org.armedbear.lisp.format.lisp Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Common Lisp implementation running on the JVM
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;;; format.lisp
;;; Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Peter Graves
;;; $Id$
;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
;;; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
;;; of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
;;; As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you
;;; permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an
;;; executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent
;;; modules, and to copy and distribute the resulting executable under
;;; terms of your choice, provided that you also meet, for each linked
;;; independent module, the terms and conditions of the license of that
;;; module. An independent module is a module which is not derived from
;;; or based on this library. If you modify this library, you may extend
;;; this exception to your version of the library, but you are not
;;; obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this
;;; exception statement from your version.
;;; Adapted from CMUCL/SBCL.
(in-package "SYSTEM")
;; If we're here due to an autoloader,
;; we should prevent a circular dependency:
;; when the debugger tries to print an error,
;; it autoloads us, but if that autoloading causes
;; another error, it circularly starts autoloading us.
;; So, we replace whatever is in the function slot until
;; we can reliably call FORMAT
(setf (symbol-function 'format) #'sys::%format)
(require "PRINT-OBJECT")
;;; From primordial-extensions.lisp.
;;; Concatenate together the names of some strings and symbols,
;;; producing a symbol in the current package.
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(defun symbolicate (&rest things)
(let ((name (apply #'concatenate 'string (mapcar #'string things))))
(values (intern name)))))
;;; a helper function for various macros which expect clauses of a
;;; given length, etc.
;;; Return true if X is a proper list whose length is between MIN and
;;; MAX (inclusive).
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(defun proper-list-of-length-p (x min &optional (max min))
;; FIXME: This implementation will hang on circular list
;; structure. Since this is an error-checking utility, i.e. its
;; job is to deal with screwed-up input, it'd be good style to fix
;; it so that it can deal with circular list structure.
(cond ((minusp max) nil)
((null x) (zerop min))
((consp x)
(and (plusp max)
(proper-list-of-length-p (cdr x)
(if (plusp (1- min))
(1- min)
(1- max))))
(t nil))))
;;; From early-extensions.lisp.
(defconstant form-feed-char-code 12)
(defmacro named-let (name binds &body body)
(dolist (x binds)
(unless (proper-list-of-length-p x 2)
(error "malformed NAMED-LET variable spec: ~S" x)))
`(labels ((,name ,(mapcar #'first binds) ,@body))
(,name ,@(mapcar #'second binds))))
;;;; "The macro ONCE-ONLY has been around for a long time on various
;;;; systems [..] if you can understand how to write and when to use
;;;; ONCE-ONLY, then you truly understand macro." -- Peter Norvig,
;;;; _Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming: Case Studies
;;;; in Common Lisp_, p. 853
;;; ONCE-ONLY is a utility useful in writing source transforms and
;;; macros. It provides a concise way to wrap a LET around some code
;;; to ensure that some forms are only evaluated once.
;;; Create a LET* which evaluates each value expression, binding a
;;; temporary variable to the result, and wrapping the LET* around the
;;; result of the evaluation of BODY. Within the body, each VAR is
;;; bound to the corresponding temporary variable.
(defmacro once-only (specs &body body)
(named-let frob ((specs specs)
(body body))
(if (null specs)
`(progn ,@body)
(let ((spec (first specs)))
(unless (proper-list-of-length-p spec 2)
(error "malformed ONCE-ONLY binding spec: ~S" spec))
(let* ((name (first spec))
(exp-temp (gensym (symbol-name name))))
`(let ((,exp-temp ,(second spec))
(,name (gensym "ONCE-ONLY-")))
`(let ((,,name ,,exp-temp))
,,(frob (rest specs) body))))))))
;;; From print.lisp.
;;; FLONUM-TO-STRING (and its subsidiary function FLOAT-STRING) does
;;; most of the work for all printing of floating point numbers in the
;;; printer and in FORMAT. It converts a floating point number to a
;;; string in a free or fixed format with no exponent. The
;;; interpretation of the arguments is as follows:
;;; X - The floating point number to convert, which must not be
;;; negative.
;;; WIDTH - The preferred field width, used to determine the number
;;; of fraction digits to produce if the FDIGITS parameter
;;; is unspecified or NIL. If the non-fraction digits and the
;;; decimal point alone exceed this width, no fraction digits
;;; will be produced unless a non-NIL value of FDIGITS has been
;;; specified. Field overflow is not considerd an error at this
;;; level.
;;; FDIGITS - The number of fractional digits to produce. Insignificant
;;; trailing zeroes may be introduced as needed. May be
;;; unspecified or NIL, in which case as many digits as possible
;;; are generated, subject to the constraint that there are no
;;; trailing zeroes.
;;; SCALE - If this parameter is specified or non-NIL, then the number
;;; printed is (* x (expt 10 scale)). This scaling is exact,
;;; and cannot lose precision.
;;; FMIN - This parameter, if specified or non-NIL, is the minimum
;;; number of fraction digits which will be produced, regardless
;;; of the value of WIDTH or FDIGITS. This feature is used by
;;; the ~E format directive to prevent complete loss of
;;; significance in the printed value due to a bogus choice of
;;; scale factor.
;;; Most of the optional arguments are for the benefit for FORMAT and are not
;;; used by the printer.
;;; Returns:
;;; where the results have the following interpretation:
;;; DIGIT-STRING - The decimal representation of X, with decimal point.
;;; DIGIT-LENGTH - The length of the string DIGIT-STRING.
;;; LEADING-POINT - True if the first character of DIGIT-STRING is the
;;; decimal point.
;;; TRAILING-POINT - True if the last character of DIGIT-STRING is the
;;; decimal point.
;;; POINT-POS - The position of the digit preceding the decimal
;;; point. Zero indicates point before first digit.
;;; NOTE: FLONUM-TO-STRING goes to a lot of trouble to guarantee
;;; accuracy. Specifically, the decimal number printed is the closest
;;; possible approximation to the true value of the binary number to
;;; be printed from among all decimal representations with the same
;;; number of digits. In free-format output, i.e. with the number of
;;; digits unconstrained, it is guaranteed that all the information is
;;; preserved, so that a properly- rounding reader can reconstruct the
;;; original binary number, bit-for-bit, from its printed decimal
;;; representation. Furthermore, only as many digits as necessary to
;;; satisfy this condition will be printed.
;;; FLOAT-STRING actually generates the digits for positive numbers.
;;; The algorithm is essentially that of algorithm Dragon4 in "How to
;;; Print Floating-Point Numbers Accurately" by Steele and White. The
;;; current (draft) version of this paper may be found in
(defun flonum-to-string (x &optional width fdigits scale fmin)
(declare (ignore fmin)) ; FIXME
(cond ((zerop x)
;; Zero is a special case which FLOAT-STRING cannot handle.
(if fdigits
(let ((s (make-string (1+ fdigits) :initial-element #\0)))
(setf (schar s 0) #\.)
(values s (length s) t (zerop fdigits) 0))
(values "." 1 t t 0)))
(when scale
(setf x (* x (expt 10 scale))))
(let* ((s (float-string x))
(length (length s))
(index (position #\. s)))
(when (and (< x 1)
(> length 0)
(eql (schar s 0) #\0))
(setf s (subseq s 1)
length (length s)
index (position #\. s)))
(when fdigits
;; "Leading zeros are not permitted, except that a single zero
;; digit is output before the decimal point if the printed value
;; is less than one, and this single zero digit is not output at
;; all if w=d+1."
(let ((actual-fdigits (- length index 1)))
(cond ((< actual-fdigits fdigits)
;; Add the required number of trailing zeroes.
(setf s (concatenate 'string s
(make-string (- fdigits actual-fdigits)
:initial-element #\0))
length (length s)))
((> actual-fdigits fdigits)
(let* ((desired-length (+ index 1 fdigits))
(c (schar s desired-length)))
(setf s (subseq s 0 (+ index 1 fdigits))
length (length s)
index (position #\. s))
(when (char>= c #\5)
(setf s (round-up s)
length (length s)
index (position #\. s))))))))
(when (and width (> length width))
;; The string is too long. Shorten it by removing insignificant
;; trailing zeroes if possible.
(let ((minimum-width (+ (1+ index) (or fdigits 0))))
(when (< minimum-width width)
(setf minimum-width width))
(when (> length minimum-width)
;; But we don't want to shorten e.g. "1.7d100"...
(when (every #'digit-char-p (subseq s (1+ index)))
(let ((c (schar s minimum-width)))
(setf s (subseq s 0 minimum-width)
length minimum-width)
(when (char>= c #\5)
(setf s (round-up s)
length (length s)
index (position #\. s))))))))
(values s length (eql index 0) (eql index (1- length)) index)))))
(defun round-up (string)
(let* ((index (position #\. string))
(n (read-from-string (setf string (remove #\. string))))
(s (princ-to-string (incf n))))
(loop for char across string
while (equal char #\0)
do (setf s (concatenate 'string "0" s)))
(cond ((null index)
(when (> (length s) (length string))
;; Rounding up made the string longer, which means we went from (say) 99
;; to 100. Drop the trailing #\0 and move the #\. one character to the
;; right.
(setf s (subseq s 0 (1- (length s))))
(incf index))
(concatenate 'string (subseq s 0 index) "." (subseq s index))))))
(defun scale-exponent (original-x)
(let* ((x (coerce original-x 'long-float)))
(multiple-value-bind (sig exponent) (decode-float x)
(declare (ignore sig))
(if (= x 0.0l0)
(values (float 0.0l0 original-x) 1)
(let* ((ex (locally (declare (optimize (safety 0)))
(the fixnum
(round (* exponent (log 2l0 10))))))
(x (if (minusp ex)
(if (float-denormalized-p x)
(* x 1.0l16 (expt 10.0l0 (- (- ex) 16)))
(* x 10.0l0 (expt 10.0l0 (- (- ex) 1))))
(/ x 10.0l0 (expt 10.0l0 (1- ex))))))
(do ((d 10.0l0 (* d 10.0l0))
(y x (/ x d))
(ex ex (1+ ex)))
((< y 1.0l0)
(do ((m 10.0l0 (* m 10.0l0))
(z y (* y m))
(ex ex (1- ex)))
((>= z 0.1l0)
(values (float z original-x) ex))
(declare (long-float m) (integer ex))))
(declare (long-float d))))))))
(defconstant double-float-exponent-byte
(byte 11 20))
(defun float-denormalized-p (x)
"Return true if the double-float X is denormalized."
(and (zerop (ldb double-float-exponent-byte (double-float-high-bits x)))
(not (zerop x))))
;;; From early-format.lisp.
(in-package #:format)
(defparameter *format-whitespace-chars*
(vector #\space
(defvar *format-directive-expanders*
(make-hash-table :test #'eq))
(defvar *format-directive-interpreters*
(make-hash-table :test #'eq))
(defvar *default-format-error-control-string* nil)
(defvar *default-format-error-offset* nil)
;;;; specials used to communicate information
;;; Used both by the expansion stuff and the interpreter stuff. When it is
;;; non-NIL, up-up-and-out (~:^) is allowed. Otherwise, ~:^ isn't allowed.
