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* This file is part of WebLookAndFeel library.
* WebLookAndFeel library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* WebLookAndFeel library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with WebLookAndFeel library. If not, see .
package com.alee.laf;
import com.alee.api.annotations.NotNull;
import com.alee.api.annotations.Nullable;
import com.alee.api.jdk.BiConsumer;
import com.alee.extended.memorybar.WMemoryBarInputListener;
import com.alee.laf.button.WButtonInputListener;
import com.alee.laf.desktoppane.WDesktopPaneInputListener;
import com.alee.laf.edt.ExceptionNonEventThreadHandler;
import com.alee.laf.edt.NonEventThreadHandler;
import com.alee.laf.list.ListCellParameters;
import com.alee.laf.list.WebListCellRenderer;
import com.alee.laf.splitpane.WSplitPaneInputListener;
import com.alee.laf.tabbedpane.WTabbedPaneInputListener;
import com.alee.managers.UIManagers;
import com.alee.managers.icon.Icons;
import com.alee.utils.*;
import com.alee.utils.laf.WebBorder;
import com.alee.utils.reflection.LazyInstance;
import com.alee.utils.swing.SwingLazyValue;
import com.alee.utils.swing.WeakComponentDataList;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.EventListenerList;
import javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource;
import javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI;
import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicLookAndFeel;
import javax.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
* LaF class containing methods to conveniently install, configure and uninstall WebLaF.
* Most of the configurations are provided by {@link StyleManager} as it contains actual list of supported components.
* @author Mikle Garin
* @see WebLaF site
* @see GitHub project
* @see Issues tracker
* @see Project wiki
* @see How to use WebLaF
* @see How to build WebLaF from sources
public class WebLookAndFeel extends BasicLookAndFeel
* If this client property is set to {@link Boolean#TRUE} on a component, UI delegates should follow the typical Swing behavior of not
* overriding a user-defined border on it.
public static final String PROPERTY_HONOR_USER_BORDER = "WebLookAndFeel.honorUserBorder";
* If this system property is set to {@code true}, UI delegates should follow the typical Swing behavior of not overriding a
* user-defined border if one is installed on components.
public static final String PROPERTY_HONOR_USER_BORDERS = "WebLookAndFeel.honorUserBorders";
* Common Swing component properties.
public static final String LOOK_AND_FEEL_PROPERTY = "lookAndFeel";
public static final String UI_PROPERTY = "UI";
public static final String LAF_MARGIN_PROPERTY = "lafMargin";
public static final String LAF_PADDING_PROPERTY = "lafPadding";
public static final String COMPONENT_ORIENTATION_PROPERTY = "componentOrientation";
public static final String ANCESTOR_PROPERTY = "ancestor";
public static final String MARGIN_PROPERTY = "margin";
public static final String ENABLED_PROPERTY = "enabled";
public static final String FOCUSABLE_PROPERTY = "focusable";
public static final String EDITABLE_PROPERTY = "editable";
public static final String MODEL_PROPERTY = "model";
public static final String VISIBLE_PROPERTY = "visible";
public static final String DOCUMENT_PROPERTY = "document";
public static final String OPAQUE_PROPERTY = "opaque";
public static final String BORDER_PROPERTY = "border";
public static final String ICON_TEXT_GAP_PROPERTY = "iconTextGap";
public static final String PAINTER_PROPERTY = "painter";
public static final String TEXT_PROPERTY = "text";
public static final String TIP_TEXT_PROPERTY = "tiptext";
public static final String FONT_PROPERTY = "font";
public static final String BACKGROUND_PROPERTY = "background";
public static final String FOREGROUND_PROPERTY = "foreground";
public static final String ORIENTATION_PROPERTY = "orientation";
public static final String LEADING_COMPONENT_PROPERTY = "leadingComponent";
public static final String TRAILING_COMPONENT_PROPERTY = "trailingComponent";
* Whether or not {@link WebLookAndFeel} is currently installed as application's Look and Feel.
* Separate field is used to store the state instead of checking current Look and Feel to avoid initalization time issues.
protected static boolean installed = false;
* Whether or not library should force Event Dispatch Thread usage for all UI-related operations.
* Enabling this might allow you to find out places where you try to interact with UI elements outside of the EDT.
