Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2015-16, Yahoo! Inc.
* Licensed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0. See LICENSE file at the project root for terms.
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import static java.lang.Math.min;
import static java.lang.Math.sqrt;
* This sketch uses the
* Theta Sketch Framework
* and the
* Alpha TCF algorithm
* with a single cache.
* @author Lee Rhodes
* @author Kevin Lang
final class HeapAlphaSketch extends HeapUpdateSketch {
private static final int ALPHA_MIN_LG_NOM_LONGS = 9; //The smallest Log2 nom entries allowed => 512.
private final double alpha_; // computed from lgNomLongs
private final long split1_; // computed from alpha and p
private int lgArrLongs_;
private int hashTableThreshold_; //never serialized
private int curCount_ = 0;
private long thetaLong_;
private boolean empty_ = true;
private long[] cache_;
private boolean dirty_ = false;
private HeapAlphaSketch(int lgNomLongs, long seed, float p, ResizeFactor rf,
double alpha, long split1) {
super(lgNomLongs, seed, p, rf);
alpha_ = alpha;
split1_ = split1;
* Get a new sketch instance on the java heap.
* @param lgNomLongs See lgNomLongs
* @param seed See Update Hash Seed
* @param p See Sampling Probability, p
* @param rf See Resize Factor
* @return instance of this sketch
static HeapAlphaSketch getInstance(int lgNomLongs, long seed, float p, ResizeFactor rf) {
if (lgNomLongs < ALPHA_MIN_LG_NOM_LONGS) {
throw new SketchesArgumentException(
"This sketch requires a minimum nominal entries of " + (1 << ALPHA_MIN_LG_NOM_LONGS));
double nomLongs = (1L << lgNomLongs);
double alpha = nomLongs / (nomLongs + 1.0);
long split1 = (long) ((p * (alpha + 1.0) / 2.0) * MAX_THETA_LONG_AS_DOUBLE);
HeapAlphaSketch has = new HeapAlphaSketch(lgNomLongs, seed, p, rf, alpha, split1);
int lgArrLongs = Util.startingSubMultiple(lgNomLongs + 1, rf, MIN_LG_ARR_LONGS);
has.lgArrLongs_ = lgArrLongs;
has.hashTableThreshold_ = setHashTableThreshold(lgNomLongs, lgArrLongs);
has.curCount_ = 0;
has.thetaLong_ = (long)(p * MAX_THETA_LONG_AS_DOUBLE);
has.empty_ = true; //other flags: bigEndian = readOnly = compact = ordered = false;
has.cache_ = new long[1 << lgArrLongs];
return has;
* Heapify a sketch from a Memory object containing sketch data.
* @param srcMem The source Memory object.
* See Memory
* @param seed See seed
* @return instance of this sketch
static HeapAlphaSketch getInstance(Memory srcMem, long seed) {
long[] preArr = new long[3];
srcMem.getLongArray(0, preArr, 0, 3); //extract the preamble
long long0 = preArr[0];
int preambleLongs = extractPreLongs(long0); //byte 0
ResizeFactor myRF = ResizeFactor.getRF(extractResizeFactor(long0)); //byte 0
int serVer = extractSerVer(long0); //byte 1
int familyID = extractFamilyID(long0); //byte 2
int lgNomLongs = extractLgNomLongs(long0); //byte 3
int lgArrLongs = extractLgArrLongs(long0); //byte 4
int flags = extractFlags(long0); //byte 5
short seedHash = (short)extractSeedHash(long0); //byte 6,7
long long1 = preArr[1];
int curCount = extractCurCount(long1); //bytes 8-11
float p = extractP(long1); //bytes 12-15
long thetaLong = preArr[2]; //bytes 16-23
Family family = Family.idToFamily(familyID);
if (family.equals(Family.ALPHA)) {
if (preambleLongs != Family.ALPHA.getMinPreLongs()) {
throw new SketchesArgumentException(
"Possible corruption: Invalid PreambleLongs value for ALPHA: " + preambleLongs);
else {
throw new SketchesArgumentException(
"Possible corruption: Invalid Family: " + family.toString());
if (serVer != SER_VER) {
throw new SketchesArgumentException(
"Possible corruption: Invalid Serialization Version: " + serVer);
if ((flags & flagsMask) > 0) {
throw new SketchesArgumentException(
"Possible corruption: Input srcMem cannot be: big-endian, compact, ordered, or read-only");
Util.checkSeedHashes(seedHash, Util.computeSeedHash(seed));
