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com.oath.auth.Utils Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright The Athenz Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.oath.auth;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.pkcs.PrivateKeyInfo;
import org.bouncycastle.jcajce.provider.asymmetric.ec.BCECPrivateKey;
import org.bouncycastle.jce.spec.ECPublicKeySpec;
import org.bouncycastle.math.ec.ECMultiplier;
import org.bouncycastle.math.ec.ECPoint;
import org.bouncycastle.math.ec.FixedPointCombMultiplier;
import org.bouncycastle.openssl.PEMKeyPair;
import org.bouncycastle.openssl.PEMParser;
import org.bouncycastle.openssl.jcajce.JcaPEMKeyConverter;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import javax.net.ssl.KeyManager;
import javax.net.ssl.KeyManagerFactory;
import javax.net.ssl.SSLContext;
import javax.net.ssl.TrustManager;
import java.io.*;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.security.*;
import java.security.cert.Certificate;
import java.security.cert.CertificateException;
import java.security.cert.CertificateFactory;
import java.security.cert.X509Certificate;
import java.security.interfaces.ECKey;
import java.security.interfaces.RSAKey;
import java.security.spec.InvalidKeySpecException;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
public class Utils {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Utils.class);
private static final String SSLCONTEXT_ALGORITHM_TLS12 = "TLSv1.2";
private static final String SSLCONTEXT_ALGORITHM_TLS13 = "TLSv1.3";
private static final String PROP_KEY_WAIT_TIME = "athenz.cert_refresher.key_wait_time";
private static final String PROP_TLS_ALGORITHM = "athenz.cert_refresher.tls_algorithm";
private static final String PROP_DISABLE_PUB_KEY_CHECK = "athenz.cert_refresher.disable_public_key_check";
private static final String PROP_SKIP_BC_PROVIDER = "athenz.cert_refresher.skip_bc_provider";
private static final char[] KEYSTORE_PASSWORD = "secret".toCharArray();
private static final String DEFAULT_KEYSTORE_TYPE = "JKS";
// how long to wait for keys - default 10 mins
private static final long KEY_WAIT_TIME_MILLIS = TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(
Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty(PROP_KEY_WAIT_TIME, "10")));
private static boolean disablePublicKeyCheck = Boolean.parseBoolean(
System.getProperty(PROP_DISABLE_PUB_KEY_CHECK, "false"));
static {
boolean skipBCProvider = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty(PROP_SKIP_BC_PROVIDER, "false"));
if (!skipBCProvider) {
Security.addProvider(new org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider());
public static void setDisablePublicKeyCheck(boolean state) {
disablePublicKeyCheck = state;
public static KeyStore getKeyStore(final String jksFilePath) throws IOException, KeyRefresherException {
return getKeyStore(jksFilePath, KEYSTORE_PASSWORD);
public static KeyStore getKeyStore(final String jksFilePath, final char[] password)
throws IOException, KeyRefresherException {
if (jksFilePath == null || jksFilePath.isEmpty()) {
throw new FileNotFoundException("jksFilePath is empty");
String keyStoreFailMsg = "Unable to load " + jksFilePath + " as a KeyStore. Please check the validity of the file.";
try {
KeyStore keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(DEFAULT_KEYSTORE_TYPE);
if (Paths.get(jksFilePath).isAbsolute()) {
// Can not cover this branch in unit test. Can not refer any files by absolute paths
try (InputStream jksFileInputStream = new FileInputStream(jksFilePath)) {
keyStore.load(jksFileInputStream, password);
return keyStore;
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | CertificateException e) {
throw new KeyRefresherException(keyStoreFailMsg, e);
try (InputStream jksFileInputStream = Utils.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(jksFilePath)) {
keyStore.load(jksFileInputStream, password);
return keyStore;
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | CertificateException e) {
throw new KeyRefresherException(keyStoreFailMsg, e);
} catch (KeyStoreException ex) {
LOG.error("No Provider supports a KeyStoreSpi implementation for the specified type.", ex);
return null;
public static KeyManager[] getKeyManagers(final String athenzPublicCert, final String athenzPrivateKey)
throws IOException, InterruptedException, KeyRefresherException {
final KeyStore keystore = createKeyStore(athenzPublicCert, athenzPrivateKey);
return getKeyManagersFromKeyStore(keystore);
public static KeyManager[] getKeyManagersFromPems(final String athenzPublicCertPem, final String athenzPrivateKeyPem)
throws IOException, KeyRefresherException {
final KeyStore keystore = Utils.createKeyStoreFromPems(athenzPublicCertPem, athenzPrivateKeyPem);
return getKeyManagersFromKeyStore(keystore);
private static KeyManager[] getKeyManagersFromKeyStore(final KeyStore keystore) throws KeyRefresherException {
