Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2016, Yahoo! Inc. Licensed under the terms of the
* Apache License 2.0. See LICENSE file at the project root for terms.
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* Intersection operation for Theta Sketches.
* This implementation uses data either on-heap or off-heap in a given Memory
* that is owned and managed by the caller.
* The off-heap Memory, which if managed properly will greatly reduce the need for
* the JVM to perform garbage collection.
* @author Lee Rhodes
* @author Kevin Lang
final class IntersectionImpl extends SetOperation implements Intersection {
private final short seedHash_;
//Note: Intersection does not use lgNomLongs or k, per se.
private int lgArrLongs_; //current size of hash table
private int curCount_; //curCount of HT, if < 0 means Universal Set (US) is true
private long thetaLong_;
private boolean empty_;
private long[] hashTable_ = null; //HT => Data. Only used On Heap
private int maxLgArrLongs_ = 0; //max size of hash table. Only used Off Heap
private Memory mem_ = null; //must be set by one of the factory methods. Only used Off Heap.
private IntersectionImpl(short seedHash) {
seedHash_ = seedHash;
* Construct a new Intersection target on the java heap.
* @param seed See Seed
static IntersectionImpl initNewHeapInstance(long seed) {
IntersectionImpl impl = new IntersectionImpl(computeSeedHash(seed));
impl.empty_ = false; //A virgin intersection represents the Universal Set so empty is FALSE!
impl.curCount_ = -1; //Universal Set is true
impl.thetaLong_ = Long.MAX_VALUE;
impl.lgArrLongs_ = 0;
impl.hashTable_ = null;
impl.mem_ = null; //On the Heap
return impl;
* Heapify an intersection target from a Memory image containing data.
* @param srcMem The source Memory object.
* See Memory
* @param seed See seed
static IntersectionImpl heapifyInstance(Memory srcMem, long seed) {
long[] preArr = new long[preLongs];
srcMem.getLongArray(0, preArr, 0, preLongs);
long pre0 = preArr[0];
int preambleLongs = extractPreLongs(pre0);
if (preambleLongs != CONST_PREAMBLE_LONGS) {
throw new SketchesArgumentException("PreambleLongs must equal " + CONST_PREAMBLE_LONGS);
int serVer = extractSerVer(pre0);
if (serVer != SER_VER) {
throw new SketchesArgumentException("Ser Version must equal " + SER_VER);
int famID = extractFamilyID(pre0);
short seedHash = computeSeedHash(seed);
short seedHashMem = (short) extractSeedHash(pre0);
Util.checkSeedHashes(seedHashMem, seedHash); //check for seed hash conflict
IntersectionImpl impl = new IntersectionImpl(seedHash);
//Note: Intersection does not use lgNomLongs or k, per se.
impl.lgArrLongs_ = extractLgArrLongs(pre0); //current hash table size
int flags = extractFlags(pre0);
impl.empty_ = (flags & EMPTY_FLAG_MASK) > 0;
impl.curCount_ = srcMem.getInt(RETAINED_ENTRIES_INT);
impl.thetaLong_ = srcMem.getLong(THETA_LONG);
if (impl.empty_) {
if (impl.curCount_ != 0) {
throw new SketchesArgumentException(
"srcMem empty state inconsistent with curCount: " + impl.empty_ + "," + impl.curCount_);
//empty = true AND curCount_ = 0: OK
else { //empty = false, curCount could be anything
if (impl.curCount_ > 0) { //can't be virgin, empty, or curCount == 0
impl.hashTable_ = new long[1 << impl.lgArrLongs_];
srcMem.getLongArray(CONST_PREAMBLE_LONGS << 3, impl.hashTable_, 0, 1 << impl.lgArrLongs_);
impl.mem_ = null; //On the Heap
return impl;
* Construct a new Intersection target direct to the given destination Memory.
* Called by SetOperation.Builder.
* @param seed See Seed
* @param dstMem destination Memory.
