com.alee.laf.grouping.GroupPaneLayout Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.alee.laf.grouping;
import com.alee.api.annotations.NotNull;
import com.alee.api.annotations.Nullable;
import com.alee.painter.PainterSupport;
import com.alee.painter.decoration.DecorationUtils;
import com.alee.utils.general.Pair;
import com.alee.utils.swing.SizeType;
import com.thoughtworks.xstream.annotations.XStreamAlias;
import com.thoughtworks.xstream.annotations.XStreamAsAttribute;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
* Layout designed specifically for usage within {@link com.alee.laf.grouping.GroupPane} container.
* It constructs a grid of components to be visually grouped and knows how to retrieve components at specific cells.
* @author Mikle Garin
@XStreamAlias ( "GroupPaneLayout" )
public class GroupPaneLayout extends AbstractGroupingLayout implements SwingConstants
* Components placement order orientation.
protected int orientation;
* Amount of columns used to place components.
protected int columns;
* Amount of rows used to place components.
protected int rows;
* Component constraints.
protected transient final Map constraints = new HashMap ( 5 );
* Constructs default layout.
public GroupPaneLayout ()
this ( HORIZONTAL, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 1 );
* Constructs layout with the specified amount of rows and columns.
* @param orientation components placement order orientation
public GroupPaneLayout ( final int orientation )
this ( orientation, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 1 );
* Constructs layout with the specified amount of rows and columns.
* @param columns amount of columns used to place components
* @param rows amount of rows used to place components
public GroupPaneLayout ( final int columns, final int rows )
this ( HORIZONTAL, columns, rows );
* Constructs layout with the specified amount of rows and columns.
* @param orientation components placement order orientation
* @param columns amount of columns used to place components
* @param rows amount of rows used to place components
public GroupPaneLayout ( final int orientation, final int columns, final int rows )
super ();
setOrientation ( orientation );
setColumns ( columns );
setRows ( rows );
* Returns components placement order orientation.
* @return components placement order orientation
public int getOrientation ()
return orientation;
* Sets components placement order orientation.
* @param orientation components placement order orientation
public void setOrientation ( final int orientation )
this.orientation = orientation;
* Returns amount of columns used to place components.
* @return amount of columns used to place components
public int getColumns ()
return columns;
* Sets amount of columns used to place components.
* @param columns amount of columns to place components
public void setColumns ( final int columns )
this.columns = columns;
* Returns amount of rows used to place components.
* @return amount of rows used to place components
public int getRows ()
return rows;
* Sets amount of rows used to place components.
* @param rows amount of rows to place components
public void setRows ( final int rows )
this.rows = rows;
public void addComponent ( @NotNull final Component component, @Nullable final Object constraints )
// Saving constraints
if ( constraints != null && !( constraints instanceof GroupPaneConstraints ) )
throw new RuntimeException ( "Unsupported layout constraints: " + constraints );
this.constraints.put ( component, constraints != null ? ( GroupPaneConstraints ) constraints : getDefaultConstraint () );
// Performing basic operations
super.addComponent ( component, constraints );
* Returns default component constraints in this layout.
* @return default component constraints in this layout
protected GroupPaneConstraints getDefaultConstraint ()
return orientation == HORIZONTAL ? GroupPaneConstraints.VERTICAL_FILL : GroupPaneConstraints.HORIZONTAL_FILL;
public void removeComponent ( @NotNull final Component component )
// Performing basic operations
super.removeComponent ( component );
// Removing saved constraints
constraints.remove ( component );
public void layoutContainer ( @NotNull final Container container )
// Retrieving actual grid size
final GridSize gridSize = getActualGridSize ( container );
// Calculating children preferred sizes
final Pair sizes = calculateSizes ( container, gridSize, SizeType.current );
// Laying out components
// To do that we will simply iterate through the whole grid
// Some cells we will iterate through won't have components, we will simply skip those
final Insets border = container.getInsets ();
int y =;
for ( int row = 0; row < gridSize.rows; row++ )
int x = border.left;
for ( int column = 0; column < gridSize.columns; column++ )
// Converting grid point to component index
final int index = pointToIndex ( container, column, row, gridSize );
// Retrieving cell component if it exists
final Component component = container.getComponent ( index );
if ( component != null )
// Updating its bounds
component.setBounds ( x, y, sizes.key[ column ], sizes.value[ row ] );
// Move forward into grid
x += sizes.key[ column ];
// Move forward into grid
y += sizes.value[ row ];
public Dimension preferredLayoutSize ( @NotNull final Container container )
// Retrieving actual grid size
final GridSize gridSize = getActualGridSize ( container );
// Calculating children preferred sizes
final Pair sizes = calculateSizes ( container, gridSize, SizeType.preferred );
// Calculating preferred size
final Dimension ps = new Dimension ( 0, 0 );
for ( final Integer columnWith : sizes.key )
ps.width += columnWith;
for ( final Integer rowHeight : sizes.value )
ps.height += rowHeight;
final Insets border = container.getInsets ();
ps.width += border.left + border.right;
ps.height += + border.bottom;
return ps;
* Returns actual grid size according to container components amount.
