com.alee.laf.list.ListPainter Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.alee.laf.list;
import com.alee.api.annotations.NotNull;
import com.alee.api.annotations.Nullable;
import com.alee.managers.language.Language;
import com.alee.managers.language.LanguageListener;
import com.alee.managers.language.LanguageSensitive;
import com.alee.managers.language.UILanguageManager;
import com.alee.painter.DefaultPainter;
import com.alee.painter.PainterException;
import com.alee.painter.SectionPainter;
import com.alee.painter.decoration.AbstractDecorationPainter;
import com.alee.painter.decoration.DecorationState;
import com.alee.painter.decoration.IDecoration;
import com.alee.painter.decoration.IDecorationPainter;
import com.alee.utils.GeometryUtils;
import com.alee.utils.ReflectUtils;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent;
import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
* Basic painter for {@link JList} component.
* It is used as {@link WebListUI} default painter.
* @param component type
* @param component UI type
* @param decoration type
* @author Alexandr Zernov
public class ListPainter> extends AbstractDecorationPainter
implements IListPainter
* {@link SectionPainter} that can be used to customize list items background.
@DefaultPainter ( ListItemPainter.class )
protected IListItemPainter itemPainter;
* {@link SectionPainter} that can be used to customize list items selection background.
* Separate painter is used because selection could include multiple list items in some selection modes.
* This painter will not know any information about the items, use {@link #itemPainter} for painting item-specific decorations.
@DefaultPainter ( ListSelectionPainter.class )
protected IListSelectionPainter selectionPainter;
* Listeners.
protected transient ListSelectionListener listSelectionListener;
protected transient LanguageListener languageSensitive;
* Painting variables.
protected transient ListPaintParameters paintParameters;
protected transient CellRendererPane rendererPane;
protected List> getSectionPainters ()
return asList ( itemPainter, selectionPainter );
protected void installPropertiesAndListeners ()
super.installPropertiesAndListeners ();
installListSelectionListeners ();
installLanguageListeners ();
protected void uninstallPropertiesAndListeners ()
uninstallLanguageListeners ();
uninstallListSelectionListeners ();
uninstallRuntimeVariables ();
super.uninstallPropertiesAndListeners ();
* Installs list selection listeners.
protected void installListSelectionListeners ()
listSelectionListener = new ListSelectionListener ()
public void valueChanged ( final ListSelectionEvent e )
// Ensure component is still available
// This might happen if painter is replaced from another ListSelectionListener
if ( component != null )
// Optimized selection repaint
repaintSelection ();
component.addListSelectionListener ( listSelectionListener );
* Uninstalls list selection listeners.
protected void uninstallListSelectionListeners ()
component.removeListSelectionListener ( listSelectionListener );
listSelectionListener = null;
* Installs language listeners.
protected void installLanguageListeners ()
languageSensitive = new LanguageListener ()
public void languageChanged ( @NotNull final Language oldLanguage, @NotNull final Language newLanguage )
if ( isLanguageSensitive () )
final ListModel model = component.getModel ();
if ( model.getSize () > 0 )
if ( model instanceof WebListModel )
// Calling public model methods when possible
( ( WebListModel ) model ).fireContentsChanged ( ListPainter.this, 0, model.getSize () );
else if ( model instanceof AbstractListModel )
// Invoking protected model methods when its based on abstract Swing one
ReflectUtils.callMethod ( model, "fireContentsChanged", ListPainter.this, 0, model.getSize () );
catch ( final Exception e )
// Something went wrong
throw new PainterException ( "Unable to fire list content changes", e );
// Simply repainting list when we don't have tools to update it properly
component.repaint ();
UILanguageManager.addLanguageListener ( component, languageSensitive );
* Returns whether or not list is language-sensitive.
