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com.wordnik.swagger.client.RestClient.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.wordnik.swagger.client
import com.ning.http._
import client._
import client.{ Cookie => AhcCookie }
import collection.JavaConverters._
import java.util.{TimeZone, Date, Locale}
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
import io.Codec
import java.nio.charset.Charset
import rl.MapQueryString
import akka.dispatch.{Promise, ExecutionContext, Future}
import akka.util.Duration
import akka.util.duration._
import org.json4s._
import org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethods
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
object RestClient {
val DefaultUserAgent = "SwaggerClient/1.0"
private implicit def stringWithExt(s: String) = new {
def isBlank = s == null || s.trim.isEmpty
def nonBlank = !isBlank
def blankOption = if (isBlank) None else Option(s)
case class CookieOptions( domain : String = "",
path : String = "",
maxAge : Int = -1,
secure : Boolean = false,
comment : String = "",
httpOnly: Boolean = false,
version : Int = 0,
encoding: String = "UTF-8")
trait HttpCookie {
implicit def cookieOptions: CookieOptions
def name: String
def value: String
case class RequestCookie(name: String, value: String, cookieOptions: CookieOptions = CookieOptions()) extends HttpCookie
object DateUtil {
@volatile private[this] var _currentTimeMillis: Option[Long] = None
def currentTimeMillis = _currentTimeMillis getOrElse System.currentTimeMillis
def currentTimeMillis_=(ct: Long) = _currentTimeMillis = Some(ct)
def freezeTime() = _currentTimeMillis = Some(System.currentTimeMillis())
def unfreezeTime() = _currentTimeMillis = None
def formatDate(date: Date, format: String, timeZone: TimeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")) = {
val df = new SimpleDateFormat(format)
case class Cookie(name: String, value: String)(implicit val cookieOptions: CookieOptions = CookieOptions()) extends HttpCookie {
private def ensureDotDomain =
(if (!cookieOptions.domain.startsWith(".")) "." + cookieOptions.domain else cookieOptions.domain).toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH)
def toCookieString = {
val sb = new StringBuffer
sb append name append "="
sb append value
if(cookieOptions.domain.nonBlank && cookieOptions.domain != "localhost")
sb.append("; Domain=").append(ensureDotDomain)
val pth = cookieOptions.path
if(pth.nonBlank) sb append "; Path=" append (if(!pth.startsWith("/")) {
"/" + pth
} else { pth })
if(cookieOptions.comment.nonBlank) sb append ("; Comment=") append cookieOptions.comment
appendMaxAge(sb, cookieOptions.maxAge, cookieOptions.version)
if ( sb append "; Secure"
if (cookieOptions.httpOnly) sb append "; HttpOnly"
private[this] def appendMaxAge(sb: StringBuffer, maxAge: Int, version: Int) = {
val dateInMillis = maxAge match {
case a if a < 0 => None // we don't do anything for max-age when it's < 0 then it becomes a session cookie
case 0 => Some(0L) // Set the date to the min date for the system
case a => Some(DateUtil.currentTimeMillis + a * 1000)
// This used to be Max-Age but IE is not always very happy with that
// see:
// see Q1:
val bOpt = dateInMillis map (ms => appendExpires(sb, new Date(ms)))
val agedOpt = if (version > 0) bOpt map (_.append("; Max-Age=").append(maxAge)) else bOpt
agedOpt getOrElse sb
private[this] def appendExpires(sb: StringBuffer, expires: Date) =
sb append "; Expires=" append formatExpires(expires)
private[this] def formatExpires(date: Date) = DateUtil.formatDate(date, "EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss zzz")
class CookieJar(private val reqCookies: Map[String, RequestCookie]) {
private val cookies = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, HttpCookie].asScala ++ reqCookies
def get(key: String) = cookies.get(key) filter (_.cookieOptions.maxAge != 0) map (_.value)
def apply(key: String) = get(key) getOrElse (throw new Exception("No cookie could be found for the specified key [%s]" format key))
