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com.alee.utils.TextUtils Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* This file is part of WebLookAndFeel library.
* WebLookAndFeel library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* WebLookAndFeel library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with WebLookAndFeel library. If not, see .
package com.alee.utils;
import com.alee.api.annotations.NotNull;
import com.alee.api.annotations.Nullable;
import com.alee.api.jdk.Function;
import com.alee.api.jdk.Supplier;
import com.alee.managers.language.LM;
import com.alee.utils.xml.ColorConverter;
import com.alee.utils.xml.InsetsConverter;
import com.alee.utils.xml.PointConverter;
import com.alee.utils.xml.RectangleConverter;
import java.awt.*;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.*;
* This class provides a set of utilities to work with various text usage cases.
* @author Mikle Garin
public final class TextUtils
* Separators used to determine words in text.
private static final List textSeparators = CollectionUtils.asList (
' ', '.', ',', ':', ';', '/', '|', '{', '}', '[', ']', '(', ')', '<', '>',
'\\', '\n', '\t', '\'', '\'', '-', '+', '*', '%', '$', '#', '@', '!', '~', '^', '&', '?'
* Text provider for any type of objects.
private static final Function simpleTextProvider = new Function ()
public String apply ( final Object object )
return object != null ? object.toString () : "null";
* Default ID part length.
private static final int idPartLength = 5;
* Default ID prefix.
private static final String defaultIdPrefix = "WebLaF";
* Default ID suffix.
private static final String defaultIdSuffix = "ID";
* Default separator.
private static final String defaultSeparator = ",";
* Preferred system text lines separator cache.
private static String systemLineSeparator;
* Private constructor to avoid instantiation.
private TextUtils ()
throw new UtilityException ( "Utility classes are not meant to be instantiated" );
* Returns preferred system text lines separator.
* @return preferred system text lines separator
public static String getSystemLineSeparator ()
if ( systemLineSeparator == null )
systemLineSeparator = System.getProperty ( "line.separator" );
catch ( final SecurityException ignored )
// Ignore possible security exception
if ( systemLineSeparator == null )
systemLineSeparator = "\n";
return systemLineSeparator;
* Returns message formatted with common string representations of the provided objects.
* @param text message to format
* @param objects objects to use for message formatting
* @return message formatted with common string representations of the provided objects
public static String format ( @NotNull final String text, @Nullable final Object... objects )
final Object[] data = new Object[ objects != null ? objects.length : 0 ];
if ( objects != null )
for ( int i = 0; i < objects.length; i++ )
data[ i ] = asString ( objects[ i ] );
return String.format ( text, data );
* Returns common string representation of the specified object.
* Unlike the common {@link Object#toString()} method it will not throw {@link java.lang.NullPointerException} and returns slightly
* different results depending on the object class type. For most it will still return the same result as {@link Object#toString()}.
* @param object object to return common string representation for
* @return common string representation of the specified object
private static String asString ( @Nullable final Object object )
final String string;
if ( object == null )
string = "null";
else if ( object instanceof String )
string = ( String ) object;
final String toString = object.toString ();
string = toString != null ? toString : "null";
return string;
* Returns text with replaced character at the specified index.
* @param text text to replace character in
* @param index index of the character to replace
* @param character replacement character
* @return text with replaced character at the specified index
public static String replace ( @NotNull final String text, final int index, final char character )
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ( text );
sb.setCharAt ( index, character );
return sb.toString ();
* Returns whether the first {@link String} equals to second one.
* This method will compare {@link String} even if they are null without throwing any exceptions.
* @param string {@link String} to compare
* @param compareWith {@link String} to compare with
* @return {@code true} if the first {@link String} equals second one, {@code false} otherwise
@SuppressWarnings ( "StringEquality" )
public static boolean equals ( @Nullable final String string, @Nullable final String compareWith )
return string == compareWith || string != null && string.equals ( compareWith );
* Returns whether the first {@link String} equals to second one ignoring case.
* This method will compare {@link String} even if they are null without throwing any exceptions.
