com.wavesplatform.state.diffs.FeeValidation.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.wavesplatform.state.diffs
import cats.data.Chain
import cats.syntax.foldable.*
import com.wavesplatform.features.BlockchainFeatures
import com.wavesplatform.lang.ValidationError
import com.wavesplatform.state.*
import com.wavesplatform.transaction.*
import com.wavesplatform.transaction.Asset.{IssuedAsset, Waves}
import com.wavesplatform.transaction.EthereumTransaction.Transfer
import com.wavesplatform.transaction.TxValidationError.*
import com.wavesplatform.transaction.assets.*
import com.wavesplatform.transaction.assets.exchange.*
import com.wavesplatform.transaction.smart.*
import com.wavesplatform.transaction.transfer.*
import com.wavesplatform.transaction.validation.impl.DataTxValidator
object FeeValidation {
case class FeeDetails(asset: Asset, requirements: Chain[String], minFeeInAsset: Long, minFeeInWaves: Long)
val ScriptExtraFee = 400000L
val FeeUnit = 100000
val NFTMultiplier = 0.001
val BlockV5Multiplier = 0.001
val FeeConstants: Map[TransactionType.TransactionType, Long] = Map(
TransactionType.Genesis -> 0,
TransactionType.Payment -> 1,
TransactionType.Issue -> 1000,
TransactionType.Reissue -> 1000,
TransactionType.Burn -> 1,
TransactionType.Transfer -> 1,
TransactionType.MassTransfer -> 1,
TransactionType.Lease -> 1,
TransactionType.LeaseCancel -> 1,
TransactionType.Exchange -> 3,
TransactionType.CreateAlias -> 1,
TransactionType.Data -> 1,
TransactionType.SetScript -> 10,
TransactionType.SponsorFee -> 1000,
TransactionType.SetAssetScript -> (1000 - 4),
TransactionType.InvokeScript -> 5,
TransactionType.UpdateAssetInfo -> 1,
TransactionType.Ethereum -> 1,
TransactionType.InvokeExpression -> 10
def apply(blockchain: Blockchain, tx: Transaction): Either[ValidationError, Unit] = {
if (blockchain.height >= Sponsorship.sponsoredFeesSwitchHeight(blockchain)) {
for {
feeDetails <- getMinFee(blockchain, tx)
_ <- Either.cond(
feeDetails.minFeeInAsset <= tx.fee,
notEnoughFeeError(tx.tpe, feeDetails, tx.fee)
} yield ()
} else {
Either.cond(tx.fee > 0 || !tx.isInstanceOf[Authorized], (), GenericError(s"Fee must be positive."))
private def notEnoughFeeError(txType: TransactionType.TransactionType, feeDetails: FeeDetails, feeAmount: Long): ValidationError = {
val actualFee = s"$feeAmount in ${feeDetails.asset.fold("WAVES")(_.id.toString)}"
val requiredFee = s"${feeDetails.minFeeInWaves} WAVES${feeDetails.asset.fold("")(id => s" or ${feeDetails.minFeeInAsset} ${id.id.toString}")}"
val errorMessage = s"Fee for ${txType.transactionName} ($actualFee) does not exceed minimal value of $requiredFee."
GenericError((if (feeDetails.requirements.nonEmpty) (feeDetails.requirements mkString_ ". ") ++ ". " else "") ++ errorMessage)
private case class FeeInfo(assetInfo: Option[(IssuedAsset, AssetDescription)], requirements: Chain[String], wavesFee: Long)
private def feeInUnits(blockchain: Blockchain, tx: Transaction): Either[ValidationError, Long] = {
.map { baseFee =>
tx match {
case tx: MassTransferTransaction =>
baseFee + (tx.transfers.size + 1) / 2
case tx: DataTransaction =>
val payloadLength =
if (blockchain.isFeatureActivated(BlockchainFeatures.RideV6)) DataTxValidator.realUserPayloadSize(tx.data)
else if (PBSince.affects(tx)) tx.protoDataPayload.length
else if (blockchain.isFeatureActivated(BlockchainFeatures.SmartAccounts)) tx.bodyBytes().length
else tx.bytes().length
baseFee + (payloadLength - 1) / 1024
case itx: IssueTransaction =>
val multiplier = if (blockchain.isNFT(itx)) NFTMultiplier else 1
(baseFee * multiplier).toLong
case _: ReissueTransaction =>
val multiplier = if (blockchain.isFeatureActivated(BlockchainFeatures.BlockV5)) BlockV5Multiplier else 1