KeyManagerFactory keyManagerFactory;
try {
keyManagerFactory = KeyManagerFactory.getInstance(KeyManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm());
keyManagerFactory.init(keystore, KEYSTORE_PASSWORD);
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
throw new KeyRefresherException("No Provider supports a KeyManagerFactorySpi implementation for the specified algorithm.", e);
} catch (UnrecoverableKeyException e) {
throw new KeyRefresherException("key cannot be recovered (e.g. the given password is wrong).", e);
} catch (KeyStoreException e) {
throw new KeyRefresherException("Unable to initialize KeyManagerFactory.", e);
return keyManagerFactory.getKeyManagers();
* Generate the KeyRefresher object first as the server will need access to
* it (to turn it off and on as needed). It requires that the proxies are
* created which are then stored in the KeyRefresher. This method requires
* the paths to the private key and certificate files along with the
* trust-store path which has been created already and just needs to be
* monitored for changes. Using default password of "secret" for both stores.
* @param trustStorePath path to the trust-store
* @param athenzPublicCert path to the x.509 certificate file
* @param athenzPrivateKey path to the private key file
* @return KeyRefresher object
* @throws KeyRefresherException in case of any key refresher errors processing the request
* @throws InterruptedException in case of interrupted thread
* @throws IOException in case of any errors with reading files
* @throws FileNotFoundException in case key/cert are not found
public static KeyRefresher generateKeyRefresher(final String trustStorePath,
final String athenzPublicCert, final String athenzPrivateKey)
throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, InterruptedException, KeyRefresherException {
return generateKeyRefresher(trustStorePath, KEYSTORE_PASSWORD, athenzPublicCert,
athenzPrivateKey, null);
* Generate the KeyRefresher object first as the server will need access to
* it (to turn it off and on as needed). It requires that the proxies are
* created which are then stored in the KeyRefresher. This method requires
* the paths to the private key and certificate files along with the
* trust-store path which has been created already and just needs to be
* monitored for changes.
* @param trustStorePath path to the trust-store
* @param trustStorePassword trust store password
* @param athenzPublicCert path to the x.509 certificate file
* @param athenzPrivateKey path to the private key file
* @return KeyRefresher object
* @throws KeyRefresherException in case of any key refresher errors processing the request
* @throws InterruptedException in case of interrupted thread
* @throws IOException in case of any errors with reading files
* @throws FileNotFoundException in case key/cert are not found
public static KeyRefresher generateKeyRefresher(final String trustStorePath,
final String trustStorePassword, final String athenzPublicCert, final String athenzPrivateKey)
throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, InterruptedException, KeyRefresherException {
return generateKeyRefresher(trustStorePath, trustStorePassword.toCharArray(),
athenzPublicCert, athenzPrivateKey, null);
* Generate the KeyRefresher object first as the server will need access to
* it (to turn it off and on as needed). It requires that the proxies are
* created which are then stored in the KeyRefresher. This method requires
* the paths to the private key and certificate files along with the
* trust-store path which has been created already and just needs to be
* monitored for changes.
* @param trustStorePath path to the trust-store
* @param trustStorePassword trust store password
* @param athenzPublicCert path to the x.509 certificate file
* @param athenzPrivateKey path to the private key file
* @return KeyRefresher object
* @throws KeyRefresherException in case of any key refresher errors processing the request
* @throws InterruptedException in case of interrupted thread
* @throws IOException in case of any errors with reading files
* @throws FileNotFoundException in case key/cert are not found
public static KeyRefresher generateKeyRefresher(final String trustStorePath,
final char[] trustStorePassword, final String athenzPublicCert, final String athenzPrivateKey)
throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, InterruptedException, KeyRefresherException {
return generateKeyRefresher(trustStorePath, trustStorePassword,
athenzPublicCert, athenzPrivateKey, null);
* Generate the KeyRefresher object first as the server will need access to
* it (to turn it off and on as needed). It requires that the proxies are
* created which are then stored in the KeyRefresher. This method requires
* the paths to the private key and certificate files along with the
* trust-store path which has been created already and just needs to be
* monitored for changes.
