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Java library to initiate VWo instance for server side a/b testing
* Copyright 2019-2022 Wingify Software Pvt. Ltd.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAutoDetect;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.PropertyAccessor;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.vwo.enums.EventArchEnums;
import com.vwo.enums.HTTPEnums;
import com.vwo.enums.UriEnums;
import com.vwo.logger.Logger;
import com.vwo.logger.LoggerService;
import com.vwo.models.request.Event;
import com.vwo.models.request.EventArchData;
import com.vwo.models.request.EventArchPayload;
import com.vwo.models.request.Props;
import com.vwo.models.request.meta.VWOMeta;
import com.vwo.models.request.visitor.Visitor;
import com.vwo.models.response.Campaign;
import com.vwo.models.response.Goal;
import com.vwo.models.response.Settings;
import com.vwo.models.response.Variation;
import com.vwo.utils.UUIDUtils;
import org.apache.http.Header;
import org.apache.http.message.BasicHeader;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import static com.vwo.utils.HttpUtils.removeNullValues;
public class HttpRequestBuilder {
public static final String VWO_HOST = UriEnums.BASE_URL.toString();
public static final String IMPRESSION_PATH = UriEnums.TRACK_USER.toString();
public static final String GOAL_PATH = UriEnums.TRACK_GOAL.toString();
public static final String SETTINGS_URL = UriEnums.SETTINGS_URL.toString();
public static final String WEBHOOK_SETTINGS_URL = UriEnums.WEBHOOK_SETTINGS_URL.toString();
public static final String PUSH = UriEnums.PUSH.toString();
public static final String BATCH_EVENTS = UriEnums.BATCH_EVENTS.toString();
public static final String EVENTS = UriEnums.EVENTS.toString();
private static final ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(HttpRequestBuilder.class);
public static HttpParams getSettingParams(String accountID, String sdkKey, boolean isViaWebhook) {
BuildQueryParams requestParams = BuildQueryParams.Builder.getInstance().withSettingsAccountId(accountID)
Map map = requestParams.convertToMap();
objectMapper.setVisibility(PropertyAccessor.FIELD, JsonAutoDetect.Visibility.ANY);
if (isViaWebhook) {
return new HttpParams(VWO_HOST, WEBHOOK_SETTINGS_URL, map, HTTPEnums.Verbs.GET);
} else {
return new HttpParams(VWO_HOST, SETTINGS_URL, map, HTTPEnums.Verbs.GET);
public static HttpParams getUserParams(SettingFile settingFile, Campaign campaign, String userId, Variation variation, Map usageStats) {
Settings settings = settingFile.getSettings();
BuildQueryParams requestParams =
.withUuid(settings.getAccountId(), userId)
Map map = requestParams.convertToMap();
Map loggingMap = map;
LOGGER.debug(LoggerService.getComputedMsg(LoggerService.getInstance().debugMessages.get("IMPRESSION_FOR_TRACK_USER"), new HashMap() {
put("properties", requestParams.removeNullValues(loggingMap).toString());
objectMapper.setVisibility(PropertyAccessor.FIELD, JsonAutoDetect.Visibility.ANY);
return new HttpParams(VWO_HOST, DataLocationManager.getInstance().getDataLocation(IMPRESSION_PATH), map, HTTPEnums.Verbs.GET);
public static Map getBatchEventForTrackingUser(SettingFile settingFile, Campaign campaign, String userId, Variation variation) {
Settings settings = settingFile.getSettings();
BuildQueryParams requestParams =
.withUuid(settings.getAccountId(), userId)
Map map = requestParams.convertToMap();
map = requestParams.removeNullValues(map);
Map finalMap = map;
LOGGER.debug(LoggerService.getComputedMsg(LoggerService.getInstance().debugMessages.get("IMPRESSION_FOR_TRACK_USER"), new HashMap() {
put("properties", finalMap.toString());
return map;
public static HttpParams getGoalParams(SettingFile settingFile, Campaign campaign, String userId, Goal goal, Variation variation, Object revenueValue) {
Settings settings = settingFile.getSettings();
BuildQueryParams requestParams =
.withUuid(settings.getAccountId(), userId)
Map map = requestParams.convertToMap();
Map loggingMap = map;
LOGGER.debug(LoggerService.getComputedMsg(LoggerService.getInstance().debugMessages.get("IMPRESSION_FOR_TRACK_GOAL"), new HashMap() {
put("properties", requestParams.removeNullValues(loggingMap).toString());
objectMapper.setVisibility(PropertyAccessor.FIELD, JsonAutoDetect.Visibility.ANY);
return new HttpParams(VWO_HOST, DataLocationManager.getInstance().getDataLocation(GOAL_PATH), map, HTTPEnums.Verbs.GET);
public static Map getBatchEventForTrackingGoal(SettingFile settingFile, Campaign campaign, String userId, Goal goal, Variation variation, Object revenueValue) {
Settings settings = settingFile.getSettings();
BuildQueryParams requestParams =
.withUuid(settings.getAccountId(), userId)
Map map = requestParams.convertToMap();
