com.vmware.xenon.common.serialization.JsonMapper Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (c) 2014-2015 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
* under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, without warranties or
* conditions of any kind, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
package com.vmware.xenon.common.serialization;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import com.google.gson.ExclusionStrategy;
import com.google.gson.FieldAttributes;
import com.google.gson.Gson;
import com.google.gson.GsonBuilder;
import com.google.gson.JsonElement;
import com.google.gson.JsonSyntaxException;
import com.google.gson.internal.Streams;
import com.google.gson.internal.bind.JsonTreeWriter;
import com.google.gson.stream.JsonWriter;
import com.vmware.xenon.common.ServiceDocument;
import com.vmware.xenon.common.ServiceDocumentDescription;
import com.vmware.xenon.common.Utils;
* A helper that serializes/deserializes service documents to/from JSON. The implementation
* supports a variety of {@link JsonOptions}.
* The implementation creates and utilizes {@link Gson} instances for each supported option
* configuration.
public class JsonMapper {
= Utils.PROPERTY_NAME_PREFIX + "json.suppressGsonSerializationErrors";
= Utils.PROPERTY_NAME_PREFIX + "JsonMapper.disableObjectCollectionAndMapJsonAdapters";
private static boolean JSON_SUPPRESS_GSON_SERIALIZATION_ERRORS = false;
static {
if (v != null) {
if (v != null) {
private static final int MAX_SERIALIZATION_ATTEMPTS = 100;
private static final String JSON_INDENT = " ";
/** Describes supported JSON serialization options. */
public enum JsonOptions {
* Output JSON in compact form (without spaces or newlines). If this option is not used,
* JSON will be in a pretty-printed, HTML-friendly output.
/** Exclude fields annotated with {@link ServiceDocumentDescription.PropertyUsageOption#SENSITIVE} */
/** Exclude built-in fields. See {@link ServiceDocument#isBuiltInDocumentField(String)} */
private final Gson compact;
private Gson hashing;
private final Gson compactSensitive;
private final Gson compactExcludeBuiltin;
private final Gson compactSensitiveAndExcludeBuiltin;
private boolean jsonSuppressGsonSerializationErrors = JSON_SUPPRESS_GSON_SERIALIZATION_ERRORS;
* Instantiates a mapper with default GSON configurations.
public JsonMapper() {
createDefaultGson(EnumSet.of(JsonOptions.COMPACT, JsonOptions.EXCLUDE_SENSITIVE)));
* Instantiates a mapper with allowing custom GSON configurations. These configurations can be
* made by supplying a callback which can manipulate the {@link GsonBuilder} while the GSON
* instances are under construction. This callback is invoked twice, once each for the pretty
* and compact instances.
public JsonMapper(Consumer gsonConfigCallback) {
this(createCustomGson(EnumSet.of(JsonOptions.COMPACT), gsonConfigCallback),
createCustomGson(EnumSet.of(JsonOptions.COMPACT, JsonOptions.EXCLUDE_SENSITIVE), gsonConfigCallback));
this.hashing = createHashingGson(gsonConfigCallback);
* Instantiates a mapper with the compact and pretty GSON instances explicitly supplied.
public JsonMapper(Gson compact, Gson compactSensitive) {
this.compact = compact;
this.compactSensitive = compactSensitive;
this.hashing = createHashingGson(null);
this.compactExcludeBuiltin = createDefaultGson(EnumSet.of(JsonOptions.COMPACT, JsonOptions.EXCLUDE_BUILTIN));
this.compactSensitiveAndExcludeBuiltin = createDefaultGson(EnumSet.of(JsonOptions.COMPACT, JsonOptions.EXCLUDE_BUILTIN, JsonOptions.EXCLUDE_SENSITIVE));
private Gson createHashingGson(Consumer gsonConfigCallback) {
GsonBuilder bldr = new GsonBuilder();
bldr.registerTypeAdapterFactory(new SortedKeysMapViewAdapterFactory());
if (gsonConfigCallback != null) {
return bldr.create();
* Outputs a JSON representation of the given object in compact JSON.
public String toJson(Object body) {
for (int i = 1; ; i++) {
try {
return this.compact.toJson(body);
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
handleIllegalStateException(e, i);
public void toJson(Object body, Appendable appendable) {
for (int i = 1; ; i++) {
try {
this.compact.toJson(body, appendable);
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
handleIllegalStateException(e, i);
* Convert an object to JsonElement without intermediate string representations.
