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org.armedbear.lisp.compile-file.lisp Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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;;; compile-file.lisp
;;; Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Peter Graves
;;; $Id$
;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
;;; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
;;; of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
;;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
;;; As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you
;;; permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an
;;; executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent
;;; modules, and to copy and distribute the resulting executable under
;;; terms of your choice, provided that you also meet, for each linked
;;; independent module, the terms and conditions of the license of that
;;; module.  An independent module is a module which is not derived from
;;; or based on this library.  If you modify this library, you may extend
;;; this exception to your version of the library, but you are not
;;; obligated to do so.  If you do not wish to do so, delete this
;;; exception statement from your version.

(in-package #:system)

(require "COMPILER-PASS2")

(export 'compile-file-if-needed)

(defvar *fbound-names*)

(defvar *class-number*)

(defvar *output-file-pathname*)

(defvar *toplevel-functions*)
(defvar *toplevel-macros*)
(defvar *toplevel-exports*)
(defvar *toplevel-setf-expanders*)
(defvar *toplevel-setf-functions*)

(defun base-classname (&optional (output-file-pathname *output-file-pathname*))
  (sanitize-class-name (pathname-name output-file-pathname)))

(defun fasl-loader-classname (&optional (output-file-pathname *output-file-pathname*))
  (%format nil "~A_0" (base-classname output-file-pathname)))

(declaim (ftype (function (t) t) compute-classfile))
(defun compute-classfile (n &optional (output-file-pathname
  "Computes the pathname of the class file associated with number `n'."
  (let ((name
	  (%format nil "~A_~D" (pathname-name output-file-pathname) n))))
    (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :name name :type *compile-file-class-extension*)

(defun sanitize-class-name (name)
  (let ((name (copy-seq name)))
    (dotimes (i (length name))
      (declare (type fixnum i))
      (when (or (char= (char name i) #\-)
		(char= (char name i) #\.)
		(char= (char name i) #\Space))
        (setf (char name i) #\_)))

(declaim (ftype (function () t) next-classfile))
(defun next-classfile ()
  (compute-classfile (incf *class-number*)))

(defmacro report-error (&rest forms)
  `(handler-case (progn ,@forms)
     (compiler-unsupported-feature-error (condition)
       (%format t "; UNSUPPORTED-FEATURE: ~A~%" condition)
       (values nil condition))))

;; Dummy function. Should never be called.
(defun dummy (&rest ignored)
  (declare (ignore ignored))
  (assert nil))

;;; ??? rename to something shorter?
(defparameter *compiler-diagnostic* nil
  "The stream to emit compiler diagnostic messages to, or nil to muffle output.")
(export '*compiler-diagnostic*)
(defmacro diag (fmt &rest args)
  `(format *compiler-diagnostic* "~&SYSTEM::*COMPILER-DIAGNOSTIC* ~A~&" (format nil ,fmt ,@args)))

(declaim (ftype (function (t) t) verify-load))
(defun verify-load (classfile &key (force nil))
  "Return whether the file at the path denoted by CLASSFILE is a loadable JVM artifact."
  (declare (ignore force))
  (unless classfile
    (diag "Nil classfile argument passed to verify-load.")
    (return-from verify-load nil))
  (with-open-file (cf classfile :direction :input)
        (= 0 (file-length cf))
;;; TODO hook into a real ABCL compiler condition hierarchy
      (diag "Internal compiler error detected: Fasl contains ~
zero-length jvm classfile corresponding to ~A." classfile)
      (return-from verify-load nil)))
  ;; ### FIXME
  ;; The section below can't work, because we have
  ;; circular references between classes of outer- and innerscoped
  ;; functions. We need the class loader to resolve these circular
  ;; references for us. Our FASL class loader does exactly that,
  ;; so we need a class loader here which knows how to find
  ;; all the .cls files related to the current scope being loaded.
  (when (or force (> *safety* *speed*))
    (diag "Testing compiled bytecode by loading classfile into JVM.")
    (let ((*load-truename* *output-file-pathname*))
      ;; load-compiled-function used to be wrapped via report-error
      (return-from verify-load (load-compiled-function classfile))))