long curCapBytes = srcMem.getCapacity();
int minReqBytes = getMemBytes(lgArrLongs, preambleLongs);
if (curCapBytes < minReqBytes) {
throw new SketchesArgumentException(
"Possible corruption: Current Memory size < min required size: "
+ curCapBytes + " < " + minReqBytes);
double theta = thetaLong / MAX_THETA_LONG_AS_DOUBLE;
if ((lgArrLongs <= lgNomLongs) && (theta < p) ) {
throw new SketchesArgumentException(
"Possible corruption: Theta cannot be < p and lgArrLongs <= lgNomLongs. "
+ lgArrLongs + " <= " + lgNomLongs + ", Theta: " + theta + ", p: " + p);
double nomLongs = (1L << lgNomLongs);
double alpha = nomLongs / (nomLongs + 1.0);
long split1 = (long) ((p * (alpha + 1.0) / 2.0) * MAX_THETA_LONG_AS_DOUBLE);
HeapAlphaSketch has = new HeapAlphaSketch(lgNomLongs, seed, p, myRF, alpha, split1);
has.lgArrLongs_ = lgArrLongs;
has.hashTableThreshold_ = setHashTableThreshold(lgNomLongs, lgArrLongs);
has.curCount_ = curCount;
has.thetaLong_ = thetaLong;
has.empty_ = (flags & EMPTY_FLAG_MASK) > 0;
has.cache_ = new long[1 << lgArrLongs];
srcMem.getLongArray(preambleLongs << 3, has.cache_, 0, 1 << lgArrLongs); //read in as hash table
return has;
public double getEstimate() {
if (isEstimationMode()) {
int curCount = getRetainedEntries(true);
double theta = getTheta();
return (thetaLong_ > split1_) ? curCount / theta : (1 << lgNomLongs_) / theta;
return curCount_;
public double getLowerBound(int numStdDev) {
if ((numStdDev < 1) || (numStdDev > 3)) {
throw new SketchesArgumentException("numStdDev can only be the values 1, 2 or 3.");
double lb;
if (isEstimationMode()) {
int validCount = getRetainedEntries(true);
if (validCount > 0) {
double est = getEstimate();
double var = getVariance(1 << lgNomLongs_, getP(), alpha_, getTheta(), validCount);
lb = est - numStdDev * sqrt(var);
lb = max(lb, 0.0);
else {
lb = 0.0;
else {
lb = curCount_;
return lb;
public int getRetainedEntries(boolean valid) {
if (curCount_ > 0) {
if (valid && isDirty()) {
int curCount = HashOperations.countPart(getCache(), getLgArrLongs(), getThetaLong());
return curCount;
return curCount_;
public double getUpperBound(int numStdDev) {
if ((numStdDev < 1) || (numStdDev > 3)) {
throw new SketchesArgumentException("numStdDev can only be the values 1, 2 or 3.");
if (isEstimationMode()) {
double var =
getVariance(1 << lgNomLongs_, getP(), alpha_, getTheta(), getRetainedEntries(true));
return getEstimate() + numStdDev * sqrt(var);
return curCount_;
public boolean isEmpty() {
return empty_;
public byte[] toByteArray() {
return toByteArray(Family.ALPHA.getMinPreLongs(), (byte) Family.ALPHA.getID());
public Family getFamily() {
return Family.ALPHA;
public UpdateSketch rebuild() {
if (isDirty()) {
return this;
public final void reset() {
int lgArrLongs = Util.startingSubMultiple(lgNomLongs_ + 1, getResizeFactor(), MIN_LG_ARR_LONGS);
if (lgArrLongs == lgArrLongs_) {
int arrLongs = cache_.length;
assert (1 << lgArrLongs_) == arrLongs;
java.util.Arrays.fill(cache_, 0L);
else {
cache_ = new long[1 << lgArrLongs];
lgArrLongs_ = lgArrLongs;
hashTableThreshold_ = setHashTableThreshold(lgNomLongs_, lgArrLongs_);
empty_ = true;
curCount_ = 0;
thetaLong_ = (long)(getP() * MAX_THETA_LONG_AS_DOUBLE);
dirty_ = false;
//restricted methods
int getPreambleLongs() {
return Family.ALPHA.getMinPreLongs();
Memory getMemory() {
return null;
//SetArgument "interface"
long getThetaLong() {
return thetaLong_;
boolean isDirty() {
return dirty_;
long[] getCache() {
return cache_;
//UpdateInternal "interface"
int getLgArrLongs() {
return lgArrLongs_;
UpdateReturnState hashUpdate(long hash) {
empty_ = false;
//The over-theta test
if (HashOperations.continueCondition(thetaLong_, hash)) {
// very very unlikely that hash == Long.MAX_VALUE. It is ignored just as zero is ignored.
return RejectedOverTheta; //signal that hash was rejected due to theta.