* @param body
* @return
public JsonElement toJsonElement(Object body) {
if (body == null) {
return null;
for (int i = 1; ; i++) {
try {
JsonTreeWriter writer = new JsonTreeWriter();
this.compact.toJson(body, body.getClass(), writer);
return writer.get();
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
handleIllegalStateException(e, i);
* Outputs a JSON representation of the given object in pretty-printed, HTML-friendly JSON.
public String toJsonHtml(Object body) {
if (body == null) {
return this.compact.toJson(null);
for (int i = 1; ; i++) {
try {
StringBuilder appendable = new StringBuilder();
this.toJsonHtml(body, appendable);
return appendable.toString();
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
handleIllegalStateException(e, i);
private Gson getGsonForOptions(Set options) {
if (options.containsAll(EnumSet.of(JsonOptions.EXCLUDE_BUILTIN, JsonOptions.EXCLUDE_SENSITIVE))) {
return this.compactSensitiveAndExcludeBuiltin;
if (options.contains(JsonOptions.EXCLUDE_BUILTIN)) {
return this.compactExcludeBuiltin;
if (options.contains(JsonOptions.EXCLUDE_SENSITIVE)) {
return this.compactSensitive;
return this.compact;
* Outputs a JSON representation of the given {@code body} based on the provided JSON {@code options}
public void toJson(Set options, Object body, Appendable appendable) {
Gson gson = getGsonForOptions(options);
for (int i = 1; ; i++) {
try {
if (!options.contains(JsonOptions.COMPACT)) {
gson.toJson(body, body.getClass(), makePrettyJsonWriter(appendable));
} else {
gson.toJson(body, appendable);
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
handleIllegalStateException(e, i);
private void handleIllegalStateException(IllegalStateException e, int i) {
if (e.getMessage() == null) {
Utils.logWarning("Failure serializing body because of GSON race (attempt %d)", i);
throw e;
// This error may happen when two threads try to serialize a recursive
// type for the very first time concurrently. Type caching logic in GSON
// doesn't deal well with recursive types being generated concurrently.
// Also see: https://github.com/google/gson/issues/764
try {
Thread.sleep(0, 1000 * i);
} catch (InterruptedException ignored) {
throw e;
* Deserializes the given JSON to the target {@link Class}.
public T fromJson(Object json, Class clazz) {
if (clazz.isInstance(json)) {
return clazz.cast(json);
} else {
return fromJson(json, (Type) clazz);
* Deserializes the given JSON to the target {@link Type}.
public T fromJson(Object json, Type type) {
try {
if (json instanceof JsonElement) {
return this.compact.fromJson((JsonElement) json, type);
} else {
return this.compact.fromJson(json.toString(), type);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
if (this.jsonSuppressGsonSerializationErrors) {
throw new JsonSyntaxException("JSON body could not be parsed");
} else {
throw e;
public void setJsonSuppressGsonSerializationErrors(boolean suppressErrors) {
this.jsonSuppressGsonSerializationErrors = suppressErrors;
private static Gson createDefaultGson(EnumSet options) {
return createDefaultGsonBuilder(options).create();
private static Gson createCustomGson(EnumSet options, Consumer gsonConfigCallback) {
GsonBuilder bldr = createDefaultGsonBuilder(options);
return bldr.create();
public static GsonBuilder createDefaultGsonBuilder(EnumSet options) {
GsonBuilder bldr = new GsonBuilder();
if (!options.contains(JsonOptions.COMPACT)) {
if (options.contains(JsonOptions.EXCLUDE_SENSITIVE)) {
bldr.addSerializationExclusionStrategy(new SensitiveAnnotationExclusionStrategy());
if (options.contains(JsonOptions.EXCLUDE_BUILTIN)) {
bldr.addSerializationExclusionStrategy(new BuiltInServiceDocumentFieldsExclusionStrategy());