(declaim (ftype (function (t) t) note-toplevel-form))
(defun note-toplevel-form (form)
  (when *compile-print*
    (princ "; ")
    (let ((*print-length* 2)
          (*print-level* 2)
          (*print-pretty* nil))
      (prin1 form))

(defun output-form (form)
  (if *binary-fasls*
      (push form *forms-for-output*)
        (dump-form form *fasl-stream*)
        (%stream-terpri *fasl-stream*))))

(defun finalize-fasl-output ()
  (when *binary-fasls*
    (let ((*package* (find-package :keyword))
          (*double-colon-package-separators* T))
      (dump-form (convert-toplevel-form (list* 'PROGN
                                               (nreverse *forms-for-output*))
    (%stream-terpri *fasl-stream*)))

(declaim (ftype (function (t) t) simple-toplevel-form-p))
(defun simple-toplevel-form-p (form)
  "Returns NIL if the form is too complex to become an
interpreted toplevel form, non-NIL if it is 'simple enough'."
  (and (consp form)
       (every #'(lambda (arg)
                  (or (and (atom arg)
                           (not (and (symbolp arg)
                                     (symbol-macro-p arg))))
                      (and (consp arg)
                           (eq 'QUOTE (car arg)))))
              (cdr form))))

(declaim (ftype (function (t t) t) convert-toplevel-form))
(defun convert-toplevel-form (form declare-inline)
  (when (or (simple-toplevel-form-p form)
            (and (eq (car form) 'SETQ)
                 ;; for SETQ, look at the evaluated part
                 (simple-toplevel-form-p (third form))))
    ;; single form with simple or constant arguments
    ;; Without this exception, toplevel function calls
    ;; will be compiled into lambdas which get compiled to
    ;; compiled-functions. Those need to be loaded.
    ;; Conclusion: Top level interpreting the function call
    ;;  and its arguments may be (and should be) more efficient.
    (return-from convert-toplevel-form
      (precompiler:precompile-form form nil *compile-file-environment*)))
  (let* ((toplevel-form (third form))
         (expr `(lambda () ,form))
         (saved-class-number *class-number*)
         (classfile (next-classfile))
              (f classfile
                 :direction :output
                 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
                 :if-exists :supersede)
            (report-error (jvm:compile-defun nil
                                             expr *compile-file-environment*
                                             classfile f
         (compiled-function (verify-load classfile)))
    (declare (ignore toplevel-form result))
      (when (> *debug* 0)
;; TODO        (annotate form toplevel-form classfile compiled-function fasl-class-number)
        ;;; ??? define an API by perhaps exporting these symbols?
        (setf (getf form 'form-source) 
              (getf form 'classfile) 
              (getf form 'compiled-function) 
              (getf form 'class-number) 
      (setf form
            (if compiled-function
                `(funcall (sys::get-fasl-function *fasl-loader*
                (precompiler:precompile-form form nil

(declaim (ftype (function (t stream t) t) process-progn))
(defun process-progn (forms stream compile-time-too)
  (dolist (form forms)
    (process-toplevel-form form stream compile-time-too))

(declaim (ftype (function (t t t) t) process-toplevel-form))
(defun precompile-toplevel-form (form stream compile-time-too)
  (declare (ignore stream))
  (let ((form (precompiler:precompile-form form nil
    (when compile-time-too
      (eval form))

(defun process-toplevel-macrolet (form stream compile-time-too)
  (let ((*compile-file-environment*
         (make-environment *compile-file-environment*)))
    (dolist (definition (cadr form))
      (environment-add-macro-definition *compile-file-environment*
                                        (car definition)
                                        (make-macro (car definition)
                                                    (make-macro-expander definition))))
    (dolist (body-form (cddr form))
      (process-toplevel-form body-form stream compile-time-too)))

(declaim (ftype (function (t t t) t) process-toplevel-defconstant))
(defun process-toplevel-defconstant (form stream compile-time-too)
  (declare (ignore stream compile-time-too))
  ;; "If a DEFCONSTANT form appears as a top level form, the compiler
  ;; must recognize that [the] name names a constant variable. An
  ;; implementation may choose to evaluate the value-form at compile
  ;; time, load time, or both. Therefore, users must ensure that the
  ;; initial-value can be evaluated at compile time (regardless of
  ;; whether or not references to name appear in the file) and that
  ;; it always evaluates to the same value."
  (note-toplevel-form form)
  (eval form)