* @param string {@link String} to compare
* @param compareWith {@link String} to compare with
* @return {@code true} if the first {@link String} equals second one ignoring case, {@code false} otherwise
@SuppressWarnings ( "StringEquality" )
public static boolean equalsIgnoreCase ( @Nullable final String string, @Nullable final String compareWith )
return string == compareWith || string != null && string.equalsIgnoreCase ( compareWith );
* Returns list of strings based on single pattern parsed using different number values in range.
* @param pattern values pattern
* @param from range start
* @param to range end
* @return list of strings based on single pattern parsed using different number values in range
public static List numbered ( @NotNull final String pattern, final int from, final int to )
final List list = new ArrayList ( Math.abs ( from - to ) );
if ( from < to )
for ( int i = from; i <= to; i++ )
list.add ( format ( pattern, i ) );
for ( int i = from; i >= to; i-- )
list.add ( format ( pattern, i ) );
return list;
* Returns text with all line breaks removed.
* @param text text to remove line breaks from
* @return text with all line breaks removed
public static String removeLineBreaks ( @NotNull final String text )
return text.replaceAll ( "\\r\\n|\\r|\\n", "" );
* Returns text with all spacings removed.
* @param text text to remove spacings from
* @return text with all spacings removed
public static String removeSpacings ( @NotNull final String text )
return text.replaceAll ( "[ \\t]", "" );
* Returns first number found in text.
* @param text text to search through
* @return first found number
public static Integer findFirstNumber ( @NotNull final String text )
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ();
for ( int j = 0; j < text.length (); j++ )
final char ch = text.charAt ( j );
if ( Character.isDigit ( ch ) )
sb.append ( ch );
else if ( sb.length () > 0 )
return Integer.parseInt ( sb.toString () );
* Returns a word from text at the specified location.
* @param text text to retrieve the word from
* @param location word location
* @return word
public static String getWord ( @NotNull final String text, final int location )
final String word;
if ( 0 <= location && location < text.length () )
if ( !textSeparators.contains ( text.charAt ( location ) ) )
int wordStart = location;
int wordEnd = location;
// At the word start
while ( wordEnd < text.length () - 1 && !textSeparators.contains ( text.charAt ( wordEnd ) ) )
// At the word end
while ( wordStart > 0 && !textSeparators.contains ( text.charAt ( wordStart - 1 ) ) )
word = wordStart == wordEnd ? null : text.substring ( wordStart, wordEnd );
// There is no word at the specified location
word = null;
// Location is outside of the text boundaries
word = null;
return word;
* Returns index of the first character in the word at the specified location.
* @param text text to retrieve the word start index from
* @param location word location
* @return index of the first character in the word at the specified location
public static int getWordStart ( @NotNull final String text, final int location )
final int start;
if ( 0 <= location && location < text.length () )
if ( !textSeparators.contains ( text.charAt ( location ) ) )
int wordStart = location;
while ( wordStart > 0 && !textSeparators.contains ( text.charAt ( wordStart - 1 ) ) )
start = wordStart;
// Location points at a separator character
start = -1;
// Location is outside of the text boundaries
start = -1;
return start;
* Returns a word end index at the specified location.
* @param text text to retrieve the word end index from
* @param location word location
* @return word end index
public static int getWordEnd ( @NotNull final String text, final int location )
final int end;
if ( 0 <= location && location < text.length () )
if ( !textSeparators.contains ( text.charAt ( location ) ) )
int wordEnd = location;
while ( wordEnd < text.length () && !textSeparators.contains ( text.charAt ( wordEnd ) ) )
end = wordEnd;
// Location points at a separator character
end = -1;
// Location is outside of the text boundaries
end = -1;
return end;
* Returns begin index of last word in the specified text.
* @param string text to process
* @param skipTrailingSpaces whether or not trailing "spaces" would be skipped
* @return begin index of last word in the specified text
public static int findLastRowWordStartIndex ( @NotNull final String string, final boolean skipTrailingSpaces )
int index = -1;
boolean spaceFound = false;
boolean skipSpace = skipTrailingSpaces;
for ( int i = string.length () - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
final char c = string.charAt ( i );
if ( !spaceFound && !skipSpace )
if ( c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n' )
spaceFound = true;
if ( c != ' ' && c != '\t' && c != '\r' && c != '\n' )
if ( spaceFound )
index = i;
skipSpace = false;
return index;
* Returns begin index of first word after specified index.