* Actual grid size is very important for all calculations as it defines the final size of the grid.
* For example: Layout settings are set to have 5 columns and 5 rows which in total requires 25 components to fill-in the grid.
* Though there might not be enough components provided to fill the grid, in that case the actual grid size might be less.
* @param container group pane
* @return actual grid size according to container components amount
protected GridSize getActualGridSize ( final Container container )
final int count = container.getComponentCount ();
if ( orientation == HORIZONTAL )
return new GridSize ( Math.min ( count, columns ), ( count - 1 ) / columns + 1 );
return new GridSize ( ( count - 1 ) / rows + 1, Math.min ( count, rows ) );
* Returns component at the specified cell.
* @param container group pane
* @param column component column
* @param row component row
* @return component at the specified cell
protected Component getComponentAt ( final Container container, final int column, final int row )
final GridSize gridSize = getActualGridSize ( container );
final int index = pointToIndex ( container, column, row, gridSize );
final int count = container.getComponentCount ();
return index < count ? container.getComponent ( index ) : null;
* Returns grid column in which component under the specified index is placed.
* @param container group pane
* @param index component index
* @param gridSize actual grid size
* @return grid column in which component under the specified index is placed
protected int indexToColumn ( final Container container, final int index, final GridSize gridSize )
final boolean ltr = container.getComponentOrientation ().isLeftToRight ();
final int column = orientation == HORIZONTAL ? index % columns : index / rows;
return ltr ? column : gridSize.columns - 1 - column;
* Returns grid row in which component under the specified index is placed.
* @param index component index
* @return grid row in which component under the specified index is placed
protected int indexToRow ( final int index )
return orientation == HORIZONTAL ? index / columns : index % rows;
* Returns index of the component placed in the specified grid cell or {@code null} if cell is empty.
* @param container group pane
* @param column grid column index
* @param row grid row index
* @param gridSize actual grid size
* @return index of the component placed in the specified grid cell or {@code null} if cell is empty
protected int pointToIndex ( final Container container, final int column, final int row, final GridSize gridSize )
final boolean ltr = container.getComponentOrientation ().isLeftToRight ();
final int c = ltr ? column : gridSize.columns - 1 - column;
return orientation == HORIZONTAL ? row * columns + c : c * rows + row;
* Returns column and row sizes.
