scorex.block.Block.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package scorex.block
import{Bytes, Ints, Longs}
import play.api.libs.json.Json
import scorex.account.{PrivateKeyAccount, PublicKeyAccount}
import scorex.consensus.ConsensusModule
import scorex.crypto.EllipticCurveImpl
import scorex.crypto.encode.Base58
import scorex.serialization.Deser
import scorex.transaction.TransactionModule
import scorex.utils.ScorexLogging
import scala.util.{Failure, Try}
* A block is an atomic piece of data network participates are agreed on.
* A block has:
* - transactions data: a sequence of transactions, where a transaction is an atomic state update.
* Some metadata is possible as well(transactions Merkle tree root, state Merkle tree root etc).
* - consensus data to check whether block was generated by a right party in a right way. E.g.
* "baseTarget" & "generatorSignature" fields in the Nxt block structure, nonce & difficulty in the
* Bitcoin block structure.
* - a signature(s) of a block generator(s)
* - additional data: block structure version no, timestamp etc
trait Block extends ScorexLogging {
type ConsensusDataType
type TransactionDataType
implicit val consensusModule: ConsensusModule[ConsensusDataType]
implicit val transactionModule: TransactionModule[TransactionDataType]
val consensusDataField: BlockField[ConsensusDataType]
val transactionDataField: BlockField[TransactionDataType]
val versionField: ByteBlockField
val timestampField: LongBlockField
val referenceField: BlockIdField
val signerDataField: SignerDataBlockField
// Some block characteristic which is uniq for a block
// e.g. hash or signature. Used in referencing
val uniqueId: Block.BlockId
lazy val encodedId: String = Base58.encode(uniqueId)
lazy val transactions = transactionModule.transactions(this)
lazy val fee = consensusModule.feesDistribution(this).values.sum
lazy val json =
versionField.json ++
timestampField.json ++
referenceField.json ++
consensusDataField.json ++
transactionDataField.json ++
signerDataField.json ++
"fee" -> fee,
"blocksize" -> bytes.length
lazy val bytes = {
val txBytesSize = transactionDataField.bytes.length
val txBytes = Bytes.ensureCapacity(Ints.toByteArray(txBytesSize), 4, 0) ++ transactionDataField.bytes
val cBytesSize = consensusDataField.bytes.length
val cBytes = Bytes.ensureCapacity(Ints.toByteArray(cBytesSize), 4, 0) ++ consensusDataField.bytes
versionField.bytes ++
timestampField.bytes ++
referenceField.bytes ++
cBytes ++
txBytes ++
lazy val bytesWithoutSignature = bytes.dropRight(EllipticCurveImpl.SignatureLength)
def isValid: Boolean = {
if (transactionModule.blockStorage.history.contains(this)) true //applied blocks are valid
else {
def history = transactionModule.blockStorage.history.contains(referenceField.value)
def signature = EllipticCurveImpl.verify(signerDataField.value.signature, bytesWithoutSignature,
def consensus = consensusModule.isValid(this)
def transaction = transactionModule.isValid(this)
if (!history) log.debug(s"Invalid block $encodedId: no parent block in history")
else if (!signature) log.debug(s"Invalid block $encodedId: signature is not valid")
else if (!consensus) log.debug(s"Invalid block $encodedId: consensus data is not valid")
else if (!transaction) log.debug(s"Invalid block $encodedId: transaction data is not valid")
history && signature && consensus && transaction
override def equals(obj: scala.Any): Boolean = {
import shapeless.syntax.typeable._
object Block extends ScorexLogging {
type BlockId = Array[Byte]
type BlockIds = Seq[BlockId]
val BlockIdLength = EllipticCurveImpl.SignatureLength
//TODO Deser[Block] ??