//The duplicate/inserted tests
if (dirty_) { //may have dirty values, must be at tgt size
return enhancedHashInsert(cache_, hash);
//NOT dirty, the other duplicate or inserted test
if (HashOperations.hashSearchOrInsert(cache_, lgArrLongs_, hash) >= 0) {
return UpdateReturnState.RejectedDuplicate;
//insertion occurred, must increment
int r = (thetaLong_ > split1_) ? 0 : 1; //are we in sketch mode? (i.e., seen k+1 inserts?)
if (r == 0) { //not yet sketch mode (has not seen k+1 inserts), but could be sampling
if (curCount_ > (1 << lgNomLongs_)) { // > k
//Reached the k+1 insert. Must be at tgt size or larger.
//Transition to Sketch Mode. Happens only once.
//Decrement theta, make dirty, don't bother check size, already not-empty.
thetaLong_ = (long) (thetaLong_ * alpha_);
dirty_ = true; //now may have dirty values
else {
//inserts (not entries!) <= k. It may not be at tgt size.
//Check size, don't decrement theta. cnt already ++, empty_ already false;
if (curCount_ > hashTableThreshold_) {
resizeClean(); //not dirty, not at tgt size.
else { //r > 0: sketch mode and not dirty (e.g., after a rebuild).
//dec theta, make dirty, cnt already ++, must be at tgt size or larger. check for rebuild
assert (lgArrLongs_ > lgNomLongs_) : "lgArr: " + lgArrLongs_ + ", lgNom: " + lgNomLongs_;
thetaLong_ = (long) (thetaLong_ * alpha_); //decrement theta
dirty_ = true; //now may have dirty values
if (curCount_ > hashTableThreshold_) {
rebuildDirty(); // at tgt size and maybe dirty
return UpdateReturnState.InsertedCountIncremented;
* Enhanced Knuth-style Open Addressing, Double Hash insert.
* The insertion process will overwrite an already existing, dirty (over-theta) value if one is
* found in the search.
* If an empty cell is found first, it will be inserted normally.
* @param hashTable the hash table to insert into
* @param hash must not be 0. If not a duplicate, it will be inserted into the hash array
* @return See Update Return State
private final UpdateReturnState enhancedHashInsert(long[] hashTable, long hash) {
int arrayMask = (1 << lgArrLongs_) - 1; // arrayLongs -1
// make odd and independent of curProbe:
int stride = (2 * (int) ((hash >> lgArrLongs_) & STRIDE_MASK)) + 1;
int curProbe = (int) (hash & arrayMask);
long curTableHash = hashTable[curProbe];
// This is the enhanced part
// Search for duplicate or zero, or opportunity to replace garbage.
while ((curTableHash != hash) && (curTableHash != 0)) {
// curHash is not a duplicate and not zero
if (curTableHash >= thetaLong_) { // curTableHash is garbage, do enhanced insert
int rememberPos = curProbe; // remember its position.
// Now we must make sure there are no duplicates in this search path,
// so we keep searching
curProbe = (curProbe + stride) & arrayMask; // move forward
curTableHash = hashTable[curProbe];
while ((curTableHash != hash) && (curTableHash != 0)) {
curProbe = (curProbe + stride) & arrayMask;
curTableHash = hashTable[curProbe];
// curTableHash is a duplicate or zero
if (curTableHash == hash) {
return RejectedDuplicate; // duplicate, just return
assert (curTableHash == 0); // must be zero
// Now that we know there are no duplicates we can
// go back and insert at first garbage value position
hashTable[rememberPos] = hash;
thetaLong_ = (long) (thetaLong_ * alpha_); //decrement theta
dirty_ = true; //the decremented theta could have produced a new dirty value
return InsertedCountNotIncremented;
// curTableHash was not a duplicate, not zero, and NOT garbage,
// so we keep searching
assert (curTableHash < thetaLong_);
curProbe = (curProbe + stride) & arrayMask;
curTableHash = hashTable[curProbe];
// end of Enhanced insert
} // end while and search
// curTableHash is a duplicate or zero and NOT garbage
if (curTableHash == hash) {
return RejectedDuplicate; // duplicate, just return
// must be zero, so insert and increment
assert (curTableHash == 0);
hashTable[curProbe] = hash;
thetaLong_ = (long) (thetaLong_ * alpha_); //decrement theta
dirty_ = true; //the decremented theta could have produced a new dirty value
if (++curCount_ > hashTableThreshold_) {
rebuildDirty(); //at tgt size and maybe dirty
return InsertedCountIncremented;
//At tgt size or greater
//Checks for rare lockup condition
// Used by hashUpdate(), rebuild()
private final void rebuildDirty() {
int curCountBefore = curCount_;
forceRebuildDirtyCache(); //changes curCount_ only
if (curCountBefore == curCount_) {
//clean but unsuccessful at reducing count, must take drastic measures, very rare.