(defvar *up-up-and-out-allowed* nil)
;;; Used by the interpreter stuff. When it's non-NIL, it's a function
;;; that will invoke PPRINT-POP in the right lexical environemnt.
(declaim (type (or null function) *logical-block-popper*))
(defvar *logical-block-popper* nil)
;;; Used by the expander stuff. This is bindable so that ~<...~:>
;;; can change it.
(defvar *expander-next-arg-macro* 'expander-next-arg)
;;; Used by the expander stuff. Initially starts as T, and gets set to NIL
;;; if someone needs to do something strange with the arg list (like use
;;; the rest, or something).
(defvar *only-simple-args*)
;;; Used by the expander stuff. We do an initial pass with this as NIL.
;;; If someone doesn't like this, they (THROW 'NEED-ORIG-ARGS NIL) and we try
;;; again with it bound to T. If this is T, we don't try to do anything
;;; fancy with args.
(defvar *orig-args-available* nil)
;;; Used by the expander stuff. List of (symbol . offset) for simple args.
(defvar *simple-args*)
;;; From late-format.lisp.
(in-package #:format)
(define-condition format-error (error)
((complaint :reader format-error-complaint :initarg :complaint)
(args :reader format-error-args :initarg :args :initform nil)
(control-string :reader format-error-control-string
:initarg :control-string
:initform *default-format-error-control-string*)
(offset :reader format-error-offset :initarg :offset
:initform *default-format-error-offset*)
(print-banner :reader format-error-print-banner :initarg :print-banner
:initform t))
(:report %print-format-error))
(defun %print-format-error (condition stream)
(format stream
"~:[~;error in format: ~]~
~?~@[~% ~A~% ~V@T^~]"
(format-error-print-banner condition)
(format-error-complaint condition)
(format-error-args condition)
(format-error-control-string condition)
(format-error-offset condition)))
(defun missing-arg ()
(error "Missing argument in format directive"))
(defstruct format-directive
(string (missing-arg) :type simple-string)
(start (missing-arg) :type (and unsigned-byte fixnum))
(end (missing-arg) :type (and unsigned-byte fixnum))
(character (missing-arg) :type base-char)
(colonp nil :type (member t nil))
(atsignp nil :type (member t nil))
(params nil :type list))
(defmethod print-object ((x format-directive) stream)
(print-unreadable-object (x stream)
(write-string (format-directive-string x)
:start (format-directive-start x)
:end (format-directive-end x))))
(defun tokenize-control-string (string)
(declare (simple-string string))
(let ((index 0)
(end (length string))
(result nil)
(in-block nil)
(pprint nil)
(semi nil)
(justification-semi 0))
(declare (type index fixnum))
(let ((next-directive (or (position #\~ string :start index) end)))
(declare (type index next-directive))
(when (> next-directive index)
(push (subseq string index next-directive) result))
(when (= next-directive end)
(let* ((directive (parse-directive string next-directive))
(directive-char (format-directive-character directive)))
(declare (type character directive-char))
;; We are looking for illegal combinations of format
;; directives in the control string. See the last paragraph
;; of CLHS "an error is also signaled if the
;; ~<...~:;...~> form of ~<...~> is used in the same format
;; string with ~W, ~_, ~<...~:>, ~I, or ~:T."
(cond ((char= #\< directive-char)
;; Found a justification or logical block
(setf in-block t))
((and in-block (char= #\; directive-char))
;; Found a semi colon in a justification or logical block
(setf semi t))
((char= #\> directive-char)
;; End of justification or logical block. Figure out which.
(setf in-block nil)
(cond ((format-directive-colonp directive)
;; A logical-block directive. Note that fact, and also
;; note that we don't care if we found any ~;
;; directives in the block.
(setf pprint t)
(setf semi nil))
;; A justification block with a ~; directive in it.
(incf justification-semi))))
((and (not in-block)
(or (and (char= #\T directive-char) (format-directive-colonp directive))
(char= #\W directive-char)
(char= #\_ directive-char)
(char= #\I directive-char)))
(setf pprint t)))
(push directive result)
(setf index (format-directive-end directive)))))
(when (and pprint (plusp justification-semi))
(error 'format-error
:complaint "A justification directive cannot be in the same format string~%~
as ~~W, ~~I, ~~:T, or a logical-block directive."
:control-string string
:offset 0))
(nreverse result)))
(defun parse-directive (string start)
(let ((posn (1+ start)) (params nil) (colonp nil) (atsignp nil)
(end (length string)))
(flet ((get-char ()
(if (= posn end)
(error 'format-error
:complaint "String ended before directive was found."
:control-string string
:offset start)
(schar string posn)))
(check-ordering ()
(when (or colonp atsignp)
(error 'format-error
:complaint "parameters found after #\\: or #\\@ modifier"
:control-string string
:offset posn))))
(let ((char (get-char)))
(cond ((or (char<= #\0 char #\9) (char= char #\+) (char= char #\-))
(multiple-value-bind (param new-posn)
(parse-integer string :start posn :junk-allowed t)
(push (cons posn param) params)
(setf posn new-posn)
(case (get-char)
((#\: #\@)
(decf posn))
((or (char= char #\v)
(char= char #\V))
(push (cons posn :arg) params)
(incf posn)
(case (get-char)
((#\: #\@)
(decf posn))
((char= char #\#)
(push (cons posn :remaining) params)
(incf posn)
(case (get-char)
((#\: #\@)
(decf posn))
((char= char #\')
(incf posn)
(push (cons posn (get-char)) params)
(incf posn)
(unless (char= (get-char) #\,)
(decf posn)))
((char= char #\,)
(push (cons posn nil) params))
((char= char #\:)
(if colonp
(error 'format-error
:complaint "too many colons supplied"
:control-string string
:offset posn)
(setf colonp t)))
((char= char #\@)
(if atsignp
(error 'format-error
:complaint "too many #\\@ characters supplied"
:control-string string
:offset posn)
(setf atsignp t)))
(when (and (char= (schar string (1- posn)) #\,)
(or (< posn 2)
(char/= (schar string (- posn 2)) #\')))
(push (cons (1- posn) nil) params))
(incf posn))
(let ((char (get-char)))
(when (char= char #\/)
(let ((closing-slash (position #\/ string :start (1+ posn))))
(if closing-slash
(setf posn closing-slash)
(error 'format-error
:complaint "no matching closing slash"
:control-string string
:offset posn))))
:string string :start start :end (1+ posn)
:character (char-upcase char)
:colonp colonp :atsignp atsignp
:params (nreverse params))))))
;;;; FORMATTER stuff
(defmacro formatter (control-string)
`#',(%formatter control-string))
(defun %formatter (control-string)
(block nil
(catch 'need-orig-args
(let* ((*simple-args* nil)
(*only-simple-args* t)
(guts (expand-control-string control-string))
(args nil))
(dolist (arg *simple-args*)
(push `(,(car arg)
:complaint "required argument missing"
:control-string ,control-string
:offset ,(cdr arg)))
(return `(lambda (stream &optional ,@args &rest args)
(let ((*orig-args-available* t)
(*only-simple-args* nil))
`(lambda (stream &rest orig-args)
(let ((args orig-args))
,(expand-control-string control-string)
(defun expand-control-string (string)
(let* ((string (etypecase string
(coerce string 'simple-string))))
(*default-format-error-control-string* string)
(directives (tokenize-control-string string)))
`(block nil
,@(expand-directive-list directives))))
(defun expand-directive-list (directives)
(let ((results nil)
(remaining-directives directives))
(unless remaining-directives
(multiple-value-bind (form new-directives)
(expand-directive (car remaining-directives)
(cdr remaining-directives))
(push form results)
(setf remaining-directives new-directives)))
(reverse results)))
(defun expand-directive (directive more-directives)
(etypecase directive
(let ((expander
(gethash (format-directive-character directive)
(1- (format-directive-end directive))))
(declare (type (or null function) expander))
(if expander
(funcall expander directive more-directives)
(error 'format-error
:complaint "unknown directive ~@[(character: ~A)~]"
:args (list (char-name (format-directive-character directive)))))))
(values `(write-string ,directive stream)
(defmacro expander-next-arg (string offset)
`(if args
(pop args)
(error 'format-error
:complaint "no more arguments"
:control-string ,string
:offset ,offset)))
(defun expand-next-arg (&optional offset)
(if (or *orig-args-available* (not *only-simple-args*))
,(or offset *default-format-error-offset*))
(let ((symbol (gensym "FORMAT-ARG-")))
(push (cons symbol (or offset *default-format-error-offset*))
(defmacro expand-bind-defaults (specs params &body body)
(sys::once-only ((params params))
(if specs
(collect ((expander-bindings) (runtime-bindings))
(dolist (spec specs)
(destructuring-bind (var default) spec
(let ((symbol (gensym)))
`(,var ',symbol))
`(list ',symbol
(let* ((param-and-offset (pop ,params))
(offset (car param-and-offset))
(param (cdr param-and-offset)))
(case param
(:arg `(or ,(expand-next-arg offset)
(setf *only-simple-args* nil)
'(length args))
((nil) ,default)
(t param))))))))
`(let ,(expander-bindings)
`(let ,(list ,@(runtime-bindings))
,@(if ,params
"too many parameters, expected no more than ~W"
:args (list ,(length specs))
:offset (caar ,params)))
(when ,params
(error 'format-error
:complaint "too many parameters, expected none"
:offset (caar ,params)))
;;;; format directive machinery
;;; FIXME: only used in this file, could be SB!XC:DEFMACRO in EVAL-WHEN
(defmacro def-complex-format-directive (char lambda-list &body body)