* See Memory
static IntersectionImpl initNewDirectInstance(long seed, Memory dstMem) {
short seedHash = computeSeedHash(seed);
IntersectionImpl impl = new IntersectionImpl(seedHash);
impl.maxLgArrLongs_ = checkMaxLgArrLongs(dstMem); //Only Off Heap
//build preamble and cache together in single Memory, insert fields into memory in one step
long[] preArr = new long[preLongs]; //becomes the preamble
long pre0 = 0;
pre0 = insertPreLongs(preLongs, pre0); //RF not used = 0
pre0 = insertSerVer(SER_VER, pre0);
pre0 = insertFamilyID(Family.INTERSECTION.getID(), pre0);
//Note: Intersection does not use lgNomLongs or k, per se.
impl.lgArrLongs_ = MIN_LG_ARR_LONGS; //set initially to minimum, but don't clear cache in mem
pre0 = insertLgArrLongs(MIN_LG_ARR_LONGS, pre0);
//flags: bigEndian = readOnly = compact = ordered = false;
impl.empty_ = false;
pre0 = insertFlags(0, pre0);
pre0 = insertSeedHash(seedHash, pre0);
preArr[0] = pre0;
long pre1 = 0;
impl.curCount_ = -1; //set in mem below
pre1 = insertCurCount(-1, pre1);
pre1 = insertP((float) 1.0, pre1);
preArr[1] = pre1;
impl.thetaLong_ = Long.MAX_VALUE;
preArr[2] = impl.thetaLong_;
dstMem.putLongArray(0, preArr, 0, preLongs); //put into mem
impl.mem_ = dstMem; //Off Heap
return impl;
* Wrap an Intersection target around the given source Memory containing intersection data.
* @param srcMem The source Memory image.
* See Memory
* @param seed See seed
static IntersectionImpl wrapInstance(Memory srcMem, long seed) {
long[] preArr = new long[preLongs];
srcMem.getLongArray(0, preArr, 0, preLongs);
long pre0 = preArr[0];
int preLongsMem = extractPreLongs(pre0);
if (preLongsMem != CONST_PREAMBLE_LONGS) {
throw new SketchesArgumentException("PreambleLongs must = 3.");
int serVer = extractSerVer(pre0);
if (serVer != 3) {
throw new SketchesArgumentException("Ser Version must = 3");
int famID = extractFamilyID(pre0);
short seedHash = computeSeedHash(seed);
short seedHashMem = (short) extractSeedHash(pre0);
Util.checkSeedHashes(seedHashMem, seedHash); //check for seed hash conflict
IntersectionImpl impl = new IntersectionImpl(seedHash);
//Note: Intersection does not use lgNomLongs or k, per se.
impl.lgArrLongs_ = extractLgArrLongs(pre0); //current hash table size
impl.maxLgArrLongs_ = checkMaxLgArrLongs(srcMem); //Only Off Heap, check for min size
int flags = extractFlags(pre0);
impl.empty_ = (flags & EMPTY_FLAG_MASK) > 0;
impl.curCount_ = extractCurCount(preArr[1]);
impl.thetaLong_ = preArr[2];
if (impl.empty_) {
if (impl.curCount_ != 0) {
throw new SketchesArgumentException(
"srcMem empty state inconsistent with curCount: " + impl.empty_ + "," + impl.curCount_);
//empty = true AND curCount_ = 0: OK
} //else empty = false, curCount could be anything
impl.mem_ = srcMem; //Off Heap
return impl;
public void update(Sketch sketchIn) {
if (sketchIn == null) { //null := Th = 1.0, count = 0, empty = true
//Can't check the seedHash
empty_ = setEmpty(true, mem_); //The Empty rule is OR
if (curCount_ < 0) { //1st Call
thetaLong_ = setThetaLong(Long.MAX_VALUE, mem_);
} //else it is the Nth Call and theta stays the same
curCount_ = setCurCount(0, mem_);
//The Intersection State Machine
int sketchInEntries = sketchIn.getRetainedEntries(true);
Util.checkSeedHashes(seedHash_, sketchIn.getSeedHash());
thetaLong_ = setThetaLong(min(thetaLong_, sketchIn.getThetaLong()), mem_); //Theta rule
empty_ = setEmpty(empty_ || sketchIn.isEmpty(), mem_); //Empty rule
if ((curCount_ == 0) || (sketchInEntries == 0)) {
//The 1st Call (curCount < 0) and sketchInEntries == 0.
//The Nth Call (curCount == 0) and sketchInEntries == 0.
//The Nth Call (curCount == 0) and sketchInEntries > 0.
//The Nth Call (curCount > 0) and sketchInEntries == 0.
