com.alee.extended.layout.TableLayout Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* This file is part of WebLookAndFeel library.
* WebLookAndFeel library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* WebLookAndFeel library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with WebLookAndFeel library. If not, see .
* ====================================================================
* The Clearthought Software License, Version 1.0
* Copyright (c) 2001 Daniel Barbalace. All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. The original software may not be altered. However, the classes
* provided may be subclasses as long as the subclasses are not
* packaged in the info.clearthought package or any subpackage of
* info.clearthought.
* ====================================================================
package com.alee.extended.layout;
import java.awt.*;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
* TableLayout is a layout manager that is more powerful than GridBagLayout yet much easier to
* use. Background
TableLayout is a layout manager that arranges components
* in rows and columns like a spreadsheet. TableLayout allows each row or column to be a different
* size. A row or column can be given an absolute size in pixels, a percentage of the available
* space, or it can grow and shrink to fill the remaining space after other rows and columns have
* been resized.
Using spreadsheet terminology, a cell is the intersection of a row and
* column. Cells have finite, non-negative sizes measured in pixels. The dimensions of a cell
* depend solely upon the dimensions of its row and column.
A component occupies a
* rectangular group of one or more cells. The component can be aligned within those cells using
* four vertical and six horizontal justifications. The vertical justifications are left, center,
* right, and full. The horizontal justifications are left, center, right, full, leading, and
* trailing. With full justification the component is stretched either vertically or horizontally
* to fit the cell or group of cells.
Leading and trailing
* justification are used to support languages that are read from right to left. See the
* {@code java.awt.ComponentOrientation} class for details and
* for an introduction to component orientation and bidirectional text support. The leading
* justification will align the component along the leading edge of the container and the trailing
* justification will align the component along the trailing edge. There is no leading or trailing
* justification along the vertical axis since all modern languages are read from top to bottom and
* no bottom-to-top orientation is defined in {@code java.awt.ComponentOrientation.}
For components using the {@code ComponentOrientation.LEFT_TO_RIGHT} orientation, the
* leading edge is the left edge and the trailing edge is the right one. For components using the
* {@code ComponentOrientation.RIGHT_TO_LEFT } orientation, the opposite is true. For
* components that are using {@code ComponentOrientation.UNKNOWN} and for Java runtime
* environments that do not support component orientation, left-to-right orientation is assumed for
* backwards compatibility.
* Gaps
* Horizontal and vertical gaps can be placed
* between rows and columns in two ways. If uniformed gaps are desired, the {@code setHGap}
* and {@code setVGap} methods may be used. To vary the size of gaps, simply use empty rows
* and columns with absolute sizes. Similiarly, to make a border around a container that does not
* have insets, use empty rows and columns along the edges of the container.
* Constraints
* Using TableLayout is a simple two step process. First, create a grid
* for your container by specifying row and column sizes using either a TableLayout constructor or
* the {@code insertRow} and {@code insertColumn} methods. Second, add components to the
* cells formed by the rows and columns.
* When adding a component to a container that
* uses TableLayout, you specify the component's constraints that state which cells the component
* will occupy and how the component will be aligned. The constraints can be specified into two
* ways. The {@code TableLayoutConstraints} class can be used to systematically specify the
* constraints. This is useful to dynamic code, bean builders, and rapid application development
* software.
For manual coding, a quicker and easier way to specify constraints is with
* a short string in the form "x1, y1, x2, y2, hAlign, vAlign" where (x1, y1) identifies the top
* left cell (column x1, row y1) for the component and (x2, y2) identfies the bottom right cell. x2
* and y2 are optional. If they are not specified, the component will occupy only one cell, (x1,
* y1). hAlign and vAlign are also optional with default values of full justification. Alignments
* may be spelt fully as in "LEFT" or abbreviated as in "L". The text is not case sensitive, but it
* is recommended that uppercase is used for two reasons. First, these text values are in essence
* constants. Second, some fonts use the same glyphs for representing a lowercase L and the number
* one. Ex., "l" vs. "1". Even fonts that do not will often use similar glyphs so using uppercase
* avoids confusion.
* Dynamically altering the layout
* Rows and columns can be
* dynamically created, resized, and removed at any time, even if the container is visible.
* Components will be shifted appropriately as rows and columns are inserted or removed, just as
* cells are shifted in a spreadsheet.
* Rows and columns can be made "hidden" or
* effectively invisible by setting their size to zero. They can be shown again by setting their
* size back to a non-zero value. This is very useful for toggle form elements without having to
* remove individual components.
* Preferred sizes
* Often it is desireable to
* make a row or column just large enough to ensure that all components contained partially or
* wholly in that row or column are their preferred size. To make this easy, there is a constant
* called {@code PREFERRED} that can be used to specify row or column sizes. There is another
* constant called {@code MINIMUM} that does a similar task using components' minimum sizes
* instead of their preferred sizes.
* There is no corresponding {@code MAXIMUM}
* constant for several reasons. First, it is mathematically impossible to honor both the minimum
* and maximum sizes of more than one component when conflicts arise. For example, say components a
* and b are in the same row. If a's maximum height is less than b's minimum height, then one of
* these constraints must be violated. Since TableLayout is a complete, general Cartesian layout
* manager, it would be possible to specify conflicting constraints if a {@code MAXIMUM }
* constant existed.
Second, the ability to make a component grow up to a maximum size is
* primarily of interest to layout managers like {@code SpringLayout} that have to balance the
* sizes of components because the presence of one component affects the size of another. Other
* than the effect of preferred and minimum size rows/columns, which are essentially convenient ways
* of specifying absolute sizes, the existence and constraints of one component does not affect any
* other components when using TableLayout. This is accomplished because rows and columns are
* explicit in TableLayout.
* Third, the ability to constrain a component to its maximum
* size is subsumed by the ability to constrain it to its preferred size, which is precisely what
* happens when a component is aligned using anything but full justification. In the case of full
* justification, the component's maximum size is by definition unbounded.