//curCount > hashTableThreshold
//Checks for rare lockup condition
// Used by hashUpdate()
private final void resizeClean() {
//must resize, but are we at tgt size?
int lgTgtLongs = lgNomLongs_ + 1;
if (lgTgtLongs > lgArrLongs_) {
//not yet at tgt size
ResizeFactor rf = getResizeFactor();
int lgDeltaLongs = lgTgtLongs - lgArrLongs_; //must be > 0
int lgResizeFactor = max(min(rf.lg(), lgDeltaLongs), 1); //rf_.lg() could be 0
else {
//at tgt size or larger, no dirty values, must take drastic measures, very rare.
//Force resize. Changes lgArrLongs_ only. Theta doesn't change, count doesn't change.
// Used by rebuildDirty(), resizeClean()
private final void forceResizeCleanCache(int lgResizeFactor) {
assert (!dirty_); // Should never be dirty before a resize.
lgArrLongs_ += lgResizeFactor; // new tgt size
long[] tgtArr = new long[1 << lgArrLongs_];
int newCount = HashOperations.hashArrayInsert(cache_, tgtArr, lgArrLongs_, thetaLong_);
assert (curCount_ == newCount);
curCount_ = newCount;
cache_ = tgtArr;
hashTableThreshold_ = setHashTableThreshold(lgNomLongs_, lgArrLongs_);
//Cache stays the same size. Must be dirty. Theta doesn't change, count will change.
// Used by rebuildDirtyAtTgtSize()
private final void forceRebuildDirtyCache() {
long[] tgtArr = new long[1 << lgArrLongs_];
curCount_ = HashOperations.hashArrayInsert(cache_, tgtArr, lgArrLongs_, thetaLong_);
cache_ = tgtArr;
dirty_ = false;
//hashTableThreshold stays the same
// @formatter:off
* Computes an estimate of the error variance based on Historic Inverse Probability (HIP)
* estimators. See Cohen: All-Distances Sketches, Revisited: HIP Estimators for Massive Graph
* Analysis, Nov 2014.
* Table of sketch states and how Upper and Lower Bounds are computed
* Theta P Count Empty EstMode Est UB LB Comments
* 1.0 1.0 0 T F 0 0 0 Empty Sketch-mode only sketch
* 1.0 1.0 N F F N N N Degenrate Sketch-mode only sketch
* <1.0 1.0 - F T est HIP HIP Normal Sketch-mode only sketch
* P <1.0 0 T F 0 0 0 Virgin sampling sketch
* P <1.0 N F T est HIP HIP Degenerate sampling sketch
* <P <1.0 N F T est HIP HIP Sampling sketch also in sketch-mode
* @param k alias for nominal entries.
* @param p See Sampling Probability, p.
* @param alpha the value of alpha for this sketch
* @param theta See theta.
* @param count the current valid count.
* @return the variance.
// @formatter:on
private static final double getVariance(double k, double p, double alpha, double theta,
int count) {
double kPlus1 = k + 1.0;
double y = 1.0 / p;
double ySq = y * y;
double ySqMinusY = ySq - y;
int r = getR(theta, alpha, p);
double result;
if (r == 0) {
result = count * ySqMinusY;
else if (r == 1) {
result = kPlus1 * ySqMinusY; //term1
else { //r > 1
double b = 1.0 / alpha;
double bSq = b * b;
double x = p / theta;
double xSq = x * x;
double term1 = kPlus1 * ySqMinusY;
double term2 = y / (1.0 - bSq);
double term3 = (y * bSq - y * xSq - b - bSq + x + x * b);
result = term1 + term2 * term3;
double term4 = (1 - theta) / (theta * theta);
return result + term4;
* Computes whether there have been 0, 1, or 2 or more actual insertions into the cache in a
* numerically safe way.
* @param theta See Theta.
* @param alpha internal computed value alpha.
* @param p See Sampling Probability, p.
* @return R.
private static final int getR(double theta, double alpha, double p) {
double split1 = p * (alpha + 1.0) / 2.0;
if (theta > split1) return 0;
if (theta > (alpha * split1)) return 1;
return 2;
* Returns the cardinality limit given the current size of the hash table array.
* @param lgNomLongs See lgNomLongs.
* @param lgArrLongs See lgArrLongs.
* @return the hash table threshold
private static final int setHashTableThreshold(final int lgNomLongs, final int lgArrLongs) {
double fraction = (lgArrLongs <= lgNomLongs) ? RESIZE_THRESHOLD : REBUILD_THRESHOLD;
return (int) Math.floor(fraction * (1 << lgArrLongs));
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