(let ((defun-name
(intern (concatenate 'string
(let ((name (char-name char)))
(cond (name
(string-capitalize name))
(string char))))
(directive (gensym))
(directives (if lambda-list (car (last lambda-list)) (gensym))))
(defun ,defun-name (,directive ,directives)
,@(if lambda-list
`((let ,(mapcar (lambda (var)
(,(sys::symbolicate "FORMAT-DIRECTIVE-" var)
(butlast lambda-list))
`((declare (ignore ,directive ,directives))
(%set-format-directive-expander ,char #',defun-name))))
;;; FIXME: only used in this file, could be SB!XC:DEFMACRO in EVAL-WHEN
(defmacro def-format-directive (char lambda-list &body body)
(let ((directives (gensym))
(declarations nil)
(body-without-decls body))
(let ((form (car body-without-decls)))
(unless (and (consp form) (eq (car form) 'declare))
(push (pop body-without-decls) declarations)))
(setf declarations (reverse declarations))
`(def-complex-format-directive ,char (,@lambda-list ,directives)
(values (progn ,@body-without-decls)
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(defun %set-format-directive-expander (char fn)
(setf (gethash (char-upcase char) *format-directive-expanders*) fn)
(defun %set-format-directive-interpreter (char fn)
(setf (gethash (char-upcase char) *format-directive-interpreters*) fn)
(defun find-directive (directives kind stop-at-semi)
(if directives
(let ((next (car directives)))
(if (format-directive-p next)
(let ((char (format-directive-character next)))
(if (or (char= kind char)
(and stop-at-semi (char= char #\;)))
(car directives)
(cdr (flet ((after (char)
(member (find-directive (cdr directives)
(case char
(#\( (after #\)))
(#\< (after #\>))
(#\[ (after #\]))
(#\{ (after #\}))
(t directives))))
kind stop-at-semi)))
(find-directive (cdr directives) kind stop-at-semi)))))
;;;; format directives for simple output
(def-format-directive #\A (colonp atsignp params)
(if params
(expand-bind-defaults ((mincol 0) (colinc 1) (minpad 0)
(padchar #\space))
`(format-princ stream ,(expand-next-arg) ',colonp ',atsignp
,mincol ,colinc ,minpad ,padchar))
`(princ ,(if colonp
`(or ,(expand-next-arg) "()")
(def-format-directive #\S (colonp atsignp params)
(cond (params
(expand-bind-defaults ((mincol 0) (colinc 1) (minpad 0)
(padchar #\space))
`(format-prin1 stream ,(expand-next-arg) ,colonp ,atsignp
,mincol ,colinc ,minpad ,padchar)))
`(let ((arg ,(expand-next-arg)))
(if arg
(prin1 arg stream)
(princ "()" stream))))
`(prin1 ,(expand-next-arg) stream))))
(def-format-directive #\C (colonp atsignp params)
(expand-bind-defaults () params
(if colonp
`(format-print-named-character ,(expand-next-arg) stream)
(if atsignp
`(prin1 ,(expand-next-arg) stream)
`(write-char ,(expand-next-arg) stream)))))
(def-format-directive #\W (colonp atsignp params)
(expand-bind-defaults () params
(if (or colonp atsignp)
`(let (,@(when colonp
'((*print-pretty* t)))
,@(when atsignp
'((*print-level* nil)
(*print-length* nil))))
(sys::output-object ,(expand-next-arg) stream))
`(sys::output-object ,(expand-next-arg) stream))))
;;;; format directives for integer output
(defun expand-format-integer (base colonp atsignp params)
(if (or colonp atsignp params)
((mincol 0) (padchar #\space) (commachar #\,) (commainterval 3))
`(format-print-integer stream ,(expand-next-arg) ,colonp ,atsignp
,base ,mincol ,padchar ,commachar
`(write ,(expand-next-arg) :stream stream :base ,base :radix nil
:escape nil)))
(def-format-directive #\D (colonp atsignp params)
(expand-format-integer 10 colonp atsignp params))
(def-format-directive #\B (colonp atsignp params)
(expand-format-integer 2 colonp atsignp params))
(def-format-directive #\O (colonp atsignp params)
(expand-format-integer 8 colonp atsignp params))
(def-format-directive #\X (colonp atsignp params)
(expand-format-integer 16 colonp atsignp params))
(def-format-directive #\R (colonp atsignp params)
((base nil) (mincol 0) (padchar #\space) (commachar #\,)
(commainterval 3))
(let ((n-arg (gensym)))
`(let ((,n-arg ,(expand-next-arg)))
(if ,base
(format-print-integer stream ,n-arg ,colonp ,atsignp
,base ,mincol
,padchar ,commachar ,commainterval)
,(if atsignp
(if colonp
`(format-print-old-roman stream ,n-arg)
`(format-print-roman stream ,n-arg))
(if colonp
`(format-print-ordinal stream ,n-arg)
`(format-print-cardinal stream ,n-arg))))))))
;;;; format directive for pluralization
(def-format-directive #\P (colonp atsignp params end)
(expand-bind-defaults () params
(let ((arg (cond
((not colonp)
`(if (eq orig-args args)
(error 'format-error
:complaint "no previous argument"
:offset ,(1- end))
(do ((arg-ptr orig-args (cdr arg-ptr)))
((eq (cdr arg-ptr) args)
(car arg-ptr)))))
(unless *simple-args*
(error 'format-error
:complaint "no previous argument"))
(caar *simple-args*))
(throw 'need-orig-args nil)))))
(if atsignp
`(write-string (if (eql ,arg 1) "y" "ies") stream)
`(unless (eql ,arg 1) (write-char #\s stream))))))
;;;; format directives for floating point output
(def-format-directive #\F (colonp atsignp params)
(when colonp
(error 'format-error
"The colon modifier cannot be used with this directive."))
(expand-bind-defaults ((w nil) (d nil) (k nil) (ovf nil) (pad #\space)) params
`(format-fixed stream ,(expand-next-arg) ,w ,d ,k ,ovf ,pad ,atsignp)))
(def-format-directive #\E (colonp atsignp params)
(when colonp
(error 'format-error
"The colon modifier cannot be used with this directive."))
((w nil) (d nil) (e nil) (k 1) (ovf nil) (pad #\space) (mark nil))
`(format-exponential stream ,(expand-next-arg) ,w ,d ,e ,k ,ovf ,pad ,mark
(def-format-directive #\G (colonp atsignp params)
(when colonp
(error 'format-error
"The colon modifier cannot be used with this directive."))
((w nil) (d nil) (e nil) (k nil) (ovf nil) (pad #\space) (mark nil))
`(format-general stream ,(expand-next-arg) ,w ,d ,e ,k ,ovf ,pad ,mark ,atsignp)))
(def-format-directive #\$ (colonp atsignp params)
(expand-bind-defaults ((d 2) (n 1) (w 0) (pad #\space)) params
`(format-dollars stream ,(expand-next-arg) ,d ,n ,w ,pad ,colonp
;;;; format directives for line/page breaks etc.
(def-format-directive #\% (colonp atsignp params)
(when (or colonp atsignp)
(error 'format-error
"The colon and atsign modifiers cannot be used with this directive."
(if params
(expand-bind-defaults ((count 1)) params
`(dotimes (i ,count)
(terpri stream)))
'(terpri stream)))
(def-format-directive #\& (colonp atsignp params)
(when (or colonp atsignp)
(error 'format-error
"The colon and atsign modifiers cannot be used with this directive."
(if params
(expand-bind-defaults ((count 1)) params
(fresh-line stream)
(dotimes (i (1- ,count))
(terpri stream))))
'(fresh-line stream)))
(def-format-directive #\| (colonp atsignp params)
(when (or colonp atsignp)
(error 'format-error
"The colon and atsign modifiers cannot be used with this directive."
(if params
(expand-bind-defaults ((count 1)) params
`(dotimes (i ,count)
(write-char (code-char sys::form-feed-char-code) stream)))
'(write-char (code-char sys::form-feed-char-code) stream)))
(def-format-directive #\~ (colonp atsignp params)
(when (or colonp atsignp)
(error 'format-error
"The colon and atsign modifiers cannot be used with this directive."
(if params
(expand-bind-defaults ((count 1)) params
`(dotimes (i ,count)
(write-char #\~ stream)))
'(write-char #\~ stream)))
(def-complex-format-directive #\newline (colonp atsignp params directives)
(when (and colonp atsignp)
(error 'format-error
:complaint "both colon and atsign modifiers used simultaneously"))
(values (expand-bind-defaults () params
(if atsignp
'(write-char #\newline stream)
(if (and (not colonp)
(simple-string-p (car directives)))
(cons (string-left-trim *format-whitespace-chars*
(car directives))
(cdr directives))
;;;; format directives for tabs and simple pretty printing
(def-format-directive #\T (colonp atsignp params)
(if colonp
(expand-bind-defaults ((n 1) (m 1)) params
`(pprint-tab ,(if atsignp :section-relative :section)
,n ,m stream))
(if atsignp
(expand-bind-defaults ((colrel 1) (colinc 1)) params
`(format-relative-tab stream ,colrel ,colinc))
(expand-bind-defaults ((colnum 1) (colinc 1)) params
`(format-absolute-tab stream ,colnum ,colinc)))))
(def-format-directive #\_ (colonp atsignp params)
(expand-bind-defaults () params
`(pprint-newline ,(if colonp
(if atsignp
(if atsignp
(def-format-directive #\I (colonp atsignp params)
(when atsignp
(error 'format-error
"cannot use the at-sign modifier with this directive"))
(expand-bind-defaults ((n 0)) params
`(pprint-indent ,(if colonp :current :block) ,n stream)))
;;;; format directive for ~*
(def-format-directive #\* (colonp atsignp params end)
(if atsignp
(if colonp
(error 'format-error
"both colon and atsign modifiers used simultaneously")
(expand-bind-defaults ((posn 0)) params
(unless *orig-args-available*
(throw 'need-orig-args nil))
`(if (<= 0 ,posn (length orig-args))
(setf args (nthcdr ,posn orig-args))
(error 'format-error
:complaint "Index ~W out of bounds. Should have been ~
between 0 and ~W."
:args (list ,posn (length orig-args))
:offset ,(1- end)))))
(if colonp
(expand-bind-defaults ((n 1)) params
(unless *orig-args-available*
(throw 'need-orig-args nil))
`(do ((cur-posn 0 (1+ cur-posn))
(arg-ptr orig-args (cdr arg-ptr)))
((eq arg-ptr args)
(let ((new-posn (- cur-posn ,n)))
(if (<= 0 new-posn (length orig-args))
(setf args (nthcdr new-posn orig-args))
(error 'format-error
"Index ~W is out of bounds; should have been ~
between 0 and ~W."
