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com.xceptance.xlt.agent.JvmResourceUsageDataGenerator Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Copyright (c) 2005-2022 Xceptance Software Technologies GmbH
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.xceptance.xlt.agent;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils;
import org.apache.commons.math3.util.Precision;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import com.xceptance.common.lang.ThreadUtils;
import com.xceptance.common.util.ProcessUtils;
import com.xceptance.xlt.api.engine.DataManager;
import com.xceptance.xlt.api.engine.GlobalClock;
import com.xceptance.xlt.api.engine.Session;
import com.xceptance.xlt.api.util.XltProperties;
import com.xceptance.xlt.engine.SessionImpl;

 * The {@link JvmResourceUsageDataGenerator} is responsible to periodically log the resource usage of the agent JVM.
 * @author Jörg Werner (Xceptance Software Technologies GmbH)
public class JvmResourceUsageDataGenerator extends Thread
     * The name of the directory to which observations will be stored.
    public static final String RESULT_DIRECTORY_NAME = "Agent-JVM-Monitor";

     * The names of GCs which perform a full GC.
    private static final String[] KNOWN_FULL_GC_NAMES =
            "MarkSweepCompact", "ConcurrentMarkSweep", "PS MarkSweep", "G1 Old Generation"

     * The names of GCs which perform a minor GC.
    private static final String[] KNOWN_MINOR_GC_NAMES =
            "Copy", "ParNew", "PS Scavenge", "G1 Young Generation"

     * The logger.
    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JvmResourceUsageDataGenerator.class);

     * The default logging interval.
    private static final int DEFAULT_LOG_INTERVAL = 10000;

     * The number of processors available to the current JVM.
    private final int cpuCount;

     * The process's CPU time value measured last.
    private long lastCpuTime;

     * The last measured time spent in full GC.
    private long lastFullGcTime;

     * The last measured count of full GC.
    private long lastFullGcCount;

     * The last measured time spent in minor GC.
    private long lastMinorGcTime;

     * The last measured count of minor GC.
    private long lastMinorGcCount;

     * The CPU times per thread.
    private Map lastThreadCpuTimes = new HashMap();

     * The last up-time value.
    private long lastUptime;

     * The logging interval.
    private final long logInterval = XltProperties.getInstance().getProperty("com.xceptance.xlt.agent.monitoring.samplingInterval",

     * The statistics manager used to store resource usage data.
    private final DataManager dataManager;

     * Indicates whether we can safely cast an {@link OperatingSystemMXBean} object to
     *, which offers more functionality.
    private final boolean sunApiAvailable;

     * The current up-time value, i.e. the number of milliseconds the JVM is already running.
    private long uptime;

     * The {@link JvmResourceUsageData} object to update and log regularly.
    private final JvmResourceUsageData usageData;

     * Constructor.
     * @param name
     *            the name of the agent
     * @param hostName
     *            the host name
     * @param port
     *            the port the agent controller listens at (used to generate a unique agent name)
     * @param startOfLoggingPeriod
     *            the time to start logging resource usage data
     * @param endOfLoggingPeriod
     *            the time to stop logging resource usage data
    public JvmResourceUsageDataGenerator(final String name, final String hostName, final int port, final long startOfLoggingPeriod,
                                         final long endOfLoggingPeriod)
        // set the thread's name
        final SessionImpl session = (SessionImpl) Session.getCurrent();


        // generate an artificial agent name
        final String jvmName = "Agent-" + name + "-" + hostName + "-" + port;
        usageData = new JvmResourceUsageData(jvmName);

        // determine the number of CPUs available
        cpuCount = ManagementFactory.getOperatingSystemMXBean().getAvailableProcessors();

        // check whether a special SUN mbean is available
        // (do not use instanceof -> will break on a non-Sun JVM)
        sunApiAvailable = checkIfClassImplementsInterface(ManagementFactory.getOperatingSystemMXBean().getClass(),

        // setup statistics manager
        dataManager = session.getDataManager();

     * Logs the resource usage data periodically.
    public void run()
        log.debug("JVM resource usage monitoring thread started.");

        while (true)