* @return {@code true} if list is language-sensitive, {@code false} otherwise
protected boolean isLanguageSensitive ()
boolean sensitive = false;
if ( component instanceof LanguageSensitive ||
component.getCellRenderer () instanceof LanguageSensitive ||
component.getModel () instanceof LanguageSensitive )
// Either list, its renderer or model is language-sensitive
sensitive = true;
// Checking existing list items for being language-sensitive
final ListModel model = component.getModel ();
for ( int i = 0; i < model.getSize (); i++ )
if ( model.getElementAt ( i ) instanceof LanguageSensitive )
sensitive = true;
return sensitive;
* Uninstalls language listeners.
protected void uninstallLanguageListeners ()
UILanguageManager.removeLanguageListener ( component, languageSensitive );
languageSensitive = null;
* Performs runtime variables cleanup.
protected void uninstallRuntimeVariables ()
paintParameters = null;
public boolean isItemHoverDecorationSupported ()
boolean supported = false;
if ( component != null && component.isEnabled () )
if ( itemPainter != null && itemPainter instanceof IDecorationPainter )
supported = ( ( IDecorationPainter ) itemPainter ).usesState ( DecorationState.hover );
return supported;
public void prepareToPaint ( @NotNull final ListPaintParameters parameters )
paintParameters = parameters;
public void cleanupAfterPaint ()
paintParameters = null;
protected void paintContent ( @NotNull final Graphics2D g2d, @NotNull final C c, @NotNull final U ui, @NotNull final Rectangle bounds )
// Painting hover cell background
paintBackground ( g2d );
// Painting selected cells background
paintSelectedCellsBackground ( g2d );
// Painting list
paintList ( g2d );
// Painting drop location
paintDropLocation ( g2d );
* Paints list background.
* @param g2d graphics context
protected void paintBackground ( @NotNull final Graphics2D g2d )
if ( itemPainter != null )
// Saving initial clip
final Shape clip = g2d.getClip ();
// Painting background for visible cells
final ListModel dataModel = component.getModel ();
final int size = dataModel.getSize ();
if ( size > 0 )
// Determine how many columns we need to paint
final Rectangle paintBounds = g2d.getClipBounds ();
final int startColumn;
final int endColumn;
if ( ltr )
startColumn = convertLocationToColumn ( paintBounds.x, paintBounds.y );
endColumn = convertLocationToColumn ( paintBounds.x + paintBounds.width, paintBounds.y );
startColumn = convertLocationToColumn ( paintBounds.x + paintBounds.width, paintBounds.y );
endColumn = convertLocationToColumn ( paintBounds.x, paintBounds.y );
final int maxY = paintBounds.y + paintBounds.height;
final int rowIncrement = component.getLayoutOrientation () == JList.HORIZONTAL_WRAP ? paintParameters.columnCount : 1;
for ( int colCounter = startColumn; colCounter <= endColumn; colCounter++ )
// And then how many rows in this column
int row = convertLocationToRowInColumn ( paintBounds.y, colCounter );
final int rowCount = getRowCount ( colCounter );
int index = getModelIndex ( colCounter, row );
final Rectangle rowBounds = ui.getCellBounds ( component, index, index );
if ( rowBounds != null )
while ( row < rowCount && rowBounds.y < maxY && index < size )
rowBounds.height = getHeight ( colCounter, row );
g2d.setClip ( rowBounds.x, rowBounds.y, rowBounds.width, rowBounds.height );
g2d.clipRect ( paintBounds.x, paintBounds.y, paintBounds.width, paintBounds.height );
// Painting hover cell background
itemPainter.prepareToPaint ( index );
paintSection ( itemPainter, g2d, rowBounds );
rowBounds.y += rowBounds.height;
index += rowIncrement;
// Not valid, bail!
// Restoring initial clip
g2d.setClip ( clip );
// if ( isItemHoverDecorationSupported () )
// {
// // Checking hover cell availability
// final int hoverIndex = ui.getHoverIndex ();
// if ( hoverIndex != -1 && !component.isSelectedIndex ( hoverIndex ) )
// {
// // Checking hover cell bounds
// final Rectangle bounds = ui.getCellBounds ( component, hoverIndex, hoverIndex );
// if ( bounds != null )
// {
// // Painting hover cell background
// itemPainter.prepareToPaint ( hoverIndex );
// paintSection ( itemPainter, g2d, bounds );
// }
// }
// }
* Paints special WebLaF list cells selection.