:args (list new-posn (length orig-args))
:offset ,(1- end)))))))
(if params
(expand-bind-defaults ((n 1)) params
(setf *only-simple-args* nil)
`(dotimes (i ,n)
;;;; format directive for indirection
(def-format-directive #\? (colonp atsignp params string end)
(when colonp
(error 'format-error
:complaint "cannot use the colon modifier with this directive"))
(expand-bind-defaults () params
(lambda (condition)
(error 'format-error
"~A~%while processing indirect format string:"
:args (list condition)
:print-banner nil
:control-string ,string
:offset ,(1- end)))))
,(if atsignp
(if *orig-args-available*
`(setf args (%format stream ,(expand-next-arg) orig-args args))
(throw 'need-orig-args nil))
`(%format stream ,(expand-next-arg) ,(expand-next-arg))))))
;;;; format directives for capitalization
(def-complex-format-directive #\( (colonp atsignp params directives)
(let ((close (find-directive directives #\) nil)))
(unless close
(error 'format-error
:complaint "no corresponding close parenthesis"))
(let* ((posn (position close directives))
(before (subseq directives 0 posn))
(after (nthcdr (1+ posn) directives)))
(expand-bind-defaults () params
`(let ((stream (sys::make-case-frob-stream (if (typep stream 'xp::xp-structure)
(xp::base-stream stream)
,(if colonp
(if atsignp
(if atsignp
,@(expand-directive-list before)))
(def-complex-format-directive #\) ()
(error 'format-error
:complaint "no corresponding open parenthesis"))
;;;; format directives and support functions for conditionalization
(def-complex-format-directive #\[ (colonp atsignp params directives)
(multiple-value-bind (sublists last-semi-with-colon-p remaining)
(parse-conditional-directive directives)
(if atsignp
(if colonp
(error 'format-error
"both colon and atsign modifiers used simultaneously")
(if (cdr sublists)
(error 'format-error
"Can only specify one section")
(expand-bind-defaults () params
(expand-maybe-conditional (car sublists)))))
(if colonp
(if (= (length sublists) 2)
(expand-bind-defaults () params
(expand-true-false-conditional (car sublists)
(cadr sublists)))
(error 'format-error
"must specify exactly two sections"))
(expand-bind-defaults ((index nil)) params
(setf *only-simple-args* nil)
(let ((clauses nil)
(case `(or ,index ,(expand-next-arg))))
(when last-semi-with-colon-p
(push `(t ,@(expand-directive-list (pop sublists)))
(let ((count (length sublists)))
(dolist (sublist sublists)
(push `(,(decf count)
,@(expand-directive-list sublist))
`(case ,case ,@clauses)))))
(defun parse-conditional-directive (directives)
(let ((sublists nil)
(last-semi-with-colon-p nil)
(remaining directives))
(let ((close-or-semi (find-directive remaining #\] t)))
(unless close-or-semi
(error 'format-error
:complaint "no corresponding close bracket"))
(let ((posn (position close-or-semi remaining)))
(push (subseq remaining 0 posn) sublists)
(setf remaining (nthcdr (1+ posn) remaining))
(when (char= (format-directive-character close-or-semi) #\])
(setf last-semi-with-colon-p
(format-directive-colonp close-or-semi)))))
(values sublists last-semi-with-colon-p remaining)))
(defun expand-maybe-conditional (sublist)
(flet ((hairy ()
`(let ((prev-args args)
(arg ,(expand-next-arg)))
(when arg
(setf args prev-args)
,@(expand-directive-list sublist)))))
(if *only-simple-args*
(multiple-value-bind (guts new-args)
(let ((*simple-args* *simple-args*))
(values (expand-directive-list sublist)
(cond ((and new-args (eq *simple-args* (cdr new-args)))
(setf *simple-args* new-args)
`(when ,(caar new-args)
(setf *only-simple-args* nil)
(defun expand-true-false-conditional (true false)
(let ((arg (expand-next-arg)))
(flet ((hairy ()
`(if ,arg
,@(expand-directive-list true))
,@(expand-directive-list false)))))
(if *only-simple-args*
(multiple-value-bind (true-guts true-args true-simple)
(let ((*simple-args* *simple-args*)
(*only-simple-args* t))
(values (expand-directive-list true)
(multiple-value-bind (false-guts false-args false-simple)
(let ((*simple-args* *simple-args*)
(*only-simple-args* t))
(values (expand-directive-list false)
(if (= (length true-args) (length false-args))
`(if ,arg
,(do ((false false-args (cdr false))
(true true-args (cdr true))
(bindings nil (cons `(,(caar false) ,(caar true))
((eq true *simple-args*)
(setf *simple-args* true-args)
(setf *only-simple-args*
(and true-simple false-simple))
(if bindings
`(let ,bindings
(setf *only-simple-args* nil)
(def-complex-format-directive #\; ()
(error 'format-error
"~~; directive not contained within either ~~[...~~] or ~~<...~~>"))
(def-complex-format-directive #\] ()
(error 'format-error
"no corresponding open bracket"))
;;;; format directive for up-and-out
(def-format-directive #\^ (colonp atsignp params)
(when atsignp
(error 'format-error
:complaint "cannot use the at-sign modifier with this directive"))
(when (and colonp (not *up-up-and-out-allowed*))
(error 'format-error
:complaint "attempt to use ~~:^ outside a ~~:{...~~} construct"))
`(when ,(expand-bind-defaults ((arg1 nil) (arg2 nil) (arg3 nil)) params
`(cond (,arg3 (<= ,arg1 ,arg2 ,arg3))
(,arg2 (eql ,arg1 ,arg2))
(,arg1 (eql ,arg1 0))
(t ,(if colonp
'(null outside-args)
(setf *only-simple-args* nil)
'(null args))))))
,(if colonp
'(return-from outside-loop nil)
;;;; format directives for iteration
(def-complex-format-directive #\{ (colonp atsignp params string end directives)
(let ((close (find-directive directives #\} nil)))
(unless close
(error 'format-error
:complaint "no corresponding close brace"))
(let* ((closed-with-colon (format-directive-colonp close))
(posn (position close directives)))
((compute-insides ()
(if (zerop posn)
(if *orig-args-available*
(lambda (condition)
(error 'format-error
"~A~%while processing indirect format string:"
:args (list condition)
:print-banner nil
:control-string ,string
:offset ,(1- end)))))
(setf args
(%format stream inside-string orig-args args))))
(throw 'need-orig-args nil))
(let ((*up-up-and-out-allowed* colonp))
(expand-directive-list (subseq directives 0 posn)))))
(compute-loop (count)
(when atsignp
(setf *only-simple-args* nil))
,@(unless closed-with-colon
'((when (null args)
,@(when count
`((when (and ,count (minusp (decf ,count)))
,@(if colonp
(let ((*expander-next-arg-macro* 'expander-next-arg)
(*only-simple-args* nil)
(*orig-args-available* t))
`((let* ((orig-args ,(expand-next-arg))
(outside-args args)
(args orig-args))
(declare (ignorable orig-args outside-args args))
(block nil
,@(when closed-with-colon
'((when (null args)
(compute-block (count)
(if colonp
`(block outside-loop
,(compute-loop count))
(compute-loop count)))
(compute-bindings (count)
(if atsignp
(compute-block count)
`(let* ((orig-args ,(expand-next-arg))
(args orig-args))
(declare (ignorable orig-args args))
,(let ((*expander-next-arg-macro* 'expander-next-arg)
(*only-simple-args* nil)
(*orig-args-available* t))
(compute-block count))))))
(values (if params
(expand-bind-defaults ((count nil)) params
(if (zerop posn)
`(let ((inside-string ,(expand-next-arg)))
,(compute-bindings count))
(compute-bindings count)))
(if (zerop posn)
`(let ((inside-string ,(expand-next-arg)))
,(compute-bindings nil))
(compute-bindings nil)))
(nthcdr (1+ posn) directives))))))
(def-complex-format-directive #\} ()
(error 'format-error
:complaint "no corresponding open brace"))
;;;; format directives and support functions for justification
(defparameter *illegal-inside-justification*
(mapcar (lambda (x) (parse-directive x 0))
'("~W" "~:W" "~@W" "~:@W"
"~_" "~:_" "~@_" "~:@_"
"~:>" "~:@>"
"~I" "~:I" "~@I" "~:@I"
"~:T" "~:@T")))
(defun illegal-inside-justification-p (directive)
(member directive *illegal-inside-justification*
:test (lambda (x y)
(and (format-directive-p x)
(format-directive-p y)
(eql (format-directive-character x) (format-directive-character y))
(eql (format-directive-colonp x) (format-directive-colonp y))
(eql (format-directive-atsignp x) (format-directive-atsignp y))))))
(def-complex-format-directive #\< (colonp atsignp params string end directives)
(multiple-value-bind (segments first-semi close remaining)
(parse-format-justification directives)
(if (format-directive-colonp close)
(multiple-value-bind (prefix per-line-p insides suffix)
(parse-format-logical-block segments colonp first-semi
close params string end)
(expand-format-logical-block prefix per-line-p insides
suffix atsignp))
(let ((count (reduce #'+ (mapcar (lambda (x) (count-if #'illegal-inside-justification-p x)) segments))))
(when (> count 0)
;; ANSI specifies that "an error is signalled" in this
;; situation.
(error 'format-error
:complaint "~D illegal directive~:P found inside justification block"
:args (list count)))
(expand-format-justification segments colonp atsignp
first-semi params)))
(def-complex-format-directive #\> ()
(error 'format-error
:complaint "no corresponding open bracket"))
(defun parse-format-logical-block
(segments colonp first-semi close params string end)
(when params
(error 'format-error
:complaint "No parameters can be supplied with ~~<...~~:>."