     * Checks whether the given class implements an interface with the given fully-qualified name. We have to use the
     * interface's name here since this method is supposed to work also on JDKs where the interface is not available.
     * @param cls
     *            the class
     * @param interfaceName
     *            the interface's name
     * @return true if the class implements the interface, false otherwise
    private boolean checkIfClassImplementsInterface(final Class cls, final String interfaceName)
        for (final Class iface : cls.getInterfaces())
            // first check the current interface's name, then recursively its super interfaces
            if (iface.getName().equals(interfaceName) || checkIfClassImplementsInterface(iface, interfaceName))
                return true;

        return false;

     * Returns an estimation of the time that the current process used the CPU. This value is derived from the CPU times
     * of the currently running threads. Since threads may come and go, and we look at them in certain intervals only,
     * we can easily miss one thread or the other, so the CPU time calculated this way will always be lower than the
     * real CPU time.
     * @return the CPU time (in ns)
    private long getProcessCpuTime()
        long cpuTime = 0;

        final Map newThreadCpuTimes = new HashMap();

        final ThreadMXBean threadMxBean = ManagementFactory.getThreadMXBean();
        for (final long id : threadMxBean.getAllThreadIds())
            final long newValue = threadMxBean.getThreadCpuTime(id);
            if (newValue != -1)
                // remember this id -> thread is still alive
                newThreadCpuTimes.put(id, newValue);

                // check whether this thread is known
                final Long last = lastThreadCpuTimes.get(id);
                if (last == null)
                    // no -> add the whole CPU time
                    cpuTime += newValue;
                    // yes -> just add the difference CPU time
                    cpuTime += newValue - last;

        // replace last values with new ones (dead threads not included anymore)
        lastThreadCpuTimes = newThreadCpuTimes;

        return lastCpuTime + cpuTime;

     * Updates the passed resource usage data with the current CPU usage values.
     * @param usageData
     *            the usage data object
    private void setCpuStats(final JvmResourceUsageData usageData)
        long newCpuTime = 0;

        final OperatingSystemMXBean osMxBean = ManagementFactory.getOperatingSystemMXBean();

        // check whether we run on a Sun JVM
        if (sunApiAvailable)
            // this value is accurate (maintained by the OS)
            newCpuTime = (( osMxBean).getProcessCpuTime();
            // this value is an estimation only
            newCpuTime = getProcessCpuTime();

        // do not take implausible CPU times into account (#1093)
        if (newCpuTime >= lastCpuTime)
            // derive the current CPU usage from the last CPU time and the time
            // passed since last call
            final long diffCpuTime = (newCpuTime - lastCpuTime) / 1000000;
            final long diffTime = uptime - lastUptime;
            double usage = diffCpuTime * 100.0 / diffTime / cpuCount;
            usage = Precision.round(usage, 2);

            // alternative way to determine the usage (but doesn't work reliably on JDK7/Win)
            // usage = (( osMxBean).getProcessCpuLoad() * 100;

            usage = limitUsageValue(usage);


            // remember this value for the next update cycle
            lastCpuTime = newCpuTime;

        // determine the system's total CPU usage
        double totalCpuUsage;
        if (sunApiAvailable)
            // this value is accurate (maintained by the OS)
            totalCpuUsage = (( osMxBean).getSystemCpuLoad() * 100;
            totalCpuUsage = Precision.round(totalCpuUsage, 2);
            totalCpuUsage = limitUsageValue(totalCpuUsage);
            totalCpuUsage = 0;


     * Updates the passed resource usage data with the current garbage collection information.
     * @param usageData
     *            the usage data object
    private void setGarbageCollectionStats(final JvmResourceUsageData usageData)
        for (final GarbageCollectorMXBean gcMXBean : ManagementFactory.getGarbageCollectorMXBeans())
            final String gcName = gcMXBean.getName();

            final long gcCount = gcMXBean.getCollectionCount();
            final long gcTime = gcMXBean.getCollectionTime();
            double gcPercentage = 0.0;
            long gcTimeDiff;
            long gcCountDiff;

            if (ArrayUtils.contains(KNOWN_MINOR_GC_NAMES, gcName))
                gcTimeDiff = (gcTime - lastMinorGcTime);
                gcCountDiff = (gcCount - lastMinorGcCount);

