com.x5.template.TemplateSet Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package com.x5.template;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import com.x5.template.filters.ChunkFilter;
import com.x5.template.filters.RegexFilter;
import com.x5.util.JarResource;
import com.x5.util.Path;
// Project Title: Chunk
// Description: Template Util
// Copyright: Copyright (c) 2007
// Author: Tom McClure
* TemplateSet is a Chunk "factory" and an easy way to parse
* template files into Strings. The default caching behavior is
* great for high traffic applications.
* // Dynamic content in templates is marked with {~...}
* //
* // Previously the syntax was {$...} but then I had a project where
* // some of the templates were shared by a perl script and I got
* // tired of escaping the $ signs in inline templates in my perl code.
* //
* // Before that there was an escaped-HTML-inspired syntax which
* // looked like &tag_...; since this was thought to be most
* // compatible with HTML editors like DreamWeaver but it was hard
* // to read and as it turned out DreamWeaver choked on it.
* //
* // See TemplateSet.convertTags(...) and .convertToMyTags(...) for
* // quick search-and-replace routines for updating tag syntax on
* // old templates...
* //
* // ...Or, if an entire template set uses another syntax just call
* // .setTagBoundaries("{$", "}") on the TemplateSet object before
* // you use it to make any chunks. All subsequent chunks made from
* // that TemplateSet will find and replace the {$...} style tags.
* //
* // Be careful: for interoperability you will need to call
* // .setTagBoundaries() individually on any blank chunks you make
* // without the aid of the TemplateSet object, ie with the Chunk
* // constructor -- better to use the no-arg .makeChunk() method of
* // the TemplateSet instead, since that automatically coerces the
* // blank Chunk's tag boundaries correctly.
* //
* ///// In summary, for back-compatibility:
* //
* // TemplateSet templates = new TemplateSet(...);
* // templates.setTagBoundaries("{$", "}");
* // ...
* //
* // *** (A) BAD ***
* // ...
* // Chunk c = new Chunk(); // will only explode tags like default {~...}
* //
* // *** (B) NOT AS BAD ***
* // ...
* // Chunk c = new Chunk();
* // c.setTagBoundaries("{$", "}"); // manually match tag format :(
* //
* // *** (C) BEST ***
* // ...
* // Chunk c = templates.makeChunk(); // inherits TemplateSet's tag format :)
* //
* Copyright: waived, free to use
* Company: X5 Software
* Updates: Chunk Documentation
* @author Tom McClure
public class TemplateSet implements ContentSource, ChunkFactory
public static String DEFAULT_TAG_START = "{$";
public static String DEFAULT_TAG_END = "}";
public static final String INCLUDE_SHORTHAND = "{+";
public static final String PROTOCOL_SHORTHAND = "{.";
// allow {^if}...{/if} and {^loop}...{/loop} by auto-expanding these
public static final String BLOCKEND_SHORTHAND = "{/";
public static final String BLOCKEND_LONGHAND = "{~./"; // ie "{^/"
private static final long oneMinuteInMillis = 60 * 1000;
// having a minimum cache time of five seconds improves
// performance by avoiding typical multiple parses of a
// file for its subtemplates in a short span of code.
private static final long MIN_CACHE = 5 * 1000;
private Hashtable cache = new Hashtable();
private Hashtable cacheFetch = new Hashtable();
private int dirtyInterval = 0; // minutes
private String defaultExtension = null;
private String tagStart = DEFAULT_TAG_START;
private String tagEnd = DEFAULT_TAG_END;
private String classpathThemesFolder = Path.ensureTrailingSeparator("/" + Theme.DEFAULT_THEMES_FOLDER);
private String templatePath = System.getProperty("templateset.folder","");
private String layerName = null;
private Class> classInJar = null;
private Object resourceContext = null;
private boolean prettyFail = true;
private String expectedEncoding = TemplateDoc.getDefaultEncoding();
public TemplateSet() {}
* Makes a template "factory" which reads in template files from the
* file system in the templatePath folder. Caches for refreshMins.
* Uses "extensions" for the default file extension (do not include dot).
* @param classpathThemesFolder folder where template files are located on classpath.
* @param templatePath folder where template files are located.