* Example
* import java.awt.*;
* import javax.swing.*;
* import com.alee.extended.layout.TableLayout;
* public class Preferred extends JFrame
* {
* public static void main (String args[])
* {
* new Preferred();
* }
* public Preferred ()
* {
* super("The Power of Preferred Sizes");
* setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
* Container pane = getContentPane();
* // b - border
* // f - FILL
* // p - PREFERRED
* // vs - vertical space between labels and text fields
* // vg - vertical gap between form elements
* // hg - horizontal gap between form elements
* double b = 10;
* double f = TableLayout.FILL;
* double p = TableLayout.PREFERRED;
* double vs = 5;
* double vg = 10;
* double hg = 10;
* double size[][] =
* {{b, f, hg, p, hg, p, b},
* {b, p, vs, p, vg, p, vs, p, vg, p, vs, p, vg, p, b}};
* TableLayout layout = new TableLayout(size);
* pane.setLayout (layout);
* // Create all controls
* JLabel labelName = new JLabel("Name");
* JLabel labelAddress = new JLabel("Address");
* JLabel labelCity = new JLabel("City");
* JLabel labelState = new JLabel("State");
* JLabel labelZip = new JLabel("Zip");
* JTextField textfieldName = new JTextField(10);
* JTextField textfieldAddress = new JTextField(20);
* JTextField textfieldCity = new JTextField(10);
* JTextField textfieldState = new JTextField(2);
* JTextField textfieldZip = new JTextField(5);
* JButton buttonOk = new JButton("OK");
* JButton buttonCancel = new JButton("Cancel");
* JPanel panelButton = new JPanel();
* panelButton.add(buttonOk);
* panelButton.add(buttonCancel);
* // Add all controls
* pane.add(labelName, "1, 1, 5, 1");
* pane.add(textfieldName, "1, 3, 5, 3");
* pane.add(labelAddress, "1, 5, 5, 5");
* pane.add(textfieldAddress, "1, 7, 5, 7");
* pane.add(labelCity, "1, 9");
* pane.add(textfieldCity, "1, 11");
* pane.add(labelState, "3, 9");
* pane.add(textfieldState, "3, 11");
* pane.add(labelZip, "5, 9");
* pane.add(textfieldZip, "5, 11");
* pane.add(panelButton, "1, 13, 5, 13");
* pack();
* setResizable(false);
* show();
* }
* }
* @author Daniel E. Barbalace
* @version 4.0 September 14, 2005
public class TableLayout implements java.awt.LayoutManager2,, TableLayoutConstants
Note: In this file, a cr refers to either a column or a row. cr[C] always
means column and cr[R] always means row. A cr size is either a column
width or a row Height. TableLayout views columns and rows as being
conceptually symmetric. Therefore, much of the code applies to both
columns and rows, and the use of the cr terminology eliminates redundancy.
Also, for ease of reading, z always indicates a parameter whose value is
either C or R.
* Default row/column size
protected static final double defaultSize[][] = { {}, {} };
* Indicates a column
protected static final int C = 0;
* Indicates a row
protected static final int R = 1;
* Used to minimize reflection calls
protected static boolean checkForComponentOrientationSupport = true;
* Method used to get component orientation while preserving compatability with earlier versions
* of java.awt.Container. Necessary for supporting older JDKs and MicroEdition versions of
* Java.
protected static Method methodGetComponentOrientation;
* Sizes of crs expressed in absolute and relative terms
protected double crSpec[][] = { null, null };
* Sizes of crs in pixels
protected int crSize[][] = { null, null };
* Offsets of crs in pixels. The left boarder of column n is at crOffset[C][n] and the right
* boarder is at cr[C][n + 1] for all columns including the last one. crOffset[C].length =
* crSize[C].length + 1
protected int crOffset[][] = { null, null };
* List of components and their sizes
protected LinkedList list;
* Indicates whether or not the size of the cells are known for the last known size of the
* container. If dirty is true or the container has been resized, the cell sizes must be
* recalculated using calculateSize.
protected boolean dirty;
* Previous known width of the container
protected int oldWidth;
* Previous known height of the container
protected int oldHeight;
* Horizontal gap between columns
protected int hGap;
* Vertical gap between rows
protected int vGap;
* Constructs an instance of TableLayout. This TableLayout will have no columns or rows.
* This constructor is most useful for bean-oriented programming and dynamically adding columns and rows.
public TableLayout ()
super ();
init ( defaultSize[ C ], defaultSize[ R ] );
* Constructs an instance of TableLayout with the specified horizontal and vertical gaps.
* This TableLayout will have no columns or rows.
* @param hGap the horizontal gap in pixels
* @param vGap the vertical gap in pixels
public TableLayout ( final int hGap, final int vGap )
super ();
init ( defaultSize[ C ], defaultSize[ R ] );
setGaps ( hGap, vGap );
* Constructs an instance of TableLayout.
* @param size widths of columns and heights of rows in the format, {{col0, col1, col2, ...,
* colN}, {row0, row1, row2, ..., rowM}} If this parameter is invalid, the
* TableLayout will have exactly one row and one column.
public TableLayout ( final double[][] size )
super ();
// Make sure columns and rows and nothing else is specified
if ( size != null && size.length == 2 )
init ( size[ C ], size[ R ] );
throw new IllegalArgumentException ( "Parameter size should be an array, a[2], where a[0] is the " +
"is an array of column widths and a[1] is an array or row " +
"heights." );
* Constructs an instance of TableLayout with the specified horizontal and vertical gaps.
* @param size widths of columns and heights of rows in the format, {{col0, col1, col2, ...,
* colN}, {row0, row1, row2, ..., rowM}} If this parameter is invalid, the
* TableLayout will have exactly one row and one column.
* @param hGap the horizontal gap in pixels
* @param vGap the vertical gap in pixels
public TableLayout ( final double[][] size, final int hGap, final int vGap )
this ( size );
setGaps ( hGap, vGap );
* Constructs an instance of TableLayout.
* @param col widths of columns in the format, {{col0, col1, col2, ..., colN}
* @param row heights of rows in the format, {{row0, row1, row2, ..., rowN}
public TableLayout ( final double[] col, final double[] row )
super ();
init ( col, row );
* Constructs an instance of TableLayout with the specified horizontal and vertical gaps.
* @param col widths of columns in the format, {{col0, col1, col2, ..., colN}
* @param row heights of rows in the format, {{row0, row1, row2, ..., rowN}
* @param hGap the horizontal gap in pixels
* @param vGap the vertical gap in pixels
public TableLayout ( final double[] col, final double[] row, final int hGap, final int vGap )
this ( col, row );
setGaps ( hGap, vGap );
* Initializes the TableLayout for all constructors.
* @param col widths of columns in the format, {{col0, col1, col2, ..., colN}
* @param row heights of rows in the format, {{row0, row1, row2, ..., rowN}
protected void init ( final double[] col, final double[] row )
// Check parameters
if ( col == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException ( "Parameter col cannot be null" );
if ( row == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException ( "Parameter row cannot be null" );
// Create new rows and columns
crSpec[ C ] = new double[ col.length ];
crSpec[ R ] = new double[ row.length ];
// Copy rows and columns
System.arraycopy ( col, 0, crSpec[ C ], 0, crSpec[ C ].length );
System.arraycopy ( row, 0, crSpec[ R ], 0, crSpec[ R ].length );
// Make sure rows and columns are valid
for ( int counter = 0; counter < crSpec[ C ].length; counter++ )
if ( crSpec[ C ][ counter ] < 0.0 && crSpec[ C ][ counter ] != FILL &&
crSpec[ C ][ counter ] != PREFERRED &&
crSpec[ C ][ counter ] != MINIMUM )
crSpec[ C ][ counter ] = 0.0;
for ( int counter = 0; counter < crSpec[ R ].length; counter++ )
if ( crSpec[ R ][ counter ] < 0.0 && crSpec[ R ][ counter ] != FILL &&
crSpec[ R ][ counter ] != PREFERRED &&
crSpec[ R ][ counter ] != MINIMUM )
crSpec[ R ][ counter ] = 0.0;
// Create an empty list of components
list = new LinkedList ();
// Indicate that the cell sizes are not known
dirty = true;
* Gets the constraints of a given component.
