Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2015-16, Yahoo! Inc.
* Licensed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0. See LICENSE file at the project root for terms.
import java.util.Comparator;
* The API for Union operations for GenericQuantilesSketches
* @param type of item
* @author Lee Rhodes
* @author Alex Saydakov
public final class ItemsUnion {
protected final int k_;
protected final Comparator super T> comparator_;
protected ItemsSketch gadget_;
private ItemsUnion(final int k, final Comparator super T> comparator, ItemsSketch gadget) {
k_ = k;
comparator_ = comparator;
gadget_ = gadget;
* Create an instance of ItemsUnion with default k
* @param type of item
* @param comparator to compare items
* @return an instance of ItemsUnion
public static ItemsUnion getInstance(final Comparator super T> comparator) {
return new ItemsUnion(ItemsSketch.DEFAULT_K, comparator, null);
* Create an instance of ItemsUnion
* @param type of item
* @param k Parameter that controls space usage of sketch and accuracy of estimates.
* It is recommended that k be a power of 2 to enable merging of sketches with
* different values of k. However, in this case it is only possible to merge from
* larger values of k to smaller values.
* @param comparator to compare items
* @return an instance of ItemsUnion
public static ItemsUnion getInstance(final int k, final Comparator super T> comparator) {
return new ItemsUnion(k, comparator, null);
* Heapify the given srcMem into a Union object.
* @param type of item
* @param srcMem the given srcMem.
* A reference to srcMem will not be maintained internally.
* @param comparator to compare items
* @param serDe an instance of ArrayOfItemsSerDe
* @return an instance of ItemsUnion
public static ItemsUnion getInstance(final Memory srcMem,
final Comparator super T> comparator, final ArrayOfItemsSerDe serDe) {
final ItemsSketch gadget = ItemsSketch.getInstance(srcMem, comparator, serDe);
return new ItemsUnion(gadget.getK(), gadget.getComparator(), gadget);
* Create an instance of ItemsUnion based on ItemsSketch
* @param type of item
* @param sketch the basis of the union
* @return an instance of ItemsUnion
public static ItemsUnion getInstance(final ItemsSketch sketch) {
return new ItemsUnion(sketch.getK(), sketch.getComparator(), sketch);
static ItemsSketch updateLogic(final int myK, final Comparator super T> comparator,
final ItemsSketch myQS, final ItemsSketch other) {
int sw1 = ((myQS == null) ? 0 : myQS.isEmpty() ? 4 : 8);
sw1 |= ((other == null) ? 0 : other.isEmpty() ? 1 : 2);
int outCase = 0; //0=null, 1=NOOP, 2=copy, 3=merge
switch (sw1) {
case 0: outCase = 0; break; //myQS = null, other = null ; return null
case 1: outCase = 4; break; //myQS = null, other = empty; copy or downsample(myK)
case 2: outCase = 2; break; //myQS = null, other = valid; copy or downsample(myK)
case 4: outCase = 1; break; //myQS = empty, other = null ; no-op
case 5: outCase = 1; break; //myQS = empty, other = empty; no-op
case 6: outCase = 3; break; //myQS = empty, other = valid; merge
case 8: outCase = 1; break; //myQS = valid, other = null ; no-op
case 9: outCase = 1; break; //myQS = valid, other = empty: no-op
case 10: outCase = 3; break; //myQS = valid, other = valid; merge
//default: //This cannot happen and cannot be tested
ItemsSketch ret = null;
switch (outCase) {
case 0: ret = null; break;
case 1: ret = myQS; break;
case 2: {
if (myK < other.getK()) {
ret = other.downSample(myK);
} else {
ret = ItemsSketch.copy(other); //required because caller has handle
case 3: { //must merge
if (myQS.getK() <= other.getK()) { //I am smaller or equal, thus the target
mergeInto(other, myQS);
ret = myQS;
} else {
//myQS_K > other_K, must reverse roles
//must copy other as it will become mine and can't have any externally owned handles.
final ItemsSketch myNewQS = ItemsSketch.copy(other);
mergeInto(myQS, myNewQS);
ret = myNewQS;
case 4: {
ret = ItemsSketch.getInstance(Math.min(myK, other.getK()), comparator);
//default: //This cannot happen and cannot be tested
return ret;
* Merges the source sketch into the target sketch that can have a smaller value of K.
* However, it is required that the ratio of the two K values be a power of 2.
* I.e., source.getK() = target.getK() * 2^(nonnegative integer).
* The source is not modified.
* Note: It is easy to prove that the following simplified code which launches multiple waves of
* carry propagation does exactly the same amount of merging work (including the work of
* allocating fresh buffers) as the more complicated and seemingly more efficient approach that
* tracks a single carry propagation wave through both sketches.
This simplified code probably does do slightly more "outer loop" work, but I am pretty
* sure that even that is within a constant factor of the more complicated code, plus the
* total amount of "outer loop" work is at least a factor of K smaller than the total amount of
* merging work, which is identical in the two approaches.