* It is rendered separately from cells allowing you to simplify your list cell renderer component.
* @param g2d graphics context
protected void paintSelectedCellsBackground ( final Graphics2D g2d )
if ( selectionPainter != null && component.getSelectedIndex () != -1 && ui.getSelectionStyle () != ListSelectionStyle.none )
// Painting selections
final List selections = getSelectionRects ();
for ( final Rectangle bounds : selections )
paintSection ( selectionPainter, g2d, bounds );
* Paints existing list items.
* @param g2d graphics context
protected void paintList ( @NotNull final Graphics2D g2d )
// Retrieving paint settings
rendererPane = ui.getCellRendererPane ();
final ListCellRenderer renderer = component.getCellRenderer ();
final ListModel dataModel = component.getModel ();
final int size = dataModel.getSize ();
if ( renderer != null && size > 0 )
// Saving initial clip
final Shape clip = g2d.getClip ();
// Determine how many columns we need to paint
final Rectangle paintBounds = g2d.getClipBounds ();
final int startColumn;
final int endColumn;
if ( ltr )
startColumn = convertLocationToColumn ( paintBounds.x, paintBounds.y );
endColumn = convertLocationToColumn ( paintBounds.x + paintBounds.width, paintBounds.y );
startColumn = convertLocationToColumn ( paintBounds.x + paintBounds.width, paintBounds.y );
endColumn = convertLocationToColumn ( paintBounds.x, paintBounds.y );
final int maxY = paintBounds.y + paintBounds.height;
final int leadIndex = adjustIndex ( component.getLeadSelectionIndex (), component );
final int rowIncrement = component.getLayoutOrientation () == JList.HORIZONTAL_WRAP ? paintParameters.columnCount : 1;
final ListSelectionModel selModel = component.getSelectionModel ();
for ( int colCounter = startColumn; colCounter <= endColumn; colCounter++ )
// And then how many rows in this column
int row = convertLocationToRowInColumn ( paintBounds.y, colCounter );
final int rowCount = getRowCount ( colCounter );
int index = getModelIndex ( colCounter, row );
final Rectangle rowBounds = ui.getCellBounds ( component, index, index );
if ( rowBounds != null )
while ( row < rowCount && rowBounds.y < maxY && index < size )
rowBounds.height = getHeight ( colCounter, row );
g2d.setClip ( rowBounds.x, rowBounds.y, rowBounds.width, rowBounds.height );
g2d.clipRect ( paintBounds.x, paintBounds.y, paintBounds.width, paintBounds.height );
paintCell ( g2d, index, rowBounds, renderer, dataModel, selModel, leadIndex );
rowBounds.y += rowBounds.height;
index += rowIncrement;
// Not valid, bail!
// Restoring initial clip
g2d.setClip ( clip );
// Empty out the renderer pane, allowing renderers to be gc'ed.
rendererPane.removeAll ();
rendererPane = null;
* Paint one List cell: compute the relevant state, get the "rubber stamp" cell renderer component, and then use the CellRendererPane
* to paint it. Subclasses may want to override this method rather than paint().
* @param g2d graphics context
* @param index cell index
* @param rowBounds cell bounds
* @param cellRenderer cell renderer
* @param dataModel list model
* @param selModel list selection model
* @param leadIndex lead cell index
protected void paintCell ( final Graphics2D g2d, final int index, final Rectangle rowBounds, final ListCellRenderer cellRenderer,
final ListModel dataModel, final ListSelectionModel selModel, final int leadIndex )
final Object value = dataModel.getElementAt ( index );
final boolean isSelected = selModel.isSelectedIndex ( index );
final boolean cellHasFocus = component.hasFocus () && index == leadIndex;
final Component renderer = cellRenderer.getListCellRendererComponent ( component, value, index, isSelected, cellHasFocus );
rendererPane.paintComponent ( g2d, renderer, component, rowBounds.x, rowBounds.y, rowBounds.width, rowBounds.height, true );
* Returns the height of the cell at the passed in location.