(declaim (ftype (function (t t t) t) process-toplevel-quote))
(defun process-toplevel-quote (form stream compile-time-too)
  (declare (ignore stream))
  (when compile-time-too
    (eval form))

(declaim (ftype (function (t t t) t) process-toplevel-import))
(defun process-toplevel-import (form stream compile-time-too)
  (declare (ignore stream))
  (let ((form (precompiler:precompile-form form nil
    (let ((*package* +keyword-package+))
      (output-form form))
    (when compile-time-too
      (eval form)))

(declaim (ftype (function (t t t) t) process-toplevel-export))
(defun process-toplevel-export (form stream compile-time-too)
  (when (and (listp (second form))
             (eq (car (second form)) 'QUOTE)) ;; constant export list
    (let ((sym-or-syms (second (second form))))
      (setf *toplevel-exports*
            (append  *toplevel-exports* (if (listp sym-or-syms)
                                            (list sym-or-syms))))))
  (precompile-toplevel-form form stream compile-time-too))

(declaim (ftype (function (t t t) t) process-toplevel-mop.ensure-method))
(defun process-toplevel-mop.ensure-method (form stream compile-time-too)
  (declare (ignore stream))
  (flet ((convert-ensure-method (form key)
           (let* ((tail (cddr form))
                  (function-form (getf tail key)))
             (when (and function-form (consp function-form)
               (eq (%car function-form) 'FUNCTION))
               (let ((lambda-expression (cadr function-form)))
                     (let* ((saved-class-number *class-number*)
                            (classfile (next-classfile))
                                 (f classfile
                                    :direction :output
                                    :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
                                    :if-exists :supersede)
                                (jvm:compile-defun nil lambda-expression
                                                   classfile f nil))))
                            (compiled-function (verify-load classfile)))
                       (declare (ignore result))
                          (setf (getf tail key)
                                `(sys::get-fasl-function *fasl-loader*
                          ;; FIXME This should be a warning or error of some sort...
                          (format *error-output* "; Unable to compile method~%"))))))))))

    (when compile-time-too
      (let* ((copy-form (copy-tree form))
             ;; ### Ideally, the precompiler would leave the forms alone
             ;;  and copy them where required, instead of forcing us to
             ;;  do a deep copy in advance
             (precompiled-form (precompiler:precompile-form copy-form nil
        (eval precompiled-form)))
    (convert-ensure-method form :function)
    (convert-ensure-method form :fast-function))
  (precompiler:precompile-form form nil *compile-file-environment*))

(declaim (ftype (function (t t t) t) process-toplevel-defvar/defparameter))
(defun process-toplevel-defvar/defparameter (form stream compile-time-too)
  (declare (ignore stream))
  (note-toplevel-form form)
  (if compile-time-too
      (eval form)
      ;; "If a DEFVAR or DEFPARAMETER form appears as a top level form,
      ;; the compiler must recognize that the name has been proclaimed
      ;; special. However, it must neither evaluate the initial-value
      ;; form nor assign the dynamic variable named NAME at compile
      ;; time."
      (let ((name (second form)))
        (%defvar name)))

(declaim (ftype (function (t t t) t) process-toplevel-defpackage/in-package))
(defun process-toplevel-defpackage/in-package (form stream compile-time-too)
  (declare (ignore stream compile-time-too))
  (note-toplevel-form form)
  (setf form
        (precompiler:precompile-form form nil *compile-file-environment*))
  (eval form)
  ;; Force package prefix to be used when dumping form.
  (let ((*package* +keyword-package+))
    (output-form form))

(declaim (ftype (function (t t t) t) process-toplevel-declare))
(defun process-toplevel-declare (form stream compile-time-too)
  (declare (ignore stream compile-time-too))
  (compiler-style-warn "Misplaced declaration: ~S" form)

(declaim (ftype (function (t t t) t) process-toplevel-progn))
(defun process-toplevel-progn (form stream compile-time-too)
  (process-progn (cdr form) stream compile-time-too)

(declaim (ftype (function (t t t) t) process-toplevel-deftype))
(defun process-toplevel-deftype (form stream compile-time-too)
  (declare (ignore stream compile-time-too))
  (note-toplevel-form form)
  (eval form)