//All future intersections result in zero data, but theta can still be reduced.
curCount_ = setCurCount(0, mem_);
hashTable_ = null; //No need for a HT.
else if (curCount_ < 0) { //virgin
//The 1st Call (curCount < 0) and sketchInEntries > 0. Clone the incoming sketch
curCount_ = setCurCount(sketchIn.getRetainedEntries(true), mem_);
int requiredLgArrLongs = computeMinLgArrLongsFromCount(curCount_);
int priorLgArrLongs = lgArrLongs_; //only used in error message
lgArrLongs_ = setLgArrLongs(requiredLgArrLongs, mem_);
if (mem_ != null) { //Off heap, check if current dstMem is large enough
if (requiredLgArrLongs <= maxLgArrLongs_) { //OK
mem_.clear(CONST_PREAMBLE_LONGS << 3, 8 << lgArrLongs_);
else { //not enough space in dstMem //TODO move to request model?
throw new SketchesArgumentException(
"Insufficient dstMem hash table space: "
+ (1 << requiredLgArrLongs) + " > " + (1 << priorLgArrLongs));
} else { //On the heap, allocate a HT
hashTable_ = new long[1 << lgArrLongs_];
moveDataToTgt(sketchIn.getCache(), curCount_);
else { //curCount > 0
//The Nth Call (curCount > 0) and sketchInEntries > 0.
//Must perform full intersect
//Sets resulting hashTable, curCount and adjusts lgArrLongs
public CompactSketch getResult(boolean dstOrdered, Memory dstMem) {
if (curCount_ < 0) {
throw new SketchesStateException(
"Calling getResult() with no intervening intersections is not a legal result.");
long[] compactCacheR;
if (curCount_ == 0) {
compactCacheR = new long[0];
return CompactSketch.createCompactSketch(
compactCacheR, empty_, seedHash_, curCount_, thetaLong_, dstOrdered, dstMem);
//else curCount > 0
long[] hashTable;
if (mem_ != null) {
int htLen = 1 << lgArrLongs_;
hashTable = new long[htLen];
mem_.getLongArray(CONST_PREAMBLE_LONGS << 3, hashTable, 0, htLen);
} else {
hashTable = hashTable_;
compactCacheR = compactCachePart(hashTable, lgArrLongs_, curCount_, thetaLong_, dstOrdered);
//Create the CompactSketch
return CompactSketch.createCompactSketch(
compactCacheR, empty_, seedHash_, curCount_, thetaLong_, dstOrdered, dstMem);
public CompactSketch getResult() {
return getResult(true, null);
public boolean hasResult() {
return (mem_ != null) ? mem_.getInt(RETAINED_ENTRIES_INT) >= 0 : curCount_ >= 0;
public byte[] toByteArray() {
int preBytes = CONST_PREAMBLE_LONGS << 3;
int dataBytes = (curCount_ > 0) ? 8 << lgArrLongs_ : 0;
byte[] byteArrOut = new byte[preBytes + dataBytes];
if (mem_ != null) {
mem_.getByteArray(0, byteArrOut, 0, preBytes + dataBytes);
else {
NativeMemory memOut = new NativeMemory(byteArrOut);
memOut.putByte(PREAMBLE_LONGS_BYTE, (byte) CONST_PREAMBLE_LONGS); //RF not used = 0
memOut.putByte(SER_VER_BYTE, (byte) SER_VER);
memOut.putByte(FAMILY_BYTE, (byte) objectToFamily(this).getID());
memOut.putByte(LG_NOM_LONGS_BYTE, (byte) 0); //not used
memOut.putByte(LG_ARR_LONGS_BYTE, (byte) lgArrLongs_);
if (empty_) {
memOut.setBits(FLAGS_BYTE, (byte) EMPTY_FLAG_MASK);
else {
memOut.clearBits(FLAGS_BYTE, (byte) EMPTY_FLAG_MASK);
memOut.putShort(SEED_HASH_SHORT, seedHash_);
memOut.putInt(RETAINED_ENTRIES_INT, curCount_);
memOut.putFloat(P_FLOAT, (float) 1.0);
memOut.putLong(THETA_LONG, thetaLong_);
if (curCount_ > 0) {
memOut.putLongArray(preBytes, hashTable_, 0, 1 << lgArrLongs_);
return byteArrOut;
public void reset() {
lgArrLongs_ = setLgArrLongs(lgArrLongs_, mem_);
curCount_ = setCurCount(-1, mem_); //Universal Set is true
thetaLong_ = setThetaLong(Long.MAX_VALUE, mem_);
empty_ = setEmpty(false, mem_);
hashTable_ = null;
public Family getFamily() {
return Family.INTERSECTION;
private void performIntersect(Sketch sketchIn) {
// curCount and input data are nonzero, match against HT
assert ((curCount_ > 0) && (!empty_));
long[] cacheIn = sketchIn.getCache();
int arrLongsIn = cacheIn.length;
long[] hashTable;
if (mem_ != null) {
int htLen = 1 << lgArrLongs_;
hashTable = new long[htLen];
mem_.getLongArray(CONST_PREAMBLE_LONGS << 3, hashTable, 0, htLen);
} else {
hashTable = hashTable_;
//allocate space for matching
long[] matchSet = new long[ min(curCount_, sketchIn.getRetainedEntries(true)) ];
int matchSetCount = 0;
if (sketchIn.isOrdered()) {
//ordered compact, which enables early stop
for (int i = 0; i < arrLongsIn; i++ ) {
long hashIn = cacheIn[i];
//if (hashIn <= 0L) continue; //<=0 should not happen
if (hashIn >= thetaLong_) {
break; //early stop assumes that hashes in input sketch are ordered!
