com.yahoo.sketches.quantiles.DoublesAuxiliary Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2015-16, Yahoo! Inc.
* Licensed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0. See LICENSE file at the project root for terms.
package com.yahoo.sketches.quantiles;
import static com.yahoo.sketches.quantiles.DoublesSketchAccessor.BB_LVL_IDX;
import static java.lang.System.arraycopy;
import java.util.Arrays;
* Auxiliary data structure for answering quantile queries
* @author Kevin Lang
* @author Lee Rhodes
final class DoublesAuxiliary {
long auxN_;
double[] auxSamplesArr_; //array of size samples
long[] auxCumWtsArr_;
* Constructs the Auxiliary structure from the DoublesSketch
* @param qs a DoublesSketch
DoublesAuxiliary(final DoublesSketch qs ) {
final int k = qs.getK();
final long n = qs.getN();
final long bitPattern = qs.getBitPattern();
final int numSamples = qs.getRetainedItems();
final DoublesSketchAccessor sketchAccessor = DoublesSketchAccessor.wrap(qs);
final double[] itemsArr = new double[numSamples];
final long[] cumWtsArr = new long[numSamples + 1]; // the extra slot is very important
// Populate from DoublesSketch:
// copy over the "levels" and then the base buffer, all with appropriate weights
populateFromDoublesSketch(k, n, bitPattern, sketchAccessor, itemsArr, cumWtsArr);
// Sort the first "numSamples" slots of the two arrays in tandem,
// taking advantage of the already sorted blocks of length k
blockyTandemMergeSort(itemsArr, cumWtsArr, numSamples, k);
// convert the item weights into totals of the weights preceding each item
long subtot = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numSamples + 1; i++ ) {
final long newSubtot = subtot + cumWtsArr[i];
cumWtsArr[i] = subtot;
subtot = newSubtot;
assert subtot == n;
auxN_ = n;
auxSamplesArr_ = itemsArr;
auxCumWtsArr_ = cumWtsArr;
* Get the estimated value given phi
* @param phi the fractional position where: 0 ≤ φ ≤ 1.0.
* @return the estimated value given phi
double getQuantile(final double phi) {
assert 0.0 <= phi;
assert phi <= 1.0;
final long n = this.auxN_;
if (n <= 0) { return Double.NaN; }
final long pos = posOfPhi(phi, n);
return approximatelyAnswerPositionalQuery(pos);
* Returns the zero-based index (position) of a value in the hypothetical sorted stream of
* values of size n. Also used by ItemsAuxiliary.
* @param phi the fractional position where: 0 ≤ φ ≤ 1.0.
* @param n the size of the stream
* @return the index, a value between 0 and n-1.
static long posOfPhi(final double phi, final long n) { //don't tinker with this definition
final long pos = (long) Math.floor(phi * n);
return (pos == n) ? n - 1 : pos;
* Assuming that there are n items in the true stream, this asks what
* item would appear in position 0 <= pos < n of a hypothetical sorted
* version of that stream.
* Note that since that since the true stream is unavailable,
* we don't actually answer the question for that stream, but rather for
* a different stream of the same length, that could hypothetically
* be reconstructed from the weighted samples in our sketch.
* @param pos position
* @return approximate answer
private double approximatelyAnswerPositionalQuery(final long pos) {
assert 0 <= pos;
assert pos < this.auxN_;
final int index = chunkContainingPos(this.auxCumWtsArr_, pos);
return this.auxSamplesArr_[index];
* Populate the arrays and registers from a DoublesSketch
* @param k K value of sketch
* @param n The current size of the stream
* @param bitPattern the bit pattern for valid log levels
* @param sketchAccessor A DoublesSketchAccessor around the sketch
* @param itemsArr the consolidated array of all items from the sketch populated here
* @param cumWtsArr the cumulative weights for each item from the sketch populated here
private final static void populateFromDoublesSketch(
final int k, final long n, final long bitPattern,
final DoublesSketchAccessor sketchAccessor,
final double[] itemsArr, final long[] cumWtsArr) {
long weight = 1;
int nxt = 0;
long bits = bitPattern;
assert bits == n / (2L * k); // internal consistency check
for (int lvl = 0; bits != 0L; lvl++, bits >>>= 1) {
weight *= 2;
if ((bits & 1L) > 0L) {
for (int i = 0; i < sketchAccessor.numItems(); i++) {
itemsArr[nxt] = sketchAccessor.get(i);
cumWtsArr[nxt] = weight;
weight = 1; //NOT a mistake! We just copied the highest level; now we need to copy the base buffer
final int startOfBaseBufferBlock = nxt;
// Copy BaseBuffer over, along with weight = 1
for (int i = 0; i < sketchAccessor.numItems(); i++) {
itemsArr[nxt] = sketchAccessor.get(i);
cumWtsArr[nxt] = weight;
assert nxt == itemsArr.length;
// Must sort the items that came from the base buffer.