* @param component desired component
* @return If the given component is found, the constraints associated with that component. If
* the given component is null or is not found, null is returned.
public TableLayoutConstraints getConstraints ( final Component component )
final ListIterator iterator = list.listIterator ( 0 );
while ( iterator.hasNext () )
final Entry entry = ( Entry ) ();
if ( entry.component == component )
return new TableLayoutConstraints ( entry.cr1[ C ], entry.cr1[ R ], entry.cr2[ C ], entry.cr2[ R ], entry.alignment[ C ],
entry.alignment[ R ] );
return null;
* Sets the constraints of a given component.
* @param component desired component. This parameter cannot be null.
* @param constraint new set of constraints. This parameter cannot be null.
public void setConstraints ( final Component component, final TableLayoutConstraints constraint )
// Check parameters
if ( component == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException ( "Parameter component cannot be null." );
else if ( constraint == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException ( "Parameter constraint cannot be null." );
// Find and update constraints for the given component
final ListIterator iterator = list.listIterator ( 0 );
while ( iterator.hasNext () )
final Entry entry = ( Entry ) ();
if ( entry.component == component )
iterator.set ( new Entry ( component, constraint ) );
* Adjusts the number and sizes of rows in this layout. After calling this method, the caller
* should request this layout manager to perform the layout. This can be done with the
* following code:
* layout.layoutContainer(container);
* container.repaint();
* or
* window.pack()
* If this is not done, the changes in the layout will not be seen until the container is
* resized.
* @param column widths of each of the columns
* @see #getColumn
public void setColumn ( final double[] column )
setCr ( C, column );
* Adjusts the number and sizes of rows in this layout. After calling this method, the caller
* should request this layout manager to perform the layout. This can be done with the
* following code:
* {@code layout.layoutContainer(container); container.repaint(); }
* or
* window.pack()
* If this is not done, the changes in the layout will not be seen until the container is
* resized.
* @param row heights of each of the rows. This parameter cannot be null.
* @see #getRow
public void setRow ( final double[] row )
setCr ( R, row );
* Sets the sizes of rows or columns for the methods setRow or setColumn.
* @param z indicates row or column
* @param size new cr size
protected void setCr ( final int z, final double[] size )
// Copy crs
crSpec[ z ] = new double[ size.length ];
System.arraycopy ( size, 0, crSpec[ z ], 0, crSpec[ z ].length );
// Make sure rows are valid
for ( int counter = 0; counter < crSpec[ z ].length; counter++ )
if ( crSpec[ z ][ counter ] < 0.0 && crSpec[ z ][ counter ] != FILL &&
crSpec[ z ][ counter ] != PREFERRED &&
crSpec[ z ][ counter ] != MINIMUM )
crSpec[ z ][ counter ] = 0.0;
// Indicate that the cell sizes are not known
dirty = true;
* Adjusts the width of a single column in this layout. After calling this method, the caller
* should request this layout manager to perform the layout. This can be done with the
* following code:
* {@code layout.layoutContainer(container); container.repaint(); }
* or
* window.pack()
* If this is not done, the changes in the layout will not be seen until the container is
* resized.
* @param i zero-based index of column to set. If this parameter is not valid, an
* ArrayOutOfBoundsException will be thrown.
* @param size width of the column. This parameter cannot be null.
* @see #getColumn
public void setColumn ( final int i, final double size )
setCr ( C, i, size );
* Adjusts the height of a single row in this layout. After calling this method, the caller
* should request this layout manager to perform the layout. This can be done with the
* following code:
* {@code layout.layoutContainer(container); container.repaint(); }
* or
* window.pack()
* If this is not done, the changes in the layout will not be seen until the container is
* resized.
* @param i zero-based index of row to set. If this parameter is not valid, an
* ArrayOutOfBoundsException will be thrown.
* @param size height of the row. This parameter cannot be null.
* @see #getRow
public void setRow ( final int i, final double size )
setCr ( R, i, size );
* Sets the sizes of rows or columns for the methods setRow or setColumn.
* @param z indicates row or column
* @param i indicates which cr to resize
* @param size new cr size
protected void setCr ( final int z, final int i, double size )
// Make sure size is valid
if ( size < 0.0 && size != FILL && size != PREFERRED && size != MINIMUM )
size = 0.0;
// Copy new size
crSpec[ z ][ i ] = size;
// Indicate that the cell sizes are not known
dirty = true;
* Gets the sizes of columns in this layout.
* @return widths of each of the columns
* @see #setColumn
public double[] getColumn ()
// Copy columns
final double[] column = new double[ crSpec[ C ].length ];
System.arraycopy ( crSpec[ C ], 0, column, 0, column.length );
return column;
* Gets the height of a single row in this layout.
* @return height of the requested row
* @see #setRow
public double[] getRow ()
// Copy rows
final double[] row = new double[ crSpec[ R ].length ];
System.arraycopy ( crSpec[ R ], 0, row, 0, row.length );
return row;
* Gets the width of a single column in this layout.
* @param i zero-based index of row to get. If this parameter is not valid, an
* ArrayOutOfBoundsException will be thrown.
* @return width of the requested column
* @see #setRow
public double getColumn ( final int i )
return crSpec[ C ][ i ];
* Gets the sizes of a row in this layout.
* @param i zero-based index of row to get. If this parameter is not valid, an
* ArrayOutOfBoundsException will be thrown.
* @return height of each of the requested row
* @see #setRow
public double getRow ( final int i )
return crSpec[ R ][ i ];
* Gets the number of columns in this layout.
* @return the number of columns
public int getNumColumn ()
return crSpec[ C ].length;
* Gets the number of rows in this layout.
* @return the number of rows
public int getNumRow ()
return crSpec[ R ].length;
* Gets the horizontal gap between colunns.
* @return the horizontal gap in pixels
public int getHGap ()
return hGap;
* Gets the vertical gap between rows.
* @return the vertical gap in pixels
public int getVGap ()
return vGap;
* Sets the horizontal gap between colunns.
* @param hGap the horizontal gap in pixels
public void setHGap ( final int hGap )
if ( hGap >= 0 )
this.hGap = hGap;
throw new IllegalArgumentException ( "Parameter hGap must be non-negative." );
* Sets the vertical gap between rows.
* @param vGap the vertical gap in pixels
public void setVGap ( final int vGap )
if ( vGap >= 0 )
this.vGap = vGap;
throw new IllegalArgumentException ( "Parameter vGap must be non-negative." );
* Sets horizontal gap between columns and vertical gap between rows.