(declaim (ftype (function (t t t) t) process-toplevel-eval-when))
(defun process-toplevel-eval-when (form stream compile-time-too)
  (flet ((parse-eval-when-situations (situations)
           "Parse an EVAL-WHEN situations list, returning three flags,
            the types of situations present in the list."
            ; Adapted from SBCL.
           (when (or (not (listp situations))
                     (set-difference situations
             (error "Bad EVAL-WHEN situation list: ~S." situations))
           (values (intersection '(:compile-toplevel compile) situations)
                   (intersection '(:load-toplevel load) situations)
                   (intersection '(:execute eval) situations))))
    (multiple-value-bind (ct lt e)
        (parse-eval-when-situations (cadr form))
      (let ((new-compile-time-too (or ct (and compile-time-too e)))
            (body (cddr form)))
        (if lt
            (process-progn body stream new-compile-time-too)
            (when new-compile-time-too
              (eval `(progn ,@body)))))))

(declaim (ftype (function (t t t) t) process-toplevel-defmethod/defgeneric))
(defun process-toplevel-defmethod/defgeneric (form stream compile-time-too)
  (note-toplevel-form form)
  (note-name-defined (second form))
  (push (second form) *toplevel-functions*)
  (when (and (consp (second form))
             (eq 'setf (first (second form))))
    (push (second (second form))
  (let ((*compile-print* nil))
    (process-toplevel-form (macroexpand-1 form *compile-file-environment*)
                           stream compile-time-too))

(declaim (ftype (function (t t t) t) process-toplevel-locally))
(defun process-toplevel-locally (form stream compile-time-too)
      (multiple-value-bind (forms decls)
          (parse-body (cdr form) nil)
        (process-optimization-declarations decls)
        (let* ((jvm::*visible-variables* jvm::*visible-variables*)
               (specials (jvm::process-declarations-for-vars (cdr form)
                                                             nil nil)))
          (dolist (special specials)
            (push special jvm::*visible-variables*))
          (process-progn forms stream compile-time-too))))

(declaim (ftype (function (t t t) t) process-toplevel-defmacro))
(defun process-toplevel-defmacro (form stream compile-time-too)
  (declare (ignore stream compile-time-too))
  (note-toplevel-form form)
  (let ((name (second form)))
    (eval form)
    (push name *toplevel-macros*)
    (let* ((expr (function-lambda-expression (macro-function name)))
           (saved-class-number *class-number*)
           (classfile (next-classfile)))
          (f classfile
             :direction :output
             :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
             :if-exists :supersede)
          (jvm:compile-defun nil expr *compile-file-environment*
                             classfile f nil)))
      (when (null (verify-load classfile))
        ;; FIXME error or warning
        (format *error-output* "; Unable to compile macro ~A~%" name)
        (return-from process-toplevel-defmacro form))

      (if (special-operator-p name)
          `(put ',name 'macroexpand-macro
                (make-macro ',name
                            (sys::get-fasl-function *fasl-loader*
          `(fset ',name
                 (make-macro ',name
                             (sys::get-fasl-function *fasl-loader*
                 ',(third form))))))