* @param string text to process
* @param from index to start search from
* @return begin index of first word after specified index
public static int findFirstWordFromIndex ( @NotNull final String string, final int from )
int index = -1;
for ( int i = from; i < string.length (); i++ )
final char c = string.charAt ( i );
if ( c != ' ' && c != '\t' && c != '\r' && c != '\n' )
index = i;
return index;
* Returns last index of the first word end.
* @param string text to process
* @return last index of the first word end
public static int findFirstRowWordEndIndex ( @NotNull final String string )
int index = string.length ();
boolean spaceFound = false;
for ( int i = 0; i < string.length (); i++ )
final char c = string.charAt ( i );
if ( !spaceFound )
if ( c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n' )
spaceFound = true;
if ( c != ' ' && c != '\t' && c != '\r' && c != '\n' )
index = i;
return index;
* Returns text with first lines removed.
* @param text text to crop
* @param count lines count to crop
* @return cropped text
public static String removeFirstLines ( @NotNull final String text, final int count )
int found = 0;
int index = 0;
while ( found < count )
index = text.indexOf ( "\n", index );
if ( index != -1 )
index += 1;
return index != -1 ? text.substring ( index ) : "";
* Returns point extracted from text.
* @param text text to extract point from
* @return extracted point
public static Point parsePoint ( @NotNull final String text )
return parsePoint ( text, defaultSeparator );
* Returns point extracted from text.
* @param text text to extract point from
* @param separator point values separator
* @return extracted point
public static Point parsePoint ( @NotNull final String text, @NotNull final String separator )
final String[] parts = text.split ( separator );
return parts.length == 2 ? new Point (
Integer.parseInt ( parts[ 0 ].trim () ),
Integer.parseInt ( parts[ 1 ].trim () )
) : null;
* Returns shortened text.
* @param text text to shorten
* @param maxLength maximum shortened text length
* @param addDots add dots at the end of the text when shortened
* @return shortened text
public static String shortenText ( @NotNull final String text, final int maxLength, final boolean addDots )
return text.length () <= maxLength ? text :
text.substring ( 0, maxLength > 3 && addDots ? maxLength - 3 : maxLength ) + ( addDots ? "..." : "" );
* Returns shortened text.
* @param text text to shorten
* @param maxLength maximum shortened text length
* @param addDots add dots at the end of the text when shortened
* @return shortened text
public static String shortenTextEnd ( @NotNull final String text, final int maxLength, final boolean addDots )
return text.length () <= maxLength ? text :
( addDots ? "..." : "" ) + text.substring ( text.length () - ( maxLength > 3 && addDots ? maxLength - 3 : maxLength ) );
* Returns a list of text parts split using specified separator.
* @param string text to split
* @return list of split parts
public static List stringToList ( @Nullable final String string )
return stringToList ( string, defaultSeparator );
* Returns a list of text parts split using specified separator.
* @param string text to split
* @param separator text parts separator
* @return list of split parts
public static List stringToList ( @Nullable final String string, @NotNull final String separator )
final List strings = new ArrayList ();
if ( string != null )
final StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer ( string, separator, false );
while ( tokenizer.hasMoreTokens () )
strings.add ( tokenizer.nextToken ().trim () );
return strings;
* Returns a list of integer parts split using specified separator.
* @param string text to split
* @return list of split parts
public static List stringToIntList ( @Nullable final String string )
return stringToIntList ( string, defaultSeparator );
* Returns a list of integer parts split using specified separator.
* @param string text to split
* @param separator text parts separator
* @return list of split parts
public static List stringToIntList ( @Nullable final String string, @NotNull final String separator )
final List intList = new ArrayList ();
if ( string != null )
final StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer ( string, separator, false );
while ( tokenizer.hasMoreTokens () )
intList.add ( Integer.parseInt ( tokenizer.nextToken ().trim () ) );
return intList;
* Returns a list of float parts split using specified separator.
* @param string text to split
* @return list of split parts
public static List stringToFloatList ( @Nullable final String string )
return stringToFloatList ( string, defaultSeparator );
* Returns a list of float parts split using specified separator.