* @param hGap the horizontal gap in pixels
* @param vGap the vertical gap in pixels
public void setGaps ( final int hGap, final int vGap )
setHGap ( hGap );
setVGap ( vGap );
* Inserts a column in this layout. All components to the right of the insertion point are
* moved right one column. The container will need to be laid out after this method returns.
* See {@code setColumn}.
* @param i zero-based index at which to insert the column
* @param size size of the column to be inserted
* @see #setColumn
* @see #deleteColumn
public void insertColumn ( final int i, final double size )
insertCr ( C, i, size );
* Inserts a row in this layout. All components below the insertion point are moved down one
* row. The container will need to be laid out after this method returns. See
* {@code setRow}.
* @param i zero-based index at which to insert the row
* @param size size of the row to be inserted
* @see #setRow
* @see #deleteRow
public void insertRow ( final int i, final double size )
insertCr ( R, i, size );
* Inserts a cr for the methods insertRow or insertColumn.
* @param z indicates row or column
* @param i zero-based index at which to insert the cr
* @param size size of cr being inserted
public void insertCr ( final int z, final int i, double size )
// Make sure position is valid
if ( i < 0 || i > crSpec[ z ].length )
throw new IllegalArgumentException ( "Parameter i is invalid. i = " + i + ". Valid range is [0, " +
crSpec[ z ].length + "]." );
// Make sure row size is valid
if ( size < 0.0 && size != FILL && size != PREFERRED && size != MINIMUM )
size = 0.0;
// Copy crs
final double[] cr = new double[ crSpec[ z ].length + 1 ];
System.arraycopy ( crSpec[ z ], 0, cr, 0, i );
System.arraycopy ( crSpec[ z ], i, cr, i + 1, crSpec[ z ].length - i );
// Insert cr
cr[ i ] = size;
crSpec[ z ] = cr;
// Move all components that are below the new cr
final ListIterator iterator = list.listIterator ( 0 );
while ( iterator.hasNext () )
// Get next entry
final Entry entry = ( Entry ) ();
// Is the first cr below the new cr
if ( entry.cr1[ z ] >= i )
// Move first cr
entry.cr1[ z ]++;
// Is the second cr below the new cr
if ( entry.cr2[ z ] >= i )
// Move second cr
entry.cr2[ z ]++;
// Indicate that the cell sizes are not known
dirty = true;
* Deletes a column in this layout. All components to the right of the deletion point are moved
* left one column. The container will need to be laid out after this method returns. See
* {@code setColumn}.
* @param i zero-based index of column to delete
* @see #setColumn
* @see #deleteColumn
public void deleteColumn ( final int i )
deleteCr ( C, i );
* Deletes a row in this layout. All components below the deletion point are moved up one row.
* The container will need to be laid out after this method returns. See {@code setRow}.
* There must be at least two rows in order to delete a row.
* @param i zero-based index of row to delete
* @see #setRow
* @see #deleteRow
public void deleteRow ( final int i )
deleteCr ( R, i );
* Deletes a cr for the methods deleteRow or deleteColumn.
* @param z indicates row or column
* @param i zero-based index of cr to delete
protected void deleteCr ( final int z, final int i )
// Make sure position is valid
if ( i < 0 || i >= crSpec[ z ].length )
throw new IllegalArgumentException ( "Parameter i is invalid. i = " + i + ". Valid range is [0, " +
( crSpec[ z ].length - 1 ) + "]." );
// Copy rows
final double[] cr = new double[ crSpec[ z ].length - 1 ];
System.arraycopy ( crSpec[ z ], 0, cr, 0, i );
System.arraycopy ( crSpec[ z ], i + 1, cr, i, crSpec[ z ].length - i - 1 );
// Delete row
crSpec[ z ] = cr;
// Move all components that are to below the row deleted
final ListIterator iterator = list.listIterator ( 0 );
while ( iterator.hasNext () )
// Get next entry
final Entry entry = ( Entry ) ();
// Is the first row below the new row
if ( entry.cr1[ z ] > i )
// Move first row
entry.cr1[ z ]--;
// Is the second row below the new row
if ( entry.cr2[ z ] > i )
// Move second row
entry.cr2[ z ]--;
// Indicate that the cell sizes are not known
dirty = true;
* Converts this TableLayout to a string.
* @return a string representing the columns and row sizes in the form "{{col0, col1, col2, ...,
* colN}, {row0, row1, row2, ..., rowM}}"
public String toString ()
final StringBuilder value = new StringBuilder ( "TableLayout {{" );
int counter;
if ( crSpec[ C ].length > 0 )
for ( counter = 0; counter < crSpec[ C ].length - 1; counter++ )
value.append ( crSpec[ C ][ counter ] ).append ( ", " );
value.append ( crSpec[ C ][ crSpec[ C ].length - 1 ] ).append ( "}, {" );
value.append ( "}, {" );
if ( crSpec[ R ].length > 0 )
for ( counter = 0; counter < crSpec[ R ].length - 1; counter++ )
value.append ( crSpec[ R ][ counter ] ).append ( ", " );
value.append ( crSpec[ R ][ crSpec[ R ].length - 1 ] ).append ( "}}" );
value.append ( "}}" );
return value.toString ();
* Determines whether or not there are any components with invalid constraints. An invalid
* constraint is one that references a non-existing row or column. For example, on a table with
* five rows, row -1 and row 5 are both invalid. Valid rows are 0 through 4, inclusively. This
* method is useful for debugging.
* @return a list of TableLayout.Entry instances refering to the invalid constraints and
* corresponding components
* @see #getOverlappingEntry
public List getInvalidEntry ()
final LinkedList listInvalid = new LinkedList ();
final ListIterator iterator = list.listIterator ( 0 );
while ( iterator.hasNext () )
final Entry entry = ( Entry ) ();
if ( entry.cr1[ R ] < 0 || entry.cr1[ C ] < 0 ||
entry.cr2[ R ] >= crSpec[ R ].length ||
entry.cr2[ C ] >= crSpec[ C ].length )
listInvalid.add ( entry.copy () );
catch ( final CloneNotSupportedException error )
throw new RuntimeException ( "Unexpected CloneNotSupportedException" );
return listInvalid;
* Gets a list of overlapping components and their constraints. Two components overlap if they
* cover at least one common cell. This method is useful for debugging.