* By default it is disabled to avoid issues this might cause in different applications not following proper Swing design patterns.
* JavaFX has a similar check enabled by default which would cause an exception whenever you try to access UI elements outside of the
* JavaFX thread which you can ask to execute any code through Platform class.
protected static boolean forceSingleEventsThread = false;
* Whether or not library should also enforce Event Dispatch Thread usage for {@link Component} events.
* Enabling this might allow you to find out places where you are firing {@link Component} events outside of EDT.
* By default it is disabled to avoid affecting application performance.
protected static boolean useStrictEventThreadListeners = false;
* Forced Event Dispatch Thread lsiteners mix.
protected static final StrictEventThreadListeners STRICT_EDT_LISTENERS = new StrictEventThreadListeners ();
* Special handler for exceptions thrown when any UI operation is executed outside of the Event Dispatch Thread.
protected static NonEventThreadHandler nonEventThreadHandler = new ExceptionNonEventThreadHandler ();
* {@link WebLookAndFeel} icons.
* todo Move somewhere else
protected static List icons = null;
* Alt hotkey processor for application windows with menu.
protected static final AltProcessor altProcessor = new AltProcessor ();
* Whether to hide component mnemonics by default or not.
protected static boolean isMnemonicHidden = true;
* Whether or not component's custom {@link Shape}s should be used for better mouse events detection.
* This option basically enhances {@link JComponent#contains(int, int)} method to be able to detect component {@link Shape}s.
* Downside of this enhancement is a slightly reduced overall mouse events performance, although it shouldn't be noticeable on the UI.
* Actual difference is between 0.5 and 2-4 microseconds per {@link JComponent#contains(int, int)} call.
* This might seem to be a lot and mouse movement over UI indeed generates a lot of mouse events which in turn do multiple calls to
* {@link JComponent#contains(int, int)}, but those are still far from hitting the point where it will affect UI responsiveness.
* Best solution overall - if you want to both keep performance and have neat shapes detection - is to enable this settings only
* for certain components while leaving this feature disabled for others. It is possible to do just that using
* {@link} API available in all WebLaF components and providing the setting through component
* style - that way you will ensure that it is enabled only for components that actually use some sort of complex shape.
* todo Change to enum and add "selective" option to avoid usage for simple components like panels
* @see com.alee.painter.PainterSupport#contains(JComponent, ComponentUI, int, int)
* @see
* @see
protected static boolean shapeDetectionEnabled = true;
* Global {@link EventListenerList} for various listeners that can be registered for some global events.
* @see #visibleWindowListeners
* @see #addVisibleWindowListener(VisibleWindowListener)
* @see #removeVisibleWindowListener(VisibleWindowListener)
protected static final EventListenerList globalListeners = new EventListenerList ();
* Special per-{@link JComponent} listeners for tracking visibility changes of any Swing windows within application.
* Since there is no good way to track Swing {@link Window}s creation and destruction {@link com.alee.laf.rootpane.WebRootPaneUI}
* has the tracking implementation instead as the closest element to almost any common {@link Window} being opened.
* Due to specifics of the implementation it only tracks next types of components:
* - {@link JDialog}
* - {@link JFrame}
* - {@link JWindow}
* - {@link JPopupMenu} all of its use cases
* Next types of components are not tracked (basically raw AWT types):
* - {@link Window}
* - {@link Dialog}
* - {@link Frame}
* @see #addVisibleWindowListener(JComponent, VisibleWindowListener)
* @see #removeVisibleWindowListener(JComponent, VisibleWindowListener)
protected static final WeakComponentDataList visibleWindowListeners =
new WeakComponentDataList ( "WebLookAndFeel.VisibleWindowListener", 50 );
* Previously installed {@link LookAndFeel}.
* Used within {@link #uninstall()} call to restore previous LaF.
protected static Class extends LookAndFeel> previousLookAndFeelClass;
* Globally applied orientation.
* LanguageManager controls this property because usually it is the language that affects default component orientation.
* @see #getOrientation()
* @see #setOrientation(java.awt.ComponentOrientation)
* @see #setLeftToRightOrientation(boolean)
protected static ComponentOrientation orientation;
* Reassignable LookAndFeel fonts.
