com.wavesplatform.account.Recipient.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.wavesplatform.account
import com.google.common.cache.{Cache, CacheBuilder}
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import com.google.common.primitives.{Bytes, Ints}
import com.wavesplatform.common.state.ByteStr
import com.wavesplatform.common.utils.Base58
import com.wavesplatform.crypto
import com.wavesplatform.lang.ValidationError
import com.wavesplatform.lang.v1.traits.domain.Recipient as RideRecipient
import com.wavesplatform.serialization.Deser
import com.wavesplatform.transaction.TxValidationError.{GenericError, InvalidAddress, WrongChain}
import com.wavesplatform.utils.{EthEncoding, StringBytes, base58Length}
import play.api.libs.json.*
sealed trait AddressOrAlias {
def chainId: Byte
def bytes: Array[Byte]
final class Address private (val chainId: Byte, val publicKeyHash: Array[Byte], checksum: Array[Byte]) extends AddressOrAlias {
override lazy val bytes: Array[Byte] = Bytes.concat(Array(1.toByte, chainId), publicKeyHash, checksum)
override lazy val toString: String = ByteStr(bytes).toString
override def equals(obj: Any): Boolean = obj match {
case a: Address => java.util.Arrays.equals(publicKeyHash, a.publicKeyHash) && chainId == a.chainId
case _ => false
private lazy val hc = Ints.fromByteArray(checksum)
override def hashCode(): Int = hc
final case class Alias(chainId: Byte, name: String) extends AddressOrAlias {
override lazy val bytes: Array[Byte] = Bytes.concat(Array(Alias.AddressVersion, chainId), Deser.serializeArrayWithLength(name.utf8Bytes))
override lazy val toString: String = s"alias:${chainId.toChar}:$name"
object AddressOrAlias {
def fromRide(r: RideRecipient): Either[ValidationError, AddressOrAlias] =
r match {
case RideRecipient.Address(bytes) => Address.fromBytes(bytes.arr, Some(AddressScheme.current.chainId))
case RideRecipient.Alias(name) => Alias.create(name)
def fromString(s: String, expectedChainId: Option[Byte] = None): Either[ValidationError, AddressOrAlias] =
if (s.startsWith(Alias.Prefix))
Alias.fromString(s, expectedChainId)
Address.fromString(s, expectedChainId)
def fromBytes(buf: Array[Byte]): Either[ValidationError, AddressOrAlias] = buf.headOption match {
case Some(Address.AddressVersion) => Address.fromBytes(buf, None)
case Some(Alias.AddressVersion) => Alias.fromBytes(buf, None)
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Not a valid recipient: ${ByteStr(buf)}")
object Address {
val Prefix: String = "address:"
val AddressVersion: Byte = 1
val ChecksumLength: Int = 4
val HashLength: Int = 20
val AddressLength: Int = 1 + 1 + HashLength + ChecksumLength
val AddressStringLength: Int = base58Length(AddressLength)
private[this] val publicKeyBytesCache: Cache[(ByteStr, Byte), Address] = CacheBuilder
private[this] val bytesCache: Cache[ByteStr, Either[InvalidAddress, Address]] = CacheBuilder
def apply(publicKeyHash: Array[Byte], chainId: Byte = AddressScheme.current.chainId): Address = {
require(publicKeyHash.length == HashLength, "Public key hash should be 20 bytes long")
val checksumPayload = Bytes.concat(Array(1.toByte, AddressScheme.current.chainId), publicKeyHash)
val checksum = crypto.secureHash(checksumPayload)
new Address(chainId, publicKeyHash, checksum.take(4))
def fromHexString(hexString: String): Address =
def fromPublicKey(publicKey: PublicKey, chainId: Byte = scheme.chainId): Address = {
(publicKey, chainId),
{ () =>
val withoutChecksum = ByteBuffer
.allocate(1 + 1 + HashLength)
.put(crypto.secureHash(publicKey.arr), 0, HashLength)
val bytes = ByteBuffer
.put(calcCheckSum(withoutChecksum), 0, ChecksumLength)
def fromBytes(addressBytes: Array[Byte], expectedChainId: Option[Byte] = Some(AddressScheme.current.chainId)): Either[InvalidAddress, Address] = {
{ () =>
addressBytes.length == Address.AddressLength,
