Download gobblerparty JAR file with all dependencies
gobblerparty from group com.welemski (version 1.0.12-RELEASE)
GobblerParty is an extension of Gobbler that contains convenience classes and methods for
talking to PoolParty webservices: Thesaurus, Extractor, SPARQL end point etc.
This library also provides a convenient class for building SPARQL query so that you can parameterized it.
Artifact gobblerparty
Group com.welemski
Version 1.0.12-RELEASE
Last update 04. October 2016
Tags: classes methods webservices building parameterized gobblerparty query class provides contains sparql extension thesaurus talking that point convenient convenience extractor library poolparty gobbler this also
Organization not specified
License The MIT License
Dependencies amount 3
Dependencies commons-lang3, gobbler, commons-codec,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.welemski
Version 1.0.12-RELEASE
Last update 04. October 2016
Tags: classes methods webservices building parameterized gobblerparty query class provides contains sparql extension thesaurus talking that point convenient convenience extractor library poolparty gobbler this also
Organization not specified
License The MIT License
Dependencies amount 3
Dependencies commons-lang3, gobbler, commons-codec,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
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