* @return a list of zero or more TableLayout.Entry instances
* @see #getInvalidEntry
public List getOverlappingEntry ()
final LinkedList listOverlapping = new LinkedList ();
// Count contraints
final int numEntry = list.size ();
// If there are no components, they can't be overlapping
if ( numEntry == 0 )
return listOverlapping;
// Put entries in an array
final Entry[] entry = ( Entry[] ) list.toArray ( new Entry[ numEntry ] );
// Check all components
for ( int knowUnique = 1; knowUnique < numEntry; knowUnique++ )
for ( int checking = knowUnique - 1; checking >= 0; checking-- )
if ( entry[ checking ].cr1[ C ] >= entry[ knowUnique ].cr1[ C ] &&
entry[ checking ].cr1[ C ] <= entry[ knowUnique ].cr2[ C ] &&
entry[ checking ].cr1[ R ] >= entry[ knowUnique ].cr1[ R ] &&
entry[ checking ].cr1[ R ] <= entry[ knowUnique ].cr2[ R ] ||
entry[ checking ].cr2[ C ] >= entry[ knowUnique ].cr1[ C ] &&
entry[ checking ].cr2[ C ] <= entry[ knowUnique ].cr2[ C ] &&
entry[ checking ].cr2[ R ] >= entry[ knowUnique ].cr1[ R ] &&
entry[ checking ].cr2[ R ] <= entry[ knowUnique ].cr2[ R ] )
listOverlapping.add ( entry[ checking ].copy () );
catch ( final CloneNotSupportedException error )
throw new RuntimeException ( "Unexpected CloneNotSupportedException" );
return listOverlapping;
* Calculates the sizes of the rows and columns based on the absolute and relative sizes
* specified in {@code crSpec[R]} and {@code crSpec[C]} and the size of the container.
* The result is stored in {@code crSize[R]} and {@code crSize[C]}.
* @param container container using this TableLayout
protected void calculateSize ( final Container container )
// Get the container's insets
final Insets inset = container.getInsets ();
// Get the size of the container's available space
final Dimension d = container.getSize ();
int availableWidth = d.width - inset.left - inset.right;
int availableHeight = d.height - - inset.bottom;
// Compensate for horiztonal and vertical gaps
if ( crSpec[ C ].length > 0 )
availableWidth -= hGap * ( crSpec[ C ].length - 1 );
if ( crSpec[ R ].length > 0 )
availableHeight -= vGap * ( crSpec[ R ].length - 1 );
// Create array to hold actual sizes in pixels
crSize[ C ] = new int[ crSpec[ C ].length ];
crSize[ R ] = new int[ crSpec[ R ].length ];
// Assign absolute sizes (must be done before assignPrefMinSize)
availableWidth = assignAbsoluteSize ( C, availableWidth );
availableHeight = assignAbsoluteSize ( R, availableHeight );
// Assign preferred and minimum sizes (must be done after assignAbsoluteSize)
availableWidth = assignPrefMinSize ( C, availableWidth, MINIMUM );
availableWidth = assignPrefMinSize ( C, availableWidth, PREFERRED );
availableHeight = assignPrefMinSize ( R, availableHeight, MINIMUM );
availableHeight = assignPrefMinSize ( R, availableHeight, PREFERRED );
// Assign relative sizes
availableWidth = assignRelativeSize ( C, availableWidth );
availableHeight = assignRelativeSize ( R, availableHeight );
// Assign fill sizes
assignFillSize ( C, availableWidth );
assignFillSize ( R, availableHeight );
// Calculate cr offsets for effeciency
calculateOffset ( C, inset );
calculateOffset ( R, inset );
// Indicate that the size of the cells are known for the container's
// current size
dirty = false;
oldWidth = d.width;
oldHeight = d.height;
* Assigns absolute sizes.
* @param z indicates row or column
* @param availableSize amount of space available in the container
* @return the amount of space available after absolute crs have been assigned sizes
protected int assignAbsoluteSize ( final int z, int availableSize )
final int numCr = crSpec[ z ].length;
for ( int counter = 0; counter < numCr; counter++ )
if ( crSpec[ z ][ counter ] >= 1.0 || crSpec[ z ][ counter ] == 0.0 )
crSize[ z ][ counter ] = ( int ) ( crSpec[ z ][ counter ] + 0.5 );
availableSize -= crSize[ z ][ counter ];
return availableSize;
* Assigns relative sizes.
* @param z indicates row or column
* @param availableSize amount of space available in the container
* @return the amount of space available after relative crs have been assigned sizes
protected int assignRelativeSize ( final int z, int availableSize )
final int relativeSize = availableSize < 0 ? 0 : availableSize;
final int numCr = crSpec[ z ].length;
for ( int counter = 0; counter < numCr; counter++ )
if ( crSpec[ z ][ counter ] > 0.0 && crSpec[ z ][ counter ] < 1.0 )
crSize[ z ][ counter ] = ( int ) ( crSpec[ z ][ counter ] * relativeSize + 0.5 );
availableSize -= crSize[ z ][ counter ];
return availableSize;
* Assigns FILL sizes.
* @param z indicates row or column
* @param availableSize amount of space available in the container
protected void assignFillSize ( final int z, final int availableSize )
// Skip if there is no more space to allocate
if ( availableSize <= 0 )
// Count the number of "fill" cells
int numFillSize = 0;
final int numCr = crSpec[ z ].length;
for ( int counter = 0; counter < numCr; counter++ )
if ( crSpec[ z ][ counter ] == FILL )
// If numFillSize is zero, the if statement below will always evaluate to
// false and the division will not occur.
// If there are more than one "fill" cell, slack may occur due to rounding
// errors
int slackSize = availableSize;
// Assign "fill" cells equal amounts of the remaining space
for ( int counter = 0; counter < numCr; counter++ )
if ( crSpec[ z ][ counter ] == FILL )
crSize[ z ][ counter ] = availableSize / numFillSize;
slackSize -= crSize[ z ][ counter ];
// Assign one pixel of slack to each FILL cr, starting at the last one,
// until all slack has been consumed
for ( int counter = numCr - 1; counter >= 0 && slackSize > 0; counter-- )
if ( crSpec[ z ][ counter ] == FILL )
crSize[ z ][ counter ]++;
* Calculates the offset of each cr.
* @param z indicates row or column
* @param inset container insets
protected void calculateOffset ( final int z, final Insets inset )
final int numCr = crSpec[ z ].length;
crOffset[ z ] = new int[ numCr + 1 ];
crOffset[ z ][ 0 ] = z == C ? inset.left :;
for ( int counter = 0; counter < numCr; counter++ )
crOffset[ z ][ counter + 1 ] = crOffset[ z ][ counter ] + crSize[ z ][ counter ];
* Assigned sizes to preferred and minimum size columns and rows. This reduces the available
* width and height. Minimum widths/heights must be calculated first because they affect
* preferred widths/heights, but not vice versa. The end result is that any component contained
* wholly or partly in a column/row of minimum/preferred width or height will get at least its
* minimum/preferred width or height, respectively.