* @see NativeFonts
* @see ControlType#CONTROL
public static Font globalControlFont = NativeFonts.get ( ControlType.CONTROL );
public static Font canvasFont;
public static Font imageFont;
public static Font buttonFont;
public static Font splitButtonFont;
public static Font toggleButtonFont;
public static Font checkBoxFont;
public static Font tristateCheckBoxFont;
public static Font radioButtonFont;
public static Font comboBoxFont;
public static Font spinnerFont;
public static Font textFieldFont;
public static Font formattedTextFieldFont;
public static Font passwordFieldFont;
public static Font colorChooserFont;
public static Font fileChooserFont;
public static Font labelFont;
public static Font styledLabelFont;
public static Font linkFont;
public static Font listFont;
public static Font panelFont;
public static Font overlayFont;
public static Font popupFont;
public static Font progressBarFont;
public static Font scrollPaneFont;
public static Font viewportFont;
public static Font sliderFont;
public static Font tabbedPaneFont;
public static Font tableFont;
public static Font tableHeaderFont;
public static Font titledBorderFont;
public static Font treeFont;
public static Font memoryBarFont;
* @see ControlType#TEXT
public static Font globalTextFont = NativeFonts.get ( ControlType.TEXT );
public static Font textAreaFont;
public static Font textPaneFont;
public static Font editorPaneFont;
* @see ControlType#TOOLTIP
public static Font globalTooltipFont = NativeFonts.get ( ControlType.TOOLTIP );
public static Font toolTipFont;
* @see ControlType#MENU
public static Font globalMenuFont = NativeFonts.get ( ControlType.MENU );
public static Font menuBarFont;
public static Font menuFont;
public static Font menuItemFont;
public static Font radioButtonMenuItemFont;
public static Font checkBoxMenuItemFont;
public static Font popupMenuFont;
public static Font toolBarFont;
* @see ControlType#MENU_SMALL
public static Font globalMenuSmallFont = NativeFonts.get ( ControlType.MENU_SMALL );
public static Font menuAcceleratorFont;
public static Font menuItemAcceleratorFont;
public static Font radioButtonMenuItemAcceleratorFont;
public static Font checkBoxMenuItemAcceleratorFont;
* @see ControlType#WINDOW
public static Font globalWindowFont = NativeFonts.get ( ControlType.WINDOW );
public static Font internalFrameFont;
* @see ControlType#MESSAGE
public static Font globalMessageFont = NativeFonts.get ( ControlType.MESSAGE );
public static Font optionPaneFont;
* Returns {@link WebLookAndFeel} name.
* @return {@link WebLookAndFeel} name
public String getName ()
return "WebLaF";
* Returns unique {@link WebLookAndFeel} identifier.
* @return unique {@link WebLookAndFeel} identifier
public String getID ()
return "weblaf";
* Returns short {@link WebLookAndFeel} description.
* @return short {@link WebLookAndFeel} description
public String getDescription ()
return "Styleable cross-platform Look and Feel for Swing applications";
* Always returns {@code false} since {@link WebLookAndFeel} is not native for any platform.
* @return {@code false}
public boolean isNativeLookAndFeel ()
return false;
* Always returns {@code true} since {@link WebLookAndFeel} supports any platform which can run Java applications.
* @return {@code true}
public boolean isSupportedLookAndFeel ()
return true;
* Always returns {@code true} since {@link WebLookAndFeel} supports window decorations under all platforms.
* @return {@code true} since {@link WebLookAndFeel} supports window decorations under all platforms
public boolean getSupportsWindowDecorations ()
return true;
* Initializes custom WebLookAndFeel features.
public void initialize ()
// Initializing WebLaF managers
initializeManagers ();
// Inititalizes default LaF settings
super.initialize ();
// Listening to ALT key for menubar quick focusing
KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager ().addKeyEventPostProcessor ( altProcessor );
// Updating state
installed = true;
* Uninititalizes custom WebLookAndFeel features.
public void uninitialize ()
// Uninititalizes default LaF settings
super.uninitialize ();
// Removing alt processor
KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager ().removeKeyEventPostProcessor ( altProcessor );
// Updating state
installed = false;
* Initializes {@link WebLookAndFeel} UI classes.