                gcPercentage = gcTimeDiff * 100.0 / (uptime - lastUptime) / cpuCount;
                gcPercentage = Precision.round(gcPercentage, 2);

                gcPercentage = limitUsageValue(gcPercentage);

                usageData.setMinorGcTimeDiff((int) gcTimeDiff);
                usageData.setMinorGcCountDiff((int) gcCountDiff);

                lastMinorGcTime = gcTime;
                lastMinorGcCount = gcCount;
            else if (ArrayUtils.contains(KNOWN_FULL_GC_NAMES, gcName))
                gcTimeDiff = (gcTime - lastFullGcTime);
                gcCountDiff = (gcCount - lastFullGcCount);

                gcPercentage = gcTimeDiff * 100.0 / (uptime - lastUptime) / cpuCount;
                gcPercentage = Precision.round(gcPercentage, 2);

                gcPercentage = limitUsageValue(gcPercentage);

                usageData.setFullGcTimeDiff((int) gcTimeDiff);
                usageData.setFullGcCountDiff((int) gcCountDiff);

                lastFullGcTime = gcTime;
                lastFullGcCount = gcCount;
                log.debug("Don't know how to handle statistics of GC: " + gcName);

     * Updates the passed resource usage data with the current heap usage values.
     * @param usageDate
     *            the usage data object
    private void setHeapMemoryStats(final JvmResourceUsageData usageDate)
        final Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();

        final long totalHeap = runtime.totalMemory();
        final long usedHeap = totalHeap - runtime.freeMemory();
        double heapUsage = usedHeap * 100.0 / totalHeap;
        heapUsage = Precision.round(heapUsage, 2);


     * Updates the passed resource usage data with the current number of threads.
     * @param usageData
     *            the usage data object
    private void setNumberOfThreads(final JvmResourceUsageData usageData)
        final ThreadMXBean threadMxBean = ManagementFactory.getThreadMXBean();

        final long[] threadIds = threadMxBean.getAllThreadIds();
        final ThreadInfo[] threadInfos = threadMxBean.getThreadInfo(threadIds);

        int runnable = 0;
        int blocked = 0;
        int waiting = 0;

        for (final ThreadInfo threadInfo : threadInfos)
            // thread may terminate between getAllThreadIds() and
            // getThreadInfo(), so check for that
            if (threadInfo != null)
                final Thread.State threadState = threadInfo.getThreadState();

                if (threadState == Thread.State.RUNNABLE)
                else if (threadState == Thread.State.BLOCKED)
                else if (threadState == Thread.State.TIMED_WAITING || threadState == Thread.State.WAITING)


     * Updates the passed resource usage data with the current memory usage values.
     * @param usageData
     *            the usage data object
    private void setPhysicalMemoryStats(final JvmResourceUsageData usageData)
        long totalMem = 0;
        long usedMem = 0;
        double memUsage = 0;

        final OperatingSystemMXBean osMxBean = ManagementFactory.getOperatingSystemMXBean();

        // check whether we run on a Sun JVM
        if (sunApiAvailable)
            // these values may be more accurate
            usedMem = (( osMxBean).getCommittedVirtualMemorySize();

            totalMem = (( osMxBean).getTotalPhysicalMemorySize();
            memUsage = usedMem * 100.0 / totalMem;
            memUsage = Precision.round(memUsage, 2);
            // these values may differ a little
            usedMem = ManagementFactory.getMemoryMXBean().getHeapMemoryUsage().getCommitted() +


     * Updates the passed resource usage data record.
     * @param usageData
     *            the usage data object
    private void updateStats(final JvmResourceUsageData usageData)
        uptime = ProcessUtils.getUptime();

        // update the usage data object


        lastUptime = uptime;

     * Limits the given usage value such that 0 ≤ value ≤ 100. This is necessary especially for CPU usage values
     * as slight timing differences or system time corrections may cause usage values that are either negative or exceed
     * 100.0.
     * @param usage
     *            the usage value
     * @return the limited usage value
    private double limitUsageValue(double usage)
        // make sure the value neither is negative (#1093), nor exceeds 100%
        usage = Math.min(usage, 100.0);
        usage = Math.max(usage, 0.0);

        return usage;

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