* @param column list column
* @param row list row
* @return height of the cell at the passed in location
protected int getHeight ( final int column, final int row )
if ( column < 0 || column > paintParameters.columnCount || row < 0 )
return -1;
if ( component.getLayoutOrientation () != JList.VERTICAL )
return paintParameters.cellHeight;
if ( row >= component.getModel ().getSize () )
return -1;
return paintParameters.cellHeights == null ? paintParameters.cellHeight :
row < paintParameters.cellHeights.length ? paintParameters.cellHeights[ row ] : -1;
* Returns the model index for the specified display location.
* If {@code column} x {@code row} is beyond the length of the model, this will return the model size - 1.
* @param column list column
* @param row list row
* @return model index for the specified display location
protected int getModelIndex ( final int column, final int row )
switch ( component.getLayoutOrientation () )
return Math.min (
component.getModel ().getSize () - 1,
paintParameters.rowsPerColumn * column + Math.min ( row, paintParameters.rowsPerColumn - 1 )
return Math.min ( component.getModel ().getSize () - 1, row * paintParameters.columnCount + column );
return row;
* Returns the number of rows in the given column.
* @param column column index
* @return number of rows in the given column
protected int getRowCount ( final int column )
if ( column < 0 || column >= paintParameters.columnCount )
return -1;
if ( component.getLayoutOrientation () == JList.VERTICAL || column == 0 && paintParameters.columnCount == 1 )
return component.getModel ().getSize ();
if ( column >= paintParameters.columnCount )
return -1;
if ( component.getLayoutOrientation () == JList.VERTICAL_WRAP )
if ( column < paintParameters.columnCount - 1 )
return paintParameters.rowsPerColumn;
return component.getModel ().getSize () - ( paintParameters.columnCount - 1 ) * paintParameters.rowsPerColumn;
final int diff = paintParameters.columnCount -
( paintParameters.columnCount * paintParameters.rowsPerColumn - component.getModel ().getSize () );
if ( column >= diff )
return Math.max ( 0, paintParameters.rowsPerColumn - 1 );
return paintParameters.rowsPerColumn;
* Returns the closest row that starts at the specified y-location in the passed in column.
* @param y Y location
* @param column column index
* @return closest row that starts at the specified y-location in the passed in column
protected int convertLocationToRowInColumn ( final int y, final int column )
int x = 0;
if ( component.getLayoutOrientation () != JList.VERTICAL )
if ( ltr )
x = column * paintParameters.cellWidth;
x = component.getWidth () - ( column + 1 ) * paintParameters.cellWidth - component.getInsets ().right;
return convertLocationToRow ( x, y, true );
* Returns the row at the location specified by X and Y coordinates.
* If {@code closest} is {@code true} and the location doesn't exactly match a particular location, closest row will be returned.
* @param x X location
* @param y0 Y location
* @param closest whether or not should try finding closest row if exact location doesn't match any
* @return row at the location specified by X and Y coordinates
protected int convertLocationToRow ( final int x, final int y0, final boolean closest )
final int size = component.getModel ().getSize ();
if ( size <= 0 )
return -1;
final Insets insets = component.getInsets ();
if ( paintParameters.cellHeights == null )
int row = paintParameters.cellHeight == 0 ? 0 : ( y0 - ) / paintParameters.cellHeight;
if ( closest )
if ( row < 0 )
row = 0;
else if ( row >= size )
row = size - 1;
return row;
else if ( size > paintParameters.cellHeights.length )
return -1;
int y =;
int row = 0;
if ( closest && y0 < y )
return 0;
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < size; i++ )
if ( y0 >= y && y0 < y + paintParameters.cellHeights[ i ] )
return row;
y += paintParameters.cellHeights[ i ];
row += 1;
return i - 1;
* Returns the column at the location specified by X and Y coordinates.
* @param x X location
* @param y Y location
* @return column at the location specified by X and Y coordinates
protected int convertLocationToColumn ( final int x, final int y )
if ( paintParameters.cellWidth > 0 )
if ( component.getLayoutOrientation () == JList.VERTICAL )
return 0;
final Insets insets = component.getInsets ();
final int col;
if ( ltr )
col = ( x - insets.left ) / paintParameters.cellWidth;
col = ( component.getWidth () - x - insets.right - 1 ) / paintParameters.cellWidth;
if ( col < 0 )
return 0;
else if ( col >= paintParameters.columnCount )
return paintParameters.columnCount - 1;
return col;
return 0;
* Returns corrected item index.