* @param table {@link UIDefaults} table
protected void initClassDefaults ( @NotNull final UIDefaults table )
// Dynamically provided UI classes
for ( final ComponentDescriptor descriptor : StyleManager.getDescriptors () )
// Asking each descriptor to perform an update
descriptor.updateDefaults ( table );
* Adds some default colors to the {@code UIDefaults} that are not used by WebLookAndFeel directly, but will help custom
* components that assume BasicLookAndFeel conventions.
* @param table UIDefaults table
protected void initSystemColorDefaults ( @NotNull final UIDefaults table )
super.initSystemColorDefaults ( table );
final String menuColor = ColorUtils.toHex ( Color.WHITE );
final String textColor = ColorUtils.toHex ( Color.BLACK );
final String textHighlightColor = ColorUtils.toHex ( new Color ( 210, 210, 210 ) );
final String inactiveTextColor = ColorUtils.toHex ( new Color ( 160, 160, 160 ) );
final String[] defaultSystemColors = {
"menu", menuColor,
"menuText", textColor,
"textHighlight", textHighlightColor,
"textHighlightText", textColor,
"textInactiveText", inactiveTextColor,
"controlText", textColor,
loadSystemColors ( table, defaultSystemColors, isNativeLookAndFeel () );
* Initializes WebLookAndFeel defaults (like default renderers, component borders and such).
* This method will be called only in case WebLookAndFeel is installed through UIManager as current application LookAndFeel.
* @param table UI defaults table
protected void initComponentDefaults ( @NotNull final UIDefaults table )
super.initComponentDefaults ( table );
// Global text antialiasing
ProprietaryUtils.setupAATextInfo ( table );
// Fonts
initializeFonts ( table );
// Menu bar
table.put ( "MenuBar.windowBindings", new Object[]{
"F10", WMenuBarInputListener.Action.TAKE_FOCUS
} );
// Button
table.put ( "Button.border", null );
table.put ( "Button.showMnemonics", Boolean.TRUE );
table.put ( "Button.defaultButtonFollowsFocus", Boolean.FALSE );
table.put ( "Button.focusInputMap", new UIDefaults.LazyInputMap ( new Object[]{
"SPACE", WButtonInputListener.Action.PRESSED,
"released SPACE", WButtonInputListener.Action.RELEASED,
"ENTER", WButtonInputListener.Action.PRESSED,
"released ENTER", WButtonInputListener.Action.RELEASED
} ) );
// Toggle button
table.put ( "ToggleButton.focusInputMap", new UIDefaults.LazyInputMap ( new Object[]{
"SPACE", WButtonInputListener.Action.PRESSED,
"released SPACE", WButtonInputListener.Action.RELEASED,
} ) );
// Split button
table.put ( "SplitButton.defaultButtonFollowsFocus", Boolean.FALSE );
table.put ( "SplitButton.focusInputMap", new UIDefaults.LazyInputMap ( new Object[]{
"SPACE", WButtonInputListener.Action.PRESSED,
"released SPACE", WButtonInputListener.Action.RELEASED,
"ENTER", WButtonInputListener.Action.PRESSED,
"released ENTER", WButtonInputListener.Action.RELEASED
} ) );
// Check box
table.put ( "CheckBox.focusInputMap", new UIDefaults.LazyInputMap ( new Object[]{
"SPACE", WButtonInputListener.Action.PRESSED,
"released SPACE", WButtonInputListener.Action.RELEASED,
} ) );
// Radio button
table.put ( "RadioButton.focusInputMap", new UIDefaults.LazyInputMap ( new Object[]{
"SPACE", WButtonInputListener.Action.PRESSED,
"released SPACE", WButtonInputListener.Action.RELEASED,
"RETURN", WButtonInputListener.Action.PRESSED,
} ) );
// Tristate checkbox
table.put ( "TristateCheckBox.focusInputMap", new UIDefaults.LazyInputMap ( new Object[]{
"SPACE", WButtonInputListener.Action.PRESSED,
"released SPACE", WButtonInputListener.Action.RELEASED