* @param string text to split
* @param separator text parts separator
* @return list of split parts
public static List stringToFloatList ( @Nullable final String string, @NotNull final String separator )
final List floatList = new ArrayList ();
if ( string != null )
final StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer ( string, separator, false );
while ( tokenizer.hasMoreTokens () )
floatList.add ( Float.parseFloat ( tokenizer.nextToken ().trim () ) );
return floatList;
* Returns single text combined from list of elements using default separator.
* @param list list to combine into single text
* @param elements type
* @return single text combined from list of elements using default separator
public static String listToString ( @Nullable final List list )
return listToString ( list, defaultSeparator, ( Function ) simpleTextProvider, null );
* Returns single text combined from list of elements using specified separator.
* @param list list to combine into single text
* @param separator elements separator
* @param elements type
* @return single text combined from list of elements using specified separator
public static String listToString ( @Nullable final List list, @NotNull final String separator )
return listToString ( list, separator, ( Function ) simpleTextProvider, null );
* Returns single text combined from list of elements using specified separator.
* @param list list to combine into single text
* @param separator elements separator
* @param textProvider {@link Function} providing text
* @param elements type
* @return single text combined from list of elements using specified separator
public static String listToString ( @Nullable final List list, @NotNull final String separator,
@NotNull final Function textProvider )
return listToString ( list, separator, textProvider, null );
* Returns single text combined from list of elements using specified separator.
* @param list list to combine into single text
* @param separator elements separator
* @param textProvider {@link Function} providing text
* @param filter {@link Filter} for elements
* @param elements type
* @return single text combined from list of elements using specified separator
public static String listToString ( @Nullable final List list, @NotNull final String separator,
@NotNull final Function textProvider, @Nullable final Filter filter )
return collectionToString ( list, separator, textProvider, filter );
* Returns single text combined from {@link Collection} of elements using default separator.
* @param collection {@link Collection} to combine into single text
* @param elements type
* @return single text combined from {@link Collection} of elements using default separator
public static String collectionToString ( @Nullable final Collection collection )
return collectionToString ( collection, defaultSeparator, ( Function ) simpleTextProvider, null );
* Returns single text combined from {@link Collection} of elements using specified separator.
* @param collection {@link Collection} to combine into single text
* @param separator elements separator
* @param elements type
* @return single text combined from {@link Collection} of elements using specified separator
public static String collectionToString ( @Nullable final Collection collection, @NotNull final String separator )
return collectionToString ( collection, separator, ( Function ) simpleTextProvider, null );
* Returns single text combined from {@link Collection} of elements using specified separator.
* @param collection {@link Collection} to combine into single text
* @param separator elements separator
* @param textProvider {@link Function} providing text
* @param elements type
* @return single text combined from {@link Collection} of elements using specified separator
public static String collectionToString ( @Nullable final Collection collection, @NotNull final String separator,
@NotNull final Function textProvider )
return collectionToString ( collection, separator, textProvider, null );
* Returns single text combined from {@link Collection} of elements using specified separator.
* @param collection {@link Collection} to combine into single text
* @param separator elements separator
* @param textProvider {@link Function} providing text
* @param filter {@link Filter} for elements
* @param elements type
* @return single text combined from {@link Collection} of elements using specified separator
public static String collectionToString ( @Nullable final Collection collection, @NotNull final String separator,
@NotNull final Function textProvider, @Nullable final Filter filter )
final String result;
if ( CollectionUtils.notEmpty ( collection ) )
final StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder ();
boolean hasPreviouslyAccepted = false;
for ( final T object : collection )
if ( filter == null || filter.accept ( object ) )
if ( hasPreviouslyAccepted )
stringBuilder.append ( separator );
stringBuilder.append ( textProvider.apply ( object ) );
hasPreviouslyAccepted = true;
result = stringBuilder.toString ();
result = null;
return result;
* Returns single text combined from array of elements using default separator.
* @param array array to combine into single text
* @param elements type
* @return single text combined from array of elements using default separator
public static String arrayToString ( @Nullable final T... array )
return arrayToString ( defaultSeparator, simpleTextProvider, null, array );
* Returns single text combined from array of elements using specified separator.