* @param extension appends dot plus this String to a template name stub to find template files.
* @param refreshMins returns template from cache unless this many minutes have passed.
public TemplateSet(String classpathThemesFolder, String templatePath, String extension, int refreshMins)
this(templatePath, extension, refreshMins);
this.classpathThemesFolder = Path.ensureTrailingSeparator(classpathThemesFolder);
public TemplateSet(String templatePath, String extension, int refreshMins)
this.templatePath = Path.ensureTrailingSeparator(templatePath);
this.dirtyInterval = refreshMins;
this.defaultExtension = extension;
* Retrieve as String the template specified by name.
* If name contains one or more dots it is assumed that the template
* definition is nested inside another template. Everything up to the
* first dot is part of the filename (appends the DEFAULT extension to
* find the file) and everything after refers to a location within the
* file where the template contents are defined.
* For example: String myTemplate = templateSet.get("outer_file.inner_template");
* will look for {#inner_template}bla bla bla{#} inside the file
* "outer_file.html" or "outer_file.xml" ie whatever your TemplateSet extension is.
* @param name the location of the template definition.
* @return the template definition from the file as a String
public Snippet getSnippet(String name)
if (name.charAt(0) == ';') {
int nextSemi = name.indexOf(';',1);
if (nextSemi < 0) {
// missing delimiter
return getSnippet(name, defaultExtension);
} else {
String tpl = name.substring(nextSemi+1);
String ext = name.substring(1,nextSemi);
return getSnippet(tpl, ext);
} else {
return getSnippet(name, defaultExtension);
public String fetch(String name)
Snippet s = getCleanTemplate(name);
if (s == null) return null;
// otherwise...
return s.toString();
public String getProtocol()
return "include";
private Snippet getCleanTemplate(String name)
return getSnippet(name, "_CLEAN_:"+defaultExtension);
* Retrieve as String the template specified by name and extension.
* If name contains one or more dots it is assumed that the template
* definition is nested inside another template. Everything up to the
* first dot is part of the filename (appends the PASSED extension to
* find the file) and everything after refers to a location within the
* file where the template contents are defined.
* @param name the location of the template definition.
* @param extension the nonstandard extension which forms the template filename.
* @return the template definition from the file as a String
public Snippet getSnippet(String name, String extension)
return _get(name, extension, this.prettyFail);
private void importTemplates(InputStream in, String stub, String extension)
throws IOException
TemplateDoc doc = new TemplateDoc(stub, in);
for (TemplateDoc.Doclet doclet : doc.parseTemplates(expectedEncoding)) {
cacheTemplate(doclet, extension);
private Snippet _get(String name, String extension, boolean prettyFail)
Snippet template = getFromCache(name, extension);
String filename = null;
// if not in cache, parse file and place all pieces in cache
if (template == null) {
String stub = TemplateDoc.truncateNameToStub(name);
filename = getTemplatePath(name,extension);
char fs = System.getProperty("file.separator").charAt(0);
filename = filename.replace('\\',fs);
filename = filename.replace('/',fs);
try {
File templateFile = new File(filename);
if (templateFile.exists()) {
FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(templateFile);
importTemplates(in, stub, extension);
template = getFromCache(name, extension);
} else {
// file does not exist, check around in classpath/jars
String resourcePath = getResourcePath(name,extension);
InputStream inJar = null;
if (classInJar == null) {
// theme resource is probably in same
// vicinity as calling class.
classInJar = grokCallerClass();
// ideally, somebody called Theme.setJarContext(this.getClass())
// and we have a pointer to the jar where the templates live.
if (classInJar != null) {
inJar = classInJar.getResourceAsStream(resourcePath);
// last ditch effort, check in surrounding jars in classpath...
if (inJar == null) inJar = fishForTemplate(resourcePath);
if (inJar != null) {
importTemplates(inJar, stub, extension);
template = getFromCache(name, extension);
} catch ( e) {
if (!prettyFail) return null;
StringBuilder errmsg = new StringBuilder("[error fetching ");
errmsg.append(" template '");
template = Snippet.getSnippet(errmsg.toString());
if (template == null) {
if (prettyFail) {
StringBuilder errmsg = new StringBuilder();
errmsg.append(" template '");
errmsg.append("' not found]");
template = Snippet.getSnippet(errmsg.toString());
} else {
return null;
return template;
// default (package) visibility intentional
static Class> grokCallerClass()
Throwable t = new Throwable();
StackTraceElement[] stackTrace = t.getStackTrace();
if (stackTrace == null) return null;
// calling class is at least four call levels back up the stack trace.