* @param z indicates row or column
* @param availableSize amount of space available in the container
* @param typeOfSize indicates preferred or minimum
* @return the amount of space available after absolute crs have been assigned sizes
protected int assignPrefMinSize ( final int z, int availableSize, final double typeOfSize )
// Get variables referring to columns or rows (crs)
final int numCr = crSpec[ z ].length;
// Address every cr
for ( int counter = 0; counter < numCr; counter++ )
// Is the current cr a preferred/minimum (based on typeOfSize) size
if ( crSpec[ z ][ counter ] == typeOfSize )
// Assume a maximum width of zero
int maxSize = 0;
// Find maximum preferred/min width of all components completely
// or partially contained within this cr
final ListIterator iterator = list.listIterator ( 0 );
while ( iterator.hasNext () )
final Entry entry = ( Entry ) ();
// Skip invalid entries
if ( entry.cr1[ z ] < 0 || entry.cr2[ z ] >= numCr )
// Find the maximum desired size of this cr based on all crs
// the current component occupies
if ( entry.cr1[ z ] <= counter && entry.cr2[ z ] >= counter )
// Setup size and number of adjustable crs
final Dimension p =
typeOfSize == PREFERRED ? entry.component.getPreferredSize () : entry.component.getMinimumSize ();
int size = p == null ? 0 : z == C ? p.width : p.height;
int numAdjustable = 0;
// Calculate for preferred size
if ( typeOfSize == PREFERRED )
// Consider all crs this component occupies
for ( int entryCr = entry.cr1[ z ]; entryCr <= entry.cr2[ z ]; entryCr++ )
// Subtract absolute, relative, and minumum cr
// sizes, which have already been calculated
if ( crSpec[ z ][ entryCr ] >= 0.0 || crSpec[ z ][ entryCr ] == MINIMUM )
size -= crSize[ z ][ entryCr ];
// Count preferred/min width columns
else if ( crSpec[ z ][ entryCr ] == PREFERRED )
// Skip any component that occupies a fill cr
// because the fill should fulfill the size
// requirements
else if ( crSpec[ z ][ entryCr ] == FILL )
continue nextComponent;
// Calculate for minimum size
// Consider all crs this component occupies
for ( int entryCr = entry.cr1[ z ]; entryCr <= entry.cr2[ z ]; entryCr++ )
// Subtract absolute and relative cr sizes, which
// have already been calculated
if ( crSpec[ z ][ entryCr ] >= 0.0 )
size -= crSize[ z ][ entryCr ];
// Count preferred/min width columns
else if ( crSpec[ z ][ entryCr ] == PREFERRED || crSpec[ z ][ entryCr ] == MINIMUM )
// Skip any component that occupies a fill cr
// because the fill should fulfill the size
// requirements
else if ( crSpec[ z ][ entryCr ] == FILL )
continue nextComponent;
// Divide the size evenly among the adjustable crs
size = ( int ) Math.ceil ( size / ( double ) numAdjustable );
// Take the maximumn size
if ( maxSize < size )
maxSize = size;
// Assign preferred size
crSize[ z ][ counter ] = maxSize;
// Reduce available size
availableSize -= maxSize;
return availableSize;
* To lay out the specified container using this layout. This method reshapes the components in
* the specified target container in order to satisfy the constraints of all components.
* User code should not have to call this method directly.
* @param container container being served by this layout manager
public void layoutContainer ( final Container container )
// Calculate sizes if container has changed size or components were added
final Dimension d = container.getSize ();
if ( dirty || d.width != oldWidth || d.height != oldHeight )
calculateSize ( container );
// Get component orientation and insets
final ComponentOrientation co = getComponentOrientation ( container );
final boolean isRightToLeft = co != null && !co.isLeftToRight ();
final Insets insets = container.getInsets ();
// Get components
final Component[] components = container.getComponents ();
// Layout components
for ( final Component component : components )
// Get the entry for the next component
final ListIterator iterator = list.listIterator ( 0 );
Entry entry = null;
while ( iterator.hasNext () )
entry = ( Entry ) ();
if ( entry.component == component )
entry = null;
// Skip any components that have not been place in a specific cell,
// setting the skip component's bounds to zero
if ( entry == null )
component.setBounds ( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
// The following block of code has been optimized so that the
// preferred size of the component is only obtained if it is
// needed. There are components in which the getPreferredSize
// method is extremely expensive, such as data driven controls
// with a large amount of data.
// Get the preferred size of the component
int preferredWidth = 0;
int preferredHeight = 0;
if ( entry.alignment[ C ] != FULL || entry.alignment[ R ] != FULL )
final Dimension preferredSize = component.getPreferredSize ();
preferredWidth = preferredSize.width;
preferredHeight = preferredSize.height;
// Calculate the coordinates and size of the component
int value[] = calculateSizeAndOffset ( entry, preferredWidth, true );
int x = value[ 0 ];
final int w = value[ 1 ];
value = calculateSizeAndOffset ( entry, preferredHeight, false );
final int y = value[ 0 ];
final int h = value[ 1 ];
// Compensate for component orientation.
if ( isRightToLeft )
x = d.width - x - w + insets.left - insets.right;
// Move and resize component
component.setBounds ( x, y, w, h );
catch ( final Exception error )
// If any error occurs, set the bounds of this component to zero
// and continue
component.setBounds ( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
* Gets the container's component orientation. If a JDK that does not support component
* orientation is being used, then null is returned.
* @param container Container whose orientation is being queried
* @return the container's orientation or null if no orientation is supported
protected ComponentOrientation getComponentOrientation ( final Container container )
// This method is implemented to only get the class and method objects
// once so as to reduce expensive reflection operations. If the reflection
// fails, then component orientation is not supported.
ComponentOrientation co = null;
if ( checkForComponentOrientationSupport )
methodGetComponentOrientation = Class.forName ( "java.awt.Container" ).getMethod ( "getComponentOrientation" );
checkForComponentOrientationSupport = false;
if ( methodGetComponentOrientation != null )
co = ( ComponentOrientation ) methodGetComponentOrientation.invoke ( container, new Object[ 0 ] );
catch ( final Exception ignored )
return co;
* Calculates the vertical/horizontal offset and size of a component.
* @param entry entry containing component and contraints
* @param preferredSize previously calculated preferred width/height of component
* @param isColumn if true, this method is being called to calculate the offset/size of a
* column. if false,... of a row.