def update(name: String, value: String)(implicit cookieOptions: CookieOptions=CookieOptions()) = {
cookies += name -> Cookie(name, value)(cookieOptions)
def set(name: String, value: String)(implicit cookieOptions: CookieOptions=CookieOptions()) = {
this.update(name, value)(cookieOptions)
def delete(name: String)(implicit cookieOptions: CookieOptions = CookieOptions(maxAge = 0)) {
this.update(name, "")(cookieOptions.copy(maxAge = 0))
def +=(keyValuePair: (String, String))(implicit cookieOptions: CookieOptions = CookieOptions()) = {
this.update(keyValuePair._1, keyValuePair._2)(cookieOptions)
def -=(key: String)(implicit cookieOptions: CookieOptions = CookieOptions(maxAge = 0)) {
def size = cookies.size
def foreach[U](fn: (HttpCookie) => U) = cookies foreach { case (_, v) => fn(v) }
private[client] def responseCookies = cookies.values collect { case c: Cookie => c }
override def toString: String = cookies.toString()
class RestClientResponse(response: Response) extends ClientResponse {
val cookies = (response.getCookies.asScala map { cookie =>
val cko = CookieOptions(cookie.getDomain, cookie.getPath, cookie.getMaxAge)
cookie.getName -> Cookie(cookie.getName, cookie.getValue)(cko)
val headers = (response.getHeaders.keySet().asScala map { k => k -> response.getHeaders(k).asScala.toSeq}).toMap
val status = ResponseStatus(response.getStatusCode, response.getStatusText)
val contentType = response.getContentType
val inputStream = response.getResponseBodyAsStream
val uri = response.getUri
def body = response.getResponseBody(charset getOrElse "UTF-8")
def mediaType: Option[String] = headers.get("Content-Type") flatMap { _.headOption }
def charset: Option[String] =
for {
ct <- mediaType
charset <- ct.split(";").drop(1).headOption
} yield charset.toUpperCase.replace("CHARSET=", "").trim
class RestClient(config: SwaggerConfig) extends TransportClient with Logging {
protected val baseUrl: String = config.baseUrl
protected val clientConfig: AsyncHttpClientConfig = (new AsyncHttpClientConfig.Builder()
setUserAgent config.userAgent
setRequestTimeoutInMs config.idleTimeout.toMillis.toInt
setConnectionTimeoutInMs config.connectTimeout.toMillis.toInt
setCompressionEnabled config.enableCompression // enable content-compression
setAllowPoolingConnection true // enable http keep-alive
setFollowRedirects config.followRedirects).build()
import RestClient._
import StringHttpMethod._
implicit val execContext = ExecutionContext.fromExecutorService(clientConfig.executorService())
private[this] val mimes = new Mimes {
protected def warn(message: String) = logger.warn(message)
private[this] val cookies = new CookieJar(Map.empty)
private[this] val underlying = new AsyncHttpClient(clientConfig) {
def preparePatch(uri: String): AsyncHttpClient#BoundRequestBuilder = requestBuilder(PATCH, uri)
def prepareTrace(uri: String): AsyncHttpClient#BoundRequestBuilder = requestBuilder(TRACE, uri)
private[this] def createRequest(method: String): String ⇒ AsyncHttpClient#BoundRequestBuilder = {
method.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH) match {
case `GET` ⇒ underlying.prepareGet _
case `POST` ⇒ underlying.preparePost _
case `PUT` ⇒ underlying.preparePut _
case `DELETE` ⇒ underlying.prepareDelete _
case `HEAD` ⇒ underlying.prepareHead _
case `OPTIONS` ⇒ underlying.prepareOptions _
case `CONNECT` ⇒ underlying.prepareConnect _
case `PATCH` ⇒ underlying.preparePatch _
case `TRACE` ⇒ underlying.prepareTrace _
private[this] def addTimeout(timeout: Duration)(req: AsyncHttpClient#BoundRequestBuilder) = {
if (timeout.isFinite()) {
val prc = new PerRequestConfig()
private[this] def addParameters(method: String, params: Iterable[(String, String)], isMultipart: Boolean = false, charset: Charset = Codec.UTF8)(req: AsyncHttpClient#BoundRequestBuilder) = {
method.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH) match {
case `GET` | `DELETE` | `HEAD` | `OPTIONS` ⇒ params foreach { case (k, v) ⇒ req addQueryParameter (k, v) }
case `PUT` | `POST` | `PATCH` ⇒ {