// makes an excellent candidate for where to look for theme resources.
for (int i=4; i ctxClass = resourceContext.getClass();
Method m = null;
try {
final Class[] oneString = new Class[]{String.class};
m = ctxClass.getMethod("getResourceAsStream", oneString);
if (m != null) {
InputStream in = (InputStream)m.invoke(resourceContext, new Object[]{resourcePath});
if (in != null) return in;
// no dice, start peeking inside jars in WEB-INF/lib/
m = ctxClass.getMethod("getResourcePaths", oneString);
if (m != null) {
Set paths = (Set)m.invoke(resourceContext, new Object[]{"/WEB-INF/lib"});
if (paths != null) {
for (Object urlString : paths) {
String jar = (String)urlString;
if (jar.endsWith(".jar")) {
m = ctxClass.getMethod("getResource", oneString);
URL jarURL = (URL)m.invoke(resourceContext, new Object[]{jar});
InputStream in = JarResource.peekInsideJar("jar:"+jarURL.toString(), resourcePath);
if (in != null) return in;
} catch (SecurityException e) {
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
return null;
* Creates a Chunk with no starter template and sets its tag boundary
* markers to match the other templates in this set. The Chunk will need
* to obtain template pieces via its .append() method.
* @return blank Chunk.
public Chunk makeChunk()
Chunk c = new Chunk();
return c;
* Creates a Chunk with a starting template. If templateName contains one
* or more dots it is assumed that the template definition is nested inside
* another template. Everything up to the first dot is part of the filename
* (appends the DEFAULT extension to find the file) and everything after
* refers to a location within the file where the template contents are
* defined.
* @param templateName the location of the template definition.
* @return a Chunk pre-initialized with a snippet of template.
public Chunk makeChunk(String templateName)
Chunk c = new Chunk();
c.append( getSnippet(templateName) );
return c;
* Creates a Chunk with a starting template. If templateName contains one
* or more dots it is assumed that the template definition is nested inside
* another template. Everything up to the first dot is part of the filename
* (appends the PASSED extension to find the file) and everything after
* refers to a location within the file where the template contents are
* defined.
* @param templateName the location of the template definition.
* @param extension the nonstandard extension which forms the template filename.
* @return a Chunk pre-initialized with a snippet of template.
public Chunk makeChunk(String templateName, String extension)
Chunk c = new Chunk();
c.append( getSnippet(templateName, extension) );
return c;
private void cacheTemplate(TemplateDoc.Doclet doclet, String extension)
String name = doclet.getName().replace('#','.');
String ref = extension + "." + name;
String cleanRef = "_CLEAN_:" + ref;
String template = doclet.getTemplate();
cache.put(cleanRef, Snippet.makeLiteralSnippet(template));
cacheFetch.put(cleanRef, System.currentTimeMillis());
StringBuilder tpl = TemplateDoc.expandShorthand(name,new StringBuilder(template));
if (tpl == null) return;
String fastTpl = removeBlockTagIndents(tpl.toString());
cache.put(ref, Snippet.getSnippet(fastTpl, doclet.getOrigin()));
cacheFetch.put(ref, System.currentTimeMillis());
public static String removeBlockTagIndents(String template)
// this regex: s/^\s*({^\/?(...)[^}]*})\s*/$1/g removes leading and trailing whitespace
// from lines that only contain {^loop} ...
