com.wavefront.agent.config.LogsIngestionConfig Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package com.wavefront.agent.config;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import com.wavefront.agent.logsharvesting.FlushProcessor;
import com.wavefront.agent.logsharvesting.FlushProcessorContext;
import com.yammer.metrics.core.Histogram;
import com.yammer.metrics.core.MetricName;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
* Top level configuration object for ingesting log data into the Wavefront Proxy. To turn on logs
* ingestion, specify 'filebeatPort' and 'logsIngestionConfigFile' in the Wavefront Proxy Config
* File (typically /etc/wavefront/wavefront-proxy/wavefront.conf, or
* /opt/wavefront/wavefront-proxy/conf/wavefront.conf).
* Every file with annotated with {@link JsonProperty} is parsed directly from your
* logsIngestionConfigFile, which is YAML. Below is a sample config file which shows the features of
* direct logs ingestion. The "counters" section corresponds to {@link #counters}, likewise for
* {@link #gauges} and {@link #histograms}. In each of these three groups, the pricipal entry is a
* {@link MetricMatcher}. See the patterns file here
* for help defining patterns, also various grok debug tools (e.g. this one, or use google)
All metrics support dynamic naming with %{}. To see exactly what data we send as part of
* histograms, see {@link FlushProcessor#processHistogram(MetricName, Histogram,
* FlushProcessorContext)}.
* counters:
* # For log line "alpha 42", increment counterWithValue by 42
* - pattern: "alpha %{NUMBER:value}"
* metricName: "counterWithValue"
* # For log line "bravo", increment plainCounter by 1
* - pattern: "bravo"
* metricName: "plainCounter"
* # For log line "found item in myhost-123", increment "dynamic_myhost_123" by 1
* - pattern: "found item in %{WORD:name}-%{NUMBER:type}"
* metricName: "dynamic_%{name}_%{type}"
* # For log line "she sold 42 sea shells", increment "shells" by 42. See MYPATTERN below.
* - pattern: "%{MYPATTERN}"
* metricName: "shells"
* valueLabel: "value"
* # For log line "operation foo took 42 seconds in DC=oregon and AZ=2a", increment "foo.totalSeconds" with point
* # tags "theDC=oregon theAZ=az-2a" by 42
* - pattern: "operation %{WORD:op} took %{NUMBER:value} seconds in DC=%{WORD:dc}.*AZ=%{WORD:az}"
* metricName: "%{op}.totalSeconds"
* tagKeys:
* - "theDC"
* - "theAZ"
* tagValues:
* - "%{dc}"
* - "az-%{az}"
* # For log line ' - frank [10/Oct/2000:13:55:36 -0700] "GET /apache_pb.gif HTTP/1.0" 200 2326 "" "Mozilla/4.08 [en] (Win98; I ;Nav)"',
* # increment apacheBytes by 2326. See the patterns file.
* - pattern: "%{COMBINEDAPACHELOG}"
* metricName: "apacheBytes"
* valueLabel: "bytes"
* gauges:
* # For log line "temperature 78", set the "temp" metric to 78
* - pattern: "temperature %{NUMBER:value}"
* metricName: "temp"
* # For log line: "WARNING: [2878] (SUMMARY): points attempted: 859432; blocked: 0", set wavefrontPointsSent.2878 to 859432
* - pattern: '%{LOGLEVEL}: \[%{NUMBER:port}\] %{GREEDYDATA} points attempted: %{NUMBER:pointsAttempted}'
* metricName: "wavefrontPointsSent.%{port}"
* valueLabel: "pointsAttempted"
* histograms:
* # For log line "histo 123.45", add 123.45 to the running distribution. Will send metrics like p99, mean, ...
* - pattern: "histo %{NUMBER:value}"
* metricName: "myHisto"
* additionalPatterns:
* - "MYPATTERN she sold %{NUMBER:value} sea shells"
* @author Mori Bellamy ([email protected])
public class LogsIngestionConfig extends Configuration {
* How often metrics are aggregated and sent to wavefront. Histograms are cleared every time they
* are sent, counters and gauges are not.
@JsonProperty public Integer aggregationIntervalSeconds = 60;
/** Counters to ingest from incoming log data. */
@JsonProperty public List counters = ImmutableList.of();
/** Gauges to ingest from incoming log data. */
@JsonProperty public List gauges = ImmutableList.of();
/** Histograms to ingest from incoming log data. */
@JsonProperty public List histograms = ImmutableList.of();
/** Additional grok patterns to use in pattern matching for the above {@link MetricMatcher}s. */
@JsonProperty public List additionalPatterns = ImmutableList.of();
* Metrics are cleared from memory (and so their aggregation state is lost) if a metric is not
* updated within this many milliseconds. Applicable only if useDeltaCounters = false. Default:
* 3600000 (1 hour).
@JsonProperty public long expiryMillis = TimeUnit.HOURS.toMillis(1);
* If true, use {@link com.yammer.metrics.core.WavefrontHistogram}s rather than {@link
* com.yammer.metrics.core.Histogram}s. Histogram ingestion must be enabled on wavefront to use
* this feature. When using Yammer histograms, the data is exploded into constituent metrics. See
* {@link FlushProcessor#processHistogram(MetricName, Histogram, FlushProcessorContext)}.
@JsonProperty public boolean useWavefrontHistograms = false;
* If true (default), simulate Yammer histogram behavior (report all stats as zeroes when
* histogram is empty). Otherwise, only .count is reported with a zero value.
@JsonProperty public boolean reportEmptyHistogramStats = true;
* If true, use delta counters instead of regular counters to prevent metric collisions when
* multiple proxies are behind a load balancer. Default: true
@JsonProperty public boolean useDeltaCounters = true;
/** How often to check this config file for updates. */
@JsonProperty public int configReloadIntervalSeconds = 5;
public void verifyAndInit() throws ConfigurationException {
Map additionalPatternMap = Maps.newHashMap();
for (String pattern : additionalPatterns) {
String[] parts = pattern.split(" ");
String name = parts[0];
String regex = String.join(" ", Arrays.copyOfRange(parts, 1, parts.length));
additionalPatternMap.put(name, regex);
ensure(aggregationIntervalSeconds > 0, "aggregationIntervalSeconds must be positive.");
for (MetricMatcher p : counters) {
for (MetricMatcher p : gauges) {
"Must have a capture with label '" + p.getValueLabel() + "' for this gauge.");
for (MetricMatcher p : histograms) {
"Must have a capture with label '" + p.getValueLabel() + "' for this histogram.");