* @param container group pane
* @param gridSize actual grid size
* @param type requested sizes type
* @return column and row sizes
protected Pair calculateSizes ( final Container container, final GridSize gridSize, final SizeType type )
final int count = container.getComponentCount ();
// Calculating initially available column and row sizes
final int cols = gridSize.columns;
final int[] colWidths = new int[ cols ];
final double[] colPercents = new double[ cols ];
final int rows = gridSize.rows;
final int[] rowHeights = new int[ rows ];
final double[] rowPercents = new double[ rows ];
for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
final Component component = container.getComponent ( i );
final GroupPaneConstraints c = constraints.get ( component );
final Dimension ps = component.getPreferredSize ();
final int col = indexToColumn ( container, i, gridSize );
final int row = indexToRow ( i );
colWidths[ col ] = Math.max ( colWidths[ col ], ( int ) Math.floor ( c.width > 1 ? c.width : ps.width ) );
colPercents[ col ] = Math.max ( colPercents[ col ], 1 >= c.width && c.width > 0 ? c.width : 0 );
rowHeights[ row ] = Math.max ( rowHeights[ row ], ( int ) Math.floor ( c.height > 1 ? c.height : ps.height ) );
rowPercents[ row ] = Math.max ( rowPercents[ row ], 1 >= c.height && c.height > 0 ? c.height : 0 );
// Calculating resulting column and row sizes
final Dimension size = container.getSize ();
final Pair rc = calculateSizes ( cols, size.width, colWidths, colPercents );
final Pair rr = calculateSizes ( rows, size.height, rowHeights, rowPercents );
// Updating sizes with current values
// This block is only performed for actual layout operation
if ( type == SizeType.current )
for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
final int col = indexToColumn ( container, i, gridSize );
if ( colPercents[ col ] > 0 && colPercents[ col ] <= 1 )
final int pw = ( int ) Math.floor ( rc.getValue () * colPercents[ col ] / rc.getKey () );
colWidths[ col ] = Math.max ( pw, colWidths[ col ] );
final int row = indexToRow ( i );
if ( rowPercents[ row ] > 0 && rowPercents[ row ] <= 1 )
final int ph = ( int ) Math.floor ( rr.getValue () * rowPercents[ row ] / rr.getKey () );
rowHeights[ row ] = Math.max ( ph, rowHeights[ row ] );
appendDelta ( cols, colWidths, size.width );
appendDelta ( rows, rowHeights, size.height );
return new Pair ( colWidths, rowHeights );
* Calculates proper component sizes along with percents summ and free size.
* @param count parts count
* @param size total available size
* @param sizes part sizes
* @param percents part percentages
* @return percents summ and free size pair
protected Pair calculateSizes ( final int count, final int size, final int[] sizes, final double[] percents )
final int[] initSizes = Arrays.copyOf ( sizes, count );
boolean changed;
double maxWeight;
double freePercents;
int freeSize;
changed = false;
// Determining max column and row weights
maxWeight = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
if ( percents[ i ] > 0 )
maxWeight = Math.max ( maxWeight, initSizes[ i ] / percents[ i ] );
// Applying column and row weights
for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
if ( percents[ i ] > 0 )
sizes[ i ] = ( int ) Math.floor ( maxWeight * percents[ i ] );
sizes[ i ] = initSizes[ i ];
// Calculating summary of percent sizes and free pixel size
freeSize = size;
freePercents = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
freeSize -= percents[ i ] == 0 ? sizes[ i ] : 0;
freePercents += percents[ i ];
// Normalize percents so that fill parts will be able to take less than 100% of free space
// So far it have been disabled due to some minor shrinking issues
// freePercents = Math.max ( 1, freePercents );
// Stop parts from shrinking below their preferred size
for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
if ( percents[ i ] > 0 )
final double availSize = freeSize * percents[ i ] / freePercents;
if ( sizes[ i ] > availSize && initSizes[ i ] > availSize )
percents[ i ] = 0;
changed = true;
while ( changed );
return new Pair ( freePercents, freeSize );
* Appends delta space equally to last elements to properly fill in all available space.