* @param index list item index
* @param list painted list
* @return corrected item index
protected int adjustIndex ( final int index, final C list )
return index < list.getModel ().getSize () ? index : -1;
* Paints list drop location.
* @param g2d graphics context
protected void paintDropLocation ( final Graphics2D g2d )
final JList.DropLocation loc = component.getDropLocation ();
//noinspection StatementWithEmptyBody
if ( loc != null && loc.isInsert () )
// todo check needs. Maybe move to the style
// final Color c = DefaultLookup.getColor ( list, this, "List.dropLineColor", null );
// if ( c != null )
// {
// g.setPaint ( c );
// final Rectangle rect = getDropLineRect ( loc );
// g.fillRect ( rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height );
// }
// private Rectangle getDropLineRect ( final JList.DropLocation loc )
// {
// final int size = list.getModel ().getSize ();
// if ( size == 0 )
// {
// final Insets insets = list.getInsets ();
// if ( component.getLayoutOrientation () == JList.HORIZONTAL_WRAP )
// {
// if ( ltr )
// {
// return new Rectangle ( insets.left,, DROP_LINE_THICKNESS, 20 );
// }
// else
// {
// return new Rectangle ( list.getWidth () - DROP_LINE_THICKNESS - insets.right,, DROP_LINE_THICKNESS, 20 );
// }
// }
// else
// {
// return new Rectangle ( insets.left,, list.getWidth () - insets.left - insets.right, DROP_LINE_THICKNESS );
// }
// }
// Rectangle rect = null;
// int index = loc.getIndex ();
// boolean decr = false;
// if ( component.getLayoutOrientation () == JList.HORIZONTAL_WRAP )
// {
// if ( index == size )
// {
// decr = true;
// }
// else if ( index != 0 && convertModelToRow ( index ) != convertModelToRow ( index - 1 ) )
// {
// final Rectangle prev = getCellBounds ( list, index - 1 );
// final Rectangle me = getCellBounds ( list, index );
// final Point p = loc.getDropPoint ();
// if ( ltr )
// {
// decr = Point2D.distance ( prev.x + prev.width, prev.y + ( int ) ( prev.height / 2.0 ), p.x, p.y ) <
// Point2D.distance ( me.x, me.y + ( int ) ( me.height / 2.0 ), p.x, p.y );
// }
// else
// {
// decr = Point2D.distance ( prev.x, prev.y + ( int ) ( prev.height / 2.0 ), p.x, p.y ) <
// Point2D.distance ( me.x + me.width, me.y + ( int ) ( prev.height / 2.0 ), p.x, p.y );
// }
// }
// if ( decr )
// {
// index--;
// rect = getCellBounds ( list, index );
// if ( ltr )
// {
// rect.x += rect.width;
// }
// else
// {
// }
// }
// else
// {
// rect = getCellBounds ( list, index );
// if ( !ltr )
// {
// rect.x += rect.width - DROP_LINE_THICKNESS;
// }
// }
// if ( rect.x >= list.getWidth () )
// {
// rect.x = list.getWidth () - DROP_LINE_THICKNESS;
// }
// else if ( rect.x < 0 )
// {
// rect.x = 0;
// }
// rect.width = DROP_LINE_THICKNESS;
// }
// else if ( component.getLayoutOrientation () == JList.VERTICAL_WRAP )
// {
// if ( index == size )
// {
// index--;
// rect = getCellBounds ( list, index );
// rect.y += rect.height;
// }
// else if ( index != 0 && convertModelToColumn ( index ) != convertModelToColumn ( index - 1 ) )
// {
// final Rectangle prev = getCellBounds ( list, index - 1 );
// final Rectangle me = getCellBounds ( list, index );
// final Point p = loc.getDropPoint ();
// if ( Point2D.distance ( prev.x + ( int ) ( prev.width / 2.0 ), prev.y + prev.height, p.x, p.y ) <
// Point2D.distance ( me.x + ( int ) ( me.width / 2.0 ), me.y, p.x, p.y ) )
// {
// index--;
// rect = getCellBounds ( list, index );
// rect.y += rect.height;
// }
// else
// {
// rect = getCellBounds ( list, index );
// }
// }
// else
// {
// rect = getCellBounds ( list, index );
// }
// if ( rect.y >= list.getHeight () )
// {
// rect.y = list.getHeight () - DROP_LINE_THICKNESS;
// }
// rect.height = DROP_LINE_THICKNESS;
// }
// else
// {
// if ( index == size )
// {
// index--;
// rect = getCellBounds ( list, index );
// rect.y += rect.height;
// }
// else
// {
// rect = getCellBounds ( list, index );
// }
// if ( rect.y >= list.getHeight () )
// {
// rect.y = list.getHeight () - DROP_LINE_THICKNESS;
// }
// rect.height = DROP_LINE_THICKNESS;
// }
// return rect;
// }
// /**
// * Returns the row that the model index index
will be displayed in..