* @param separator elements separator
* @param array array to combine into single text
* @param elements type
* @return single text combined from array of elements using specified separator
public static String arrayToString ( @NotNull final String separator, @Nullable final T... array )
return arrayToString ( separator, simpleTextProvider, null, array );
* Returns single text combined from array of elements using specified separator.
* @param separator elements separator
* @param textProvider {@link Function} providing text
* @param array array to combine into single text
* @param elements type
* @return single text combined from array of elements using specified separator
public static String arrayToString ( @NotNull final String separator, @NotNull final Function textProvider,
@Nullable final T... array )
return arrayToString ( separator, textProvider, null, array );
* Returns single text combined from array of elements using specified separator.
* @param separator elements separator
* @param textProvider {@link Function} providing text
* @param filter {@link Filter} for elements
* @param array array to combine into single text
* @param elements type
* @return single text combined from array of elements using specified separator
public static String arrayToString ( @NotNull final String separator, @NotNull final Function textProvider,
@Nullable final Filter filter, @Nullable final T... array )
final String result;
if ( array != null && array.length > 0 )
final StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder ();
boolean hasPreviouslyAccepted = false;
for ( final T object : array )
if ( filter == null || filter.accept ( object ) )
if ( hasPreviouslyAccepted )
stringBuilder.append ( separator );
stringBuilder.append ( textProvider.apply ( object ) );
hasPreviouslyAccepted = true;
result = stringBuilder.toString ();
result = null;
return result;
* Converts array of enumeration constants into string with list of enumeration constants and returns it.
* @param enumArray enumeration constants array
* @param enumeration type
* @return string with list of enumeration constants
public static > String enumArrayToString ( @Nullable final E... enumArray )
return enumArrayToString ( defaultSeparator, enumArray );
* Converts array of enumeration constants into string with list of enumeration constants and returns it.
* @param separator text parts separator
* @param enumArray enumeration constants array
* @param enumeration type
* @return string with list of enumeration constants
public static > String enumArrayToString ( @NotNull final String separator, @Nullable final E... enumArray )
final String result;
if ( enumArray != null && enumArray.length > 0 )
final int end = enumArray.length - 1;
final StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder ();
for ( int i = 0; i <= end; i++ )
stringBuilder.append ( enumArray[ i ] );
stringBuilder.append ( i != end ? separator : "" );
result = stringBuilder.toString ();
result = null;
return result;
* Converts list of enumeration constants into string with list of enumeration constants and returns it.
* @param enumList enumeration constants list
* @param enumeration type
* @return string with list of enumeration constants
public static > String enumListToString ( @Nullable final List enumList )
return enumListToString ( enumList, defaultSeparator );
* Converts list of enumeration constants into string with list of enumeration constants and returns it.
* @param enumList enumeration constants list
* @param separator text parts separator
* @param enumeration type
* @return string with list of enumeration constants
public static > String enumListToString ( @Nullable final List enumList, @NotNull final String separator )
final String result;
if ( enumList != null && enumList.size () > 0 )
final int end = enumList.size () - 1;
final StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder ();
for ( int i = 0; i <= end; i++ )
stringBuilder.append ( enumList.get ( i ) );
stringBuilder.append ( i != end ? separator : "" );
result = stringBuilder.toString ();
result = null;
return result;
* Converts string with list of enumeration constants into real list of enumeration constants and returns it.
* @param enumString enumeration constants string list
* @param enumClass enumeration class
* @param enumeration type
* @return list of enumeration constants
public static > List enumStringToList ( @Nullable final String enumString, @NotNull final Class enumClass )
return enumStringToList ( enumString, enumClass, defaultSeparator );
* Converts string with list of enumeration constants into real list of enumeration constants and returns it.