* @param count parts count
* @param sizes part sizes
* @param size total available size
protected void appendDelta ( final int count, final int[] sizes, final int size )
int roughColSize = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
roughColSize += sizes[ i ];
int delta = size - roughColSize;
if ( delta < count )
for ( int i = count - 1; delta > 0; i--, delta-- )
sizes[ i ]++;
public Pair getDescriptors ( @NotNull final Container container, @NotNull final Component component, final int index )
// Retrieving actual grid size
final GridSize gridSize = getActualGridSize ( container );
// Retrieving component position
final int row = indexToRow ( index );
final int col = indexToColumn ( container, index, gridSize );
// Calculating descriptors values
final boolean paintTop;
final boolean paintTopLine;
final boolean paintLeft;
final boolean paintLeftLine;
final boolean paintBottom;
final boolean paintBottomLine;
final boolean paintRight;
final boolean paintRightLine;
if ( isNeighbourDecoratable ( container, gridSize, col, row, ) )
paintTop = false;
paintTopLine = false;
else if ( !isPaintTop () && isAtBorder ( container, gridSize, col, row, ) )
paintTop = false;
paintTopLine = false;
paintTop = true;
paintTopLine = false;
if ( isNeighbourDecoratable ( container, gridSize, col, row, BoxOrientation.left ) )
paintLeft = false;
paintLeftLine = false;
else if ( !isPaintLeft () && isAtBorder ( container, gridSize, col, row, BoxOrientation.left ) )
paintLeft = false;
paintLeftLine = false;
paintLeft = true;
paintLeftLine = false;
if ( isNeighbourDecoratable ( container, gridSize, col, row, BoxOrientation.bottom ) )
paintBottom = false;
paintBottomLine = true;
else if ( !isPaintBottom () && isAtBorder ( container, gridSize, col, row, BoxOrientation.bottom ) )
paintBottom = false;
paintBottomLine = false;
paintBottom = true;
paintBottomLine = false;
if ( isNeighbourDecoratable ( container, gridSize, col, row, BoxOrientation.right ) )
paintRight = false;
paintRightLine = true;
else if ( !isPaintRight () && isAtBorder ( container, gridSize, col, row, BoxOrientation.right ) )
paintRight = false;
paintRightLine = false;
paintRight = true;
paintRightLine = true;
// Returning descriptors
final String sides = DecorationUtils.toString ( paintTop, paintLeft, paintBottom, paintRight );
final String lines = DecorationUtils.toString ( paintTopLine, paintLeftLine, paintBottomLine, paintRightLine );
return new Pair ( sides, lines );
* Returns whether or not neighbour painter for component at the specified column/row is decoratable.
* @param container container
* @param gridSize actual grid size
* @param col component column
* @param row component row
* @param direction neighbour direction
* @return {@code true} if neighbour painter for component at the specified column/row is decoratable, {@code false} otherwise
protected boolean isNeighbourDecoratable ( final Container container, final GridSize gridSize, final int col, final int row,
final BoxOrientation direction )
final Component neighbour = getNeighbour ( container, gridSize, col, row, direction );
return PainterSupport.isDecoratable ( neighbour );
* Returns neighbour for component at the specified column/row.
* @param container container
* @param gridSize actual grid size
* @param col component column
* @param row component row
* @param direction neighbour direction
* @return neighbour for component at the specified column/row
protected Component getNeighbour ( final Container container, final GridSize gridSize, final int col, final int row,
final BoxOrientation direction )
final Component neighbour;
final boolean ltr = container.getComponentOrientation ().isLeftToRight ();
if ( direction.isTop () )
neighbour = row > 0 ? getComponentAt ( container, col, row - 1 ) : null;
else if ( direction.isBottom () )
neighbour = row < gridSize.rows - 1 ? getComponentAt ( container, col, row + 1 ) : null;
else if ( ltr ? direction.isLeft () : direction.isRight () )
neighbour = col > 0 ? getComponentAt ( container, col - 1, row ) : null;
else if ( ltr ? direction.isRight () : direction.isLeft () )
neighbour = col < gridSize.columns - 1 ? getComponentAt ( container, col + 1, row ) : null;
throw new IllegalArgumentException ( "Unknown neighbour direction: " + direction );
return neighbour;
* Returns whether or not component at the specified column/row is positioned right at container border.
* @param container container
* @param gridSize actual grid size
* @param col component column
* @param row component row
* @param direction neighbour direction
* @return {@code true} if component at the specified column/row is positioned right at container border, {@code false} otherwise
protected boolean isAtBorder ( final Container container, final GridSize gridSize, final int col, final int row,
final BoxOrientation direction )
final boolean atBorder;
final boolean ltr = container.getComponentOrientation ().isLeftToRight ();
if ( direction.isTop () )
atBorder = row == 0;
else if ( direction.isBottom () )
atBorder = row == gridSize.rows - 1;
else if ( direction.isLeft () )
atBorder = col == ( ltr ? 0 : gridSize.columns - 1 );
else if ( direction.isRight () )
atBorder = col == ( ltr ? gridSize.columns - 1 : 0 );
throw new IllegalArgumentException ( "Unknown border direction: " + direction );
return atBorder;
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