:offset (caar params)))
(multiple-value-bind (prefix insides suffix)
(multiple-value-bind (prefix-default suffix-default)
(if colonp (values "(" ")") (values "" ""))
(flet ((extract-string (list prefix-p)
(let ((directive (find-if #'format-directive-p list)))
(if directive
(error 'format-error
"cannot include format directives inside the ~
~:[suffix~;prefix~] segment of ~~<...~~:>"
:args (list prefix-p)
:offset (1- (format-directive-end directive)))
(apply #'concatenate 'string list)))))
(case (length segments)
(0 (values prefix-default nil suffix-default))
(1 (values prefix-default (car segments) suffix-default))
(2 (values (extract-string (car segments) t)
(cadr segments) suffix-default))
(3 (values (extract-string (car segments) t)
(cadr segments)
(extract-string (caddr segments) nil)))
(error 'format-error
:complaint "too many segments for ~~<...~~:>")))))
(when (format-directive-atsignp close)
(setf insides
(add-fill-style-newlines insides
(if first-semi
(format-directive-end first-semi)
(values prefix
(and first-semi (format-directive-atsignp first-semi))
(defun add-fill-style-newlines (list string offset &optional last-directive)
(let ((directive (car list)))
((simple-string-p directive)
(let* ((non-space (position #\Space directive :test #'char/=))
(newlinep (and last-directive
(format-directive-character last-directive)
((and newlinep non-space)
(list (subseq directive 0 non-space))
(subseq directive non-space) string (+ offset non-space))
(cdr list) string (+ offset (length directive)))))
(cons directive
(cdr list) string (+ offset (length directive)))))
(nconc (add-fill-style-newlines-aux directive string offset)
(cdr list) string (+ offset (length directive))))))))
(cons directive
(cdr list) string
(format-directive-end directive) directive))))))
(t nil)))
(defun add-fill-style-newlines-aux (literal string offset)
(let ((end (length literal))
(posn 0))
(collect ((results))
(let ((blank (position #\space literal :start posn)))
(when (null blank)
(results (subseq literal posn))
(let ((non-blank (or (position #\space literal :start blank
:test #'char/=)
(results (subseq literal posn non-blank))
(results (make-format-directive
:string string :character #\_
:start (+ offset non-blank) :end (+ offset non-blank)
:colonp t :atsignp nil :params nil))
(setf posn non-blank))
(when (= posn end)
(defun parse-format-justification (directives)
(let ((first-semi nil)
(close nil)
(remaining directives))
(collect ((segments))
(let ((close-or-semi (find-directive remaining #\> t)))
(unless close-or-semi
(error 'format-error
:complaint "no corresponding close bracket"))
(let ((posn (position close-or-semi remaining)))
(segments (subseq remaining 0 posn))
(setf remaining (nthcdr (1+ posn) remaining)))
(when (char= (format-directive-character close-or-semi)
(setf close close-or-semi)
(unless first-semi
(setf first-semi close-or-semi))))
(values (segments) first-semi close remaining))))
(defmacro expander-pprint-next-arg (string offset)
(when (null args)
(error 'format-error
:complaint "no more arguments"
:control-string ,string
:offset ,offset))
(pop args)))
(defun expand-format-logical-block (prefix per-line-p insides suffix atsignp)
`(let ((arg ,(if atsignp 'args (expand-next-arg))))
,@(when atsignp
(setf *only-simple-args* nil)
'((setf args nil)))
(stream arg
,(if per-line-p :per-line-prefix :prefix) ,prefix
:suffix ,suffix)
(let ((args arg)
,@(unless atsignp
`((orig-args arg))))
(declare (ignorable args ,@(unless atsignp '(orig-args))))
(block nil
,@(let ((*expander-next-arg-macro* 'expander-pprint-next-arg)
(*only-simple-args* nil)
(if atsignp *orig-args-available* t)))
(expand-directive-list insides)))))))
(defun expand-format-justification (segments colonp atsignp first-semi params)
(let ((newline-segment-p
(and first-semi
(format-directive-colonp first-semi))))
((mincol 0) (colinc 1) (minpad 0) (padchar #\space))
`(let ((segments nil)
,@(when newline-segment-p
'((newline-segment nil)
(extra-space 0)
(line-len 72))))
(block nil
,@(when newline-segment-p
`((setf newline-segment
(with-output-to-string (stream)
,@(expand-directive-list (pop segments))))
((extra 0)
(line-len '(or #-abcl(sb!impl::line-length stream) 72)))
(format-directive-params first-semi)
`(setf extra-space ,extra line-len ,line-len))))
,@(mapcar (lambda (segment)
`(push (with-output-to-string (stream)
,@(expand-directive-list segment))
(format-justification stream
,@(if newline-segment-p
'(newline-segment extra-space line-len)
'(nil 0 0))
segments ,colonp ,atsignp
,mincol ,colinc ,minpad ,padchar)))))
;;;; format directive and support function for user-defined method
(def-format-directive #\/ (string start end colonp atsignp params)
(let ((symbol (extract-user-fun-name string start end)))
(collect ((param-names) (bindings))
(dolist (param-and-offset params)
(let ((param (cdr param-and-offset)))
(let ((param-name (gensym)))
(param-names param-name)
(bindings `(,param-name
,(case param
(:arg (expand-next-arg))
(:remaining '(length args))
(t param)))))))
`(let ,(bindings)
(,symbol stream ,(expand-next-arg) ,colonp ,atsignp
(defun extract-user-fun-name (string start end)
(let ((slash (position #\/ string :start start :end (1- end)
:from-end t)))
(unless slash
(error 'format-error
:complaint "malformed ~~/ directive"))
(let* ((name (string-upcase (let ((foo string))
;; Hack alert: This is to keep the compiler
;; quiet about deleting code inside the
;; subseq expansion.
(subseq foo (1+ slash) (1- end)))))
(first-colon (position #\: name))
(second-colon (if first-colon (position #\: name :start (1+ first-colon))))
(package-name (if first-colon
(subseq name 0 first-colon)
(package (find-package package-name)))
(unless package
;; FIXME: should be PACKAGE-ERROR? Could we just use
(error 'format-error
:complaint "no package named ~S"
:args (list package-name)))
(intern (cond
((and second-colon (= second-colon (1+ first-colon)))
(subseq name (1+ second-colon)))
(subseq name (1+ first-colon)))
(t name))
;;; compile-time checking for argument mismatch. This code is
;;; inspired by that of Gerd Moellmann, and comes decorated with
;;; FIXMEs:
(defun %compiler-walk-format-string (string args)
(declare (type simple-string string))
(let ((*default-format-error-control-string* string))
(macrolet ((incf-both (&optional (increment 1))
(incf min ,increment)
(incf max ,increment)))
(walk-complex-directive (function)
`(multiple-value-bind (min-inc max-inc remaining)
(,function directive directives args)
(incf min min-inc)
(incf max max-inc)
(setq directives remaining))))
;; FIXME: these functions take a list of arguments as well as
;; the directive stream. This is to enable possibly some
;; limited type checking on FORMAT's arguments, as well as
;; simple argument count mismatch checking: when the minimum and
;; maximum argument counts are the same at a given point, we
;; know which argument is going to be used for a given
;; directive, and some (annotated below) require arguments of
;; particular types.
((walk-justification (justification directives args)
(declare (ignore args))
(let ((*default-format-error-offset*
(1- (format-directive-end justification))))
(multiple-value-bind (segments first-semi close remaining)
(parse-format-justification directives)
(declare (ignore segments first-semi))
((not (format-directive-colonp close))
(values 0 0 directives))
((format-directive-atsignp justification)
(values 0 call-arguments-limit directives))
;; FIXME: here we could assert that the
;; corresponding argument was a list.
(t (values 1 1 remaining))))))
(walk-conditional (conditional directives args)
(let ((*default-format-error-offset*
(1- (format-directive-end conditional))))
(multiple-value-bind (sublists last-semi-with-colon-p remaining)
(parse-conditional-directive directives)
(declare (ignore last-semi-with-colon-p))
(let ((sub-max
(loop for s in sublists
maximize (nth-value
1 (walk-directive-list s args)))))
((format-directive-atsignp conditional)
(values 1 (max 1 sub-max) remaining))
((loop for p in (format-directive-params conditional)
thereis (or (integerp (cdr p))
(memq (cdr p) '(:remaining :arg))))
(values 0 sub-max remaining))
;; FIXME: if not COLONP, then the next argument
;; must be a number.
(t (values 1 (1+ sub-max) remaining)))))))
(walk-iteration (iteration directives args)
(declare (ignore args))
(let ((*default-format-error-offset*
(1- (format-directive-end iteration))))
(let* ((close (find-directive directives #\} nil))
(posn (or (position close directives)
(error 'format-error
:complaint "no corresponding close brace")))
(remaining (nthcdr (1+ posn) directives)))
;; FIXME: if POSN is zero, the next argument must be
;; a format control (either a function or a string).
(if (format-directive-atsignp iteration)
(values (if (zerop posn) 1 0)
;; FIXME: the argument corresponding to this
;; directive must be a list.
(let ((nreq (if (zerop posn) 2 1)))
(values nreq nreq remaining))))))
(walk-directive-list (directives args)
(let ((min 0) (max 0))
(let ((directive (pop directives)))
(when (null directive)
(return (values min (min max call-arguments-limit))))
(when (format-directive-p directive)
(incf-both (count :arg (format-directive-params directive)
:key #'cdr))
(let ((c (format-directive-character directive)))
((find c "ABCDEFGORSWX$/")
((char= c #\P)
(unless (format-directive-colonp directive)
((or (find c "IT%&|_();>") (char= c #\Newline)))
;; FIXME: check correspondence of ~( and ~)
((char= c #\<)
(walk-complex-directive walk-justification))
((char= c #\[)
(walk-complex-directive walk-conditional))
((char= c #\{)
(walk-complex-directive walk-iteration))
((char= c #\?)
;; FIXME: the argument corresponding to this
;; directive must be a format control.
((format-directive-atsignp directive)
(incf min)
(setq max call-arguments-limit))
(t (incf-both 2))))
(t (throw 'give-up-format-string-walk nil))))))))))
(catch 'give-up-format-string-walk
(let ((directives (tokenize-control-string string)))
(walk-directive-list directives args)))))))
;;; From target-format.lisp.
(in-package #:format)
(defun format (destination control-string &rest format-arguments)
(etypecase destination
(with-output-to-string (stream)
(%format stream control-string format-arguments)))
(with-output-to-string (stream destination)
(%format stream control-string format-arguments)))
((member t)
(%format *standard-output* control-string format-arguments)
((or stream xp::xp-structure)
(%format destination control-string format-arguments)
(defun %format (stream string-or-fun orig-args &optional (args orig-args))
(if (functionp string-or-fun)
(apply string-or-fun stream args)
(catch 'up-and-out
(let* ((string (etypecase string-or-fun
(coerce string-or-fun 'simple-string))))
(*default-format-error-control-string* string)
(*logical-block-popper* nil))
(interpret-directive-list stream (tokenize-control-string string)
orig-args args)))))
(defun interpret-directive-list (stream directives orig-args args)
(if directives
(let ((directive (car directives)))
(etypecase directive
(write-string directive stream)
(interpret-directive-list stream (cdr directives) orig-args args))
(multiple-value-bind (new-directives new-args)
(let* ((character (format-directive-character directive))
(gethash character *format-directive-interpreters*))
(1- (format-directive-end directive))))
(unless function
(error 'format-error
:complaint "unknown format directive ~@[(character: ~A)~]"
:args (list (char-name character))))
(multiple-value-bind (new-directives new-args)
(funcall function stream directive
(cdr directives) orig-args args)
(values new-directives new-args)))
(interpret-directive-list stream new-directives
orig-args new-args)))))
;;;; FORMAT directive definition macros and runtime support
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :execute)
;;; This macro is used to extract the next argument from the current arg list.
;;; This is the version used by format directive interpreters.
(defmacro next-arg (&optional offset)
(when (null args)
(error 'format-error
:complaint "no more arguments"
,@(when offset
`(:offset ,offset))))
(when *logical-block-popper*
(funcall *logical-block-popper*))
(pop args)))
(defmacro def-complex-format-interpreter (char lambda-list &body body)
(let ((defun-name
(intern (concatenate 'string
(let ((name (char-name char)))
(cond (name
(string-capitalize name))
(string char))))
(directive (gensym))
(directives (if lambda-list (car (last lambda-list)) (gensym))))
(defun ,defun-name (stream ,directive ,directives orig-args args)
(declare (ignorable stream orig-args args))
,@(if lambda-list
`((let ,(mapcar (lambda (var)
(,(sys::symbolicate "FORMAT-DIRECTIVE-" var)
(butlast lambda-list))
(values (progn ,@body) args)))
`((declare (ignore ,directive ,directives))
(%set-format-directive-interpreter ,char #',defun-name))))
(defmacro def-format-interpreter (char lambda-list &body body)
(let ((directives (gensym)))
`(def-complex-format-interpreter ,char (,@lambda-list ,directives)
(defmacro interpret-bind-defaults (specs params &body body)
(sys::once-only ((params params))
(collect ((bindings))
(dolist (spec specs)
(destructuring-bind (var default) spec
(bindings `(,var (let* ((param-and-offset (pop ,params))
(offset (car param-and-offset))
(param (cdr param-and-offset)))
(case param
(:arg (or (next-arg offset) ,default))
(:remaining (length args))
((nil) ,default)
(t param)))))))
`(let* ,(bindings)
(when ,params
(error 'format-error
"too many parameters, expected no more than ~W"
:args (list ,(length specs))
:offset (caar ,params)))
;;;; format interpreters and support functions for simple output
(defun format-write-field (stream string mincol colinc minpad padchar padleft)
(unless padleft
(write-string string stream))
(dotimes (i minpad)
(write-char padchar stream))
;; As of sbcl-, we could end up here when someone tries to
;; print e.g. (FORMAT T "~F" "NOTFLOAT"), in which case ANSI says
;; we're supposed to soldier on bravely, and so we have to deal with
;; the unsupplied-MINCOL-and-COLINC case without blowing up.