* @param enumString enumeration constants string list
* @param enumClass enumeration class
* @param separator text parts separator
* @param enumeration type
* @return list of enumeration constants
public static > List enumStringToList ( @Nullable final String enumString, @NotNull final Class enumClass,
@NotNull final String separator )
final List enumerations;
if ( enumString != null )
final StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer ( enumString, separator, false );
enumerations = new ArrayList ();
while ( tokenizer.hasMoreTokens () )
enumerations.add ( Enum.valueOf ( enumClass, tokenizer.nextToken ().trim () ) );
enumerations = new ArrayList ( 0 );
return enumerations;
* Converts and returns specified parts which are not null into single string.
* @param separator separator to place between parts
* @param parts parts to unite
* @return united non-null parts
public static String unite ( @NotNull final String separator, @Nullable final String... parts )
final String result;
if ( parts != null && parts.length > 0 )
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ();
boolean hasPrevious = false;
for ( final String part : parts )
if ( !isEmpty ( part ) )
if ( hasPrevious )
sb.append ( separator );
sb.append ( part );
hasPrevious = true;
result = sb.toString ();
result = "";
return result;
* Returns specified text length.
* @param text text to check
* @return specified text length
public static int length ( @Nullable final String text )
return text != null ? text.length () : 0;
* Returns whether or not specified text is {@code null} or empty.
* @param text text to check
* @return {@code true} if specified text is {@code null} or empty, {@code false} otherwise
public static boolean isEmpty ( @Nullable final String text )
return text == null || text.isEmpty ();
* Returns whether or not specified text is {@code null} or empty.
* @param text text to check
* @return {@code true} if specified text is not {@code null} or empty, {@code false} otherwise
public static boolean notEmpty ( @Nullable final String text )
return !isEmpty ( text );
* Returns whether or not specified text is {@code null} or empty excluding linebreaks and whitespaces.
* @param text text to check
* @return {@code true} if specified text is {@code null} or empty excluding linebreaks and whitespaces, {@code false} otherwise
public static boolean isBlank ( @Nullable final String text )
return text == null || text.isEmpty () || removeLineBreaks ( text ).trim ().isEmpty ();
* Returns whether or not specified text is {@code null} or empty excluding linebreaks and whitespaces.
* @param text text to check
* @return {@code true} if specified text is not {@code null} or empty excluding linebreaks and whitespaces, {@code false} otherwise
public static boolean notBlank ( @Nullable final String text )
return !isBlank ( text );
* Checks that the specified text is not {@code null} or empty and throws a {@link NullPointerException} if it is.
* @param text text to check for being {@code null} or empty
* @return text if not {@code null} or empty
* @throws NullPointerException if text is {@code null} or empty
public static String requireNonEmpty ( @Nullable final String text )
return requireNonEmpty ( text, "Text must not be empty" );
* Checks that the specified text is not {@code null} or empty and throws a {@link NullPointerException} if it is.
* @param text text to check for being {@code null} or empty
* @param message detailed message used in {@link NullPointerException}
* @return text if not {@code null} or empty
* @throws NullPointerException if text is {@code null} or empty
public static String requireNonEmpty ( @Nullable final String text, @NotNull final String message )
if ( isEmpty ( text ) )
throw new NullPointerException (
LM.contains ( message ) ? LM.get ( message ) : message
return text;
* Checks that the specified text is not {@code null} or empty and throws a {@link RuntimeException} if it is.
* @param text text to check for being {@code null} or empty
* @param exceptionSupplier {@link Supplier} for a customized {@link RuntimeException}
* @return text if not {@code null} or empty
* @throws RuntimeException if text is {@code null} or empty
public static String requireNonEmpty ( @Nullable final String text, @NotNull final Supplier exceptionSupplier )
if ( isEmpty ( text ) )
throw exceptionSupplier.get ();
return text;
* Creates new string filled with specified amount of same characters.
* @param character character to fill string with
* @param length string length
* @return new string filled with specified amount of same characters
public static String createString ( @NotNull final String character, final int length )
return createString ( character.charAt ( 0 ), length );
* Creates new string filled with specified amount of same characters.
* @param character character to fill string with
* @param length string length
* @return new string filled with specified amount of same characters
public static String createString ( final char character, final int length )
final char[] characters = new char[ length ];
Arrays.fill ( characters, character );
return new String ( characters );
* Replaces all occurrences of str found in the specified text with provided text.