} ) );
// Progress bar
table.put ( "ProgressBar.border", null );
// Split pane
table.put ( "SplitPane.dividerSize", 2 );
table.put ( "SplitPane.ancestorInputMap", new UIDefaults.LazyInputMap ( new Object[]{
"UP", WSplitPaneInputListener.Action.NEGATIVE_INCREMENT,
"DOWN", WSplitPaneInputListener.Action.POSITIVE_INCREMENT,
"LEFT", WSplitPaneInputListener.Action.NEGATIVE_INCREMENT,
"RIGHT", WSplitPaneInputListener.Action.POSITIVE_INCREMENT,
"KP_UP", WSplitPaneInputListener.Action.NEGATIVE_INCREMENT,
"KP_DOWN", WSplitPaneInputListener.Action.POSITIVE_INCREMENT,
"KP_LEFT", WSplitPaneInputListener.Action.NEGATIVE_INCREMENT,
"KP_RIGHT", WSplitPaneInputListener.Action.POSITIVE_INCREMENT,
"HOME", WSplitPaneInputListener.Action.SELECT_MIN,
"END", WSplitPaneInputListener.Action.SELECT_MAX,
"F8", WSplitPaneInputListener.Action.START_RESIZE,
"F6", WSplitPaneInputListener.Action.TOGGLE_FOCUS,
"ctrl TAB", WSplitPaneInputListener.Action.FOCUS_OUT_FORWARD,
"ctrl shift TAB", WSplitPaneInputListener.Action.FOCUS_OUT_BACKWARD
} ) );
// Option pane
table.put ( "OptionPane.isYesLast", SystemUtils.isMac () ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE );
// HTML image icons
table.put ( "html.pendingImage", Icons.hourglass );
table.put ( "html.missingImage", Icons.broken );
// Tree icons
table.put ( "Tree.closedIcon", Icons.folder );
table.put ( "Tree.openIcon", Icons.folderOpen );
table.put ( "Tree.leafIcon", Icons.leaf );
table.put ( "Tree.collapsedIcon", Icons.squarePlus );
table.put ( "Tree.expandedIcon", Icons.squareMinus );
// Tree default selection style
table.put ( "Tree.textForeground", new ColorUIResource ( Color.BLACK ) );
table.put ( "Tree.textBackground", new ColorUIResource ( new Color ( 255, 255, 255, 0 ) ) );
table.put ( "Tree.selectionForeground", new ColorUIResource ( Color.BLACK ) );
table.put ( "Tree.selectionBackground", new ColorUIResource ( new Color ( 255, 255, 255, 0 ) ) );
table.put ( "Tree.selectionBorderColor", new ColorUIResource ( new Color ( 255, 255, 255, 0 ) ) );
table.put ( "Tree.dropCellBackground", new ColorUIResource ( new Color ( 255, 255, 255, 0 ) ) );
// Tree default renderer content margins
table.put ( "Tree.rendererFillBackground", Boolean.FALSE );
table.put ( "Tree.drawsFocusBorderAroundIcon", Boolean.FALSE );
table.put ( "Tree.drawDashedFocusIndicator", Boolean.FALSE );
// Tree lines indent
table.put ( "Tree.leftChildIndent", 12 );
table.put ( "Tree.rightChildIndent", 12 );
table.put ( "Tree.lineTypeDashed", Boolean.TRUE );
// Menu expand spacing
// Up-down menu expand
table.put ( "Menu.menuPopupOffsetX", 0 );
table.put ( "Menu.menuPopupOffsetY", 0 );
// Left-right menu expand
table.put ( "Menu.submenuPopupOffsetX", 0 );
table.put ( "Menu.submenuPopupOffsetY", 0 );
// OptionPane
table.put ( "OptionPane.buttonClickThreshold", 500 );
// Table defaults
table.put ( "Table.cellNoFocusBorder", new WebBorder ( 1, 1, 1, 1 ) );
table.put ( "Table.focusSelectedCellHighlightBorder", new WebBorder ( 1, 1, 1, 1 ) );
table.put ( "Table.focusCellHighlightBorder", new WebBorder ( 1, 1, 1, 1 ) );
table.put ( "Table.scrollPaneBorder", null );
// Table header defaults
table.put ( "TableHeader.cellBorder", new WebBorder ( 0, 10, 1, 10 ) );
table.put ( "TableHeader.focusCellBorder", new WebBorder ( 0, 10, 1, 10 ) );
// Default list renderer
table.put ( "List.cellRenderer", new UIDefaults.ActiveValue ()
public Object createValue ( final UIDefaults table )
return new WebListCellRenderer.UIResource