(when (and mincol colinc)
(do ((chars (+ (length string) (max minpad 0)) (+ chars colinc)))
((>= chars mincol))
(dotimes (i colinc)
(write-char padchar stream))))
(when padleft
(write-string string stream)))
(defun format-princ (stream arg colonp atsignp mincol colinc minpad padchar)
(format-write-field stream
(if (or arg (not colonp))
(princ-to-string arg)
mincol colinc minpad padchar atsignp))
(def-format-interpreter #\A (colonp atsignp params)
(if params
(interpret-bind-defaults ((mincol 0) (colinc 1) (minpad 0)
(padchar #\space))
(format-princ stream (next-arg) colonp atsignp
mincol colinc minpad padchar))
(princ (if colonp (or (next-arg) "()") (next-arg)) stream)))
(defun format-prin1 (stream arg colonp atsignp mincol colinc minpad padchar)
(format-write-field stream
(if (or arg (not colonp))
(prin1-to-string arg)
mincol colinc minpad padchar atsignp))
(def-format-interpreter #\S (colonp atsignp params)
(cond (params
(interpret-bind-defaults ((mincol 0) (colinc 1) (minpad 0)
(padchar #\space))
(format-prin1 stream (next-arg) colonp atsignp
mincol colinc minpad padchar)))
(let ((arg (next-arg)))
(if arg
(prin1 arg stream)
(princ "()" stream))))
(prin1 (next-arg) stream))))
(def-format-interpreter #\C (colonp atsignp params)
(interpret-bind-defaults () params
(if colonp
(format-print-named-character (next-arg) stream)
(if atsignp
(prin1 (next-arg) stream)
(write-char (next-arg) stream)))))
(defun format-print-named-character (char stream)
(let* ((name (char-name char)))
(cond (name
(write-string (string-capitalize name) stream))
(write-char char stream)))))
(def-format-interpreter #\W (colonp atsignp params)
(interpret-bind-defaults () params
(let ((*print-pretty* (or colonp *print-pretty*))
(*print-level* (unless atsignp *print-level*))
(*print-length* (unless atsignp *print-length*)))
(sys::output-object (next-arg) stream))))
;;;; format interpreters and support functions for integer output
;;; FORMAT-PRINT-NUMBER does most of the work for the numeric printing
;;; directives. The parameters are interpreted as defined for ~D.
(defun format-print-integer (stream number print-commas-p print-sign-p
radix mincol padchar commachar commainterval)
(let ((*print-base* radix)
(*print-radix* nil))
(if (integerp number)
(let* ((text (princ-to-string (abs number)))
(commaed (if print-commas-p
(format-add-commas text commachar commainterval)
(signed (cond ((minusp number)
(concatenate 'string "-" commaed))
(concatenate 'string "+" commaed))
(t commaed))))
;; colinc = 1, minpad = 0, padleft = t
(format-write-field stream signed mincol 1 0 padchar t))
(princ number stream))))
(defun format-add-commas (string commachar commainterval)
(let ((length (length string)))
(multiple-value-bind (commas extra) (truncate (1- length) commainterval)
(let ((new-string (make-string (+ length commas)))
(first-comma (1+ extra)))
(replace new-string string :end1 first-comma :end2 first-comma)
(do ((src first-comma (+ src commainterval))
(dst first-comma (+ dst commainterval 1)))
((= src length))
(setf (schar new-string dst) commachar)
(replace new-string string :start1 (1+ dst)
:start2 src :end2 (+ src commainterval)))
;;; FIXME: This is only needed in this file, could be defined with
(defmacro interpret-format-integer (base)
`(if (or colonp atsignp params)
((mincol 0) (padchar #\space) (commachar #\,) (commainterval 3))
(format-print-integer stream (next-arg) colonp atsignp ,base mincol
padchar commachar commainterval))
(write (next-arg) :stream stream :base ,base :radix nil :escape nil)))
(def-format-interpreter #\D (colonp atsignp params)
(interpret-format-integer 10))
(def-format-interpreter #\B (colonp atsignp params)
(interpret-format-integer 2))
(def-format-interpreter #\O (colonp atsignp params)
(interpret-format-integer 8))
(def-format-interpreter #\X (colonp atsignp params)
(interpret-format-integer 16))
(def-format-interpreter #\R (colonp atsignp params)
((base nil) (mincol 0) (padchar #\space) (commachar #\,)
(commainterval 3))
(let ((arg (next-arg)))
(if base
(format-print-integer stream arg colonp atsignp base mincol
padchar commachar commainterval)
(if atsignp
(if colonp
(format-print-old-roman stream arg)
(format-print-roman stream arg))
(if colonp
(format-print-ordinal stream arg)
(format-print-cardinal stream arg)))))))
(defparameter *cardinal-ones*
#(nil "one" "two" "three" "four" "five" "six" "seven" "eight" "nine"))
(defparameter *cardinal-tens*
#(nil nil "twenty" "thirty" "forty"
"fifty" "sixty" "seventy" "eighty" "ninety"))
(defparameter *cardinal-teens*
#("ten" "eleven" "twelve" "thirteen" "fourteen" ;;; RAD
"fifteen" "sixteen" "seventeen" "eighteen" "nineteen"))
(defparameter *cardinal-periods*
#("" " thousand" " million" " billion" " trillion" " quadrillion"
" quintillion" " sextillion" " septillion" " octillion" " nonillion"
" decillion" " undecillion" " duodecillion" " tredecillion"
" quattuordecillion" " quindecillion" " sexdecillion" " septendecillion"
" octodecillion" " novemdecillion" " vigintillion"))
(defparameter *ordinal-ones*
#(nil "first" "second" "third" "fourth"
"fifth" "sixth" "seventh" "eighth" "ninth"))
(defparameter *ordinal-tens*
#(nil "tenth" "twentieth" "thirtieth" "fortieth"
"fiftieth" "sixtieth" "seventieth" "eightieth" "ninetieth"))
(defun format-print-small-cardinal (stream n)
(multiple-value-bind (hundreds rem) (truncate n 100)
(when (plusp hundreds)
(write-string (svref *cardinal-ones* hundreds) stream)
(write-string " hundred" stream)
(when (plusp rem)
(write-char #\space stream)))
(when (plusp rem)
(multiple-value-bind (tens ones) (truncate rem 10)
(cond ((< 1 tens)
(write-string (svref *cardinal-tens* tens) stream)
(when (plusp ones)
(write-char #\- stream)
(write-string (svref *cardinal-ones* ones) stream)))
((= tens 1)
(write-string (svref *cardinal-teens* ones) stream))
((plusp ones)
(write-string (svref *cardinal-ones* ones) stream)))))))
(defun format-print-cardinal (stream n)
(cond ((minusp n)
(write-string "negative " stream)
(format-print-cardinal-aux stream (- n) 0 n))
((zerop n)
(write-string "zero" stream))
(format-print-cardinal-aux stream n 0 n))))
(defun format-print-cardinal-aux (stream n period err)
(multiple-value-bind (beyond here) (truncate n 1000)
(unless (<= period 20)
(error "number too large to print in English: ~:D" err))
(unless (zerop beyond)
(format-print-cardinal-aux stream beyond (1+ period) err))
(unless (zerop here)
(unless (zerop beyond)
(write-char #\space stream))
(format-print-small-cardinal stream here)
(write-string (svref *cardinal-periods* period) stream))))
(defun format-print-ordinal (stream n)
(when (minusp n)
(write-string "negative " stream))
(let ((number (abs n)))
(multiple-value-bind (top bot) (truncate number 100)
(unless (zerop top)
(format-print-cardinal stream (- number bot)))
(when (and (plusp top) (plusp bot))
(write-char #\space stream))
(multiple-value-bind (tens ones) (truncate bot 10)
(cond ((= bot 12) (write-string "twelfth" stream))
((= tens 1)
(write-string (svref *cardinal-teens* ones) stream);;;RAD
(write-string "th" stream))
((and (zerop tens) (plusp ones))
(write-string (svref *ordinal-ones* ones) stream))
((and (zerop ones)(plusp tens))
(write-string (svref *ordinal-tens* tens) stream))
((plusp bot)
(write-string (svref *cardinal-tens* tens) stream)
(write-char #\- stream)
(write-string (svref *ordinal-ones* ones) stream))
((plusp number)
(write-string "th" stream))
(write-string "zeroth" stream)))))))
;;; Print Roman numerals
(defun format-print-old-roman (stream n)
(unless (< 0 n 5000)
(error "Number too large to print in old Roman numerals: ~:D" n))
(do ((char-list '(#\D #\C #\L #\X #\V #\I) (cdr char-list))
(val-list '(500 100 50 10 5 1) (cdr val-list))
(cur-char #\M (car char-list))
(cur-val 1000 (car val-list))
(start n (do ((i start (progn
(write-char cur-char stream)
(- i cur-val))))
((< i cur-val) i))))
((zerop start))))
(defun format-print-roman (stream n)
(unless (< 0 n 4000)
(error "Number too large to print in Roman numerals: ~:D" n))
(do ((char-list '(#\D #\C #\L #\X #\V #\I) (cdr char-list))
(val-list '(500 100 50 10 5 1) (cdr val-list))
(sub-chars '(#\C #\X #\X #\I #\I) (cdr sub-chars))
(sub-val '(100 10 10 1 1 0) (cdr sub-val))
(cur-char #\M (car char-list))
(cur-val 1000 (car val-list))
(cur-sub-char #\C (car sub-chars))
(cur-sub-val 100 (car sub-val))
(start n (do ((i start (progn
(write-char cur-char stream)
(- i cur-val))))
((< i cur-val)
(cond ((<= (- cur-val cur-sub-val) i)
(write-char cur-sub-char stream)
(write-char cur-char stream)
(- i (- cur-val cur-sub-val)))
(t i))))))
((zerop start))))
;;;; plural
(def-format-interpreter #\P (colonp atsignp params)
(interpret-bind-defaults () params
(let ((arg (if colonp
(if (eq orig-args args)
(error 'format-error
:complaint "no previous argument")
(do ((arg-ptr orig-args (cdr arg-ptr)))
((eq (cdr arg-ptr) args)
(car arg-ptr))))
(if atsignp
(write-string (if (eql arg 1) "y" "ies") stream)
(unless (eql arg 1) (write-char #\s stream))))))
;;;; format interpreters and support functions for floating point output
(defun decimal-string (n)
(write-to-string n :base 10 :radix nil :escape nil))
(def-format-interpreter #\F (colonp atsignp params)
(when colonp
(error 'format-error
"cannot specify the colon modifier with this directive"))
(interpret-bind-defaults ((w nil) (d nil) (k nil) (ovf nil) (pad #\space))
(format-fixed stream (next-arg) w d k ovf pad atsignp)))
(defun format-fixed (stream number w d k ovf pad atsign)
(if (numberp number)
(if (floatp number)
(format-fixed-aux stream number w d k ovf pad atsign)
(if (rationalp number)
(format-fixed-aux stream
(coerce number 'single-float)
w d k ovf pad atsign)
(format-write-field stream
(decimal-string number)
w 1 0 #\space t)))
(format-princ stream number nil nil w 1 0 pad)))
;;; We return true if we overflowed, so that ~G can output the overflow char
;;; instead of spaces.