* @param text text to replace string occurrences in
* @param ignoreCase whether should ignore case while searching for occurrences or not
* @param str text to replace
* @param replacer text replacement {@link Function}
* @return text with replaced occurrences of the specified str
public static String replaceAll ( @NotNull final String text, final boolean ignoreCase, @NotNull final String str,
@NotNull final Function replacer )
final String exp = ignoreCase ? str.toLowerCase ( Locale.ROOT ) : str;
int match = 0;
int prev = 0;
final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder ( text.length () );
for ( int i = 0; i < text.length (); i++ )
final char ch = text.charAt ( i );
if ( exp.charAt ( match ) == ( ignoreCase ? Character.toLowerCase ( ch ) : ch ) )
else if ( exp.charAt ( 0 ) == ( ignoreCase ? Character.toLowerCase ( ch ) : ch ) )
match = 1;
match = 0;
if ( match == exp.length () )
final int start = i - exp.length () + 1;
final String part = text.substring ( start, start + exp.length () );
builder.append ( text, prev, start );
builder.append ( replacer.apply ( part ) );
prev = start + exp.length ();
match = 0;
else if ( i == text.length () - 1 )
builder.append ( text.substring ( prev ) );
return builder.toString ();
* Returns random ID with default prefix and suffix.
* @return ID
public static String generateId ()
return generateId ( null, null );
* Returns random ID with specified prefix and default suffix.
* @param prefix id prefix
* @return ID
public static String generateId ( @Nullable final String prefix )
return generateId ( prefix, null );
* Returns random ID with specified prefix and suffix.
* @param prefix id prefix
* @param suffix id suffix
* @return ID
public static String generateId ( @Nullable final String prefix, @Nullable final String suffix )
return ( prefix == null ? defaultIdPrefix : prefix ) + "-" +
generateId ( idPartLength ) + "-" +
generateId ( idPartLength ) + "-" +
generateId ( idPartLength ) + "-" +
generateId ( idPartLength ) + "-" +
( suffix == null ? defaultIdSuffix : suffix );
* Returns randomly generated ID part with specified length.
* @param length part length in symbols
* @return ID part
public static String generateId ( final int length )
final StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder ( length );
for ( int i = 0; i < length; i++ )
char next = 0;
int range = 10;
switch ( MathUtils.random ( 3 ) )
case 0:
next = '0';
range = 10;
case 1:
next = 'a';
range = 26;
case 2:
next = 'A';
range = 26;
stringBuilder.append ( ( char ) ( MathUtils.random ( range ) + next ) );
return stringBuilder.toString ();
* Returns settings combined into a single key.
* This method might be useful for generating complex cache keys.
* @param settings settings to combine
* @return key for the specified shape settings
public static String getSettingsKey ( @NotNull final Object... settings )
final StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder ();
for ( final Object object : settings )
if ( stringBuilder.length () > 0 )
stringBuilder.append ( ";" );
if ( object != null )
if ( object.getClass ().isArray () )
final int length = Array.getLength ( object );
for ( int i = 0; i < length; i++ )
if ( i > 0 )
stringBuilder.append ( ";" );
stringBuilder.append ( getSettingsKey ( Array.get ( object, i ) ) );
else if ( object instanceof Collection )
final Collection collection = ( Collection ) object;
stringBuilder.append ( getSettingsKey ( collection.toArray () ) );
stringBuilder.append ( getSettingKey ( object ) );
stringBuilder.append ( getSettingKey ( null ) );
return stringBuilder.toString ();
* Returns setting string representation.
* @param setting setting to be converted
* @return setting string representation
private static String getSettingKey ( @Nullable final Object setting )
final String key;
if ( setting == null )
key = "null";
else if ( setting instanceof Insets )
key = InsetsConverter.insetsToString ( ( Insets ) setting );
else if ( setting instanceof Rectangle )
key = RectangleConverter.rectangleToString ( ( Rectangle ) setting );
else if ( setting instanceof Point )
key = PointConverter.pointToString ( ( Point ) setting );
else if ( setting instanceof Color )
key = ColorConverter.colorToString ( ( Color ) setting );
final String toString = setting.toString ();
key = toString != null ? toString : "null";
return key;