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xtdb.google_cloud.object_store.clj Maven / Gradle / Ivy

  (:require [clojure.string :as string]
            [ :as log]
            [xtdb.object-store :as os]
            [xtdb.util :as util])
  (:import ( Blob Blob$BlobSourceOption BlobId BlobInfo Storage Storage$BlobListOption Storage$BlobSourceOption Storage$BlobWriteOption StorageException)
           (java.nio ByteBuffer)
           (java.nio.file Path)
           (java.util.concurrent CompletableFuture)
           (java.util.function Supplier)
(def blob-source-opts (into-array Blob$BlobSourceOption []))

(defn get-blob [{:keys [^Storage storage-service bucket-name ^Path prefix]} ^Path blob-name]
  (let [prefixed-key (util/prefix-key prefix blob-name)
        blob-id (BlobId/of bucket-name (str prefixed-key))
        blob-byte-buffer (some-> (.get storage-service blob-id)
                                 (.getContent blob-source-opts)
    (if blob-byte-buffer
      (throw (os/obj-missing-exception blob-name)))))

(def read-options (into-array Storage$BlobSourceOption []))

;; Want to only put blob if a version doesn't already exist
(def write-options (into-array Storage$BlobWriteOption [(Storage$BlobWriteOption/doesNotExist)]))

(defn pre-condition-error? [^StorageException e]
   (= (.getCode e) 412)
   (string/includes? (.getMessage (.getCause e)) "At least one of the pre-conditions you specified did not hold")))

(defn interrupted-exception? [^StorageException e] 
  (instance? InterruptedException (.getCause e)))

(defn put-blob
  ([{:keys [^Storage storage-service bucket-name ^Path prefix]} ^Path blob-name byte-buf]
   (let [prefixed-key (util/prefix-key prefix blob-name)
         blob-id (BlobId/of bucket-name (str prefixed-key))
         blob-info (.build (BlobInfo/newBuilder blob-id))] 
       (with-open [writer (.writer storage-service blob-info write-options)]
         (.write writer byte-buf))
       (catch StorageException e 
           (pre-condition-error? e) (log/warnf "Object %s already exists in bucket %s" prefixed-key bucket-name)
           (interrupted-exception? e) (throw (.getCause e))
           :else (throw (ex-info
                         (format "Error when writing object %s to bucket %s" prefixed-key bucket-name)
                         {:bucket-name bucket-name
                          :blob-name blob-name
                          :blob-id blob-id
                          :blob-info blob-info}

(defn delete-blob [{:keys [^Storage storage-service bucket-name ^Path prefix]} ^Path blob-name]
  (let [prefixed-key (util/prefix-key prefix blob-name)
        blob-id (BlobId/of bucket-name (str prefixed-key))]
    (.delete storage-service blob-id)))

(defrecord GoogleCloudStorageObjectStore [^Storage storage-service bucket-name ^Path prefix]
  (getObject [this k]
     (get-blob this k)))

  (getObject [this k out-path]
     (reify Supplier
       (get [_]
         (let [blob-buffer (get-blob this k)]
           (util/write-buffer-to-path blob-buffer out-path)


  (putObject [this k buf]
    (CompletableFuture/completedFuture (put-blob this k buf)))

  (listAllObjects [_this]
    (let [list-blob-opts (into-array Storage$BlobListOption
                                     (if prefix
                                       [(Storage$BlobListOption/prefix (str prefix))]
      (->> (.list storage-service bucket-name list-blob-opts)
           (map (fn [^Blob blob]
                  (os/->StoredObject (cond->> (util/->path (.getName blob))
                                       prefix (.relativize prefix))
                                     (.getSize blob)))))))

  (deleteObject [this k]
     (delete-blob this k))))

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