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com.xmlcalabash.steps.ValidateWithXSD.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.xmlcalabash.steps
import com.jafpl.steps.PortCardinality
import com.xmlcalabash.config.DocumentRequest
import com.xmlcalabash.exceptions.XProcException
import com.xmlcalabash.model.util.XProcConstants
import com.xmlcalabash.runtime.{StaticContext, XProcMetadata, XmlPortSpecification}
import com.xmlcalabash.util.xc.Errors
import com.xmlcalabash.util.{CachingErrorListener, MediaType, MinimalStaticContext, S9Api}
import javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource
import net.sf.saxon.Controller
import net.sf.saxon.`type`.ValidationException
import net.sf.saxon.s9api.{QName, SaxonApiException, SchemaManager, XdmDestination, XdmNode}
import net.sf.saxon.serialize.SerializationProperties
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
class ValidateWithXSD() extends DefaultXmlStep {
private val _use_location_hints = new QName("","use-location-hints")
private val _try_namespaces = new QName("", "try-namespaces")
private val _assert_valid = new QName("", "assert-valid")
private val _mode = new QName("", "mode")
private val _version = new QName("", "version")
private val _targetNamespace = new QName("", "targetNamespace")
private var source: XdmNode = _
private var sourceMetadata: XProcMetadata = _
private val schemas = ListBuffer.empty[XdmNode]
private var use_location_hints = false
private var try_namespaces = false
private var assert_valid = true
private var mode = "strict"
private var version = "1.1"
override def inputSpec: XmlPortSpecification = new XmlPortSpecification(
Map("source" -> PortCardinality.EXACTLY_ONE,
"schema" -> PortCardinality.ZERO_OR_MORE),
Map("source" -> List("application/xml", "text/xml", "*/*+xml"),
"schema" -> List("application/xml", "text/xml", "*/*+xml")))
override def outputSpec: XmlPortSpecification = new XmlPortSpecification(
Map("result" -> PortCardinality.EXACTLY_ONE,
"report" -> PortCardinality.ZERO_OR_MORE),
Map("result" -> List("application/xml", "text/xml", "*/*+xml"),
"report" -> List("application/xml", "text/xml", "*/*+xml")))
override def receive(port: String, item: Any, metadata: XProcMetadata): Unit = {
item match {
case node: XdmNode =>
port match {
case "source" =>
source = node
sourceMetadata = metadata
case "schema" => schemas += node
case _ => logger.debug(s"Unexpected connection to p:validate-with-xsd: $port")
case _ => throw new RuntimeException("Non-XML document passed to xsd validator?")
override def run(context: MinimalStaticContext): Unit = {
val manager = Option(config.processor.getSchemaManager)
if (manager.isDefined) {
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Validation requires Saxon EE")
private def validateWithSaxon(manager: SchemaManager): Unit = {
logger.trace(s"Validating with Saxon: ${source.getBaseURI} with ${schemas.length} schema(s)")
version = stringBinding(_version, version)
if (version != "1.0" && version != "1.1") {
throw XProcException.xcVersionNotAvailable(version, location)
val saxonConfig = config.processor.getUnderlyingConfiguration
try_namespaces = booleanBinding(_try_namespaces).getOrElse(false)
mode = stringBinding(_mode, mode)
assert_valid = booleanBinding(_assert_valid).getOrElse(true)
use_location_hints = booleanBinding(_use_location_hints).getOrElse(false)
// Populate the URI cache so that URI references in schema documents will
// preferentially find the schemas provided
val schemaDocuments = ListBuffer.empty[XdmNode]
for (schema <- schemas) {
val schemaNode = S9Api.documentElement(schema)
val targetNS = if (schemaNode.isDefined) {
} else {
logger.debug(s"Caching input schema: ${schema.getBaseURI} for $targetNS")
// FIXME: populate the runtime resolver cache with these documents!
schemaDocuments += schema
val sourceNode = S9Api.documentElement(source)
if (use_location_hints && sourceNode.isDefined) {
val nonsSchemaHint = Option(sourceNode.get.getAttributeValue(XProcConstants.xsi_noNamespaceSchemaLocation))
val schemaHint = Option(sourceNode.get.getAttributeValue(XProcConstants.xsi_schemaLocation))
if (nonsSchemaHint.isDefined) {
val uri = sourceNode.get.getBaseURI.resolve(nonsSchemaHint.get)
val resp = config.documentManager.parse(new DocumentRequest(uri, MediaType.XML))
schemaDocuments += resp.value.asInstanceOf[XdmNode]
if (schemaHint.isDefined) {
val parts = schemaHint.get.split("\\s+")
var idx = 1
while (idx < parts.length) {
val uri = sourceNode.get.getBaseURI.resolve(parts(idx))
val resp = config.documentManager.parse(new DocumentRequest(uri, MediaType.XML))
schemaDocuments += resp.value.asInstanceOf[XdmNode]
idx += 2
if (try_namespaces && sourceNode.isDefined) {
val ns = sourceNode.get.getNodeName.getNamespaceURI
if (ns != "") {
val resp = config.documentManager.parse(new DocumentRequest(new URI(ns), MediaType.XML))
schemaDocuments += resp.value.asInstanceOf[XdmNode]
for (schema <- schemaDocuments) {
val schemaSource = S9Api.xdmToInputSource(config.config, schema)
val source = new SAXSource(schemaSource)
val destination = new XdmDestination
val controller = new Controller(saxonConfig)
val pipe = controller.makePipelineConfiguration()
val receiver = destination.getReceiver(pipe, new SerializationProperties())
val report = new Errors(config.config)
val listener = new CachingErrorListener(report)
val validator = manager.newSchemaValidator()
validator.setLax(mode == "lax")
var raisedException = Option.empty[Exception]
var errors = Option.empty[XdmNode]
try {
} catch {
case ex: SaxonApiException =>
errors = Some(report.endErrors())
var msg = ex.getMessage
if (listener.exceptions.nonEmpty) {
val lex = listener.exceptions.head
lex match {
case ve: ValidationException =>
msg = ve.getMessage
val fail = ve.getValidationFailure
val except = XProcException.xcNotSchemaValidXmlSchema(source.getBaseURI.toASCIIString, fail.getLineNumber, fail.getColumnNumber, msg, location)
except.underlyingCauses = listener.exceptions
except.errors = errors.get
raisedException = Some(except)
case _: Exception =>
msg = lex.getMessage
val except = XProcException.xcNotSchemaValidXmlSchema(source.getBaseURI.toASCIIString, msg, location)
except.underlyingCauses = listener.exceptions
except.errors = errors.get
raisedException = Some(except)
} else {
val except = XProcException.xcNotSchemaValidXmlSchema(source.getBaseURI.toASCIIString, msg, location)
raisedException = Some(except)
case ex: Exception =>
errors = Some(report.endErrors())
val except = XProcException.xcNotSchemaValidXmlSchema(source.getBaseURI.toASCIIString, ex.getMessage, location)
except.underlyingCauses = listener.exceptions
except.errors = errors.get
raisedException = Some(except)
if (raisedException.isDefined) {
if (assert_valid) {
throw raisedException.get
} else {
consumer.receive("report", errors.get, XProcMetadata.XML)
consumer.receive("result", source, sourceMetadata)
} else {
errors = Some(report.endErrors())
consumer.receive("report", errors.get, XProcMetadata.XML)
consumer.receive("result", destination.getXdmNode, sourceMetadata)