Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2016, Yahoo! Inc. Licensed under the terms of the
* Apache License 2.0. See LICENSE file at the project root for terms.
import static;
import java.util.Arrays;
* Implements a key-value map where the value is a compact HLL sketch of size k.
* The HLL bins are compacted into 10 bins per long so that a 1024 bins are compacted into
* 824 bytes, which is a 20% reduction in space. Higher density compressions are possible
* (up to 50%), but the required code is much more complex and considerably slower.
* Each entry row, associated with a key, also contains 3 double registers for accurately
* tracking the HIP (Historical Inverse Probability) estimator. HLL implementations have multiple
* estimators and the early estimators in this implementation are quite novel and provide superior
* error performance over most other HLL implementations.
* @author Lee Rhodes
* @author KevinLang
* @author Alexander Saydakov
class HllMap extends Map {
private static final double LOAD_FACTOR = 15.0 / 16.0;
private static final int HLL_INIT_NUM_ENTRIES = 157;
private static final float HLL_RESIZE_FACTOR = 2.0F;
private static final double RSE = 0.836 / Math.sqrt(1024);
private final int k_;
private final int hllArrLongs_; //# of longs required to store the HLL array
private int tableEntries_; //Full size of the table
private int capacityEntries_; //max capacity entries defined by Load factor
private int curCountEntries_; //current count of valid entries
private float growthFactor_; //e.g., 1.2 to 2.0
private double entrySizeBytes_;
private byte[] keysArr_; //keys of zero are allowed
private long[] arrOfHllArr_;
private double[] invPow2SumHiArr_;
private double[] invPow2SumLoArr_;
private double[] hipEstAccumArr_;
private byte[] stateArr_;
* Private constructor used to set all finals
* @param keySizeBytes size of key in bytes
* @param k size of HLL sketch
private HllMap(final int keySizeBytes, final int k) {
k_ = k;
hllArrLongs_ = k / 10 + 1;
static HllMap getInstance(final int keySizeBytes, final int k) {
final int tableEntries = HLL_INIT_NUM_ENTRIES;
final HllMap map = new HllMap(keySizeBytes, k);
map.tableEntries_ = tableEntries;
map.capacityEntries_ = (int)(tableEntries * LOAD_FACTOR);
map.curCountEntries_ = 0;
map.growthFactor_ = HLL_RESIZE_FACTOR;
map.entrySizeBytes_ = updateEntrySizeBytes(map.tableEntries_, keySizeBytes, map.hllArrLongs_);
map.keysArr_ = new byte[tableEntries * map.keySizeBytes_];
map.arrOfHllArr_ = new long[tableEntries * map.hllArrLongs_];
map.invPow2SumHiArr_ = new double[tableEntries];
map.invPow2SumLoArr_ = new double[tableEntries];
map.hipEstAccumArr_ = new double[tableEntries];
map.stateArr_ = new byte[(int) Math.ceil(tableEntries / 8.0)];
return map;
double update(final byte[] key, final short coupon) {
final int entryIndex = findOrInsertKey(key);
return update(entryIndex, coupon);
double update(final int entryIndex, final short coupon) {
updateHll(entryIndex, coupon); //update HLL array, updates HIP
return hipEstAccumArr_[entryIndex];
double getEstimate(final byte[] key) {
if (key == null) { return Double.NaN; }
final int entryIndex = findKey(key);
if (entryIndex < 0) {
return 0;
return hipEstAccumArr_[entryIndex];
double getUpperBound(byte[] key) {
return getEstimate(key) * (1 + RSE);
double getLowerBound(byte[] key) {
return getEstimate(key) * (1 - RSE);
void updateEstimate(final int entryIndex, final double estimate) {
hipEstAccumArr_[entryIndex] = estimate;
* Returns the entry index for the given key given the array of keys, if found.
* Otherwise, returns the one's complement of first empty entry found;
* @param keyArr the given array of keys
* @param key the key to search for
* @param tableEntries the total number of entries in the table.
* @param stateArr the bit vector that holds valid/empty state of each entry
* @return the entry index of the given key, or the one's complement of the index if not found.
final int findKey(final byte[] key) {
final int keyLen = key.length;
final long[] hash = MurmurHash3.hash(key, SEED);
int entryIndex = getIndex(hash[0], tableEntries_);
final int stride = getStride(hash[1], tableEntries_);
final int loopIndex = entryIndex;
do {
if (isBitClear(stateArr_, entryIndex)) { //check if slot is empty
return ~entryIndex;
if (arraysEqual(key, 0, keysArr_, entryIndex * keyLen, keyLen)) { //check for key match
return entryIndex;
entryIndex = (entryIndex + stride) % tableEntries_;
} while (entryIndex != loopIndex);
throw new SketchesArgumentException("Key not found and no empty slots!");
int findOrInsertKey(final byte[] key) {
int entryIndex = findKey(key);
if (entryIndex < 0) { //key not found, initialize new row
entryIndex = ~entryIndex;
System.arraycopy(key, 0, keysArr_, entryIndex * keySizeBytes_, keySizeBytes_);
setBit(stateArr_, entryIndex);
invPow2SumHiArr_[entryIndex] = k_;
invPow2SumLoArr_[entryIndex] = 0;
hipEstAccumArr_[entryIndex] = 0;
if (curCountEntries_ > capacityEntries_) {
entryIndex = findKey(key);
assert entryIndex >= 0;
return entryIndex;
double getEntrySizeBytes() {
return entrySizeBytes_;
int getTableEntries() {
return tableEntries_;
int getCapacityEntries() {
return capacityEntries_;
int getCurrentCountEntries() {
return curCountEntries_;
long getMemoryUsageBytes() {
final long arrays = keysArr_.length
+ (long)arrOfHllArr_.length * Long.BYTES
+ invPow2SumLoArr_.length * Double.BYTES
+ invPow2SumHiArr_.length * Double.BYTES
+ hipEstAccumArr_.length * Double.BYTES
+ stateArr_.length;
final long other = 5 * Integer.BYTES + Float.BYTES + Double.BYTES;
return arrays + other;
CouponsIterator getCouponsIterator(final int index) {
// not applicable
return null;
int getMaxCouponsPerEntry() {
// not applicable
return 0;
int getCapacityCouponsPerEntry() {
// not applicable
return 0;
int getActiveEntries() {
return curCountEntries_;
int getDeletedEntries() {
return 0;
* Find the first empty slot for the given key.
