeaders()) {
return this;
return this;
* Copies request headers from the operation supplied as the argument, to this instance. Any
* headers with the same name already present on this instance will be overwritten.
public Operation transferRequestHeadersFrom(Operation op) {
if (!op.hasRequestHeaders()) {
return this;
return this;
public Operation transferResponseHeadersToRequestHeadersFrom(Operation op) {
if (!op.hasResponseHeaders()) {
return this;
return this;
public Operation transferRequestHeadersToResponseHeadersFrom(Operation op) {
if (!op.hasRequestHeaders()) {
return this;
return this;
public boolean isNotification() {
public Operation setNotificationDisabled(boolean disable) {
toggleOption(OperationOption.NOTIFICATION_DISABLED, disable);
return this;
public boolean isNotificationDisabled() {
return hasOption(OperationOption.NOTIFICATION_DISABLED);
public boolean isForwardingDisabled() {
return hasPragmaDirective(PRAGMA_DIRECTIVE_NO_FORWARDING);
* Infrastructure use only.
* Value indicating whether this operation is a commit phase replication request.
public boolean isCommit() {
String phase = getRequestHeader(Operation.REPLICATION_PHASE_HEADER, false);
return Operation.REPLICATION_PHASE_COMMIT.equals(phase);
* Indicate whether this operation is a synchronization operation.
public boolean isSynchronize() {
return isSynchronizeOwner() || isSynchronizePeer();
public boolean isSynchronizeOwner() {
return hasPragmaDirective(Operation.PRAGMA_DIRECTIVE_SYNCH_OWNER);
public boolean isSynchronizePeer() {
return hasPragmaDirective(Operation.PRAGMA_DIRECTIVE_SYNCH_PEER);
public boolean isUpdate() {
return this.getAction() == Action.PUT || this.getAction() == Action.PATCH;
* Infrastructure use only
void linkSerializedState(byte[] data) {
this.linkedSerializedState = data;
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