map = requestParams.removeNullValues(map);
Map finalMap = map;
LOGGER.debug(LoggerService.getComputedMsg(LoggerService.getInstance().debugMessages.get("IMPRESSION_FOR_TRACK_GOAL"), new HashMap() {
put("properties", finalMap.toString());
return map;
public static HttpParams getCustomDimensionParams(SettingFile settingFile, String tagKey, String tagValue, String userId) {
Settings settings = settingFile.getSettings();
BuildQueryParams requestParams =
.withUuid(settings.getAccountId(), userId)
.withTags(tagKey, tagValue)
Map map = requestParams.convertToMap();
Map loggingMap = map;
LOGGER.debug(LoggerService.getComputedMsg(LoggerService.getInstance().debugMessages.get("IMPRESSION_FOR_PUSH"), new HashMap() {
put("properties", requestParams.removeNullValues(loggingMap).toString());
objectMapper.setVisibility(PropertyAccessor.FIELD, JsonAutoDetect.Visibility.ANY);
return new HttpParams(VWO_HOST, DataLocationManager.getInstance().getDataLocation(PUSH), map, HTTPEnums.Verbs.GET);
public static Map getBatchEventForCustomDimension(SettingFile settingFile, String tagKey, String tagValue, String userId) {
Settings settings = settingFile.getSettings();
BuildQueryParams requestParams =
.withMinifiedTags(tagKey, tagValue)
.withUuid(settings.getAccountId(), userId)
Map map = requestParams.convertToMap();
map = requestParams.removeNullValues(map);
Map finalMap = map;
LOGGER.debug(LoggerService.getComputedMsg(LoggerService.getInstance().debugMessages.get("IMPRESSION_FOR_PUSH"), new HashMap() {
put("properties", finalMap.toString());
return map;
public static HttpParams getBatchEventPostCallParams(String accountId, String apiKey, Queue> properties, Map usageStats) throws JsonProcessingException {
BuildQueryParams requestParams =
Map map = requestParams.convertToMap();
objectMapper.setVisibility(PropertyAccessor.FIELD, JsonAutoDetect.Visibility.ANY);
HttpParams httpParams = new HttpParams(VWO_HOST, DataLocationManager.getInstance().getDataLocation(BATCH_EVENTS), map, HTTPEnums.Verbs.POST);
final Header[] headers = new Header[1];
headers[0] = new BasicHeader("Authorization", apiKey);
JsonNode node = objectMapper.createObjectNode().set("ev", objectMapper.valueToTree(properties));
return httpParams;
public static HttpParams getEventArchQueryParams(SettingFile settingFile, String eventName, Map properties, Map usageStats) throws JsonProcessingException {
Settings settings = settingFile.getSettings();
BuildQueryParams.Builder requestBuilder =
if (usageStats != null) {
BuildQueryParams requestParams =;
Map map = requestParams.convertToMap();
objectMapper.setVisibility(PropertyAccessor.FIELD, JsonAutoDetect.Visibility.ANY);
HttpParams httpParams = new HttpParams(VWO_HOST, DataLocationManager.getInstance().getDataLocation(EVENTS), map, HTTPEnums.Verbs.POST);
final Header[] headers = new Header[1];
headers[0] = new BasicHeader("User-Agent", "java");
JsonNode node = objectMapper.valueToTree(properties);
return httpParams;
public static EventArchPayload getBaseEventArchPayload(SettingFile settingFile, String userId, String eventName) {
Settings settings = settingFile.getSettings();
//create props map
Props props =
new Props()
//create the event map
Event event = new Event();
//create the d map
EventArchData eventArchData = new EventArchData();
String uuid = UUIDUtils.getUUId(settings.getAccountId(), userId);
eventArchData.setMsgId(uuid + "-" +;
eventArchData.setVisitor(new Visitor().setProps(new HashMap() {
put("vwo_fs_environment", settings.getSdkKey());
EventArchPayload eventArchPayload = new EventArchPayload();
return eventArchPayload;
public static Map getEventArchTrackUserPayload(SettingFile settingFile, String userId, int campaignId, int variationId) {
EventArchPayload eventArchPayload = getBaseEventArchPayload(settingFile, userId, EventArchEnums.VWO_VARIATION_SHOWN.toString());
LOGGER.debug(LoggerService.getComputedMsg(LoggerService.getInstance().debugMessages.get("IMPRESSION_FOR_EVENT_ARCH_TRACK_USER"), new HashMap() {
put("userId", userId);
put("accountId", String.valueOf(settingFile.getSettings().getAccountId()));
put("campaignId", String.valueOf(campaignId));
Map payloadMap = objectMapper.convertValue(eventArchPayload, Map.class);
Map event = (Map) ((Map) payloadMap.get("d")).get("event");
// if (usageStats != null) {
// HttpUtils.attachUsageStats((Map) event.get("props"), usageStats);
// }
event.put("props", removeNullValues((Map) event.get("props")));
return payloadMap;
public static Map getEventArchTrackGoalPayload(SettingFile settingFile, String userId,
Map metricMap, String goalIdentifier, Object revenue,
HashSet revenueListProp, Map eventProperties) {
final EventArchPayload eventArchPayload = getBaseEventArchPayload(settingFile, userId, goalIdentifier);
