com.wavesplatform.state.diffs.BalanceDiffValidation.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.wavesplatform.state.diffs
import com.wavesplatform.account.Address
import com.wavesplatform.common.state.ByteStr
import com.wavesplatform.state.{Blockchain, LeaseBalance, StateSnapshot}
import com.wavesplatform.transaction.Asset.{IssuedAsset, Waves}
import com.wavesplatform.transaction.TxValidationError.AccountBalanceError
import scala.util.{Left, Right}
object BalanceDiffValidation {
def cond(b: Blockchain, cond: Blockchain => Boolean)(s: StateSnapshot): Either[AccountBalanceError, StateSnapshot] = {
if (cond(b)) apply(b)(s)
else Right(s)
def apply(b: Blockchain)(snapshot: StateSnapshot): Either[AccountBalanceError, StateSnapshot] = {
def checkWaves(
acc: Address,
newWaves: Long,
newLease: LeaseBalance
): Either[(Address, String), Unit] = {
val oldWaves = b.balance(acc)
val oldLease = b.leaseBalance(acc)
val wavesDiff = newWaves - oldWaves
val leaseOutDiff = newLease.out - oldLease.out
if (wavesDiff < 0) {
if (newWaves < 0) {
Left(acc -> s"negative waves balance: $acc, old: $oldWaves, new: $newWaves")
} else if (newWaves < newLease.out && b.height > b.settings.functionalitySettings.allowLeasedBalanceTransferUntilHeight) {
val errorMessage =
if (newWaves + newLease.in - newLease.out < 0)
s"negative effective balance: $acc, old: ${(oldWaves, oldLease)}, new: ${(newWaves, newLease)}"
else if (leaseOutDiff == 0)
s"$acc trying to spend leased money"
s"leased being more than own: $acc, old: ${(oldWaves, oldLease)}, new: ${(newWaves, newLease)}"
Left(acc -> errorMessage)
} else {
} else {
val wavesCheck =
.flatMap {
case ((address, Waves), balance) =>
val currentLeaseBalance = snapshot.leaseBalances.getOrElse(address, b.leaseBalance(address))
checkWaves(address, balance, currentLeaseBalance).fold(error => List(error), _ => Nil)
case _ =>
val assetsCheck =
.collectFirst {
case ((address, asset), balance) if asset != Waves && balance < 0 =>
Map(address -> s"negative asset balance: $address, new portfolio: ${negativeAssetsInfo(address, snapshot)}")
val positiveBalanceErrors =
wavesCheck ++ assetsCheck
if (positiveBalanceErrors.isEmpty) {
} else {
private def negativeAssetsInfo(
address: Address,
snapshot: StateSnapshot
): Map[ByteStr, Long] =
.collect {
case ((`address`, assetId: IssuedAsset), balance) if balance < 0 => (assetId.id, balance)
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