(declaim (ftype (function (t t t) t) process-toplevel-defun))
(defun process-toplevel-defun (form stream compile-time-too)
  (declare (ignore stream))
  (note-toplevel-form form)
  (let* ((name (second form))
         (block-name (fdefinition-block-name name))
         (lambda-list (third form))
         (body (nthcdr 3 form)))
        (multiple-value-bind (body decls doc)
            (parse-body body)
          (let* ((expr `(lambda ,lambda-list
                          ,@decls (block ,block-name ,@body)))
                 (saved-class-number *class-number*)
                 (classfile (next-classfile))
                 (internal-compiler-errors nil)
                 (result (with-open-file
                             (f classfile
                                :direction :output
                                :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
                                :if-exists :supersede)
                                 #'(lambda (e)
                                     (push e internal-compiler-errors)
                              (jvm:compile-defun name expr *compile-file-environment*
                                                 classfile f nil)))))
                 (compiled-function (if (not internal-compiler-errors)
                                        (verify-load classfile)
            (declare (ignore result))
              ((and (not internal-compiler-errors)
               (when compile-time-too
                 (eval form))
               (setf form
                     `(fset ',name
                            (sys::get-fasl-function *fasl-loader*
               (compiler-warn "Unable to compile function ~A.  Using interpreted form instead.~%" name)
               (when internal-compiler-errors
                 (dolist (e internal-compiler-errors)
                   (format *error-output*
                           "; ~A~%" e)))
               (let ((precompiled-function
                      (precompiler:precompile-form expr nil
                 (setf form
                       `(fset ',name
               (when compile-time-too
                 (eval form)))))
          (when (and (symbolp name) (eq (get name '%inline) 'INLINE))
            ;; FIXME Need to support SETF functions too!
            (setf (inline-expansion name)
                  (jvm::generate-inline-expansion block-name
                                                  (append decls body)))
            (output-form `(setf (inline-expansion ',name)
                                ',(inline-expansion name))))))
    (push name jvm::*functions-defined-in-current-file*)
    (note-name-defined name)
    (push name *toplevel-functions*)
    (when (and (consp name)
               (eq 'setf (first name)))
      (push (second name) *toplevel-setf-functions*))
    ;; If NAME is not fbound, provide a dummy definition so that
    ;; getSymbolFunctionOrDie() will succeed when we try to verify that
    ;; functions defined later in the same file can be loaded correctly.
    (unless (fboundp name)
      (setf (fdefinition name) #'dummy)
      (push name *fbound-names*)))

;; toplevel handlers
;;   each toplevel handler takes a form and stream as input

(defun install-toplevel-handler (symbol handler)
  (setf (get symbol 'toplevel-handler) handler))

(dolist (pair '((COMPILER-DEFSTRUCT precompile-toplevel-form)
                (DECLARE process-toplevel-declare)
                (DEFCONSTANT process-toplevel-defconstant)
                (DEFGENERIC process-toplevel-defmethod/defgeneric)
                (DEFMACRO process-toplevel-defmacro)
                (DEFMETHOD process-toplevel-defmethod/defgeneric)
                (DEFPACKAGE process-toplevel-defpackage/in-package)
                (DEFPARAMETER process-toplevel-defvar/defparameter)
                (DEFTYPE process-toplevel-deftype)
                (DEFUN process-toplevel-defun)
                (DEFVAR process-toplevel-defvar/defparameter)
                (EVAL-WHEN process-toplevel-eval-when)
                (EXPORT process-toplevel-export)
                (IMPORT process-toplevel-import)
                (IN-PACKAGE process-toplevel-defpackage/in-package)
                (LOCALLY process-toplevel-locally)
                (MACROLET process-toplevel-macrolet)
                (PROCLAIM precompile-toplevel-form)
                (PROGN process-toplevel-progn)
                (PROVIDE precompile-toplevel-form)
                (PUT precompile-toplevel-form)
                (QUOTE process-toplevel-quote)
                (REQUIRE precompile-toplevel-form)
                (SHADOW precompile-toplevel-form)
                (%SET-FDEFINITION precompile-toplevel-form)
                (MOP::ENSURE-METHOD process-toplevel-mop.ensure-method)))
  (install-toplevel-handler (car pair) (cadr pair)))