InvalidAddress(s"Wrong addressBytes length: expected: ${Address.AddressLength}, actual: ${addressBytes.length}")
.flatMap { _ =>
val Array(version, network, _*) = addressBytes: @unchecked
(for {
_ <- Either.cond(version == AddressVersion, (), s"Unknown address version: $version")
_ <- expectedChainId match {
case Some(exp) if exp != network =>
Left(s"Address belongs to another network: expected: $exp(${exp.toChar}), actual: $network(${network.toChar})")
case _ => Right(())
checkSum = addressBytes.takeRight(ChecksumLength)
checkSumGenerated = calcCheckSum(addressBytes.dropRight(ChecksumLength))
_ <- Either.cond(java.util.Arrays.equals(checkSum, checkSumGenerated), (), s"Bad address checksum")
} yield createUnsafe(addressBytes)).left.map(err => InvalidAddress(err))
def fromString(addressStr: String, expectedChainId: Option[Byte] = Some(AddressScheme.current.chainId)): Either[ValidationError, Address] = {
val base58String = if (addressStr.startsWith(Prefix)) addressStr.drop(Prefix.length) else addressStr
for {
_ <- Either.cond(
base58String.length <= AddressStringLength,
InvalidAddress(s"Wrong address string length: max=$AddressStringLength, actual: ${base58String.length}")
byteArray <- Base58.tryDecodeWithLimit(base58String).toEither.left.map(ex => InvalidAddress(s"Unable to decode base58: ${ex.getMessage}"))
address <- fromBytes(byteArray, expectedChainId)
} yield address
def calcCheckSum(withoutChecksum: Array[Byte]): Array[Byte] = {
val fullHash = crypto.secureHash(withoutChecksum)
implicit val jsonFormat: Format[Address] = Format[Address](
Reads(jsValue => fromString(jsValue.as[String]).fold(err => JsError(err.toString), JsSuccess(_))),
Writes(addr => JsString(addr.toString))
private[this] def scheme: AddressScheme = AddressScheme.current
// Optimization, should not be used externally
private[this] def createUnsafe(addressBytes: Array[Byte]): Address =
new Address(addressBytes(1), addressBytes.drop(2).dropRight(4), addressBytes.takeRight(4))
object Alias {
val Prefix: String = "alias:"
val AddressVersion: Byte = 2
val MinLength = 4
val MaxLength = 30
val AliasAlphabet = "-.0123456789@_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
def create(name: String): Either[ValidationError, Alias] = {
createWithChainId(name, AddressScheme.current.chainId)
def fromString(str: String, expectedChainId: Option[Byte] = Some(AddressScheme.current.chainId)): Either[ValidationError, Alias] = {
val aliasPatternInfo = "Alias string pattern is 'alias::"
if (!str.startsWith(Prefix)) {
} else {
val charSemicolonAlias = str.drop(Prefix.length)
val chainId = charSemicolonAlias(0).toByte
val name = charSemicolonAlias.drop(2)
if (charSemicolonAlias(1) != ':') {
} else {
createWithChainId(name, chainId, expectedChainId)
def fromBytes(bytes: Array[Byte], expectedChainId: Option[Byte]): Either[ValidationError, Alias] = {
bytes match {
case Array(`AddressVersion`, chainId, _, _, rest*) =>
createWithChainId(new String(rest.toArray, "UTF-8"), chainId, expectedChainId)
case _ =>
Left(GenericError("Bad alias bytes"))
private[this] def isValidAliasChar(c: Char): Boolean =
('0' <= c && c <= '9') || ('a' <= c && c <= 'z') || c == '_' || c == '@' || c == '-' || c == '.'
private[wavesplatform] def createWithChainId(
name: String,
chainId: Byte,
expectedChainId: Option[Byte] = Some(AddressScheme.current.chainId)
): Either[ValidationError, Alias] =
if (name.length < MinLength || MaxLength < name.length)
Left(GenericError(s"Alias '$name' length should be between $MinLength and $MaxLength"))
else if (!name.forall(isValidAliasChar))
Left(GenericError(s"Alias should contain only following characters: $AliasAlphabet"))
expectedChainId match {
case Some(expected) if expected != chainId => Left(WrongChain(expected, chainId))
case _ => Right(Alias(chainId, name))
implicit val writes: Writes[Alias] = Writes(a => JsString(a.toString))
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