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com.xceptance.xlt.engine.XltHttpWebConnection Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright (c) 2005-2022 Xceptance Software Technologies GmbH
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.xceptance.xlt.engine;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.RandomStringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.http.HttpHeaders;
import org.apache.http.HttpStatus;
import org.apache.http.impl.EnglishReasonPhraseCatalog;
import org.slf4j.Logger;

import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.FormEncodingType;
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.HttpHeader;
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.HttpMethod;
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.WebConnection;
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.WebRequest;
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.WebResponse;
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.WebResponseData;
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.util.NameValuePair;
import com.xceptance.xlt.api.engine.NetworkData;
import com.xceptance.xlt.api.engine.RequestData;
import com.xceptance.xlt.api.engine.Session;
import com.xceptance.xlt.api.util.XltLogger;
import com.xceptance.xlt.api.util.XltProperties;
import com.xceptance.xlt.common.XltConstants;
import com.xceptance.xlt.engine.dns.DnsInfo;
import com.xceptance.xlt.engine.socket.SocketStatistics;
import com.xceptance.xlt.engine.util.TimerUtils;
import com.xceptance.xlt.engine.util.URLCleaner;
import com.xceptance.xlt.engine.util.UrlUtils;

 * Caching web connection used by XLT web client which is responsible for
  • HTTP Request filtering,
  • *
  • Logging of request and network data and
  • *
  • Response transformation.
  • *
* * @author Jörg Werner (Xceptance Software Technologies GmbH) */ public class XltHttpWebConnection extends CachingHttpWebConnection { /** * A constant for an empty response body. */ private static final byte[] EMPTY_RESPONSE_BODY = new byte[0]; /** * A constant for an empty header list. */ private static final List EMPTY_RESPONSE_HEADER_LIST; /** * Indicates whether a request ID will be sent to the server. */ private static final boolean requestIdActive; /** * The specified length of the randomly generated request ID. */ private static final int requestIdLength; /** * The name of the header for the request ID. */ private static final String requestIdHeader; /** * Whether to append the request ID to the User-Agent header. */ private static final boolean requestIdAppendToUserAgent; /** * Indicates whether a response ID sent by the server will be extracted. */ private static final boolean responseIdActive; /** * The name of the header for the response ID. */ private static final String responseIdHeader; /** * Indicates whether to log an event when a request has failed. */ private static final boolean logEventOnRequestFailure; static { EMPTY_RESPONSE_HEADER_LIST = new ArrayList(); EMPTY_RESPONSE_HEADER_LIST.add(new NameValuePair("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=UTF-8")); // request ID handling final XltProperties props = XltProperties.getInstance(); final String requestIdPropertyPrefix = XltConstants.XLT_PACKAGE_PATH + ".http.requestId."; requestIdActive = props.getProperty(requestIdPropertyPrefix + "enabled", false); requestIdLength = props.getProperty(requestIdPropertyPrefix + "length", 15); requestIdHeader = props.getProperty(requestIdPropertyPrefix + "headerName", "X-XLT-RequestId"); requestIdAppendToUserAgent = props.getProperty(requestIdPropertyPrefix + "appendToUserAgent", false); // response ID handling final String responseIdPropertyPrefix = XltConstants.XLT_PACKAGE_PATH + ".http.responseId."; responseIdActive = props.getProperty(responseIdPropertyPrefix + "enabled", false); responseIdHeader = props.getProperty(responseIdPropertyPrefix + "headerName", "X-XLT-ResponseId"); logEventOnRequestFailure = props.getProperty(XltConstants.XLT_PACKAGE_PATH + ".http.requestFailure.logEvent", true); } /** * The web client that uses this web connection. */ private final XltWebClient webClient; /** * Creates a new XltHttpWebConnection and initializes it with the given web client. * * @param webClient * the web client to use * @param webConnection * the underlying web connection to use */ public XltHttpWebConnection(final XltWebClient webClient, final WebConnection webConnection) { super(webConnection); this.webClient = webClient; } /** * Loads the web response for a given set of request parameters. Overrides the super class method to add request * filtering. * * @param webRequest * the request parameters * @return the loaded web response * @throws IOException * thrown when something went wrong. */ @Override @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public WebResponse getResponse(final WebRequest webRequest) throws IOException { final URL url = webRequest.getUrl(); // get current request stack object final RequestStack requestStack = RequestStack.getCurrent(); requestStack.setTimerName(webClient.getTimerName()); requestStack.pushRequest(); try { // the response WebResponse webResponse = null; // URL is accepted by web client if (webClient.isAcceptedUrl(url)) { // load URL and get response webResponse = super.getResponse(webRequest); // update page size statistics (use response's raw size #1233) PageStatistics.getPageStatistics().addToTotalBytes(webResponse.getRawSize()); } else { final Logger logger = XltLogger.runTimeLogger; if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Skipping download of URL: " + url); } // create a dummy response data with an appropriate (?) status // code final WebResponseData webResponseData = new WebResponseData(EMPTY_RESPONSE_BODY, HttpStatus.SC_OK, EnglishReasonPhraseCatalog.INSTANCE.getReason(HttpStatus.SC_OK, null), EMPTY_RESPONSE_HEADER_LIST); // create response using dummy data webResponse = new WebResponse(webResponseData, url, webRequest.getHttpMethod(), 0); } // return response return webResponse; } finally { // request handled -> pop it from stack requestStack.popRequest(); } } /** * Loads the web response for a given set of request parameters. Overrides the super class method to add request and * statistics logging. * * @param webRequest * the request parameters * @param lastModifiedHeader * the last-modified date * @param etag * the etag value * @return the loaded web response * @throws IOException * thrown when something went wrong */ @Override @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") protected WebResponse getResponse(final WebRequest webRequest, final String lastModifiedHeader, final String etag) throws IOException { /* * During request processing, the web request will be populated with the final/complete set of request headers * since we need them for the result browser. This might disturb HtmlUnit (for example, in case of redirects), * so we have to restore the original set of headers after the request is processed. */ // remember the request headers, we will need to restore them later final Map originalRequestHeaders = webRequest.getAdditionalHeaders(); RequestData requestData = null; WebResponse response = null; // get current request stack final RequestStack requestStack = RequestStack.getCurrent(); // get hierarchical timer name final String timerName = requestStack.getHierarchicalTimerName(); // get hierarchical request name for URL final String requestName = requestStack.getHierarchicalRequestName(webRequest.getUrl()); try { // create new statistics and set request data requestData = new RequestData(timerName); requestData.setUrl(URLCleaner.removeUserInfoIfNecessaryAsString(webRequest.getUrl())); requestData.setHttpMethod(webRequest.getHttpMethod().toString()); putAdditionalRequestData(requestData, webRequest); final long startTime = TimerUtils.getTime(); final long runTime; // request ID handling String requestId = null; if (requestIdActive) { // set the request ID header, if configured requestId = RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(requestIdLength); webRequest.setAdditionalHeader(requestIdHeader, requestId); if (requestIdAppendToUserAgent) { // first check if we have a custom user agent for this request before falling back to the default String currentUserAgent = webRequest.getAdditionalHeader(HttpHeaders.USER_AGENT); if (currentUserAgent == null) { currentUserAgent = webClient.getBrowserVersion().getUserAgent(); } final String newUserAgent = currentUserAgent + " " + requestId; webRequest.setAdditionalHeader(HttpHeaders.USER_AGENT, newUserAgent); } } String responseId = null; try { // reset the request execution context now (clear socket timings and DNS information) RequestExecutionContext.getCurrent().reset(); // get response response = super.getResponse(webRequest, lastModifiedHeader, etag); // response ID handling if (responseIdActive) { responseId = response.getResponseHeaderValue(responseIdHeader); } } catch (final IOException e) { // in this case, there is no response ... :-( requestData.setFailed(true); throw e; } finally { // set runtime runTime = TimerUtils.getTime() - startTime; requestData.setRunTime(runTime); // set request/response ID requestData.setRequestId(requestId); requestData.setResponseId(responseId); } final Logger logger = XltLogger.runTimeLogger; if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) { + " - " + response.getStatusCode() + " - " + runTime + " ms - " + URLCleaner.removeUserInfoIfNecessaryAsString(response.getWebRequest().getUrl()) + " " + response.getWebRequest().getRequestParameters()); } // set response data requestData.setResponseCode(response.getStatusCode()); requestData.setFailed(response.getStatusCode() >= 500); requestData.setContentType(response.getContentType()); // perform response processing response = webClient.processResponse(response); return response; } finally { // create a clone of the web request that is used for the request history only final WebRequest clonedWebRequest = cloneWebRequest(webRequest); // now restore the original request headers webRequest.setAdditionalHeaders(originalRequestHeaders); // network statistics final SocketStatistics socketStats = RequestExecutionContext.getCurrent().getSocketMonitor().getSocketStatistics(); // System.out.println("[" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + "]: " + socketStats); requestData.setBytesSent(socketStats.getBytesSent()); requestData.setBytesReceived(socketStats.getBytesReceived()); requestData.setConnectTime(socketStats.getConnectTime()); requestData.setSendTime(socketStats.getSendTime()); requestData.setServerBusyTime(socketStats.getServerBusyTime()); requestData.setReceiveTime(socketStats.getReceiveTime()); requestData.setTimeToFirstBytes(socketStats.getTimeToFirstBytes()); requestData.setTimeToLastBytes(socketStats.getTimeToLastBytes()); requestData.setDnsTime(socketStats.getDnsLookupTime()); // DNS information final DnsInfo dnsInfo = RequestExecutionContext.getCurrent().getDnsMonitor().getDnsInfo(); requestData.setIpAddresses(dnsInfo.getIpAddresses()); // log statistics and add request to history final SessionImpl session = (SessionImpl) Session.getCurrent(); session.getDataManager().logDataRecord(requestData); session.getRequestHistory().add(requestName, clonedWebRequest, response, requestData); // Feature #471: API: Make the network data available for validation session.getNetworkDataManager().addData(new NetworkData(clonedWebRequest, response)); // log an event if response has failed logEventIfNecessary(clonedWebRequest, response); // update page size statistics PageStatistics.getPageStatistics().addToBytes(requestData.getBytesReceived()); // set raw size of response (#1233) // IMPORTANT: null check is necessary since response may be null due to IOException if (response != null) { response.setRawSize(requestData.getBytesReceived()); } } } /** * Creates a clone of the passed {@link WebRequest} object. * * @param webRequest * the settings to clone * @return the cloned settings */ protected WebRequest cloneWebRequest(final WebRequest webRequest) { final WebRequest newWebRequestSettings = new WebRequest(URLCleaner.removeUserInfoIfNecessaryAsURL(webRequest.getUrl())); newWebRequestSettings.setAdditionalHeaders(cleanHeaders(webRequest.getAdditionalHeaders())); newWebRequestSettings.setCharset(webRequest.getCharset()); newWebRequestSettings.setCredentials(webRequest.getCredentials()); newWebRequestSettings.setEncodingType(webRequest.getEncodingType()); newWebRequestSettings.setHttpMethod(webRequest.getHttpMethod()); newWebRequestSettings.setProxyHost(webRequest.getProxyHost()); newWebRequestSettings.setProxyPort(webRequest.getProxyPort()); newWebRequestSettings.setOriginalURL(URLCleaner.removeUserInfoIfNecessaryAsURL(webRequest.getOriginalURL())); // can set only one of these if (webRequest.getRequestBody() != null) { newWebRequestSettings.setRequestBody(webRequest.getRequestBody()); } else { newWebRequestSettings.setRequestParameters(webRequest.getRequestParameters()); } return newWebRequestSettings; } /** * Logs an event if the given response has failed to be loaded (status code >= 400). * * @param request * the request settings * @param response * the response to be processed */ protected void logEventIfNecessary(final WebRequest request, final WebResponse response) { if (!logEventOnRequestFailure) { return; } final int statusCode; final URL url; // get URL and status code if (response == null) { statusCode = 0; url = request.getUrl(); } else { statusCode = response.getStatusCode(); url = response.getWebRequest().getUrl(); } // check status code if (statusCode == 0 || statusCode >= 400) { final String eventName = "Failed to download resource"; final String message = String.format("[%d] %s", statusCode, URLCleaner.removeUserInfoIfNecessaryAsString(url)); // log event Session.getCurrent().getDataManager().logEvent(eventName, message); } } /** * Get additional request data from a WebRequest and put them into the RequestData * * @param requestData * the request to put the data into * @param webRequest * the request to get the data from */ protected static void putAdditionalRequestData(RequestData requestData, WebRequest webRequest) { if (SessionImpl.COLLECT_ADDITIONAL_REQUEST_DATA) { if (webRequest.getHttpMethod() == HttpMethod.POST) { final FormEncodingType encodingType = webRequest.getEncodingType(); requestData.setFormDataEncoding(encodingType.getName()); if (encodingType == FormEncodingType.URL_ENCODED) { // Request body and request parameters are mutually exclusive! // check request body first String formData = webRequest.getRequestBody(); if (formData == null) { // no request body -> form data must be in request parameters formData = UrlUtils.getUrlEncodedParameters(webRequest.getRequestParameters()); } // set whatever we found requestData.setFormData(formData); } } } } private static Map cleanHeaders(final Map headers) { if (headers != null) { final Map cleanHeaders = new HashMap<>(); for (final Map.Entry entry : headers.entrySet()) { final String name = entry.getKey(); String value = entry.getValue(); if (StringUtils.equalsAny(name, HttpHeader.REFERER, HttpHeader.ORIGIN)) { value = URLCleaner.removeUserInfoIfNecessaryAsString(value); } cleanHeaders.put(name, value); } return cleanHeaders; } return headers; } }

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