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public class StringReflection {
private static StringReflections reflections;
static {
FieldReflection value = getFieldReflection(String.class, "value" , true );
FieldReflection offset = getFieldReflection(String.class, "offset" , false );
FieldReflection count = getFieldReflection(String.class, "count" , false );
FieldReflection hash = getFieldReflection(String.class, "hash" , false );
FieldReflection coder = getFieldReflection(String.class, "coder" , false );
if (hash == null )
hash = getFieldReflection(String.class, "hashCode" , true );
if (value == null || hash == null || coder != null )
reflections = new NoStringReflections();
else if (offset != null && count != null )
reflections = new StringReflectionsJava6(value, hash, count, offset);
reflections = new StringReflectionsJava7(value, hash);
interface StringReflections {
int offset (String s) ;
char [] chars(String s);
String createString (char [] chars) ;
String createString (char [] chars, int hash) ;
static class StringReflectionsJava6 implements StringReflections {
final FieldReflection value;
final FieldReflection hash;
final FieldReflection count;
final FieldReflection offset;
StringReflectionsJava6(FieldReflection value, FieldReflection hash, FieldReflection count, FieldReflection offset) {
this .value = value;
this .hash = hash;
this .count = count;
this .offset = offset;
public int offset (String s) {
return offset.getInteger(s);
public char [] chars(String s) {
return (char []) value.getObject(s);
public String createString (char [] chars) {
String s = new String();
value.setObject(s, chars);
count.setInteger(s, chars.length);
return s;
public String createString (char [] chars, int hash) {
String s = new String();
value.setObject(s, chars);
count.setInteger(s, chars.length);
if (hash != 0 )
this .hash.setInteger(s, hash);
return s;
static class StringReflectionsJava7 implements StringReflections {
final FieldReflection value;
final FieldReflection hash;
StringReflectionsJava7(FieldReflection value, FieldReflection hash) {
this .value = value;
this .hash = hash;
public int offset (String s) {
return 0 ;
public char [] chars(String s) {
return (char []) value.getObject(s);
public String createString (char [] chars) {
String s = new String();
value.setObject(s, chars);
return s;
public String createString (char [] chars, int hash) {
String s = new String();
value.setObject(s, chars);
if (hash != 0 )
this .hash.setInteger(s, hash);
return s;
static class NoStringReflections implements StringReflections {
public int offset (String s) {
return 0 ;
public char [] chars(String s) {
return s.toCharArray();
public String createString (char [] chars) {
return new String(chars);
public String createString (char [] chars, int hash) {
return new String(chars);
private static FieldReflection getFieldReflection (Class clazz, String fieldName, boolean printStackTrace) {
try {
return new FieldReflectionFactory().create(clazz, fieldName, true );
} catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
if (printStackTrace)
return null ;
public static char [] chars(String s) {
return reflections.chars(s);
public static int offset (String s) {
return reflections.offset(s);
public static String createString (char [] chars) {
return reflections.createString(chars);
public static String createString (char [] chars, int hash) {
return reflections.createString(chars, hash);