(declaim (ftype (function (t stream t) t) process-toplevel-form))
(defun process-toplevel-form (form stream compile-time-too)
  (unless (atom form)
    (let* ((operator (%car form))
           (handler (get operator 'toplevel-handler)))
      (when handler
        (let ((out-form (funcall handler form stream compile-time-too)))
          (when out-form
            (output-form out-form)))
        (return-from process-toplevel-form))
      (when (and (symbolp operator)
                 (macro-function operator *compile-file-environment*))
        (when (eq operator 'define-setf-expander) ;; ??? what if the symbol is package qualified?
          (push (second form) *toplevel-setf-expanders*))
        (when (and (eq operator 'defsetf) ;; ??? what if the symbol is package qualified?
                   (consp (third form))) ;; long form of DEFSETF
          (push (second form) *toplevel-setf-expanders*))
        (note-toplevel-form form)
        ;; Note that we want MACROEXPAND-1 and not MACROEXPAND here, in
        ;; case the form being expanded expands into something that needs
        ;; special handling by PROCESS-TOPLEVEL-FORM (e.g. DEFMACRO).
        (let ((*compile-print* nil))
          (process-toplevel-form (macroexpand-1 form *compile-file-environment*)
                                 stream compile-time-too))
        (return-from process-toplevel-form))
        ((and (symbolp operator)
              (not (special-operator-p operator))
              (null (cdr form)))
         (setf form (precompiler:precompile-form form nil
         (note-toplevel-form form)
         (setf form (convert-toplevel-form form nil)))))
    (when (consp form)
      (output-form form)))
  ;; Make sure the compiled-function loader knows where
  ;; to load the compiled functions. Note that this trickery
  ;; was already used in verify-load before I used it,
  ;; however, binding *load-truename* isn't fully compliant, I think.
  (when compile-time-too
    (let ((*load-truename* *output-file-pathname*)
          (*fasl-loader* (make-fasl-class-loader
                          (concatenate 'string
                                       "org.armedbear.lisp." (base-classname)))))
      (eval form))))

(defun populate-zip-fasl (output-file)
  (let* ((type ;; Don't use ".zip", it'll result in an extension with
               ;; a dot, which is rejected by NAMESTRING
          (%format nil "~A~A" (pathname-type output-file) "-zip"))
         (output-file (if (logical-pathname-p output-file)
                          (translate-logical-pathname output-file)
          (if (find :windows *features*)
              (make-pathname :defaults output-file :type type)
              (make-pathname :defaults output-file :type type
                             :device :unspecific)))
         (pathnames nil)
         (fasl-loader (make-pathname :defaults output-file
                                     :name (fasl-loader-classname)
                                     :type *compile-file-class-extension*)))
    (when (probe-file fasl-loader)
      (push fasl-loader pathnames))
    (dotimes (i *class-number*)
      (let ((truename (probe-file (compute-classfile (1+ i)))))
        (when truename
          (push truename pathnames)
          ;;; XXX it would be better to just use the recorded number
          ;;; of class constants, but probing for the first at least
          ;;; makes this subjectively bearable.
          (when (probe-file
                 (make-pathname :name (format nil "~A_0"
                                              (pathname-name truename))
                                :type "clc"
                                :defaults truename))
            (dolist (resource (directory
                               (make-pathname :name (format nil "~A_*"
                                                            (pathname-name truename))
                                              :type "clc"
                                              :defaults truename)))
              (push resource pathnames))))))
    (setf pathnames (nreverse (remove nil pathnames)))
    (let ((load-file (make-pathname :defaults output-file
                                    :name "__loader__"
                                    :type "_")))
      (rename-file output-file load-file)
      (push load-file pathnames))
    (zip zipfile pathnames)
    (dolist (pathname pathnames)
      (ignore-errors (delete-file pathname)))
    (rename-file zipfile output-file)))

(defun write-fasl-prologue (stream)
  (let ((out stream))
    ;; write header
    (write "; -*- Mode: Lisp -*-" :escape nil :stream out)
    (%stream-terpri out)
    (write (list 'init-fasl :version *fasl-version*) :stream out)
    (%stream-terpri out)
    (write (list 'setq '*source* *compile-file-truename*) :stream out)
    (%stream-terpri out)

    ;; Note: Beyond this point, you can't use DUMP-FORM,
    ;; because the list of uninterned symbols has been fixed now.
    (when *fasl-uninterned-symbols*
      (write (list 'setq '*fasl-uninterned-symbols*
                   (coerce (mapcar #'car (nreverse *fasl-uninterned-symbols*))
             :stream out :length nil))
    (%stream-terpri out)

    (when (> *class-number* 0)
      (write (list 'setq '*fasl-loader*
                     ,(concatenate 'string "org.armedbear.lisp."
             :stream out))
    (%stream-terpri out)))

(defvar *binary-fasls* nil)
(defvar *forms-for-output* nil)
(defvar *fasl-stream* nil)