* @return an array, a, of two integers such that a[0] is the offset and a[1] is the size
protected int[] calculateSizeAndOffset ( final Entry entry, final int preferredSize, final boolean isColumn )
// Get references to cr properties
final int[] crOffset = isColumn ? this.crOffset[ C ] : this.crOffset[ R ];
int entryAlignment = isColumn ? entry.alignment[ C ] : entry.alignment[ R ];
// Determine cell set size
final int cellSetSize = isColumn ? crOffset[ entry.cr2[ C ] + 1 ] - crOffset[ entry.cr1[ C ] ] :
crOffset[ entry.cr2[ R ] + 1 ] - crOffset[ entry.cr1[ R ] ];
// Determine the size of the component
int size;
if ( entryAlignment == FULL || cellSetSize < preferredSize )
size = cellSetSize;
size = preferredSize;
// Since the component orientation is adjusted for in the layoutContainer
// method, we can treat leading justification as left justification and
// trailing justification as right justification.
if ( isColumn && entryAlignment == LEADING )
entryAlignment = LEFT;
if ( isColumn && entryAlignment == TRAILING )
entryAlignment = RIGHT;
// Determine offset
int offset;
switch ( entryAlignment )
case LEFT: // Align left/top side along left edge of cell
offset = crOffset[ isColumn ? entry.cr1[ C ] : entry.cr1[ R ] ];
case RIGHT: // Align right/bottom side along right edge of cell
offset = crOffset[ ( isColumn ? entry.cr2[ C ] : entry.cr2[ R ] ) + 1 ] - size;
case CENTER: // Center justify component
offset = crOffset[ isColumn ? entry.cr1[ C ] : entry.cr1[ R ] ] + ( cellSetSize - size >> 1 );
case FULL: // Align left/top side along left/top edge of cell
offset = crOffset[ isColumn ? entry.cr1[ C ] : entry.cr1[ R ] ];
default: // This is a never should happen case, but just in case
offset = 0;
// Compensate for gaps
if ( isColumn )
offset += hGap * entry.cr1[ C ];
final int cumlativeGap = hGap * ( entry.cr2[ C ] - entry.cr1[ C ] );
switch ( entryAlignment )
case RIGHT:
offset += cumlativeGap;
case CENTER:
offset += cumlativeGap >> 1;
case FULL:
size += cumlativeGap;
offset += vGap * entry.cr1[ R ];
final int cumlativeGap = vGap * ( entry.cr2[ R ] - entry.cr1[ R ] );
switch ( entryAlignment )
case BOTTOM:
offset += cumlativeGap;
case CENTER:
offset += cumlativeGap >> 1;
case FULL:
size += cumlativeGap;
// Package return values
return new int[]{ offset, size };
* Determines the preferred size of the container argument using this layout. The preferred size
* is the smallest size that, if used for the container's size, will ensure that all components
* are at least as large as their preferred size. This method cannot guarantee that all
* components will be their preferred size. For example, if component A and component B are
* each allocate half of the container's width and component A wants to be 10 pixels wide while
* component B wants to be 100 pixels wide, they cannot both be accommodated. Since in general
* components rather be larger than their preferred size instead of smaller, component B's
* request will be fulfilled. The preferred size of the container would be 200 pixels.
* @param container container being served by this layout manager
* @return a dimension indicating the container's preferred size
public Dimension preferredLayoutSize ( final Container container )
return calculateLayoutSize ( container, PREFERRED );
* Determines the minimum size of the container argument using this layout. The minimum size is
* the smallest size that, if used for the container's size, will ensure that all components are
* at least as large as their minimum size. This method cannot guarantee that all components
* will be their minimum size. For example, if component A and component B are each allocate
* half of the container's width and component A wants to be 10 pixels wide while component B
* wants to be 100 pixels wide, they cannot both be accommodated. Since in general components
* rather be larger than their minimum size instead of smaller, component B's request will be
* fulfilled. The minimum size of the container would be 200 pixels.
* @param container container being served by this layout manager
* @return a dimension indicating the container's minimum size
public Dimension minimumLayoutSize ( final Container container )
return calculateLayoutSize ( container, MINIMUM );
* Calculates the preferred or minimum size for the methods preferredLayoutSize and
* minimumLayoutSize.
* @param container container whose size is being calculated
* @param typeOfSize indicates preferred or minimum
* @return a dimension indicating the container's preferred or minimum size
protected Dimension calculateLayoutSize ( final Container container, final double typeOfSize )
// Get preferred/minimum sizes
final Entry[] entryList = ( Entry[] ) list.toArray ( new Entry[ list.size () ] );
final int numEntry = entryList.length;
final Dimension[] prefMinSize = new Dimension[ numEntry ];
for ( int i = 0; i < numEntry; i++ )
prefMinSize[ i ] =
typeOfSize == PREFERRED ? entryList[ i ].component.getPreferredSize () : entryList[ i ].component.getMinimumSize ();
// Calculate sizes
int width = calculateLayoutSize ( container, C, typeOfSize, entryList, prefMinSize );
int height = calculateLayoutSize ( container, R, typeOfSize, entryList, prefMinSize );
// Compensate for container's insets
final Insets inset = container.getInsets ();
width += inset.left + inset.right;
height += + inset.bottom;
return new Dimension ( width, height );
* Calculates the preferred or minimum size for the method calculateLayoutSize(Container
* container, double typeOfSize). This method is passed the preferred/minimum sizes of the
* components so that the potentially expensive methods getPreferredSize()/getMinimumSize() are
* not called twice for the same component.
* @param container container whose size is being calculated
* @param z indicates row or column
* @param typeOfSize indicates preferred or minimum
* @param entryList list of Entry objects
* @param prefMinSize list of preferred or minimum sizes
* @return a dimension indicating the container's preferred or minimum size
protected int calculateLayoutSize ( final Container container, final int z, final double typeOfSize, final Entry[] entryList,
final Dimension[] prefMinSize )
Dimension size; // Preferred/minimum size of current component
int scaledSize = 0; // Preferred/minimum size of scaled components
int temp; // Temporary variable used to compare sizes
int counter; // Counting variable
// Get number of crs
final int numCr = crSpec[ z ].length;
// Determine percentage of space allocated to fill components. This is
// one minus the sum of all scalable components.
