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"com.wavemaker.accessDenied":"Access denied",
"com.wavemaker.commons.AccessTokenResponseExtractor.not.found":"No AccessTokenResponseExtractor found for MediaType ${0}",
"":"Failed to create empty file ${0}",
"":"Failed to create temp file",
"":"Failed to create temp folder",
"":"Failed to decode request URI",
"":"Failed to fetch documentBuilder",
"":"Failed to find matched ignore patterns for ${0}",
"":"Failed to get output stream for the file with fileId ${0}",
"":"Failed to get string from input stream",
"":"Failed to initialize class",
"":"Failed to introspect class [{0}]",
"":"Failed to load properties.",
"":"Failed to read line.",
"":"Unable to read the token as java.sql.Date",
"":"Failed to rename File ${0}",
"":"Failed to store properties.",
"":"Failed to write Document",
"com.wavemaker.commons.file.not.found":"The file ${0} does not exist",
"com.wavemaker.commons.folder.clean.error":"Failed to clean folder ${0}",
"com.wavemaker.commons.getter.method.not.found":"Getter method not found for propertyName ${0}, in class ${1}",
"com.wavemaker.commons.identifier.hql":"{0} is in Hql keywords",
"com.wavemaker.commons.identifier.javaPackage":"{0} is in Java package",
"com.wavemaker.commons.identifier.notJavaIdentifier":"{0} is not a valid JavaIdentifier",
"":"${0} does not have a property ${1}",
"com.wavemaker.commons.invalid.packageName":"packageName can not be null or empty",
"com.wavemaker.commons.invalid.request.url":"Invalid request URL",
"com.wavemaker.commons.invalid.identifier":"Identifier can not be null or empty",
"com.wavemaker.commons.json$InvalidJsonObject":"Incorrect Json Object {0}",
"com.wavemaker.commons.json$InvalidObject":"Invalid Object {0},{1}",
"com.wavemaker.commons.json$MessageNotReadable":"Message not readable",
"com.wavemaker.commons.json$UnrecognizedField":"Unrecognized field {0}",
"com.wavemaker.commons.jsonData.parse.failed":"Failed to parse jsonData",
"com.wavemaker.commons.mismatched.braces":"Mismatched braces in ${0}",
"":"No files found with fileId ${0}",
"com.wavemaker.commons.not.a.string.value":"Not a String value",
"com.wavemaker.commons.null.json.prettify.error":"Can not prettify and persist null data",
"":"${0} can not be null",
"com.wavemaker.commons.path.does.not.exist.with.endPoint":"Path does not exist with end point ${0}",
"":"Failed to write properties to output stream",
"":"Failed to read properties input stream",
"":"The resource ${0} is read-only",
"":"The Zip File ${0} is read-only",
"com.wavemaker.commons.resource.does.not.exist":"The resource ''{0}'' does not exist",
"":"The resource ''{0}'' does not exist in the folder ''{1}''",
"com.wavemaker.commons.ssl.context.init.failed":"Failed in initialize ssl context",
"":"Failed to parse the string ${0} as ${1}",
",rename.file":"Unable to rename file ''{0}'' to ''{1}''",
"":"Unable to access resource ''{0}'' as {1} due to existing resource",
"":"Unable to create file ${0}",
"com.wavemaker.common.resource.exists": "Unable to create file. File already exists ${0}",
"":"Unable to create folder ${0}",
"":"Unable to delete ''{0}''",
"com.wavemaker.commons.unsupported.object.type": "obj of type ${0} not supported by this method",
"com.wavemaker.commons.util$FileUtils_PathDNE": "path ${0} does not exist",
"com.wavemaker.commons.util$FileUtils_PathNotDir": "Project path ${0} is not a directory",
"com.wavemaker.commons.util$FileUtils_ReachedRoot": "Reached filesystem root ${0} without finding root: ${1}",
"com.wavemaker.commons.util$NullClass": "Class parameter was null",
"com.wavemaker.commons.util$SemaphoreAcquisitionTimeout": "System is busy right now, please try again",
"com.wavemaker.commons.xml.parse.error": "Failed to parse xml file",
"com.wavemaker.deployment$IdCouldNotBeNull": " Deployment Id could not be null or empty",
"com.wavemaker.deployment$IdDoesNotExist": " Deployment Info with Deployment Id ${0} does not exist",
"com.wavemaker.emailAlreadyExists": "There is already an account registered with the given email: ${0}",
"com.wavemaker.emptyWavemakerCloudAccountDetails": "User WaveMakerCloud account details has an empty username or password",
"com.wavemaker.failedToAuthenticate": "Failed to authenticate",
"com.wavemaker.invalidCredentials": "Invalid credentials",
"com.wavemaker.invalidToken": "Invalid Token: ${0}",
"com.wavemaker.noUserWithEmail": "No user exists with the email ${0}",
"com.wavemaker.resourceDNEWithId": "Resource ${0} does not exist with id ${1}",
"com.wavemaker.unAuthorized": "unAuthorized",
"com.wavemaker.userAlreadyConfirmed": "User ${0} is already confirmed.",
"com.wavemaker.userAlreadyLoggedOut": "User already logged out",
"com.wavemaker.usernameAlreadyExists": "There is already an account registered with the given username: ${0}",
"com.wavemaker.commons.objToJsonConversionFailed": "Failed to convert object to json ",
"com.wavemaker.validation.failed": "{0}"