(defun compile-from-stream (in output-file temp-file temp-file2
                            functions-file macros-file exports-file 
                            setf-functions-file setf-expanders-file)
  (let* ((*compile-file-pathname* (make-pathname :defaults (pathname in)
                                                 :version nil))
         (*compile-file-truename* (make-pathname :defaults (truename in)
                                                 :version nil))
         (*source* *compile-file-truename*)
         (*class-number* 0)
         (namestring (namestring *compile-file-truename*))
         (start (get-internal-real-time))
         (warnings-p nil)
         (failure-p nil))
    (when *compile-verbose*
      (format t "; Compiling ~A ...~%" namestring))
    (with-compilation-unit ()
      (with-open-file (out temp-file
                           :direction :output :if-exists :supersede
                           :external-format *fasl-external-format*)
        (let ((*readtable* *readtable*)
              (*read-default-float-format* *read-default-float-format*)
              (*read-base* *read-base*)
              (*package* *package*)
              (jvm::*functions-defined-in-current-file* '())
              (*fbound-names* '())
              (*fasl-stream* out)
                    #'(lambda (c)
                        (setf warnings-p t)
                        ;; let outer handlers do their thing
                        (signal c)
                        ;; prevent the next handler
                        ;; from running: we're a
                        ;; WARNING subclass
                   ((or warning compiler-error)
                    #'(lambda (c)
                        (declare (ignore c))
                        (setf warnings-p t
                              failure-p t))))
                   (let* ((*source-position* (file-position in))
                          (jvm::*source-line-number* (stream-line-number in))
                          (form (read in nil in))
                          (*compiler-error-context* form))
                     (when (eq form in)
                     (process-toplevel-form form out nil))))
                    (dolist (name *fbound-names*)
                      (fmakunbound name)))))))
        (when extract-toplevel-funcs-and-macros
          (setf *toplevel-functions*
                (remove-if-not (lambda (func-name)
                                 (if (symbolp func-name)
                                     (symbol-package func-name)
          (when *toplevel-functions*
            (with-open-file (f-out functions-file
                                   :direction :output
                                   :if-does-not-exist :create
                                   :if-exists :supersede)

              (let ((*package* (find-package :keyword)))
                (write *toplevel-functions* :stream f-out))))
          (setf *toplevel-macros*
                (remove-if-not (lambda (mac-name)
                                 (if (symbolp mac-name)
                                     (symbol-package mac-name)
                               (remove-duplicates *toplevel-macros*)))
          (when *toplevel-macros*
            (with-open-file (m-out macros-file
                                   :direction :output
                                   :if-does-not-exist :create
                                   :if-exists :supersede)
              (let ((*package* (find-package :keyword)))
                (write *toplevel-macros* :stream m-out))))
          (setf *toplevel-exports*
                (remove-if-not (lambda (sym)
                                 (if (symbolp sym)
                                     (symbol-package sym)
                               (remove-duplicates *toplevel-exports*)))
          (when *toplevel-exports*
            (with-open-file (e-out exports-file
                                   :direction :output
                                   :if-does-not-exist :create
                                   :if-exists :supersede)
              (let ((*package* (find-package :keyword)))
                (write *toplevel-exports* :stream e-out))))
          (setf *toplevel-setf-functions*
                (remove-if-not (lambda (sym)
                                 (if (symbolp sym)
                                     (symbol-package sym)
                               (remove-duplicates *toplevel-setf-functions*)))
          (when *toplevel-setf-functions*
            (with-open-file (e-out setf-functions-file
                                   :direction :output
                                   :if-does-not-exist :create
                                   :if-exists :supersede)
              (let ((*package* (find-package :keyword)))
                (write *toplevel-setf-functions* :stream e-out))))
          (setf *toplevel-setf-expanders*
                (remove-if-not (lambda (sym)
                                 (if (symbolp sym)
                                     (symbol-package sym)
                               (remove-duplicates *toplevel-setf-expanders*)))
          (when *toplevel-setf-expanders*
            (with-open-file (e-out setf-expanders-file
                                   :direction :output
                                   :if-does-not-exist :create
                                   :if-exists :supersede)
              (let ((*package* (find-package :keyword)))
                (write *toplevel-setf-expanders* :stream e-out)))))
        (with-open-file (in temp-file :direction :input :external-format *fasl-external-format*)
          (with-open-file (out temp-file2 :direction :output
                               :if-does-not-exist :create
                               :if-exists :supersede
                               :external-format *fasl-external-format*)
            (let ((*package* (find-package '#:cl))
                  (*print-fasl* t)
                  (*print-array* t)
                  (*print-base* 10)
                  (*print-case* :upcase)
                  (*print-circle* nil)
                  (*print-escape* t)
                  (*print-gensym* t)
                  (*print-length* nil)
                  (*print-level* nil)
                  (*print-lines* nil)
                  (*print-pretty* nil)
                  (*print-radix* nil)
                  (*print-readably* t)
                  (*print-right-margin* nil)
                  (*print-structure* t)