int foundIdx = HashOperations.hashSearch(hashTable, lgArrLongs_, hashIn);
if (foundIdx == -1) { continue; }
matchSet[matchSetCount++] = hashIn;
else {
//either unordered compact or hash table
for (int i = 0; i < arrLongsIn; i++ ) {
long hashIn = cacheIn[i];
if ((hashIn <= 0L) || (hashIn >= thetaLong_)) { continue; }
int foundIdx = HashOperations.hashSearch(hashTable, lgArrLongs_, hashIn);
if (foundIdx == -1) { continue; }
matchSet[matchSetCount++] = hashIn;
//reduce effective array size to minimum
lgArrLongs_ = setLgArrLongs(computeMinLgArrLongsFromCount(curCount_), mem_);
curCount_ = setCurCount(matchSetCount, mem_);
if (mem_ != null) {
mem_.clear(CONST_PREAMBLE_LONGS << 3, 8 << lgArrLongs_); //clear for rebuild
} else {
Arrays.fill(hashTable_, 0, 1 << lgArrLongs_, 0L); //clear for rebuild
//move matchSet to target
moveDataToTgt(matchSet, matchSetCount);
private void moveDataToTgt(long[] arr, int count) {
int arrLongsIn = arr.length;
int tmpCnt = 0;
if (mem_ != null) { //Off Heap puts directly into mem
int preBytes = CONST_PREAMBLE_LONGS << 3;
for (int i = 0; i < arrLongsIn; i++ ) {
long hashIn = arr[i];
if (HashOperations.continueCondition(thetaLong_, hashIn)) { continue; }
HashOperations.hashInsertOnly(mem_, lgArrLongs_, hashIn, preBytes);
} else { //On Heap. Assumes HT exists and is large enough
for (int i = 0; i < arrLongsIn; i++ ) {
long hashIn = arr[i];
if (HashOperations.continueCondition(thetaLong_, hashIn)) { continue; }
HashOperations.hashInsertOnly(hashTable_, lgArrLongs_, hashIn);
assert (tmpCnt == count) : "Intersection Count Check: got: " + tmpCnt + ", expected: " + count;
//special handlers for Off Heap
* Returns the correct maximum lgArrLongs given the capacity of the Memory. Checks that the
* capacity is large enough for the minimum sized hash table.
* @param dstMem the given Memory
* @return the correct maximum lgArrLongs given the capacity of the Memory
private static final int checkMaxLgArrLongs(Memory dstMem) {
int preBytes = CONST_PREAMBLE_LONGS << 3;
long cap = dstMem.getCapacity();
int maxLgArrLongs = Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(floorPowerOf2((int)(cap - preBytes)) >>> 3);
if (maxLgArrLongs < MIN_LG_ARR_LONGS) {
throw new SketchesArgumentException(
"dstMem not large enough for minimum sized hash table: " + cap);
return maxLgArrLongs;
private static final boolean setEmpty(boolean empty, Memory mem) {
if (mem != null) {
if (empty) {
mem.setBits(FLAGS_BYTE, (byte) EMPTY_FLAG_MASK);
else {
mem.clearBits(FLAGS_BYTE, (byte)EMPTY_FLAG_MASK);
return empty;
private static final int setLgArrLongs(int lgArrLongs, Memory mem) {
if (mem != null) {
mem.putByte(LG_ARR_LONGS_BYTE, (byte) lgArrLongs);
return lgArrLongs;
private static final long setThetaLong(long thetaLong, Memory mem) {
if (mem != null) {
mem.putLong(THETA_LONG, thetaLong);
return thetaLong;
private static final int setCurCount(int curCount, Memory mem) {
if (mem != null) {
mem.putInt(RETAINED_ENTRIES_INT, curCount);
return curCount;
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