(defun format-fixed-aux (stream number w d k ovf pad atsign)
((and (floatp number)
(or (sys:float-infinity-p number)
(sys:float-nan-p number)))
(prin1 number stream)
(let ((spaceleft w))
(when (and w (or atsign (minusp (float-sign number))))
(decf spaceleft))
(multiple-value-bind (str len lpoint tpoint)
(sys::flonum-to-string (abs number) spaceleft d k)
;;if caller specifically requested no fraction digits, suppress the
;;optional trailing zero
(when (and d (zerop d))
(setf tpoint nil))
(when w
(decf spaceleft len)
;;optional leading zero
(when lpoint
(if (or (> spaceleft 0) tpoint) ;force at least one digit
(decf spaceleft)
(setq lpoint nil)))
;;optional trailing zero
(when tpoint
(if (> spaceleft 0)
(decf spaceleft)
(setq tpoint nil))))
(cond ((and w (< spaceleft 0) ovf)
;;field width overflow
(dotimes (i w) (write-char ovf stream))
(when w (dotimes (i spaceleft) (write-char pad stream)))
(cond ((minusp (float-sign number))
(write-char #\- stream))
(write-char #\+ stream)))
(when lpoint (write-char #\0 stream))
(write-string str stream)
(when tpoint (write-char #\0 stream))
(def-format-interpreter #\E (colonp atsignp params)
(when colonp
(error 'format-error
"cannot specify the colon modifier with this directive"))
((w nil) (d nil) (e nil) (k 1) (ovf nil) (pad #\space) (mark nil))
(format-exponential stream (next-arg) w d e k ovf pad mark atsignp)))
(defun format-exponential (stream number w d e k ovf pad marker atsign)
(if (numberp number)
(if (floatp number)
(format-exp-aux stream number w d e k ovf pad marker atsign)
(if (rationalp number)
(format-exp-aux stream
(coerce number 'single-float)
w d e k ovf pad marker atsign)
(format-write-field stream
(decimal-string number)
w 1 0 #\space t)))
(format-princ stream number nil nil w 1 0 pad)))
(defun format-exponent-marker (number)
(if (typep number *read-default-float-format*)
(typecase number
(single-float #\f)
(double-float #\d)
(short-float #\s)
(long-float #\l))))
;;; Here we prevent the scale factor from shifting all significance out of
;;; a number to the right. We allow insignificant zeroes to be shifted in
;;; to the left right, athough it is an error to specify k and d such that this
;;; occurs. Perhaps we should detect both these condtions and flag them as
;;; errors. As for now, we let the user get away with it, and merely guarantee
;;; that at least one significant digit will appear.
;;; Raymond Toy writes: The Hyperspec seems to say that the exponent
;;; marker is always printed. Make it so. Also, the original version
;;; causes errors when printing infinities or NaN's. The Hyperspec is
;;; silent here, so let's just print out infinities and NaN's instead
;;; of causing an error.
(defun format-exp-aux (stream number w d e k ovf pad marker atsign)
(if (and (floatp number)
(or (sys::float-infinity-p number)
(sys::float-nan-p number)))
(prin1 number stream)
(multiple-value-bind (num expt) (sys::scale-exponent (abs number))
(let* ((expt (- expt k))
(estr (decimal-string (abs expt)))
(elen (if e (max (length estr) e) (length estr)))
(fdig (if d (if (plusp k) (1+ (- d k)) d) nil))
(fmin (if (minusp k) (- 1 k) nil))
(spaceleft (if w
(- w 2 elen
(if (or atsign (minusp number))
1 0))
(if (and w ovf e (> elen e)) ;exponent overflow
(dotimes (i w) (write-char ovf stream))
(multiple-value-bind (fstr flen lpoint)
(sys::flonum-to-string num spaceleft fdig k fmin)
(when w
(decf spaceleft flen)
(when lpoint
(if (> spaceleft 0)
(decf spaceleft)
(setq lpoint nil))))
(cond ((and w (< spaceleft 0) ovf)
;;significand overflow
(dotimes (i w) (write-char ovf stream)))
(t (when w
(dotimes (i spaceleft) (write-char pad stream)))
(if (minusp number)
(write-char #\- stream)
(if atsign (write-char #\+ stream)))
(when lpoint (write-char #\0 stream))
(write-string fstr stream)
(write-char (if marker
(format-exponent-marker number))
(write-char (if (minusp expt) #\- #\+) stream)
(when e
;;zero-fill before exponent if necessary
(dotimes (i (- e (length estr)))
(write-char #\0 stream)))
(write-string estr stream)))))))))
(def-format-interpreter #\G (colonp atsignp params)
(when colonp
(error 'format-error
"cannot specify the colon modifier with this directive"))
((w nil) (d nil) (e nil) (k nil) (ovf nil) (pad #\space) (mark nil))
(format-general stream (next-arg) w d e k ovf pad mark atsignp)))
(defun format-general (stream number w d e k ovf pad marker atsign)
(if (numberp number)
(if (floatp number)
(format-general-aux stream number w d e k ovf pad marker atsign)
(if (rationalp number)
(format-general-aux stream
(coerce number 'single-float)
w d e k ovf pad marker atsign)
(format-write-field stream
(decimal-string number)
w 1 0 #\space t)))
(format-princ stream number nil nil w 1 0 pad)))
;;; Raymond Toy writes: same change as for format-exp-aux
(defun format-general-aux (stream number w d e k ovf pad marker atsign)
(if (and (floatp number)
(or (sys::float-infinity-p number)
(sys::float-nan-p number)))
(prin1 number stream)
(multiple-value-bind (ignore n) (sys::scale-exponent (abs number))
(declare (ignore ignore))
;; KLUDGE: Default d if omitted. The procedure is taken directly from
;; the definition given in the manual, and is not very efficient, since
;; we generate the digits twice. Future maintainers are encouraged to
;; improve on this. -- rtoy?? 1998??
(unless d
(multiple-value-bind (str len)
(sys::flonum-to-string (abs number))
(declare (ignore str))
(let ((q (if (= len 1) 1 (1- len))))
(setq d (max q (min n 7))))))
(let* ((ee (if e (+ e 2) 4))
(ww (if w (- w ee) nil))
(dd (- d n)))
(cond ((<= 0 dd d)
(let ((char (if (format-fixed-aux stream number ww dd nil
ovf pad atsign)
(dotimes (i ee) (write-char char stream))))
(format-exp-aux stream number w d e (or k 1)
ovf pad marker atsign)))))))
(def-format-interpreter #\$ (colonp atsignp params)
(interpret-bind-defaults ((d 2) (n 1) (w 0) (pad #\space)) params
(format-dollars stream (next-arg) d n w pad colonp atsignp)))
(defun format-dollars (stream number d n w pad colon atsign)
(when (rationalp number)
;; This coercion to SINGLE-FLOAT seems as though it gratuitously
;; loses precision (why not LONG-FLOAT?) but it's the default
;; behavior in the ANSI spec, so in some sense it's the right
;; thing, and at least the user shouldn't be surprised.
(setq number (coerce number 'single-float)))
(if (floatp number)
(let* ((signstr (if (minusp number) "-" (if atsign "+" "")))
(signlen (length signstr)))
(multiple-value-bind (str strlen ig2 ig3 pointplace)
(sys::flonum-to-string number nil d nil)
(declare (ignore ig2 ig3 strlen))
(when colon
(write-string signstr stream))
(dotimes (i (- w signlen (max n pointplace) 1 d))
(write-char pad stream))
(unless colon
(write-string signstr stream))
(dotimes (i (- n pointplace))
(write-char #\0 stream))
(write-string str stream)))
(format-write-field stream
(decimal-string number)
w 1 0 #\space t)))
;;;; FORMAT interpreters and support functions for line/page breaks etc.
(def-format-interpreter #\% (colonp atsignp params)
(when (or colonp atsignp)
(error 'format-error
"cannot specify either colon or atsign for this directive"))
(interpret-bind-defaults ((count 1)) params
(dotimes (i count)
(terpri stream))))
(def-format-interpreter #\& (colonp atsignp params)
(when (or colonp atsignp)
(error 'format-error
"cannot specify either colon or atsign for this directive"))
(interpret-bind-defaults ((count 1)) params
(fresh-line stream)
(dotimes (i (1- count))
(terpri stream))))
(def-format-interpreter #\| (colonp atsignp params)
(when (or colonp atsignp)
(error 'format-error
"cannot specify either colon or atsign for this directive"))
(interpret-bind-defaults ((count 1)) params
(dotimes (i count)
(write-char (code-char sys::form-feed-char-code) stream))))
(def-format-interpreter #\~ (colonp atsignp params)
(when (or colonp atsignp)
(error 'format-error
"cannot specify either colon or atsign for this directive"))
(interpret-bind-defaults ((count 1)) params
(dotimes (i count)
(write-char #\~ stream))))
(def-complex-format-interpreter #\newline (colonp atsignp params directives)
(when (and colonp atsignp)
(error 'format-error
"cannot specify both colon and atsign for this directive"))
(interpret-bind-defaults () params
(when atsignp
(write-char #\newline stream)))
(if (and (not colonp)
(simple-string-p (car directives)))
(cons (string-left-trim *format-whitespace-chars*
(car directives))
(cdr directives))
;;;; format interpreters and support functions for tabs and simple pretty
;;;; printing
(def-format-interpreter #\T (colonp atsignp params)
(if colonp
(interpret-bind-defaults ((n 1) (m 1)) params
(pprint-tab (if atsignp :section-relative :section) n m stream))
(if atsignp
(interpret-bind-defaults ((colrel 1) (colinc 1)) params
(format-relative-tab stream colrel colinc))
(interpret-bind-defaults ((colnum 1) (colinc 1)) params
(format-absolute-tab stream colnum colinc)))))
(defun output-spaces (stream n)
(let ((spaces #.(make-string 100 :initial-element #\space)))
(when (< n (length spaces))
(write-string spaces stream)
(decf n (length spaces)))
(write-string spaces stream :end n)))
(defun format-relative-tab (stream colrel colinc)
(if (xp::xp-structure-p stream)
(pprint-tab :line-relative colrel colinc stream)
(let* ((cur (charpos stream))
(spaces (if (and cur (plusp colinc))
(- (* (ceiling (+ cur colrel) colinc) colinc) cur)
(output-spaces stream spaces))))
(defun format-absolute-tab (stream colnum colinc)
(if (xp::xp-structure-p stream)
(pprint-tab :line colnum colinc stream)
(let ((cur (charpos stream)))
(cond ((null cur)
(write-string " " stream))
((< cur colnum)
(output-spaces stream (- colnum cur)))
(unless (zerop colinc)
(output-spaces stream
(- colinc (rem (- cur colnum) colinc)))))))))
(def-format-interpreter #\_ (colonp atsignp params)
(interpret-bind-defaults () params
(pprint-newline (if colonp
(if atsignp
(if atsignp
(def-format-interpreter #\I (colonp atsignp params)
(when atsignp
(error 'format-error
:complaint "cannot specify the at-sign modifier"))
(interpret-bind-defaults ((n 0)) params
(pprint-indent (if colonp :current :block) n stream)))
;;;; format interpreter for ~*
(def-format-interpreter #\* (colonp atsignp params)
(if atsignp
(if colonp
(error 'format-error
:complaint "cannot specify both colon and at-sign")
(interpret-bind-defaults ((posn 0)) params
(if (<= 0 posn (length orig-args))
(setf args (nthcdr posn orig-args))
(error 'format-error
:complaint "Index ~W is out of bounds. (It should ~
have been between 0 and ~W.)"