if (!isMultipart)
params foreach { case (k, v) ⇒ req addParameter (k, v) }
else {
params foreach { case (k, v) => req addBodyPart new StringPart(k, v,}
case _ ⇒ // we don't care, carry on
private[this] def addHeaders(headers: Iterable[(String, String)], files: Iterable[(String, File)])(req: AsyncHttpClient#BoundRequestBuilder) = {
headers foreach { case (k, v) => req.addHeader(k, v) }
if (!Map( => kv._1.toUpperCase -> kv._2).toSeq:_*).contains("CONTENT-TYPE"))
req.setHeader("Content-Type", defaultWriteContentType(files)("Content-Type"))
private[this] def addFiles(files: Iterable[(String, File)], isMultipart: Boolean)(req: AsyncHttpClient#BoundRequestBuilder) = {
if (isMultipart) {
files foreach { case (nm, file) =>
req.addBodyPart(new FilePart(nm, file, mimes(file), FileCharset(file).name))
private[this] def addCookies(req: AsyncHttpClient#BoundRequestBuilder) = {
cookies foreach { cookie =>
val ahcCookie = new AhcCookie(
private[this] def addQuery(u: URI)(req: AsyncHttpClient#BoundRequestBuilder) = {
u.getQuery.blankOption foreach { uu =>
rl.QueryString(uu) match {
case m: MapQueryString => m.value foreach { case (k, v) => v foreach { req.addQueryParameter(k, _) } }
case _ =>
private[this] val allowsBody = Vector(PUT, POST, PATCH)
private[this] def addBody(method: String, body: String)(req: AsyncHttpClient#BoundRequestBuilder) = {
if (allowsBody.contains(method.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH)) && body.nonBlank) {
private[this] def requestFiles(params: Iterable[(String, Any)]) = params collect { case (k, v: File) => k -> v }
private[this] def paramsFrom(params: Iterable[(String, Any)]) = params collect {
case (k, v: String) => k -> v
case (k, null) => k -> ""
case (k, v) => k -> v.toString
private[this] def isMultipartRequest(method: String, headers: Iterable[(String, String)], files: Iterable[(String, File)]) = {
allowsBody.contains(method.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH)) && {
val ct = (defaultWriteContentType(files) ++ headers)("Content-Type")
private[this] def requestUri(base: URI, u: URI) = if (u.isAbsolute) u else {
// There is no constructor on that will not encode the path
// except for the one where you pass in a uri as string so we're concatenating ourselves
val b = "%s://%s:%d".format(base.getScheme, base.getHost, base.getPort)
val p = base.getRawPath + u.getRawPath.blankOption.getOrElse("/")
val q ="?"+_).getOrElse("")
val f ="#"+_).getOrElse("")
def submit(method: String, uri: String, params: Iterable[(String, Any)], headers: Iterable[(String, String)], body: String = "", timeout: Duration = 90.seconds): Future[RestClientResponse] = {
val u = URI.create(uri).normalize()
val files = requestFiles(params)
val isMultipart = isMultipartRequest(method, headers, files)
andThen addTimeout(timeout)
andThen addHeaders(headers, files)
andThen addCookies
andThen addParameters(method, paramsFrom(params), isMultipart)
andThen addQuery(u)
andThen addBody(method, body)
andThen addFiles(files, isMultipart)
andThen executeRequest)(requestUri(URI.create(baseUrl).normalize(), u).toASCIIString)
private[this] def executeRequest(req: AsyncHttpClient#BoundRequestBuilder) = {
logger.debug("Requesting:\n" +
val promise = Promise[RestClientResponse]()
req.execute(new AsyncCompletionHandler[Future[ClientResponse]] {
override def onThrowable(t: Throwable) = promise.complete(Left(t))
def onCompleted(response: Response) = {
logger.debug("Got response ["+response.getStatusCode+" "+response.getStatusText+"] for request to "".\n"+response)
if (response.getStatusCode / 100 == 2)
promise.complete(Right(new RestClientResponse(response)))
else {
promise.complete(Left(new ApiException(response.getStatusCode, response.getStatusText, response.getResponseBody(
private[this] def defaultWriteContentType(files: Iterable[(String, File)]) = {
val value = if (files.nonEmpty) "multipart/form-data" else config.dataFormat.contentType
Map("Content-Type" -> value)
def close() = Future { underlying.close() }