* Only used by resize, where it is known that the key does not exist in the table.
* Throws an exception if no empty slots.
* @param key the given key
* @param tableEntries prime size of table
* @param stateArr the valid bit array
* @return the first empty slot for the given key
private static final int findEmpty(final byte[] key, final int tableEntries, final byte[] stateArr) {
final long[] hash = MurmurHash3.hash(key, SEED);
int entryIndex = getIndex(hash[0], tableEntries);
final int stride = getStride(hash[1], tableEntries);
final int loopIndex = entryIndex;
do {
if (isBitClear(stateArr, entryIndex)) { //check if slot is empty
return entryIndex;
entryIndex = (entryIndex + stride) % tableEntries;
} while (entryIndex != loopIndex);
throw new SketchesArgumentException("No empty slots.");
//This method is specifically tied to the HLL array layout
private final boolean updateHll(final int entryIndex, final int coupon) {
final int newValue = coupon16Value(coupon);
final int hllIdx = coupon & (k_ - 1); //lower lgK bits
final int longIdx = hllIdx / 10;
final int shift = ((hllIdx % 10) * 6) & SIX_BIT_MASK;
long hllLong = arrOfHllArr_[entryIndex * hllArrLongs_ + longIdx];
final int oldValue = (int)(hllLong >>> shift) & SIX_BIT_MASK;
if (newValue <= oldValue) { return false; }
// newValue > oldValue
//update hipEstAccum BEFORE updating invPow2Sum
final double invPow2Sum = invPow2SumHiArr_[entryIndex] + invPow2SumLoArr_[entryIndex];
final double oneOverQ = k_ / invPow2Sum;
hipEstAccumArr_[entryIndex] += oneOverQ;
//update invPow2Sum
if (oldValue < 32) { invPow2SumHiArr_[entryIndex] -= invPow2(oldValue); }
else { invPow2SumLoArr_[entryIndex] -= invPow2(oldValue); }
if (newValue < 32) { invPow2SumHiArr_[entryIndex] += invPow2(newValue); }
else { invPow2SumLoArr_[entryIndex] += invPow2(newValue); }
//insert the new value
hllLong &= ~(0X3FL << shift); //zero out the 6-bit field
hllLong |= ((long)newValue) << shift; //insert
arrOfHllArr_[entryIndex * hllArrLongs_ + longIdx] = hllLong;
return true;
private final void resize() {
final int newTableEntries = nextPrime((int)(tableEntries_ * growthFactor_));
final int newCapacityEntries = (int)(newTableEntries * LOAD_FACTOR);
final byte[] newKeysArr = new byte[newTableEntries * keySizeBytes_];
final long[] newArrOfHllArr = new long[newTableEntries * hllArrLongs_];
final double[] newInvPow2Sum1 = new double[newTableEntries];
final double[] newInvPow2Sum2 = new double[newTableEntries];
final double[] newHipEstAccum = new double[newTableEntries];
final byte[] newStateArr = new byte[(int) Math.ceil(newTableEntries / 8.0)];
for (int oldIndex = 0; oldIndex < tableEntries_; oldIndex++) {
if (isBitClear(stateArr_, oldIndex)) { continue; }
// extract an old key
final byte[] key =
Arrays.copyOfRange(keysArr_, oldIndex * keySizeBytes_, (oldIndex + 1) * keySizeBytes_);
final int newIndex = findEmpty(key, newTableEntries, newStateArr);
System.arraycopy(key, 0, newKeysArr, newIndex * keySizeBytes_, keySizeBytes_); //put key
//put the rest of the row
System.arraycopy(arrOfHllArr_, oldIndex * hllArrLongs_, newArrOfHllArr,
newIndex * hllArrLongs_, hllArrLongs_);
newInvPow2Sum1[newIndex] = invPow2SumHiArr_[oldIndex];
newInvPow2Sum2[newIndex] = invPow2SumLoArr_[oldIndex];
newHipEstAccum[newIndex] = hipEstAccumArr_[oldIndex];
setBit(newStateArr, newIndex);
//restore into sketch
tableEntries_ = newTableEntries;
capacityEntries_ = newCapacityEntries;
//curCountEntries_, growthFactor_ unchanged
entrySizeBytes_ = updateEntrySizeBytes(tableEntries_, keySizeBytes_, hllArrLongs_);
keysArr_ = newKeysArr;
arrOfHllArr_ = newArrOfHllArr;
invPow2SumHiArr_ = newInvPow2Sum1; //init to k
invPow2SumLoArr_ = newInvPow2Sum2; //init to 0
hipEstAccumArr_ = newHipEstAccum; //init to 0
stateArr_ = newStateArr;
private static final double updateEntrySizeBytes(int tableEntries, int keySizeBytes,
int hllArrLongs) {
final double byteFraction = Math.ceil(tableEntries / 8.0) / tableEntries;
return keySizeBytes + hllArrLongs * Long.BYTES + 3 * Double.BYTES + byteFraction;