:args (list posn (length orig-args))))))
(if colonp
(interpret-bind-defaults ((n 1)) params
(do ((cur-posn 0 (1+ cur-posn))
(arg-ptr orig-args (cdr arg-ptr)))
((eq arg-ptr args)
(let ((new-posn (- cur-posn n)))
(if (<= 0 new-posn (length orig-args))
(setf args (nthcdr new-posn orig-args))
(error 'format-error
"Index ~W is out of bounds. (It should
have been between 0 and ~W.)"
(list new-posn (length orig-args))))))))
(interpret-bind-defaults ((n 1)) params
(dotimes (i n)
;;;; format interpreter for indirection
(def-format-interpreter #\? (colonp atsignp params string end)
(when colonp
(error 'format-error
:complaint "cannot specify the colon modifier"))
(interpret-bind-defaults () params
(lambda (condition)
(error 'format-error
"~A~%while processing indirect format string:"
:args (list condition)
:print-banner nil
:control-string string
:offset (1- end)))))
(if atsignp
(setf args (%format stream (next-arg) orig-args args))
(%format stream (next-arg) (next-arg))))))
;;;; format interpreters for capitalization
(def-complex-format-interpreter #\( (colonp atsignp params directives)
(let ((close (find-directive directives #\) nil)))
(unless close
(error 'format-error
:complaint "no corresponding close paren"))
(interpret-bind-defaults () params
(let* ((posn (position close directives))
(before (subseq directives 0 posn))
(after (nthcdr (1+ posn) directives))
(stream (sys::make-case-frob-stream
(if (typep stream 'xp::xp-structure)
(xp::base-stream stream)
(if colonp
(if atsignp
(if atsignp
(setf args (interpret-directive-list stream before orig-args args))
(def-complex-format-interpreter #\) ()
(error 'format-error
:complaint "no corresponding open paren"))
;;;; format interpreters and support functions for conditionalization
(def-complex-format-interpreter #\[ (colonp atsignp params directives)
(multiple-value-bind (sublists last-semi-with-colon-p remaining)
(parse-conditional-directive directives)
(setf args
(if atsignp
(if colonp
(error 'format-error
"cannot specify both the colon and at-sign modifiers")
(if (cdr sublists)
(error 'format-error
"can only specify one section")
(interpret-bind-defaults () params
(let ((prev-args args)
(arg (next-arg)))
(if arg
(interpret-directive-list stream
(car sublists)
(if colonp
(if (= (length sublists) 2)
(interpret-bind-defaults () params
(if (next-arg)
(interpret-directive-list stream (car sublists)
orig-args args)
(interpret-directive-list stream (cadr sublists)
orig-args args)))
(error 'format-error
"must specify exactly two sections"))
(interpret-bind-defaults ((index (next-arg))) params
(let* ((default (and last-semi-with-colon-p
(pop sublists)))
(last (1- (length sublists)))
(if (<= 0 index last)
(nth (- last index) sublists)
(interpret-directive-list stream sublist orig-args
(def-complex-format-interpreter #\; ()
(error 'format-error
"~~; not contained within either ~~[...~~] or ~~<...~~>"))
(def-complex-format-interpreter #\] ()
(error 'format-error
"no corresponding open bracket"))
;;;; format interpreter for up-and-out
(defvar *outside-args*)
(def-format-interpreter #\^ (colonp atsignp params)
(when atsignp
(error 'format-error
:complaint "cannot specify the at-sign modifier"))
(when (and colonp (not *up-up-and-out-allowed*))
(error 'format-error
:complaint "attempt to use ~~:^ outside a ~~:{...~~} construct"))
(when (interpret-bind-defaults ((arg1 nil) (arg2 nil) (arg3 nil)) params
(cond (arg3 (<= arg1 arg2 arg3))
(arg2 (eql arg1 arg2))
(arg1 (eql arg1 0))
(t (if colonp
(null *outside-args*)
(null args)))))
(throw (if colonp 'up-up-and-out 'up-and-out)
;;;; format interpreters for iteration
(def-complex-format-interpreter #\{
(colonp atsignp params string end directives)
(let ((close (find-directive directives #\} nil)))
(unless close
(error 'format-error
"no corresponding close brace"))
(interpret-bind-defaults ((max-count nil)) params
(let* ((closed-with-colon (format-directive-colonp close))
(posn (position close directives))
(insides (if (zerop posn)
(subseq directives 0 posn)))
(*up-up-and-out-allowed* colonp))
((do-guts (orig-args args)
(if (zerop posn)
(lambda (condition)
"~A~%while processing indirect format string:"
:args (list condition)
:print-banner nil
:control-string string
:offset (1- end)))))
(%format stream insides orig-args args))
(interpret-directive-list stream insides
orig-args args)))
(bind-args (orig-args args)
(if colonp
(let* ((arg (next-arg))
(*logical-block-popper* nil)
(*outside-args* args))
(catch 'up-and-out
(do-guts arg arg))
(do-guts orig-args args)))
(do-loop (orig-args args)
(catch (if colonp 'up-up-and-out 'up-and-out)
(when (and (not closed-with-colon) (null args))
(when (and max-count (minusp (decf max-count)))
(setf args (bind-args orig-args args))
(when (and closed-with-colon (null args))
(if atsignp
(setf args (do-loop orig-args args))
(let ((arg (next-arg))
(*logical-block-popper* nil))
(do-loop arg arg)))
(nthcdr (1+ posn) directives))))))
(def-complex-format-interpreter #\} ()
(error 'format-error
:complaint "no corresponding open brace"))
;;;; format interpreters and support functions for justification
(def-complex-format-interpreter #\<
(colonp atsignp params string end directives)
(multiple-value-bind (segments first-semi close remaining)
(parse-format-justification directives)
(setf args
(if (format-directive-colonp close)
(multiple-value-bind (prefix per-line-p insides suffix)
(parse-format-logical-block segments colonp first-semi
close params string end)
(interpret-format-logical-block stream orig-args args
prefix per-line-p insides
suffix atsignp))
(let ((count (reduce #'+ (mapcar (lambda (x) (count-if #'illegal-inside-justification-p x)) segments))))
(when (> count 0)
;; ANSI specifies that "an error is signalled" in this
;; situation.
(error 'format-error
:complaint "~D illegal directive~:P found inside justification block"
:args (list count)))
(interpret-format-justification stream orig-args args
segments colonp atsignp
first-semi params))))
(defun interpret-format-justification
(stream orig-args args segments colonp atsignp first-semi params)
((mincol 0) (colinc 1) (minpad 0) (padchar #\space))
(let ((newline-string nil)
(strings nil)
(extra-space 0)
(line-len 0))
(setf args
(catch 'up-and-out
(when (and first-semi (format-directive-colonp first-semi))
((extra 0)
(len (or #-abcl(sb!impl::line-length stream) 72)))
(format-directive-params first-semi)
(setf newline-string
(with-output-to-string (stream)
(setf args
(interpret-directive-list stream
(pop segments)
(setf extra-space extra)
(setf line-len len)))
(dolist (segment segments)
(push (with-output-to-string (stream)
(setf args
(interpret-directive-list stream segment
orig-args args)))
(format-justification stream newline-string extra-space line-len strings
colonp atsignp mincol colinc minpad padchar)))
(defun format-justification (stream newline-prefix extra-space line-len strings
pad-left pad-right mincol colinc minpad padchar)
(setf strings (reverse strings))
(let* ((num-gaps (+ (1- (length strings))
(if pad-left 1 0)
(if pad-right 1 0)))
(chars (+ (* num-gaps minpad)
for string in strings
summing (length string))))
(length (if (> chars mincol)
(+ mincol (* (ceiling (- chars mincol) colinc) colinc))
(padding (+ (- length chars) (* num-gaps minpad))))
(when (and newline-prefix
(> (+ (or (charpos stream) 0)
length extra-space)
(write-string newline-prefix stream))
(flet ((do-padding ()
(let ((pad-len (if (zerop num-gaps)
(truncate padding num-gaps))))
(decf padding pad-len)
(decf num-gaps)
(dotimes (i pad-len) (write-char padchar stream)))))
(when (or pad-left
(and (not pad-right) (null (cdr strings))))
(when strings
(write-string (car strings) stream)
(dolist (string (cdr strings))
(write-string string stream)))
(when pad-right
(defun interpret-format-logical-block
(stream orig-args args prefix per-line-p insides suffix atsignp)
(let ((arg (if atsignp args (next-arg))))
(if per-line-p
(stream arg :per-line-prefix prefix :suffix suffix)
(let ((*logical-block-popper* (lambda () (pprint-pop))))
(catch 'up-and-out
(interpret-directive-list stream insides
(if atsignp orig-args arg)
(pprint-logical-block (stream arg :prefix prefix :suffix suffix)
(let ((*logical-block-popper* (lambda () (pprint-pop))))
(catch 'up-and-out
(interpret-directive-list stream insides
(if atsignp orig-args arg)
(if atsignp nil args))
;;;; format interpreter and support functions for user-defined method
(def-format-interpreter #\/ (string start end colonp atsignp params)
(let ((symbol (extract-user-fun-name string start end)))
(collect ((args))
(dolist (param-and-offset params)
(let ((param (cdr param-and-offset)))
(case param
(:arg (args (next-arg)))
(:remaining (args (length args)))
(t (args param)))))
(apply (fdefinition symbol) stream (next-arg) colonp atsignp (args)))))
(setf (symbol-function 'sys::simple-format) #'format)
(provide 'format)
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