// NB: this regex will not catch {^if (~tag =~ /\/x{1,3}/)} but it's already nigh-unreadable...
return RegexFilter.applyRegex(template, "s/^[ \\t]*(\\{(\\% *(\\~\\.)?(end)?|(\\^|\\~\\.)\\/?)(loop|exec|if|else|elseIf|divider|onEmpty|body|data)([^\\}]*|[^\\}]*\\/[^\\/]*\\/[^\\}]*)\\})[ \\t]*$/$1/gmi");
protected Snippet getFromCache(String name, String extension)
String ref = extension + "." + name.replace('#','.');
Snippet template = null;
long cacheHowLong = dirtyInterval * oneMinuteInMillis;
if (cacheHowLong < MIN_CACHE) cacheHowLong = MIN_CACHE;
if (cache.containsKey(ref)) {
long lastFetch = cacheFetch.get(ref); // millis
long expireTime = lastFetch + cacheHowLong;
if (System.currentTimeMillis() < expireTime) {
template = cache.get(ref);
return template;
* Forces subsequent template fetching to re-read the template contents
* from the filesystem instead of the cache.
public void clearCache()
* Controls caching behavior. Set to zero to minimize caching.
* @param minutes how long to keep a template in the cache.
public void setDirtyInterval(int minutes)
dirtyInterval = minutes;
* Converts a template with an alternate tag syntax to one that matches
* this TemplateSet's tags.
* @param withOldTags Template text which contains tags with the old syntax
* @param oldTagStart old tag beginning marker
* @param oldTagEnd old tag end marker
* @return template with tags converted
public String convertToMyTags(String withOldTags, String oldTagStart, String oldTagEnd)
return convertTags(withOldTags, oldTagStart, oldTagEnd, this.tagStart, this.tagEnd);
* Converts a template with an alternate tag syntax to one that matches
* the default tag syntax {~myTag}.
* @param withOldTags Template text which contains tags with the old syntax
* @param oldTagStart old tag beginning marker
* @param oldTagEnd old tag end marker
* @return template with tags converted
public static String convertTags(String withOldTags, String oldTagStart, String oldTagEnd)
return convertTags(withOldTags, oldTagStart, oldTagEnd,
* Converts a template from one tag syntax to another.
* @param withOldTags Template text which contains tags with the old syntax
* @param oldTagStart old tag beginning marker
* @param oldTagEnd old tag end marker
* @param newTagStart new tag beginning marker
* @param newTagEnd new tag end marker
* @return template with tags converted
public static String convertTags(String withOldTags, String oldTagStart, String oldTagEnd,
String newTagStart, String newTagEnd)
StringBuilder converted = new StringBuilder();
int j, k, marker = 0;
while ((j = withOldTags.indexOf(oldTagStart,marker)) > -1) {
marker = j + oldTagStart.length();
if ((k = withOldTags.indexOf(oldTagEnd)) > -1) {
marker = k + oldTagEnd.length();
} else {
if (marker == 0) {
return withOldTags;
} else {
return converted.toString();
public TemplateSet getSubset(String context)
return new TemplateSetSlice(this, context);
// chunk factory now supports sharing content sources with its factory-created chunks
private HashSet altSources = null;
public void addProtocol(ContentSource src)
if (altSources == null) altSources = new HashSet();
private void shareContentSources(Chunk c)
if (altSources == null) return;
java.util.Iterator iter = altSources.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
ContentSource src =;
public void signalFailureWithNull()
this.prettyFail = false;
public String getTemplatePath(String templateName, String ext)
String stub = TemplateDoc.truncateNameToStub(templateName);
String path = templatePath + stub;
if (ext != null && ext.length() > 0) {
path += '.' + ext;
return path;
public String getResourcePath(String templateName, String ext)
String stub = TemplateDoc.truncateNameToStub(templateName);
String path;
if (layerName == null) {
path = classpathThemesFolder + stub;
} else {
path = classpathThemesFolder + layerName + stub;
if (ext != null && ext.length() > 0) {
path += '.' + ext;
return path;
public String getDefaultExtension()
return this.defaultExtension;
public boolean provides(String itemName)
Snippet found = _get(itemName, defaultExtension, false);
if (found == null) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
public void setJarContext(Class> classInSameJar)
this.classInJar = classInSameJar;
public void setJarContext(Object ctx)
// an object with an InputStream getResourceAsStream(String) method
this.resourceContext = ctx;
public void setLayerName(String layerName)
this.layerName = Path.ensureTrailingSeparator(layerName);
public void setEncoding(String encoding)
this.expectedEncoding = encoding;
public Map getFilters()
return null;