* @param trustStorePath path to the trust-store
* @param trustStorePassword trust store password
* @param athenzPublicCert path to the x.509 certificate file
* @param athenzPrivateKey path to the private key file
* @param keyRefresherListener notify listener that key/cert has changed
* @return KeyRefresher object
* @throws KeyRefresherException in case of any key refresher errors processing the request
* @throws InterruptedException in case of interrupted thread
* @throws IOException in case of any errors with reading files
* @throws FileNotFoundException in case key/cert are not found
public static KeyRefresher generateKeyRefresher(final String trustStorePath,
final char[] trustStorePassword, final String athenzPublicCert,
final String athenzPrivateKey, final KeyRefresherListener keyRefresherListener)
throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, InterruptedException, KeyRefresherException {
TrustStore trustStore = null;
if (trustStorePath != null && !trustStorePath.isEmpty()) {
trustStore = new TrustStore(trustStorePath, new JavaKeyStoreProvider(trustStorePath, trustStorePassword));
return getKeyRefresher(athenzPublicCert, athenzPrivateKey, trustStore, keyRefresherListener);
* Generate the KeyRefresher object first as the server will need access to
* it (to turn it off and on as needed). It requires that the proxies are
* created which are then stored in the KeyRefresher. This method requires
* the paths to the private key and certificate files along with the
* trust-store path which has been created already and just needs to be
* monitored for changes. Using default password of "secret" for both stores.
* @param caCertPath path to the trust-store
* @param athenzPublicCert path to the x.509 certificate file
* @param athenzPrivateKey path to the private key file
* @return KeyRefresher object
* @throws KeyRefresherException in case of any key refresher errors processing the request
* @throws InterruptedException in case of interrupted thread
* @throws IOException in case of any errors with reading files
* @throws FileNotFoundException in case key/cert are not found
public static KeyRefresher generateKeyRefresherFromCaCert(final String caCertPath,
final String athenzPublicCert, final String athenzPrivateKey)
throws IOException, InterruptedException, KeyRefresherException {
TrustStore trustStore = null;
if (caCertPath != null && !caCertPath.isEmpty()) {
trustStore = new TrustStore(caCertPath, new CaCertKeyStoreProvider(caCertPath));
return getKeyRefresher(athenzPublicCert, athenzPrivateKey, trustStore);
static KeyRefresher getKeyRefresher(String athenzPublicCert, String athenzPrivateKey, TrustStore trustStore)
throws IOException, InterruptedException, KeyRefresherException {
return getKeyRefresher(athenzPublicCert, athenzPrivateKey, trustStore, null);
static KeyRefresher getKeyRefresher(String athenzPublicCert, String athenzPrivateKey,
TrustStore trustStore, final KeyRefresherListener keyRefresherListener)
throws IOException, InterruptedException, KeyRefresherException {
KeyRefresher keyRefresher;
KeyManagerProxy keyManagerProxy =
new KeyManagerProxy(getKeyManagers(athenzPublicCert, athenzPrivateKey));
TrustManagerProxy trustManagerProxy = null;
if (trustStore != null) {
trustManagerProxy = new TrustManagerProxy(trustStore.getTrustManagers());
try {
keyRefresher = new KeyRefresher(athenzPublicCert, athenzPrivateKey, trustStore,
keyManagerProxy, trustManagerProxy, keyRefresherListener);
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
throw new KeyRefresherException(e);
return keyRefresher;
* this method will create a new SSLContext object with the given tls protocol
* that can be updated on the fly should the public/private keys / trustStore change.
* @param keyManagerProxy uses standard KeyManager interface except also allows
* for the updating of KeyManager on the fly
* @param trustManagerProxy uses standard TrustManager interface except also allows
* for the updating of TrustManager on the fly
* @param protocol TLS protocol supported by the context
* @return a valid SSLContext object using the passed in key/trust managers
* @throws KeyRefresherException in case of any errors
public static SSLContext buildSSLContext(KeyManagerProxy keyManagerProxy, TrustManagerProxy trustManagerProxy,
final String protocol) throws KeyRefresherException {
SSLContext sslContext;
try {
sslContext = SSLContext.getInstance(protocol);
sslContext.init(new KeyManager[]{keyManagerProxy},
trustManagerProxy == null ? null : new TrustManager[]{trustManagerProxy}, null);
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
throw new KeyRefresherException("No Provider supports a SSLContextSpi implementation for the specified protocol " + protocol, e);
} catch (KeyManagementException e) {
throw new KeyRefresherException("Unable to create SSLContext.", e);
return sslContext;
* this method will create a new SSLContext object that can be updated on the fly should the
* public/private keys / trustStore change. It defaults to TLS 1.3 protocol. If the 1.3
* is not supported, then it'll fall back to TLS 1.2 protocol.