Note: a two-way merge that doesn't modify either of its two inputs could be implemented
* by making a deep copy of the larger sketch and then merging the smaller one into it.
* However, it was decided not to do this.
* @param source The source sketch
* @param target The target sketch
static void mergeInto(final ItemsSketch source, final ItemsSketch target) {
final int srcK = source.getK();
final int tgtK = target.getK();
final long srcN = source.getN();
final long tgtN = target.getN();
if (srcK != tgtK) {
ItemsUtil.downSamplingMergeInto(source, target);
final Object[] srcLevels = source.getCombinedBuffer(); // aliasing is a bit dangerous
final Object[] srcBaseBuffer = srcLevels; // aliasing is a bit dangerous
final long nFinal = tgtN + srcN;
for (int i = 0; i < source.getBaseBufferCount(); i++) {
target.update((T) srcBaseBuffer[i]);
ItemsUtil.maybeGrowLevels(nFinal, target);
final Object[] scratchBuf = new Object[2 * tgtK];
long srcBitPattern = source.getBitPattern();
assert srcBitPattern == (srcN / (2L * srcK));
for (int srcLvl = 0; srcBitPattern != 0L; srcLvl++, srcBitPattern >>>= 1) {
if ((srcBitPattern & 1L) > 0L) {
(T[]) srcLevels, (2 + srcLvl) * tgtK,
(T[]) scratchBuf, 0,
false, target);
// won't update qsTarget.n_ until the very end
target.n_ = nFinal;
assert target.getN() / (2 * tgtK) == target.getBitPattern(); // internal consistency check
final T srcMax = source.getMaxValue();
final T srcMin = source.getMinValue();
final T tgtMax = target.getMaxValue();
final T tgtMin = target.getMinValue();
if (source.getComparator().compare(srcMax, tgtMax) > 0) { target.maxValue_ = srcMax; }
if (source.getComparator().compare(srcMin, tgtMin) < 0) { target.minValue_ = srcMin; }
* Iterative union operation, which means this method can be repeatedly called.
* Merges the given sketch into this union object.
* The given sketch is not modified.
* It is required that the ratio of the two K values be a power of 2.
* This is easily satisfied if each of the K values is already a power of 2.
* If the given sketch is null or empty it is ignored.
* It is required that the results of the union operation, which can be obtained at any time,
* is obtained from {@link #getResult() }.
* @param sketchIn the sketch to be merged into this one.
public void update(final ItemsSketch sketchIn) {
gadget_ = updateLogic(k_, comparator_, gadget_, sketchIn);
* Iterative union operation, which means this method can be repeatedly called.
* Merges the given Memory image of a QuantilesSketch into this union object.
* The given Memory object is not modified and a link to it is not retained.
* It is required that the ratio of the two K values be a power of 2.
* This is easily satisfied if each of the K values is already a power of 2.
* If the given sketch is null or empty it is ignored.
* It is required that the results of the union operation, which can be obtained at any time,
* is obtained from {@link #getResult() }.
* @param srcMem Memory image of sketch to be merged
* @param serDe an instance of ArrayOfItemsSerDe
public void update(final Memory srcMem, final ArrayOfItemsSerDe serDe) {
final ItemsSketch that = ItemsSketch.getInstance(srcMem, comparator_, serDe);
gadget_ = updateLogic(k_, comparator_, gadget_, that);
* Update this union with the given double (or float) data Item.
* @param dataItem The given datum.
public void update(final T dataItem) {
if (dataItem == null) { return; }
if (gadget_ == null) {
gadget_ = ItemsSketch.getInstance(k_, comparator_);
* Gets the result of this Union operation as a copy of the internal state.
* This enables further union update operations on this state.
* @return the result of this Union operation
public ItemsSketch getResult() {
if (gadget_ == null) {
return ItemsSketch.getInstance(k_, comparator_);
return ItemsSketch.copy(gadget_); //can't have any externally owned handles.
* Gets the result of this Union operation (without a copy) and resets this Union to the
* virgin state.
* @return the result of this Union operation and reset.
public ItemsSketch getResultAndReset() {
if (gadget_ == null) { return null; } //Intentionally return null here for speed.
final ItemsSketch hqs = gadget_;
gadget_ = null;
return hqs;
* Resets this Union to a virgin state.
public void reset() {
gadget_ = null;
* Returns summary information about the backing sketch.
public String toString() {
return toString(true, false);
* Returns summary information about the backing sketch. Used for debugging.
* @param sketchSummary if true includes sketch summary
* @param dataDetail if true includes data detail
* @return summary information about the sketch.
public String toString(final boolean sketchSummary, final boolean dataDetail) {
if (gadget_ == null) {
return ItemsSketch.getInstance(k_, comparator_).toString();
return gadget_.toString(sketchSummary, dataDetail);