play.modules.swagger.ApiHelpInventory.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package play.modules.swagger
import com.wordnik.swagger.core._
import com.wordnik.swagger.annotations._
import com.wordnik.swagger.core.util.JsonUtil
import com.wordnik.swagger.play._
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext
import java.io.StringWriter
import play.api.mvc.RequestHeader
import play.api.Play.current
import play.api.Logger
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.Predef._
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
* Exposes two primay methods: to get a list of available resources and to get details on a given resource
* @author ayush
* @since 10/9/11 4:05 PM
object ApiHelpInventory {
// Add the Play classloader to Swagger
// Get a list of all controller classes
private val controllerClasses = ListBuffer.empty[Class[_]]
// Initialize the map from Api annotation value to play controller class
private val resourceMap = scala.collection.mutable.Map.empty[String, Class[_]]
// Read various configurable properties. These can be specified in application.conf
private val apiVersion = current.configuration.getString("api.version") match { case None => "beta" case Some(value) => value }
private val basePath = current.configuration.getString("swagger.api.basepath") match { case None => "http://localhost" case Some(value) => value }
private val swaggerVersion = SwaggerSpec.version
private val apiFilterClassName = current.configuration.getString("swagger.security.filter") match { case None => null case Some(value) => value }
private val filterOutTopLevelApi = true
def getResourceNames: java.util.List[String] = getResourceMap.keys.toList
private val jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance(classOf[Documentation]);
* Get a list of all top level resources
private def getRootResources(format: String)(implicit requestHeader: RequestHeader) = {
var apiFilter: ApiAuthorizationFilter = ApiAuthorizationFilterLocator.get(apiFilterClassName)
val allApiDoc = new Documentation
for (clazz <- getControllerClasses) {
val apiAnnotation = clazz.getAnnotation(classOf[Api])
if (null != apiAnnotation) {
val listingPath = {
if(apiAnnotation.listingPath != "") apiAnnotation.listingPath
else apiAnnotation.value
}.replaceAll("\\.json", PlayApiReader.formatString).replaceAll("\\.xml", PlayApiReader.formatString)
val realPath = apiAnnotation.value.replaceAll("\\.json", PlayApiReader.formatString).replaceAll("\\.xml", PlayApiReader.formatString)
val api = new DocumentationEndPoint(listingPath, apiAnnotation.description())
if (!isApiAdded(allApiDoc, api)) {
if (null == apiFilter || apiFilter.authorizeResource(realPath)) {
allApiDoc.swaggerVersion = swaggerVersion
allApiDoc.basePath = basePath
allApiDoc.apiVersion = apiVersion
* Get detailed API/models for a given resource
private def getResource(resourceName: String)(implicit requestHeader: RequestHeader) = {
val qualifiedResourceName = PlayApiReader.formatString match {
case e: String if(e != "") => {
resourceName.replaceAll("\\.json", PlayApiReader.formatString).replaceAll("\\.xml", PlayApiReader.formatString)
case _ => resourceName
getResourceMap.get(qualifiedResourceName) match {
case Some(cls) => {
val apiAnnotation = cls.getAnnotation(classOf[Api])
val listingPath = {
if(apiAnnotation.listingPath != "") apiAnnotation.listingPath
else apiAnnotation.value
}.replaceAll("\\.json", PlayApiReader.formatString).replaceAll("\\.xml", PlayApiReader.formatString)
val realPath = apiAnnotation.value.replaceAll("\\.json", PlayApiReader.formatString).replaceAll("\\.xml", PlayApiReader.formatString)
Logger.debug("Loading resource " + qualifiedResourceName + " from " + cls + " @ " + realPath + ", " + basePath)
val api = PlayApiReader.read(cls, apiVersion, swaggerVersion, basePath, realPath)
val docs = new HelpApi(apiFilterClassName).filterDocs(api, realPath)
case None => {
def getPathHelpJson(apiPath: String)(implicit requestHeader: RequestHeader): String = {
getResource(apiPath) match {
case Some(docs) => JsonUtil.getJsonMapper.writeValueAsString(docs)
case None => null
def getPathHelpXml(apiPath: String)(implicit requestHeader: RequestHeader): String = {
getResource(apiPath) match {
case Some(docs) => {
val stringWriter = new StringWriter()
jaxbContext.createMarshaller().marshal(docs, stringWriter);
case None => null
def getRootHelpJson()(implicit requestHeader: RequestHeader): String = {
def getRootHelpXml()(implicit requestHeader: RequestHeader): String = {
val stringWriter = new StringWriter()
jaxbContext.createMarshaller().marshal(getRootResources("xml"), stringWriter);
def clear() = {
def reload() = {
for (resource <- this.getResourceMap.keys) {
Logger.debug("loading resource " + resource)
getResource(resource)(null) match {
case Some(docs) => Logger.debug("loaded resource " + resource)
case None => Logger.debug("load failed for resource " + resource)
* Get a list of all controller classes in Play
private def getControllerClasses = {
if (this.controllerClasses.isEmpty) {
val swaggerControllers = current.getTypesAnnotatedWith("controllers", classOf[Api])
swaggerControllers.size match {
case i:Int if (i > 0) => {
swaggerControllers.foreach(className => current.classloader.loadClass(className))
swaggerControllers.foreach(clazzName => {
val cls = current.classloader.loadClass(clazzName)
this.controllerClasses += cls;
val apiAnnotation = cls.getAnnotation(classOf[Api])
if (apiAnnotation != null && (classOf[play.api.mvc.Controller].isAssignableFrom(cls) || classOf[play.mvc.Controller].isAssignableFrom(cls))) {
Logger.debug("Found Resource " + apiAnnotation.value + " @ " + clazzName)
val path = {
if(apiAnnotation.listingPath != "") apiAnnotation.listingPath
else apiAnnotation.value
}.replaceAll("\\.json", PlayApiReader.formatString).replaceAll("\\.xml", PlayApiReader.formatString)
resourceMap += path -> cls
} else {
Logger.debug("class " + clazzName + " is not the right type")
case _ =>
private def getResourceMap = {
// check if resources and controller info has already been loaded
if (controllerClasses.length == 0)
private def isApiAdded(allApiDoc: Documentation, endpoint: DocumentationEndPoint): Boolean = {
var isAdded: Boolean = false
if (allApiDoc.getApis != null) {
for (addedApi <- allApiDoc.getApis()) {
if (endpoint.path.equals(addedApi.path)) isAdded = true