* @param keyManagerProxy uses standard KeyManager interface except also allows
* for the updating of KeyManager on the fly
* @param trustManagerProxy uses standard TrustManager interface except also allows
* for the updating of TrustManager on the fly
* @return a valid SSLContext object using the passed in key/trust managers
* @throws KeyRefresherException in case of any errors
public static SSLContext buildSSLContext(KeyManagerProxy keyManagerProxy, TrustManagerProxy trustManagerProxy)
throws KeyRefresherException {
// if the user has configured our tls property then that's what we'll
// be using for our ssl context
final String protocol = System.getProperty(PROP_TLS_ALGORITHM);
if (protocol != null && !protocol.isEmpty()) {
return buildSSLContext(keyManagerProxy, trustManagerProxy, protocol);
// we're going to default to 1.3 protocol and if it fails, we're
// going to fall back and try tls 1.2
try {
return buildSSLContext(keyManagerProxy, trustManagerProxy, SSLCONTEXT_ALGORITHM_TLS13);
} catch (KeyRefresherException ignored) {
return buildSSLContext(keyManagerProxy, trustManagerProxy, SSLCONTEXT_ALGORITHM_TLS12);
* this method will create a new SSLContext object based on the given strings representing
* the trust CA certificates, x.509 certificate and private key all in PEM format. There is
* no refresh capability for the SSL context since it is created based on given strings
* that cannot change.
* @param caCertsPem CA certificates in PEM format
* @param athenzPublicCertPem x.509 certificate in PEM format
* @param athenzPrivateKeyPem private key in PEM format
* @return a valid SSLContext object
public static SSLContext buildSSLContext(final String caCertsPem, final String athenzPublicCertPem,
final String athenzPrivateKeyPem) throws KeyRefresherException, IOException {
TrustManagerProxy trustManagerProxy = null;
if (caCertsPem != null) {
TrustStore trustStore = new TrustStore(null, new CaCertKeyStoreProvider(inputStreamSupplierFromString(caCertsPem)));
trustManagerProxy = new TrustManagerProxy(trustStore.getTrustManagers());
KeyManagerProxy keyManagerProxy =
new KeyManagerProxy(getKeyManagersFromPems(athenzPublicCertPem, athenzPrivateKeyPem));
// if the user has configured our tls property then that's what we'll
// be using for our ssl context otherwise we'll default to TLS 1.3
final String protocol = System.getProperty(PROP_TLS_ALGORITHM, SSLCONTEXT_ALGORITHM_TLS13);
return buildSSLContext(keyManagerProxy, trustManagerProxy, protocol);
static Supplier inputStreamSupplierFromFile(File file) throws UncheckedIOException {
return () -> {
try {
return new FileInputStream(file);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
static Supplier inputStreamSupplierFromResource(String resource) throws UncheckedIOException {
return () -> {
InputStream ret = Utils.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(resource);
if (ret == null) {
throw new UncheckedIOException(new FileNotFoundException("Certificate or private key file is empty " + resource));
return ret;
static Supplier inputStreamSupplierFromString(String s) throws UncheckedIOException {
return () -> new ByteArrayInputStream(s.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
* @param athenzPublicCert the location on the public certificate file
* @param athenzPrivateKey the location of the private key file
* @return a KeyStore with loaded key and certificate
* @throws KeyRefresherException in case of any key refresher errors processing the request
* @throws InterruptedException in case of interrupted thread
* @throws IOException in case of any errors with reading files
* @throws FileNotFoundException in case key/cert are not found
public static KeyStore createKeyStore(final String athenzPublicCert, final String athenzPrivateKey) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, InterruptedException, KeyRefresherException {
if (athenzPublicCert == null || athenzPublicCert.isEmpty()) {
throw new FileNotFoundException("athenzPublicCert can not be empty");
if (athenzPrivateKey == null || athenzPrivateKey.isEmpty()) {
throw new FileNotFoundException("athenzPrivateKey can not be empty");
final Supplier certFileSupplier;
final Supplier keyFileSupplier;
final Supplier certLocationSupplier = () -> athenzPublicCert;
