scorex.transaction.PaymentTransaction.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package scorex.transaction
import java.util
import com.google.common.primitives.{Bytes, Ints, Longs}
import play.api.libs.json.{JsObject, Json}
import scorex.account.{Account, PrivateKeyAccount, PublicKeyAccount}
import scorex.crypto.EllipticCurveImpl
import scorex.crypto.encode.Base58
import scorex.serialization.Deser
import scorex.transaction.TypedTransaction.TransactionType
import scala.util.{Failure, Try}
@deprecated("Use TransferTransaction")
case class PaymentTransaction(sender: PublicKeyAccount,
override val recipient: Account,
override val amount: Long,
override val fee: Long,
override val timestamp: Long,
override val signature: Array[Byte])
extends LagonakiTransaction(TransactionType.PaymentTransaction, recipient, amount, fee, timestamp, signature) {
import scorex.transaction.LagonakiTransaction._
import scorex.transaction.PaymentTransaction._
override lazy val dataLength = TypeLength + BaseLength
override lazy val creator = Some(sender)
override lazy val json: JsObject = jsonBase() ++ Json.obj(
"sender" -> sender.address,
"senderPublicKey" -> Base58.encode(sender.publicKey),
"recipient" -> recipient.address,
"amount" -> amount
override lazy val bytes: Array[Byte] = {
val timestampBytes = Longs.toByteArray(timestamp)
val amountBytes = Longs.toByteArray(amount)
val feeBytes = Longs.toByteArray(fee)
Bytes.concat(Array(transactionType.id.toByte), timestampBytes, sender.publicKey, recipient.bytes, amountBytes, feeBytes, signature)
override lazy val signatureValid: Boolean = {
val data = signatureData(sender, recipient, amount, fee, timestamp)
EllipticCurveImpl.verify(signature, data, sender.publicKey)
override def validate: ValidationResult.Value =
if (!Account.isValid(recipient)) {
ValidationResult.InvalidAddress //CHECK IF RECIPIENT IS VALID ADDRESS
} else if (amount <= 0) {
ValidationResult.NegativeAmount //CHECK IF AMOUNT IS POSITIVE
} else if (fee <= 0) {
ValidationResult.InsufficientFee //CHECK IF FEE IS POSITIVE
} else if (Try(Math.addExact(amount, fee)).isFailure) {
ValidationResult.OverflowError // CHECK THAT fee+amount won't overflow Long
} else if (!signatureValid) {
} else ValidationResult.ValidateOke
override def involvedAmount(account: Account): Long = {
val address = account.address
if (address.equals(sender.address) && address.equals(recipient.address)) {
} else if (address.equals(sender.address)) {
-amount - fee
} else if (address.equals(recipient.address)) {
} else 0
override def balanceChanges(): Seq[BalanceChange] =
Seq(BalanceChange(AssetAcc(sender, None), -amount - fee), BalanceChange(AssetAcc(recipient, None), amount))
override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
case o: PaymentTransaction => super.equals(other) && timestamp == o.timestamp
case _ => false
override def hashCode(): Int = super.hashCode() + timestamp.hashCode()
object PaymentTransaction extends Deser[PaymentTransaction] {
import scorex.transaction.LagonakiTransaction._
private val SenderLength = 32
private val FeeLength = 8
private val SignatureLength = 64
private val BaseLength = TimestampLength + SenderLength + RecipientLength + AmountLength + FeeLength + SignatureLength
def apply(sender: PrivateKeyAccount, recipient: Account,
amount: Long, fee: Long, timestamp: Long): PaymentTransaction = {
val sig = generateSignature(sender, recipient, amount, fee, timestamp)
PaymentTransaction(sender, recipient, amount, fee, timestamp, sig)
def parseBytes(data: Array[Byte]): Try[PaymentTransaction] = {
data.head match {
case transactionType: Byte if transactionType == TransactionType.PaymentTransaction.id =>
case transactionType =>
Failure(new Exception(s"Incorrect transaction type '$transactionType' in PaymentTransaction data"))
def parseTail(data: Array[Byte]): Try[PaymentTransaction] = Try {
require(data.length >= BaseLength, "Data does not match base length")
var position = 0
val timestampBytes = data.take(TimestampLength)
val timestamp = Longs.fromByteArray(timestampBytes)
position += TimestampLength
val senderBytes = util.Arrays.copyOfRange(data, position, position + SenderLength)
val sender = new PublicKeyAccount(senderBytes)
position += SenderLength
val recipientBytes = util.Arrays.copyOfRange(data, position, position + RecipientLength)
val recipient = new Account(Base58.encode(recipientBytes))
position += RecipientLength
val amountBytes = util.Arrays.copyOfRange(data, position, position + AmountLength)
val amount = Longs.fromByteArray(amountBytes)
position += AmountLength
val feeBytes = util.Arrays.copyOfRange(data, position, position + FeeLength)
val fee = Longs.fromByteArray(feeBytes)
position += FeeLength
val signatureBytes = util.Arrays.copyOfRange(data, position, position + SignatureLength)
PaymentTransaction(sender, recipient, amount, fee, timestamp, signatureBytes)
def generateSignature(sender: PrivateKeyAccount, recipient: Account,
amount: Long, fee: Long, timestamp: Long): Array[Byte] = {
EllipticCurveImpl.sign(sender, signatureData(sender, recipient, amount, fee, timestamp))
private def signatureData(sender: PublicKeyAccount, recipient: Account,
amount: Long, fee: Long, timestamp: Long): Array[Byte] = {
val typeBytes = Ints.toByteArray(TransactionType.PaymentTransaction.id)
val timestampBytes = Longs.toByteArray(timestamp)
val amountBytes = Longs.toByteArray(amount)
val feeBytes = Longs.toByteArray(fee)
Bytes.concat(typeBytes, timestampBytes, sender.publicKey, recipient.bytes, amountBytes, feeBytes)
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