com.wavesplatform.api.http.BlocksApiRoute.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.wavesplatform.api.http
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.util.Try
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.{Route, StandardRoute}
import cats.syntax.either.*
import com.wavesplatform.api.BlockMeta
import com.wavesplatform.api.common.CommonBlocksApi
import com.wavesplatform.api.http.ApiError.{BlockDoesNotExist, TooBigArrayAllocation}
import com.wavesplatform.block.Block
import com.wavesplatform.settings.RestAPISettings
import com.wavesplatform.state.TxMeta
import com.wavesplatform.transaction.Asset.Waves
import com.wavesplatform.transaction.Transaction
import com.wavesplatform.transaction.TxValidationError.GenericError
import com.wavesplatform.utils.Time
import play.api.libs.json.*
case class BlocksApiRoute(settings: RestAPISettings, commonApi: CommonBlocksApi, time: Time, routeTimeout: RouteTimeout) extends ApiRoute {
import BlocksApiRoute.*
override lazy val route: Route = (pathPrefix("blocks") & get) {
path("at" / IntNumber) { height =>
at(height, includeTransactions = true)
} ~ path("seq" / IntNumber / IntNumber) { (start, end) =>
seq(start, end, includeTransactions = true)
} ~ path("last") {
at(commonApi.currentHeight, includeTransactions = true)
} ~ path("height") {
complete(Json.obj("height" -> commonApi.currentHeight))
} ~ path("delay" / BlockId / IntNumber) { (blockId, count) =>
if (count > MaxBlocksForDelay) {
} else {
.blockDelay(blockId, count)
.map(delay => Json.obj("delay" -> delay))
} ~ path("height" / BlockId) { signature =>
complete(for {
meta <- commonApi.meta(signature).toRight(BlockDoesNotExist)
} yield Json.obj("height" -> meta.height))
} ~ path("address" / AddrSegment / IntNumber / IntNumber) { (address, start, end) =>
if (end >= 0 && start >= 0 && end - start >= 0 && end - start < settings.blocksRequestLimit) {
routeTimeout.executeToFuture {
.blocksRange(start, end, address)
} else {
} ~ pathPrefix("headers") {
path("at" / IntNumber) { height =>
at(height, includeTransactions = false)
} ~ path("seq" / IntNumber / IntNumber) { (start, end) =>
seq(start, end, includeTransactions = false)
} ~ path("last") {
at(commonApi.currentHeight, includeTransactions = false)
} ~ path(BlockId) { id =>
} ~ path("heightByTimestamp" / LongNumber) { timestamp =>
val heightE = for {
_ <- Either.cond(timestamp <= time.correctedTime(), (), "Indicated timestamp belongs to the future")
genesisTimestamp = commonApi.metaAtHeight(1).fold(0L)(_.header.timestamp)
_ <- Either.cond(timestamp >= genesisTimestamp, (), "Indicated timestamp is before the start of the blockchain")
result <- Try(heightByTimestamp(timestamp)).toEither.leftMap(_.getMessage)
} yield result
complete(heightE.bimap(GenericError(_), h => Json.obj("height" -> h)))
} ~ path(BlockId) { id =>
private def at(height: Int, includeTransactions: Boolean): StandardRoute = {
val result =
if (includeTransactions)
private def seq(start: Int, end: Int, includeTransactions: Boolean): Route = {
if (end >= 0 && start >= 0 && end - start >= 0 && end - start < settings.blocksRequestLimit) {
routeTimeout.executeToFuture {
val blocks = if (includeTransactions) {
.blocksRange(start, end)
} else {
.metaRange(start, end)
} else {
@throws[IllegalStateException]("if the state is altered while executing")
private[this] def heightByTimestamp(target: Long): Int = {
def timestampOf(height: Int, default: => Long = throw new IllegalStateException("State was altered")): Long =
def findHeightRec(lowerBound: Int = 1, upperBound: Int = commonApi.currentHeight): Int = {
val lowerTimestamp = timestampOf(lowerBound)
val upperTimestamp = timestampOf(upperBound)
require(lowerTimestamp <= target)
val averageBlockTime = (upperTimestamp - lowerTimestamp) / (upperBound - lowerBound).max(1)
val offset = {
val blocksBetween = ((target - lowerTimestamp) / averageBlockTime).toInt
val predictedHeight = (lowerBound + offset).max(lowerBound).min(upperBound)
val timestamp = timestampOf(predictedHeight)
val rightTimestamp = timestampOf(predictedHeight + 1, Long.MaxValue)
val leftHit = timestamp <= target
val rightHit = rightTimestamp <= target
val (newLower, newUpper) = {
if (!leftHit) (lowerBound, (predictedHeight - 1).max(lowerBound))
else if (rightHit) ((predictedHeight + 1).min(upperBound), upperBound)
else (predictedHeight, predictedHeight)
if (newLower == newUpper) predictedHeight else findHeightRec(newLower, newUpper)
object BlocksApiRoute {
val MaxBlocksForDelay = 10000
private def toJson(v: (BlockMeta, Seq[(TxMeta, Transaction)])): JsObject = v match {
case (meta, transactions) =>
meta.json() ++ transactionField(meta.header.version, transactions)
private def transactionField(blockVersion: Byte, transactions: Seq[(TxMeta, Transaction)]): JsObject = Json.obj(
"fee" -> transactions.map(_._2.assetFee).collect { case (Waves, feeAmt) => feeAmt }.sum,
"transactions" -> JsArray(transactions.map { case (tm, transaction) =>
transaction.json() ++ TransactionJsonSerializer.applicationStatus(blockVersion >= Block.ProtoBlockVersion, tm.status)
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