com.wavesplatform.transaction.package.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.wavesplatform
import cats.data.ValidatedNel
import com.wavesplatform.account.PrivateKey
import com.wavesplatform.block.{Block, BlockSnapshot, MicroBlock}
import com.wavesplatform.common.state.ByteStr
import com.wavesplatform.lang.ValidationError
import com.wavesplatform.state.StateSnapshot
import com.wavesplatform.transaction.Asset.IssuedAsset
import com.wavesplatform.transaction.assets.IssueTransaction
import com.wavesplatform.transaction.assets.exchange.Order
import com.wavesplatform.transaction.validation.TxValidator
import com.wavesplatform.utils.{EthEncoding, base58Length}
import eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined
import eu.timepit.refined.numeric.{Interval, NonNegative, Positive}
import play.api.libs.json.*
import supertagged.*
import supertagged.postfix.*
package object transaction {
val AssetIdLength: Int = com.wavesplatform.crypto.DigestLength
val AssetIdStringLength: Int = base58Length(AssetIdLength)
type DiscardedBlocks = Seq[(Block, ByteStr, Option[BlockSnapshot])]
type DiscardedMicroBlocks = Seq[(MicroBlock, StateSnapshot)]
type AuthorizedTransaction = Authorized & Transaction
type TxType = Byte
type TxVersion = Byte
object TxVersion {
val V1: TxVersion = 1.toByte
val V2: TxVersion = 2.toByte
val V3: TxVersion = 3.toByte
type TxTimestamp = Long
type TxByteArray = Array[Byte]
type TxPositiveAmount = Long Refined Positive
object TxPositiveAmount extends RefinedTypeOps[TxPositiveAmount, Long]
implicit val posAmountWrites: Writes[TxPositiveAmount] = Writes(v => JsNumber(v.value))
type TxNonNegativeAmount = Long Refined NonNegative
object TxNonNegativeAmount extends RefinedTypeOps[TxNonNegativeAmount, Long] {
private val LongStringMaxLength = 20 // Long.MaxValue.toString.length
implicit val reads: Reads[TxNonNegativeAmount] = Reads { json =>
val r = json match {
case JsString(s) =>
if (s.length > LongStringMaxLength) JsError("error.expected.numberdigitlimit")
s.toLongOption match {
case None => JsError(JsonValidationError("error.expected.numberformatexception"))
case Some(r) => JsSuccess(r)
case JsNumber(r) =>
if (r.isValidLong) JsSuccess(r.toLongExact)
else JsError(JsonValidationError("error.invalid.long"))
case _ => JsError(JsonValidationError("error.expected.jsnumberorjsstring"))
r.flatMap { r =>
if (r >= 0) JsSuccess(TxNonNegativeAmount.unsafeFrom(r))
else JsError(JsonValidationError("error.expected.txnonnegativeamount"))
type TxDecimals = Byte Refined Interval.Closed[0, IssueTransaction.MaxAssetDecimals.type]
object TxDecimals extends RefinedTypeOps[TxDecimals, Byte] {
val errMsg = s"decimals should be in interval [0; ${IssueTransaction.MaxAssetDecimals}]"
type TxOrderPrice = Long Refined Positive
object TxOrderPrice extends RefinedTypeOps[TxOrderPrice, Long] {
val errMsg = "price should be > 0"
type TxExchangeAmount = Long Refined Interval.OpenClosed[0, Order.MaxAmount.type]
object TxExchangeAmount extends RefinedTypeOps[TxExchangeAmount, Long] {
val errMsg = s"amount should be in interval (0; ${Order.MaxAmount}]"
type TxExchangePrice = Long Refined Interval.OpenClosed[0, Order.MaxAmount.type]
object TxExchangePrice extends RefinedTypeOps[TxExchangePrice, Long] {
val errMsg = s"price should be in interval (0; ${Order.MaxAmount}]"
type TxMatcherFee = Long Refined Interval.Open[0, Order.MaxAmount.type]
object TxMatcherFee extends RefinedTypeOps[TxMatcherFee, Long] {
val errMsg = s"matcher fee should be in interval (0; ${Order.MaxAmount})"
implicit class TransactionValidationOps[T <: Transaction](val tx: T) extends AnyVal {
def validatedNel(implicit validator: TxValidator[T]): ValidatedNel[ValidationError, T] = validator.validate(tx)
def validatedEither(implicit validator: TxValidator[T]): Either[ValidationError, T] = this.validatedNel.toEither.left.map(_.head)
implicit class TransactionSignOps[T](val tx: T) extends AnyVal {
def signWith(privateKey: PrivateKey)(implicit sign: (T, PrivateKey) => T): T = sign(tx, privateKey)
object ERC20Address extends TaggedType[ByteStr] {
def apply(bs: ByteStr): ERC20Address = {
require(bs.arr.length == 20, "ERC20 token address length must be 20 bytes")
bs @@ this
def apply(ia: IssuedAsset): ERC20Address = apply(ia.id.take(20))
implicit val jsonFormat: Format[ERC20Address] = Format(
implicitly[Reads[String]].map(str => ERC20Address(ByteStr(EthEncoding.toBytes(str)))),
implicitly[Writes[String]].contramap((addr: ERC20Address) => EthEncoding.toHexString(addr.arr))
type ERC20Address = ERC20Address.Type
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