                  ;; make sure to write all floats with their exponent marker:
                  ;; the dump-time default may not be the same at load-time

                  (*read-default-float-format* nil))

              ;; these values are also bound by WITH-STANDARD-IO-SYNTAX,
              ;; but not used by our reader/printer, so don't bind them,
              ;; for efficiency reasons.
              ;;        (*read-eval* t)
              ;;        (*read-suppress* nil)
              ;;        (*print-miser-width* nil)
              ;;        (*print-pprint-dispatch* (copy-pprint-dispatch nil))
              ;;        (*read-base* 10)
              ;;        (*read-default-float-format* 'single-float)
              ;;        (*readtable* (copy-readtable nil))

              (write-fasl-prologue out)
              ;; copy remaining content
              (loop for line = (read-line in nil :eof)
                 while (not (eq line :eof))
                 do (write-line line out)))))
        (delete-file temp-file)
        (when (find :windows *features*)
          (remove-zip-cache-entry output-file))
        (rename-file temp-file2 output-file)

        (when *compile-file-zip*
          (populate-zip-fasl output-file))

        (when *compile-verbose*
          (format t "~&; Wrote ~A (~A seconds)~%"
                  (namestring output-file)
                  (/ (- (get-internal-real-time) start) 1000.0)))
        (values (truename output-file) warnings-p failure-p)))

(defun compile-file (input-file
                     ((:verbose *compile-verbose*) *compile-verbose*)
                     ((:print *compile-print*) *compile-print*)
                     (extract-toplevel-funcs-and-macros nil)
                     (external-format :utf-8))
  (flet ((pathname-with-type (pathname type &optional suffix)
           (when suffix
             (setq type (concatenate 'string type suffix)))
           (make-pathname :type type :defaults pathname)))
    (unless (or (and (probe-file input-file)
                     (not (file-directory-p input-file)))
                (pathname-type input-file))
      (let ((pathname (pathname-with-type input-file "lisp")))
        (when (probe-file pathname)
          (setf input-file pathname))))
    (setf output-file
          (make-pathname :defaults
                         (if output-file
                             (merge-pathnames output-file
                             (compile-file-pathname input-file))
                         :version nil))
    (let* ((*output-file-pathname* output-file)
           (type (pathname-type output-file))
           (temp-file (pathname-with-type output-file type "-tmp"))
           (temp-file2 (pathname-with-type output-file type "-tmp2"))
           (functions-file (pathname-with-type output-file "funcs"))
           (macros-file (pathname-with-type output-file "macs"))
           (exports-file (pathname-with-type output-file "exps"))
           (setf-functions-file (pathname-with-type output-file "setf-functions"))
           (setf-expanders-file (pathname-with-type output-file "setf-expanders"))
      (with-open-file (in input-file :direction :input :external-format external-format)
        (multiple-value-bind (output-file-truename warnings-p failure-p)
            (compile-from-stream in output-file temp-file temp-file2
                                 functions-file macros-file exports-file 
                                 setf-functions-file setf-expanders-file)
          (values (truename output-file) warnings-p failure-p))))))

(defun compile-file-if-needed (input-file &rest allargs &key force-compile
  (setf input-file (truename input-file))
  (cond (force-compile
         (remf allargs :force-compile)
         (apply 'compile-file input-file allargs))
         (let* ((source-write-time (file-write-date input-file))
                (output-file       (or (getf allargs :output-file)
                                       (compile-file-pathname input-file)))
                (target-write-time (and (probe-file output-file)
                                        (file-write-date output-file))))
           (if (or (null target-write-time)
                   (<= target-write-time source-write-time))
               (apply #'compile-file input-file allargs)

(provide 'compile-file)

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