final Supplier keyLocationSupplier = () -> athenzPrivateKey;
if (Paths.get(athenzPublicCert).isAbsolute() && Paths.get(athenzPrivateKey).isAbsolute()) {
final File certFile = new File(athenzPublicCert);
final File keyFile = new File(athenzPrivateKey);
certFileSupplier = inputStreamSupplierFromFile(certFile);
keyFileSupplier = inputStreamSupplierFromFile(keyFile);
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
while (!certFile.exists() || !keyFile.exists()) {
long durationInMillis = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
if (durationInMillis > KEY_WAIT_TIME_MILLIS) {
throw new KeyRefresherException("KeyRefresher waited " + durationInMillis
+ " ms for valid public cert: " + athenzPublicCert + " or private key: "
+ athenzPrivateKey + " files. Giving up.");
LOG.error("Missing Athenz public certificate {} or private key {} files. Waiting {} ms",
athenzPublicCert, athenzPrivateKey, durationInMillis);
} else {
certFileSupplier = inputStreamSupplierFromResource(athenzPublicCert);
keyFileSupplier = inputStreamSupplierFromResource(athenzPrivateKey);
// Pass input stream providers that throw unchecked exceptions which are caught and rethrown from here.
try {
return createKeyStore(certFileSupplier, certLocationSupplier, keyFileSupplier, keyLocationSupplier);
} catch (UncheckedIOException e) {
throw e.getCause();
* Create a {@link KeyStore} from in-memory pem strings.
* @param athenzPublicCertPem The public certificate pem
* @param athenzPrivateKeyPem The private key pem
* @return a KeyStore with loaded key and certificate
* @throws KeyRefresherException in case of any key refresher errors processing the request
* @throws IOException in case of any errors with reading files
public static KeyStore createKeyStoreFromPems(
final String athenzPublicCertPem,
final String athenzPrivateKeyPem) throws IOException, KeyRefresherException {
return createKeyStore(
() -> "in memory certificate pem",
() -> "in memory private key pem");
* Create a {@link KeyStore} from suppliers of {@link InputStream} for cert and key.
* @param athenzPublicCertInputStream Supplier of the certificate input stream
* @param athenzPublicCertLocationSupplier Supplier of the location of the certificate (for error logging)
* @param athenzPrivateKeyInputStream Supplier of the private key input stream
* @param athenzPrivateKeyLocationSupplier Supplier of the location of the private key (for error logging)
* @return a KeyStore with loaded key and certificate
* @throws KeyRefresherException in case of any key refresher errors processing the request
* @throws IOException in case of any errors with reading files
public static KeyStore createKeyStore(
final Supplier athenzPublicCertInputStream,
final Supplier athenzPublicCertLocationSupplier,
final Supplier athenzPrivateKeyInputStream,
final Supplier athenzPrivateKeyLocationSupplier) throws IOException, KeyRefresherException {
List extends Certificate> certificates;
PrivateKey privateKey;
KeyStore keyStore = null;
try (InputStream publicCertStream = athenzPublicCertInputStream.get();
InputStream privateKeyStream = athenzPrivateKeyInputStream.get();
PEMParser pemParser = new PEMParser(new InputStreamReader(privateKeyStream))) {
final CertificateFactory cf = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509");
final JcaPEMKeyConverter pemConverter = new JcaPEMKeyConverter();
Object key = pemParser.readObject();
if (key instanceof PEMKeyPair) {
PrivateKeyInfo pKeyInfo = ((PEMKeyPair) key).getPrivateKeyInfo();
privateKey = pemConverter.getPrivateKey(pKeyInfo);
} else if (key instanceof PrivateKeyInfo) {
privateKey = pemConverter.getPrivateKey((PrivateKeyInfo) key);
} else {
throw new KeyRefresherException("Unknown object type: " + (key == null ? "null" : key.getClass().getName()));
certificates = (List extends Certificate>) cf.generateCertificates(publicCertStream);
if (certificates.isEmpty()) {
throw new KeyRefresherException("Certificate file contains empty certificate or an invalid certificate.");
//We are going to assume that the first one is the main certificate which will be used for the alias
String alias = ((X509Certificate) certificates.get(0)).getSubjectX500Principal().getName();