Map metric = new HashMap();
Map eventMap = new HashMap();
ArrayList campaignList = new ArrayList<>();
for (Map.Entry query : metricMap.entrySet()) {
metric.put("id_" + query.getKey(), new ArrayList() {
add("g_" + query.getValue());
for (Map.Entry query : eventProperties.entrySet()) {
Iterator value = revenueListProp.iterator();
while (value.hasNext()) {
String revenueProp = (String);
if (!eventMap.containsKey(revenueProp)) {
eventArchPayload.getD().getEvent().getProps().setVwoMeta(new VWOMeta().setMetric(metric));
LOGGER.debug(LoggerService.getComputedMsg(LoggerService.getInstance().debugMessages.get("IMPRESSION_FOR_EVENT_ARCH_TRACK_GOAL"), new HashMap() {
put("userId", userId);
put("accountId", String.valueOf(settingFile.getSettings().getAccountId()));
put("campaignId", String.join(", ", campaignList));
put("goalName", goalIdentifier);
Map payloadMap = objectMapper.convertValue(eventArchPayload, Map.class);
Map event = (Map) ((Map) payloadMap.get("d")).get("event");
event.put("props", removeNullValues((Map) event.get("props")));
return payloadMap;
public static Map getEventArchPushPayload(SettingFile settingFile, String userId, Map customDimensionMap) {
EventArchPayload eventArchPayload = getBaseEventArchPayload(settingFile, userId, EventArchEnums.VWO_SYN_VISITOR_PROP.toString());
for (Map.Entry query : customDimensionMap.entrySet()) {
eventArchPayload.getD().getVisitor().getProps().put(query.getKey(), query.getValue());
//eventArchPayload.getD().getEvent().getProps().getVisitor().getProps().put(query.getKey(), query.getValue());
LOGGER.debug(LoggerService.getComputedMsg(LoggerService.getInstance().debugMessages.get("IMPRESSION_FOR_EVENT_ARCH_PUSH"), new HashMap() {
put("userId", userId);
put("accountId", String.valueOf(settingFile.getSettings().getAccountId()));
put("property", String.valueOf(customDimensionMap));
Map payloadMap = objectMapper.convertValue(eventArchPayload, Map.class);
Map event = (Map) ((Map) payloadMap.get("d")).get("event");
event.put("props", removeNullValues((Map) event.get("props")));
return payloadMap;
@JsonAutoDetect(fieldVisibility = JsonAutoDetect.Visibility.ANY)
private static class BuildQueryParams {
private String a;
private String i;
private String platform;
private Integer account_id;
private Integer experiment_id;
private String u;
private Integer combination;
private Double random;
private Integer goal_id;
private Object r;
private Long sId;
private String ap;
private String ed;
private String sdk;
private String sdk_v;
private String tags;
private String t;
private String sv;
private String sd;
private String env;
private Integer e;
private Integer c;
private Integer eT;
private Integer g;
private Map usageStats;
private String en;
private Long eTime;
private String p;
private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(BuildQueryParams.class);
private BuildQueryParams(Builder builder) {
this.a = builder.a;
this.i = builder.i;
this.platform = builder.platform;
this.account_id = builder.account_id;
this.experiment_id = builder.campaignId;
this.u = builder.u;
this.combination = builder.combination;
this.random = builder.random;
this.goal_id = builder.goal_id;
this.r = builder.r;
this.sId = builder.sId;
this.ap = builder.ap;
this.ed = builder.ed;
this.sdk = builder.sdk;
this.sdk_v = builder.sdk_v;
this.tags = builder.tags;
this.e = builder.e;
this.c = builder.c;
this.eT = builder.eT;
this.g = builder.g;
this.t = builder.t; =; =;
this.env = builder.env;
this.usageStats = builder.usageStats;
this.en = builder.en;
this.eTime = builder.eTime;
this.p = builder.p;
public static class Builder {
private String a;
private String i;
private String platform;
private Integer account_id;
private Integer campaignId;
private String u;
private Integer combination;
private Double random;
private Integer goal_id;
private Object r;
private Long sId;
private String ap;
private String ed;
private String sdk;
private String sdk_v;
private String tags;
private String t;
private String sv;
private String sd;
private String env;
private Integer e;
private Integer c;
private Integer eT;
private Integer g;
private Map usageStats;
private String en;
private Long eTime;
private String p;
private Builder() {
public Builder withP(String p) {
this.p = p;
return this;
public Builder withEventName(String eventName) {
this.en = eventName;
return this;
public Builder withETime(Long eTime) {
this.eTime = eTime;
return this;
// Used just for get settings
public Builder withSettingsAccountId(String account_id) {
this.a = account_id;
return this;
// Used just for get settings
public Builder withSdkKey(String sdkKey) {
this.i = sdkKey;
return this;
// Used just for get settings. Same as 'random' but required as 'r' on dacdn.