(baseFee * multiplier).toLong
case _: SponsorFeeTransaction =>
val multiplier = if (blockchain.isFeatureActivated(BlockchainFeatures.BlockV5)) BlockV5Multiplier else 1
(baseFee * multiplier).toLong
case et: EthereumTransaction =>
et.payload match {
case _: EthereumTransaction.Transfer => 1
case _: EthereumTransaction.Invocation => 5
case ss: SetScriptTransaction if blockchain.isFeatureActivated(BlockchainFeatures.RideV6) =>
ss.script.fold(1) { script =>
val scriptSize = script.bytes().size
val kbs = scriptSize / 1024
if (scriptSize > 0 && scriptSize % 1024 == 0) kbs else kbs + 1
case _ => baseFee
private def feeAfterSponsorship(txAsset: Asset, blockchain: Blockchain, tx: Transaction): Either[ValidationError, FeeInfo] = {
if (blockchain.height < Sponsorship.sponsoredFeesSwitchHeight(blockchain)) {
// This could be true for private blockchains
feeInUnits(blockchain, tx).map(x => FeeInfo(None, Chain.empty, x * FeeUnit))
} else {
for {
feeInUnits <- feeInUnits(blockchain, tx)
r <- txAsset match {
case Waves => Right(FeeInfo(None, Chain.empty, feeInUnits * FeeUnit))
case assetId @ IssuedAsset(_) =>
for {
assetInfo <- blockchain
.toRight(GenericError(s"Asset ${assetId.id.toString} does not exist, cannot be used to pay fees"))
wavesFee <- Either.cond(
assetInfo.sponsorship > 0,
feeInUnits * FeeUnit,
GenericError(s"Asset ${assetId.id.toString} is not sponsored, cannot be used to pay fees")
} yield FeeInfo(Some((assetId, assetInfo)), Chain.empty, wavesFee)
} yield r
private def feeAfterSmartTokens(blockchain: Blockchain, tx: Transaction)(inputFee: FeeInfo): FeeInfo = {
val FeeInfo(feeAssetInfo, requirements, feeAmount) = inputFee
val tokenIsSmart: Boolean =
val assetsCount = tx match {
case _: InvokeScriptTransaction =>
if (blockchain.isFeatureActivated(BlockchainFeatures.SynchronousCalls)) 0 else tx.smartAssets(blockchain).size
case tx: ExchangeTransaction =>
tx.smartAssets(blockchain).size /* *3 if we decide to check orders and transaction */
case EthereumTransaction(t: Transfer, _, _, _) =>
.collectFirst { case i: IssuedAsset => blockchain.hasAssetScript(i) }
.fold(0)(hasAsset => if (hasAsset) 1 else 0)
case _ =>
val finalAssetsCount =
if (tokenIsSmart) assetsCount + 1
else assetsCount
val extraFee = finalAssetsCount * ScriptExtraFee
val extraRequirements =
if (finalAssetsCount > 0)
Chain(s"Transaction involves $finalAssetsCount scripted assets. Requires $extraFee extra fee")
else Chain.empty
FeeInfo(feeAssetInfo, extraRequirements ++ requirements, feeAmount + extraFee)
private def feeAfterSmartAccounts(blockchain: Blockchain, tx: Transaction)(inputFee: FeeInfo): FeeInfo = {
val smartAccountScriptsCount: Int = tx match {
case _: EthereumTransaction => 0
case tx: Transaction with Authorized => if (blockchain.hasPaidVerifier(tx.sender.toAddress)) 1 else 0
case _ => 0
val extraFee = smartAccountScriptsCount * ScriptExtraFee
val extraRequirements =
if (smartAccountScriptsCount > 0) Chain(s"Transaction sent from smart account. Requires $extraFee extra fee")
else Chain.empty
val FeeInfo(feeAssetInfo, reqs, feeAmount) = inputFee
FeeInfo(feeAssetInfo, extraRequirements ++ reqs, feeAmount + extraFee)
def getMinFee(blockchain: Blockchain, tx: Transaction): Either[ValidationError, FeeDetails] = {
feeAfterSponsorship(tx.feeAssetId, blockchain, tx)
.map(feeAfterSmartTokens(blockchain, tx))
.map(feeAfterSmartAccounts(blockchain, tx))
.map {
case FeeInfo(Some((assetId, assetInfo)), reqs, amountInWaves) =>
FeeDetails(assetId, reqs, Sponsorship.fromWaves(amountInWaves, assetInfo.sponsorship), amountInWaves)
case FeeInfo(None, reqs, amountInWaves) =>
FeeDetails(Waves, reqs, amountInWaves, amountInWaves)
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