double fillSizeRatio = 1.0;
int numFillSize = 0;
for ( counter = 0; counter < numCr; counter++ )
if ( crSpec[ z ][ counter ] > 0.0 && crSpec[ z ][ counter ] < 1.0 )
fillSizeRatio -= crSpec[ z ][ counter ];
else if ( crSpec[ z ][ counter ] == FILL )
// Adjust fill ratios to reflect number of fill rows/columns
if ( numFillSize > 1 )
fillSizeRatio /= numFillSize;
// Cap fill ratio bottoms to 0.0
if ( fillSizeRatio < 0.0 )
fillSizeRatio = 0.0;
// Create array to hold actual sizes in pixels
crSize[ z ] = new int[ numCr ];
// Assign absolute sizes (must be done before assignPrefMinSize)
// This is done to calculate absolute cr sizes
assignAbsoluteSize ( z, 0 );
// Assign preferred and minimum sizes (must be done after assignAbsoluteSize)
// This is done to calculate preferred/minimum cr sizes
assignPrefMinSize ( z, 0, MINIMUM );
assignPrefMinSize ( z, 0, PREFERRED );
final int[] crPrefMin = new int[ numCr ];
for ( counter = 0; counter < numCr; counter++ )
if ( crSpec[ z ][ counter ] == PREFERRED || crSpec[ z ][ counter ] == MINIMUM )
crPrefMin[ counter ] = crSize[ z ][ counter ];
// Find maximum preferred/minimum size of all scaled components
final int numColumn = crSpec[ C ].length;
final int numRow = crSpec[ R ].length;
final int numEntry = entryList.length;
for ( int entryCounter = 0; entryCounter < numEntry; entryCounter++ )
// Get next entry
final Entry entry = entryList[ entryCounter ];
// Make sure entry is in valid rows and columns
if ( entry.cr1[ C ] < 0 || entry.cr1[ C ] >= numColumn ||
entry.cr2[ C ] >= numColumn || entry.cr1[ R ] < 0 ||
entry.cr1[ R ] >= numRow || entry.cr2[ R ] >= numRow )
// Skip the bad component
// Get preferred/minimum size of current component
size = prefMinSize[ entryCounter ];
// Calculate portion of component that is not absolutely sized
int scalableSize = z == C ? size.width : size.height;
for ( counter = entry.cr1[ z ]; counter <= entry.cr2[ z ]; counter++ )
if ( crSpec[ z ][ counter ] >= 1.0 )
scalableSize -= crSpec[ z ][ counter ];
else if ( crSpec[ z ][ counter ] == PREFERRED || crSpec[ z ][ counter ] == MINIMUM )
scalableSize -= crPrefMin[ counter ];
// Determine total percentage of scalable space that the component
// occupies by adding the relative columns and the fill columns
double relativeSize = 0.0;
for ( counter = entry.cr1[ z ]; counter <= entry.cr2[ z ]; counter++ )
// Cr is scaled
if ( crSpec[ z ][ counter ] > 0.0 && crSpec[ z ][ counter ] < 1.0 )
// Add scaled size to relativeWidth
relativeSize += crSpec[ z ][ counter ];
// Cr is fill
else if ( crSpec[ z ][ counter ] == FILL && fillSizeRatio != 0.0 )
// Add fill size to relativeWidth
relativeSize += fillSizeRatio;
// Determine the total scaled size as estimated by this component
if ( relativeSize == 0 )
temp = 0;
temp = ( int ) ( scalableSize / relativeSize + 0.5 );
// If the container needs to be bigger, make it so
if ( scaledSize < temp )
scaledSize = temp;
// totalSize is the scaledSize plus the sum of all absolute sizes and all
// preferred sizes
int totalSize = scaledSize;
for ( counter = 0; counter < numCr; counter++ )
// Is the current cr an absolute size
if ( crSpec[ z ][ counter ] >= 1.0 )
totalSize += ( int ) ( crSpec[ z ][ counter ] + 0.5 );
// Is the current cr a preferred/minimum size
else if ( crSpec[ z ][ counter ] == PREFERRED || crSpec[ z ][ counter ] == MINIMUM )
// Add preferred/minimum width
totalSize += crPrefMin[ counter ];
// Compensate for horizontal and vertical gap
if ( numCr > 0 )
totalSize += ( z == C ? hGap : vGap ) * ( numCr - 1 );
return totalSize;
* Adds the specified component with the specified name to the layout.
* @param name indicates entry's position and anchor
* @param component component to add
public void addLayoutComponent ( final String name, final Component component )
addLayoutComponent ( component, name );
* Adds the specified component with the specified name to the layout.
* @param component component to add
* @param constraint indicates entry's position and alignment
public void addLayoutComponent ( final Component component, Object constraint )
if ( constraint instanceof String )
// Create an entry to associate component with its constraints
constraint = new TableLayoutConstraints ( ( String ) constraint );
// Add component and constraints to the list
list.add ( new Entry ( component, ( TableLayoutConstraints ) constraint ) );
// Indicate that the cell sizes are not known
dirty = true;
else if ( constraint instanceof TableLayoutConstraints )
// Add component and constraints to the list
list.add ( new Entry ( component, ( TableLayoutConstraints ) constraint ) );
// Indicate that the cell sizes are not known
dirty = true;
else if ( constraint == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException ( "No constraint for the component" );
throw new IllegalArgumentException ( "Cannot accept a constraint of class " + constraint.getClass () );
* Removes the specified component from the layout.
* @param component component being removed
public void removeLayoutComponent ( final Component component )
// Remove the component
final ListIterator iterator = list.listIterator ( 0 );
while ( iterator.hasNext () )
final Entry entry = ( Entry ) ();
if ( entry.component == component )
iterator.remove ();
// Indicate that the cell sizes are not known since
dirty = true;
* Returns the maximum dimensions for this layout given the components in the specified target
* container.
* @param container the component which needs to be laid out
* @return unconditionally, a Dimension of Integer.MAX_VALUE by Integer.MAX_VALUE since
* TableLayout does not limit the maximum size of a container
public Dimension maximumLayoutSize ( final Container container )
return new Dimension ( Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE );
* Returns the alignment along the x axis. This specifies how the component would like to be
* aligned relative to other components. The value should be a number between 0 and 1 where 0
* represents alignment along the origin, 1 is aligned the furthest away from the origin, 0.5 is
* centered, etc.
* @return unconditionally, 0.5
public float getLayoutAlignmentX ( final Container container )
return 0.5f;
* Returns the alignment along the y axis. This specifies how the component would like to be
* aligned relative to other components. The value should be a number between 0 and 1 where 0
* represents alignment along the origin, 1 is aligned the furthest away from the origin, 0.5 is
* centered, etc.
* @return unconditionally, 0.5
public float getLayoutAlignmentY ( final Container container )
return 0.5f;
* Invalidates the layout, indicating that if the layout manager has cached information it
* should be discarded.
public void invalidateLayout ( final Container container )
dirty = true;
* The following inner class is used to bind components to their constraints.
public static class Entry implements Cloneable
* Component bound by the constraints
public Component component;
* Cell in which the upper-left corner of the component lies
public int cr1[];
* Cell in which the lower-right corner of the component lies
public int cr2[];
* Horizontal and vertical alignment
public int alignment[];
* Constructs an Entry that binds a component to a set of constraints.
* @param component component being bound
* @param constraint constraints being applied
public Entry ( final Component component, final TableLayoutConstraints constraint )
final int[] cr1 = { constraint.col1, constraint.row1 };
final int[] cr2 = { constraint.col2, constraint.row2 };
final int[] alignment = { constraint.hAlign, constraint.vAlign };
this.cr1 = cr1;
this.cr2 = cr2;
this.alignment = alignment;
this.component = component;
* Returns copy of this Entry.
* @return copy of this Entry
* @throws CloneNotSupportedException if clone is not supported
public Object copy () throws CloneNotSupportedException
return clone ();
* Gets the string representation of this Entry.
* @return a string in the form "(col1, row1, col2, row2, vAlign, hAlign) component"
public String toString ()
final TableLayoutConstraints c =
new TableLayoutConstraints ( cr1[ C ], cr1[ R ], cr2[ C ], cr2[ R ], alignment[ C ], alignment[ R ] );
return "(" + c + ") " + component;