return bldr;
private static void registerCommonGsonTypeAdapters(GsonBuilder bldr) {
bldr.registerTypeAdapter(ObjectCollectionTypeConverter.TYPE_LIST, ObjectCollectionTypeConverter.INSTANCE);
bldr.registerTypeAdapter(ObjectCollectionTypeConverter.TYPE_SET, ObjectCollectionTypeConverter.INSTANCE);
bldr.registerTypeAdapter(ObjectCollectionTypeConverter.TYPE_COLLECTION, ObjectCollectionTypeConverter.INSTANCE);
bldr.registerTypeAdapter(ObjectMapTypeConverter.TYPE, ObjectMapTypeConverter.INSTANCE);
bldr.registerTypeAdapter(InstantConverter.TYPE, InstantConverter.INSTANCE);
bldr.registerTypeAdapter(ZonedDateTimeConverter.TYPE, ZonedDateTimeConverter.INSTANCE);
bldr.registerTypeHierarchyAdapter(byte[].class, new ByteArrayToBase64TypeAdapter());
bldr.registerTypeAdapter(RequestRouteConverter.TYPE, RequestRouteConverter.INSTANCE);
bldr.registerTypeHierarchyAdapter(Path.class, PathConverter.INSTANCE);
bldr.registerTypeHierarchyAdapter(Date.class, UtcDateTypeAdapter.INSTANCE);
public void toJsonHtml(Object body, Appendable appendable) {
if (body == null) {
this.compact.toJson(null, appendable);
for (int i = 1; ; i++) {
try {
JsonWriter jsonWriter = makePrettyJsonWriter(appendable);
this.compact.toJson(body, body.getClass(), jsonWriter);
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
handleIllegalStateException(e, i);
private JsonWriter makePrettyJsonWriter(Appendable appendable) {
JsonWriter jsonWriter = new JsonWriter(Streams.writerForAppendable(appendable));
return jsonWriter;
public long hashJson(Object body, long seed) {
if (body == null) {
return seed;
for (int i = 1; ; i++) {
try {
HashingJsonWriter w = new HashingJsonWriter(seed);
this.hashing.toJson(body, body.getClass(), w);
return w.getHash();
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
handleIllegalStateException(e, i);
* Excludes any field with the SENSITIVE option in PropertyUsageOptions.
private static class SensitiveAnnotationExclusionStrategy implements ExclusionStrategy {
public boolean shouldSkipField(FieldAttributes fieldAttributes) {
Collection annotations = fieldAttributes.getAnnotations();
for (Annotation a : annotations) {
if (ServiceDocument.UsageOptions.class.equals(a.annotationType())) {
ServiceDocument.UsageOptions usageOptions = (ServiceDocument.UsageOptions) a;
for (ServiceDocument.UsageOption usageOption : usageOptions.value()) {
if (usageOption.option().equals(ServiceDocumentDescription.PropertyUsageOption.SENSITIVE)) {
return true;
} else if (ServiceDocument.UsageOption.class.equals(a.annotationType())) {
ServiceDocument.UsageOption usageOption = (ServiceDocument.UsageOption) a;
if (usageOption.option().equals(ServiceDocumentDescription.PropertyUsageOption.SENSITIVE)) {
return true;
} else if (ServiceDocument.PropertyOptions.class.equals(a.annotationType())) {
ServiceDocument.PropertyOptions propertyOptions = (ServiceDocument.PropertyOptions) a;
for (ServiceDocumentDescription.PropertyUsageOption propertyUsageOption : propertyOptions.usage()) {
if (propertyUsageOption.equals(ServiceDocumentDescription.PropertyUsageOption.SENSITIVE)) {
return true;
return false;
public boolean shouldSkipClass(Class> aClass) {
return false;
/** Excludes all "built-in" fields, such as {@code documentVersion}. */
private static class BuiltInServiceDocumentFieldsExclusionStrategy implements ExclusionStrategy {
public boolean shouldSkipClass(Class> aClass) {
return false;
public boolean shouldSkipField(FieldAttributes fieldAttributes) {
return ServiceDocument.isBuiltInDocumentField(fieldAttributes.getName());
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