public Builder withR(Double random) {
this.r = random;
return this;
// Used just for get settings. Same as 'ed' but required as 'platform' on dacdn.
public Builder withPlatform() {
this.platform = "server";
return this;
public Builder withAccountId(Integer account_id) {
this.account_id = account_id;
return this;
public Builder withCampaignId(Integer campaignId) {
this.campaignId = campaignId;
return this;
public Builder withMinifiedCampaignId(Integer campaignId) {
this.e = campaignId;
return this;
public Builder withUuid(Integer account_id, String uId) {
this.u = UUIDUtils.getUUId(account_id, uId);
return this;
public Builder withVariation(Integer combination) {
this.combination = combination;
return this;
public Builder withMinifiedVariationId(Integer variationId) {
this.c = variationId;
return this;
public Builder withRandom(Double random) {
this.random = random;
return this;
public Builder withSid(Long sId) {
this.sId = sId;
return this;
public Builder withGoalId(Integer goal_id) {
this.goal_id = goal_id;
return this;
public Builder withMinifiedGoalId(Integer goal_id) {
this.g = goal_id;
return this;
public Builder withRevenue(Object r) {
this.r = r;
return this;
public Builder withTags(String tagKey, String tagValue) {
this.tags = "{\"u\":{\"" + tagKey + "\":\"" + tagValue + "\"}}";
return this;
public Builder withMinifiedTags(String tagKey, String tagValue) {
try {
this.t = URLEncoder.encode("{\"u\":{\"" + tagKey + "\":\"" + tagValue + "\"}}", StandardCharsets.UTF_8.toString());
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
return this;
public Builder withAp() {
this.ap = "server";
return this;
public Builder withEd() {
this.ed = "{\"p\":\"server\"}";
return this;
public Builder withsdk() {
this.sdk = "java";
return this;
public Builder withsdkVersion() {
this.sdk_v = UriEnums.SDK_VERSION.toString();
return this;
public Builder withMinifiedSDKVersion() { = UriEnums.SDK_VERSION.toString();
return this;
public Builder withMinifiedSDKName() { = UriEnums.SDK_NAME.toString();
return this;
public Builder withMinifiedEventType(Integer eventType) {
this.eT = eventType;
return this;
public Builder withEnvironment(String sdkKey) {
this.env = sdkKey;
return this;
public Builder withUsageStats(Map usageStats) {
this.usageStats = usageStats;
if (!this.usageStats.isEmpty()) {
this.usageStats.put("_l", 1);
return this;
public static Builder getInstance() {
return new Builder();
public BuildQueryParams build() {
return new BuildQueryParams(this);
public Map convertToMap() {
Map map = new ObjectMapper().convertValue(this, Map.class);
try {
// Rename 'sdk_v' as 'sdk-v'
map.put("sdk-v", map.get("sdk_v"));
Map usageStatsEntry = new ObjectMapper().convertValue(map.get("usageStats"), Map.class);
if (usageStatsEntry != null && !usageStatsEntry.isEmpty()) {
for (Map.Entry mapElement : usageStatsEntry.entrySet()) {
map.put(mapElement.getKey(), mapElement.getValue());
} catch (Exception e) {
return map;
public Map removeNullValues(Map urlMap) {
Map requestMap = new HashMap();
for (Map.Entry query : urlMap.entrySet()) {
if (query.getValue() != null) {
requestMap.put(query.getKey(), query.getValue());
return requestMap;