// */
// protected int convertModelToRow ( final int index )
// {
// final int size = list.getModel ().getSize ();
// if ( ( index < 0 ) || ( index >= size ) )
// {
// return -1;
// }
// if ( component.getLayoutOrientation () != JList.VERTICAL && columnCount > 1 && rowsPerColumn > 0 )
// {
// if ( component.getLayoutOrientation () == JList.VERTICAL_WRAP )
// {
// return index % rowsPerColumn;
// }
// return index / columnCount;
// }
// return index;
// }
// /**
// * Returns the column that the model index index
will be displayed in.
// */
// protected int convertModelToColumn ( final int index )
// {
// final int size = list.getModel ().getSize ();
// if ( ( index < 0 ) || ( index >= size ) )
// {
// return -1;
// }
// if ( component.getLayoutOrientation () != JList.VERTICAL && rowsPerColumn > 0 && columnCount > 1 )
// {
// if ( component.getLayoutOrientation () == JList.VERTICAL_WRAP )
// {
// return index / rowsPerColumn;
// }
// return index % columnCount;
// }
// return 0;
// }
// /**
// * Gets the bounds of the specified model index, returning the resulting
// * bounds, or null if index
is not valid.
// */
// protected Rectangle getCellBounds ( final JList list, final int index )
// {
// return ui.getCellBounds ( list, index, index );
// }
* Returns list of list selections bounds.
* This method takes selection style into account.
* @return list of list selections bounds
protected List getSelectionRects ()
// Return empty selection rects when custom selection painting is disabled
if ( ui.getSelectionStyle () == ListSelectionStyle.none )
return Collections.emptyList ();
// Checking that selection exists
final int[] indices = component.getSelectedIndices ();
if ( indices == null || indices.length == 0 )
return Collections.emptyList ();
// Sorting selected rows
Arrays.sort ( indices );
// Calculating selection rects
final List selections = new ArrayList ( indices.length );
Rectangle maxRect = null;
int lastRow = -1;
for ( final int index : indices )
if ( ui.getSelectionStyle () == ListSelectionStyle.single )
// Required bounds
selections.add ( component.getCellBounds ( index, index ) );
if ( lastRow != -1 && lastRow + 1 != index )
// Save determined group
selections.add ( maxRect );
// Reset counting
maxRect = null;
lastRow = -1;
if ( lastRow == -1 || lastRow + 1 == index )
// Required bounds
final Rectangle b = component.getCellBounds ( index, index );
// Increase rect
maxRect = lastRow == -1 ? b : GeometryUtils.getContainingRect ( maxRect, b );
// Remember last row
lastRow = index;
if ( maxRect != null )
selections.add ( maxRect );
return selections;
* Repaints all rectangles containing list selections.
* This method is optimized to repaint only those area which are actually have selection in them.
protected void repaintSelection ()
if ( component.getSelectedIndex () != -1 )
for ( final Rectangle rect : getSelectionRects () )
component.repaint ( rect );
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