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("{} number of certificates found. Using {} alias to create the keystore", certificates.size(), alias);
// if configured (default - true) verify that the private key and certificate match
// you would only want to disable this check if the library does not support
// the private key type (currently RSA and EC keys are supported)
verifyPrivateKeyCertsMatch(privateKey, certificates);
keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(DEFAULT_KEYSTORE_TYPE);
keyStore.setKeyEntry(alias, privateKey, KEYSTORE_PASSWORD,
certificates.toArray((Certificate[]) new X509Certificate[certificates.size()]));
} catch (CertificateException | NoSuchAlgorithmException ex) {
String keyStoreFailMsg = "Unable to load private key: " + athenzPrivateKeyLocationSupplier.get() +
" and certificate: " + athenzPublicCertLocationSupplier.get() +
" as a KeyStore. Please check the validity of the files.";
throw new KeyRefresherException(keyStoreFailMsg, ex);
} catch (KeyStoreException ex) {
LOG.error("No Provider supports a KeyStoreSpi implementation for the specified type.", ex);
return keyStore;
static boolean verifyPrivatePublicKeyMatch(PrivateKey privateKey, PublicKey publicKey)
throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeySpecException {
if (publicKey instanceof RSAKey) {
if (!(privateKey instanceof RSAKey)) {
return false;
RSAKey pubRSAKey = (RSAKey) publicKey;
RSAKey prvRSAKey = (RSAKey) privateKey;
return pubRSAKey.getModulus().compareTo(prvRSAKey.getModulus()) == 0;
} else if (publicKey instanceof ECKey) {
if (!(privateKey instanceof ECKey)) {
return false;
KeyFactory keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance(privateKey.getAlgorithm());
BCECPrivateKey ecPrivKey = (BCECPrivateKey) privateKey;
ECMultiplier ecMultiplier = new FixedPointCombMultiplier();
org.bouncycastle.jce.spec.ECParameterSpec ecParamSpec = ecPrivKey.getParameters();
ECPoint ecPointQ = ecMultiplier.multiply(ecParamSpec.getG(), ecPrivKey.getD());
ECPublicKeySpec prvKeySpec = new ECPublicKeySpec(ecPointQ, ecParamSpec);
ECPublicKeySpec pubKeySpec = keyFactory.getKeySpec(publicKey, ECPublicKeySpec.class);
return prvKeySpec.getQ().equals(pubKeySpec.getQ()) && prvKeySpec.getParams().equals(pubKeySpec.getParams());
return false;
static void verifyPrivateKeyCertsMatch(PrivateKey privateKey, List extends Certificate> certificates) throws KeyRefresherException {
// if the check is disabled then we have nothing to do
if (disablePublicKeyCheck) {
// we need to make sure at least one of the certificates matches
// the public key for the given private key
try {
for (Certificate certificate : certificates) {
if (verifyPrivatePublicKeyMatch(privateKey, certificate.getPublicKey())) {
} catch (Exception ignored) {
throw new KeyRefresherException("Public key mismatch");
* Generate JKS X.509 Truststore based on given input stream.
* It is expected that the input stream is a list of x.509
* certificates.
* @param inputStream input stream for the x.509 certificates.
* caller responsible for closing the stream
* @return KeyStore including all x.509 certificates
* @throws KeyRefresherException in case of any key refresher errors processing the request
* @throws IOException in case of any errors with reading files
public static KeyStore generateTrustStore(InputStream inputStream) throws IOException, KeyRefresherException {
CertificateFactory factory;
KeyStore keyStore = null;
try {
factory = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509");
keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(DEFAULT_KEYSTORE_TYPE);
for (Certificate certificate : factory.generateCertificates(inputStream)) {
String alias = ((X509Certificate) certificate).getSubjectX500Principal().getName();
keyStore.setCertificateEntry(alias, certificate);
} catch (CertificateException | NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
String keyStoreFailMsg = "Unable to load the input stream as a KeyStore. Please check the content.";
throw new KeyRefresherException(keyStoreFailMsg, e);
} catch (KeyStoreException ex) {
LOG.error("No Provider supports a KeyStoreSpi implementation for the specified type {}", DEFAULT_KEYSTORE_TYPE, ex);
return keyStore;
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