helpers.formatter.ts Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import { env } from 'utils/utils'
const SHOW_KEYS: boolean = env('SHOW_KEYS') == "true"
export type FormatFunction = (_ :string) => string
export type Matches = IterableIterator
class Formatter {
/* ========= api string manipulation functions ======= */
static toBraceless: FormatFunction = (str: string): string =>
str.replace(/[{}]/g, '')
static toMultiSentenceCase: FormatFunction = (str: string): string =>
str.split('. ').map(Formatter.toSentenceCase).join('. ')
static toSentenceCase: FormatFunction = (str: string): string =>
Formatter.apply(str, Formatter.toSentenceCaseFunction)
static toTitleCase: FormatFunction = (str: string): string =>
Formatter.apply(str, Formatter.toTitleCaseFunction)
static toLowerCase: FormatFunction = (str: string): string =>
Formatter.apply(str, Formatter.toLowerCaseFunction)
static toList(list: string[], lastSeparator: string = " and ", limit: number = 0, separator: string = ", ") {
if (list.length <= 1)
return list.join(separator)
else if (limit == 1)
return list[0] + separator + "..."
else {
const [last] = list.splice(-1,1)
if (limit > 0 && list.length >= limit) {
list = list.slice(0, limit-1)
return list.join(separator) + (list.length + 1 > 1 ? lastSeparator : "") + last
/* =========== where the magic happens =========== */
// apply a string manipulation function and restore the casing for each { ... } group
static apply(str: string, f: FormatFunction): string {
return str
const trimmed = Formatter.toTrimmedFunction(str)
return Formatter.restore(
private static restore(str: string, matches: Matches): string {
var result = str
// insert the original matched groups. This restores casing
var i = 0
for (const match of matches) {
result = Formatter.splice(result, (match.index as number) - (i * 2), match['1'].length, match['1'])
return result
private static getMatches(str: string): Matches {
const regexp = /{([^}]*)}/g;
return str.matchAll(regexp)
private static splice(str: string, start: number, delCount: number, newSubStr: string) {
return str.slice(0, start) + newSubStr + str.slice(start + Math.abs(delCount));
/* ========== internally used string manipulation functions ========= */
private static toSentenceCaseFunction: FormatFunction = (str) =>
str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.substring(1).toLowerCase()
private static toTitleCaseFunction: FormatFunction = (str) =>
str.replace(/\p{L}+'\p{L}+|\p{L}+/ug, (word) => word.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + word.substring(1).toLowerCase())
private static toLowerCaseFunction: FormatFunction = (str) =>
private static toTrimmedFunction: FormatFunction = (str: string): string =>
str.replace(/\s+/g,' ').replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,'');
export { Formatter as F }