def parseBytes[CDT, TDT](bytes: Array[Byte])
(implicit consModule: ConsensusModule[CDT],
transModule: TransactionModule[TDT]): Try[Block] = Try {
val version = bytes.head
var position = 1
val timestamp = Longs.fromByteArray(bytes.slice(position, position + 8))
position += 8
val reference = bytes.slice(position, position + Block.BlockIdLength)
position += BlockIdLength
val cBytesLength = Ints.fromByteArray(bytes.slice(position, position + 4))
position += 4
val cBytes = bytes.slice(position, position + cBytesLength)
val consBlockField = consModule.parseBytes(cBytes).get
position += cBytesLength
val tBytesLength = Ints.fromByteArray(bytes.slice(position, position + 4))
position += 4
val tBytes = bytes.slice(position, position + tBytesLength)
val txBlockField = transModule.parseBytes(tBytes).get
position += tBytesLength
val genPK = bytes.slice(position, position + EllipticCurveImpl.KeyLength)
position += EllipticCurveImpl.KeyLength
val signature = bytes.slice(position, position + EllipticCurveImpl.SignatureLength)
new Block {
override type ConsensusDataType = CDT
override type TransactionDataType = TDT
override val transactionDataField: BlockField[TransactionDataType] = txBlockField
override implicit val consensusModule: ConsensusModule[ConsensusDataType] = consModule
override implicit val transactionModule: TransactionModule[TransactionDataType] = transModule
override val versionField: ByteBlockField = ByteBlockField("version", version)
override val referenceField: BlockIdField = BlockIdField("reference", reference)
override val signerDataField: SignerDataBlockField =
SignerDataBlockField("signature", SignerData(new PublicKeyAccount(genPK), signature))
override val consensusDataField: BlockField[ConsensusDataType] = consBlockField
override val uniqueId: BlockId = signature
override val timestampField: LongBlockField = LongBlockField("timestamp", timestamp)
}.recoverWith { case t: Throwable =>
log.error("Error when parsing block", t)
def build[CDT, TDT](version: Byte,
timestamp: Long,
reference: BlockId,
consensusData: CDT,
transactionData: TDT,
generator: PublicKeyAccount,
signature: Array[Byte])
(implicit consModule: ConsensusModule[CDT],
transModule: TransactionModule[TDT]): Block = {
new Block {
override type ConsensusDataType = CDT
override type TransactionDataType = TDT
override implicit val transactionModule: TransactionModule[TDT] = transModule
override implicit val consensusModule: ConsensusModule[CDT] = consModule
override val versionField: ByteBlockField = ByteBlockField("version", version)
override val transactionDataField: BlockField[TDT] = transModule.formBlockData(transactionData)
override val referenceField: BlockIdField = BlockIdField("reference", reference)
override val signerDataField: SignerDataBlockField = SignerDataBlockField("signature", SignerData(generator, signature))
override val consensusDataField: BlockField[CDT] = consensusModule.formBlockData(consensusData)
override val uniqueId: BlockId = signature
override val timestampField: LongBlockField = LongBlockField("timestamp", timestamp)
def buildAndSign[CDT, TDT](version: Byte,
timestamp: Long,
reference: BlockId,
consensusData: CDT,
transactionData: TDT,
signer: PrivateKeyAccount)
(implicit consModule: ConsensusModule[CDT],
transModule: TransactionModule[TDT]): Block = {
val nonSignedBlock = build(version, timestamp, reference, consensusData, transactionData, signer, Array())
val toSign = nonSignedBlock.bytes
val signature = EllipticCurveImpl.sign(signer, toSign)
build(version, timestamp, reference, consensusData, transactionData, signer, signature)
def genesis[CDT, TDT](timestamp: Long = 0L, signatureStringOpt: Option[String] = None)(implicit consModule: ConsensusModule[CDT],
transModule: TransactionModule[TDT]): Block = new Block {
override type ConsensusDataType = CDT
override type TransactionDataType = TDT
override implicit val transactionModule: TransactionModule[TDT] = transModule
override implicit val consensusModule: ConsensusModule[CDT] = consModule
override val versionField: ByteBlockField = ByteBlockField("version", 1)
override val transactionDataField: BlockField[TDT] = transactionModule.genesisData
override val referenceField: BlockIdField = BlockIdField("reference", Array.fill(BlockIdLength)(-1: Byte))
override val consensusDataField: BlockField[CDT] = consensusModule.genesisData
override val timestampField: LongBlockField = LongBlockField("timestamp", timestamp)
override val signerDataField: SignerDataBlockField = {
val genesisSigner = new PrivateKeyAccount(Array.empty)
val txBytesSize = transactionDataField.bytes.length
val txBytes = Bytes.ensureCapacity(Ints.toByteArray(txBytesSize), 4, 0) ++ transactionDataField.bytes
val cBytesSize = consensusDataField.bytes.length
val cBytes = Bytes.ensureCapacity(Ints.toByteArray(cBytesSize), 4, 0) ++ consensusDataField.bytes
val toSign = versionField.bytes ++
timestampField.bytes ++
referenceField.bytes ++
cBytes ++
txBytes ++
val signature =
.getOrElse(EllipticCurveImpl.sign(genesisSigner, toSign))
require(EllipticCurveImpl.verify(signature, toSign, genesisSigner.publicKey), "Passed genesis signature is not valid")
SignerDataBlockField("signature", SignerData(genesisSigner, signature))
override val uniqueId: BlockId = signerDataField.value.signature
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