Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2015-16, Yahoo! Inc.
* Licensed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0. See LICENSE file at the project root for terms.
import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
* CompactSketches are never created directly. They are created as a result of
* the compact() method of an UpdatableSketch or as a result of the getResult()
* method of a set operation like Union, Intersection or AnotB. CompactSketch
* consists of a compact list (i.e. no intervening spaces) of hash values,
* corresponding list of Summaries, and a value for theta. The lists may or may
* not be ordered. CompactSketch is read-only.
* @param type of Summary
public class CompactSketch extends Sketch {
private static final byte serialVersionUID = 1;
CompactSketch(final long[] keys, final S[] summaries, final long theta, final boolean isEmpty) {
keys_ = keys;
summaries_ = summaries;
theta_ = theta;
isEmpty_ = isEmpty;
* This is to create an instance of a CompactSketch given a serialized form
* @param mem Memory object with serialized CompactSketch
CompactSketch(final Memory mem) {
int offset = 0;
byte preambleLongs = mem.getByte(offset++);
byte version = mem.getByte(offset++);
byte familyId = mem.getByte(offset++);
SerializerDeserializer.validateFamily(familyId, preambleLongs);
if (version != serialVersionUID) {
throw new SketchesArgumentException("Serial version mismatch. Expected: " + serialVersionUID
+ ", actual: " + version);
.validateType(mem.getByte(offset++), SerializerDeserializer.SketchType.CompactSketch);
byte flags = mem.getByte(offset++);
boolean isBigEndian = (flags & (1 << Flags.IS_BIG_ENDIAN.ordinal())) > 0;
if (isBigEndian ^ ByteOrder.nativeOrder().equals(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN)) {
throw new SketchesArgumentException("Byte order mismatch");
isEmpty_ = (flags & (1 << Flags.IS_EMPTY.ordinal())) > 0;
boolean isThetaIncluded = (flags & (1 << Flags.IS_THETA_INCLUDED.ordinal())) > 0;
if (isThetaIncluded) {
theta_ = mem.getLong(offset);
offset += Long.BYTES;
} else {
theta_ = Long.MAX_VALUE;
boolean hasEntries = (flags & (1 << Flags.HAS_ENTRIES.ordinal())) > 0;
if (hasEntries) {
int classNameLength = mem.getByte(offset++);
int count = mem.getInt(offset);
offset += Integer.BYTES;
byte[] classNameBuffer = new byte[classNameLength];
mem.getByteArray(offset, classNameBuffer, 0, classNameLength);
offset += classNameLength;
String className = new String(classNameBuffer, UTF_8);
keys_ = new long[count];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
keys_[i] = mem.getLong(offset);
offset += Long.BYTES;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
DeserializeResult result =
SerializerDeserializer.deserializeFromMemory(mem, offset, className);
S summary = result.getObject();
offset += result.getSize();
if (summaries_ == null) {
summaries_ = (S[]) Array.newInstance(summary.getClass(), count);
summaries_[i] = summary;
public S[] getSummaries() {
if (keys_ == null || keys_.length == 0) {
return null;
S[] summaries =
(S[]) Array.newInstance(summaries_.getClass().getComponentType(), summaries_.length);
for (int i = 0; i < summaries_.length; ++i) {
summaries[i] = summaries_[i].copy();
return summaries;
public int getRetainedEntries() {
return keys_ == null ? 0 : keys_.length;
// Layout of first 8 bytes:
// Long || Start Byte Adr:
// Adr:
// || 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
// 0 || | Flags | SkType | FamID | SerVer | Preamble_Longs |
public byte[] toByteArray() {
int summariesBytesLength = 0;
byte[][] summariesBytes = null;
int count = getRetainedEntries();
if (count > 0) {
summariesBytes = new byte[count][];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
summariesBytes[i] = summaries_[i].toByteArray();
summariesBytesLength += summariesBytes[i].length;
int sizeBytes =
Byte.BYTES // preamble longs
+ Byte.BYTES // serial version
+ Byte.BYTES // family id
+ Byte.BYTES // sketch type
+ Byte.BYTES; // flags
boolean isThetaIncluded = theta_ < Long.MAX_VALUE;
if (isThetaIncluded) {
sizeBytes += Long.BYTES; // theta
String summaryClassName = null;
if (count > 0) {
summaryClassName = summaries_[0].getClass().getName();
sizeBytes +=
Byte.BYTES // summary class name length
+ Integer.BYTES // count
+ summaryClassName.length()
+ Long.BYTES * count + summariesBytesLength;
byte[] bytes = new byte[sizeBytes];
Memory mem = new NativeMemory(bytes);
int offset = 0;
mem.putByte(offset++, PREAMBLE_LONGS);
mem.putByte(offset++, serialVersionUID);
mem.putByte(offset++, (byte) Family.TUPLE.getID());
mem.putByte(offset++, (byte) SerializerDeserializer.SketchType.CompactSketch.ordinal());
boolean isBigEndian = ByteOrder.nativeOrder().equals(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN);
mem.putByte(offset++, (byte) (
(isBigEndian ? 1 << Flags.IS_BIG_ENDIAN.ordinal() : 0)
| (isEmpty_ ? 1 << Flags.IS_EMPTY.ordinal() : 0)
| (count > 0 ? 1 << Flags.HAS_ENTRIES.ordinal() : 0)
| (isThetaIncluded ? 1 << Flags.IS_THETA_INCLUDED.ordinal() : 0)
if (isThetaIncluded) { //TODO check byte allignment to 8 bytes.
mem.putLong(offset, theta_);
offset += Long.BYTES;
if (count > 0) {
mem.putByte(offset++, (byte) summaryClassName.length());
mem.putInt(offset, getRetainedEntries());
offset += Integer.BYTES;
mem.putByteArray(offset, summaryClassName.getBytes(UTF_8), 0, summaryClassName.length());
offset += summaryClassName.length();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
mem.putLong(offset, keys_[i]);
offset += Long.BYTES;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
mem.putByteArray(offset, summariesBytes[i], 0, summariesBytes[i].length);
offset += summariesBytes[i].length;
return bytes;
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