// Don't need to sort the corresponding weights because they are all the same.
final int numSamples = nxt;
Arrays.sort(itemsArr, startOfBaseBufferBlock, numSamples);
cumWtsArr[numSamples] = 0;
* This is written in terms of a plain array to facilitate testing.
* Also used by ItemsAuxiliary.
* @param arr the chunk containing the position
* @param pos the position
* @return the index of the chunk containing the position
static int chunkContainingPos(final long[] arr, final long pos) {
final int nominalLength = arr.length - 1; /* remember, arr contains an "extra" position */
assert nominalLength > 0;
final long n = arr[nominalLength];
assert 0 <= pos;
assert pos < n;
final int l = 0;
final int r = nominalLength;
// the following three asserts should probably be retained since they ensure
// that the necessary invariants hold at the beginning of the search
assert l < r;
assert arr[l] <= pos;
assert pos < arr[r];
return searchForChunkContainingPos(arr, pos, l, r);
// Let m_i denote the minimum position of the length=n "full" sorted sequence
// that is represented in slot i of the length = n "chunked" sorted sequence.
// Note that m_i is the same thing as auxCumWtsArr_[i]
// Then the answer to a positional query 0 <= q < n is l, where 0 <= l < len,
// A) m_l <= q
// B) q < m_r
// C) l+1 = r
// A) and B) provide the invariants for our binary search.
// Observe that they are satisfied by the initial conditions: l = 0 and r = len.
private static int searchForChunkContainingPos(
final long[] arr, final long pos, final int l, final int r) {
// the following three asserts can probably go away eventually, since it is fairly clear
// that if these invariants hold at the beginning of the search, they will be maintained
assert l < r;
assert arr[l] <= pos;
assert pos < arr[r];
if (l + 1 == r) {
return l;
else {
final int m = l + (r - l) / 2;
if (arr[m] <= pos) {
return (searchForChunkContainingPos(arr, pos, m, r));
else {
return (searchForChunkContainingPos(arr, pos, l, m));
* blockyTandemMergeSort() is an implementation of top-down merge sort specialized
* for the case where the input contains successive equal-length blocks
* that have already been sorted, so that only the top part of the
* merge tree remains to be executed. Also, two arrays are sorted in tandem,
* as discussed below.
* @param keyArr array of keys
* @param valArr array of values
* @param arrLen length of keyArr and valArr
* @param blkSize size of internal sorted blocks
//used by DoublesAuxiliary and UtilTest
static void blockyTandemMergeSort(final double[] keyArr, final long[] valArr, final int arrLen,
final int blkSize) {
assert blkSize >= 1;
if (arrLen <= blkSize) { return; }
int numblks = arrLen / blkSize;
if (numblks * blkSize < arrLen) { numblks += 1; }
assert (numblks * blkSize >= arrLen);
// duplicate the input is preparation for the "ping-pong" copy reduction strategy.
final double[] keyTmp = Arrays.copyOf(keyArr, arrLen);
final long[] valTmp = Arrays.copyOf(valArr, arrLen);
blockyTandemMergeSortRecursion(keyTmp, valTmp,
keyArr, valArr,
0, numblks,
blkSize, arrLen);
* blockyTandemMergeSortRecursion() is called by blockyTandemMergeSort().
* In addition to performing the algorithm's top down recursion,
* it manages the buffer swapping that eliminates most copying.
* It also maps the input's pre-sorted blocks into the subarrays
* that are processed by tandemMerge().
* @param keySrc key source
* @param valSrc value source
* @param keyDst key destination
* @param valDst value destination
* @param grpStart group start, refers to pre-sorted blocks such as block 0, block 1, etc.
* @param grpLen group length, refers to pre-sorted blocks such as block 0, block 1, etc.
* @param blkSize block size
* @param arrLim array limit
private static void blockyTandemMergeSortRecursion(final double[] keySrc, final long[] valSrc,
final double[] keyDst, final long[] valDst, final int grpStart, final int grpLen,
/* indices of blocks */ final int blkSize, final int arrLim) {
// Important note: grpStart and grpLen do NOT refer to positions in the underlying array.
// Instead, they refer to the pre-sorted blocks, such as block 0, block 1, etc.
assert (grpLen > 0);
if (grpLen == 1) { return; }
final int grpLen1 = grpLen / 2;
final int grpLen2 = grpLen - grpLen1;
assert (grpLen1 >= 1);
assert (grpLen2 >= grpLen1);
final int grpStart1 = grpStart;
final int grpStart2 = grpStart + grpLen1;
//swap roles of src and dst
blockyTandemMergeSortRecursion(keyDst, valDst,
keySrc, valSrc,
grpStart1, grpLen1, blkSize, arrLim);
//swap roles of src and dst
blockyTandemMergeSortRecursion(keyDst, valDst,
keySrc, valSrc,
grpStart2, grpLen2, blkSize, arrLim);
// here we convert indices of blocks into positions in the underlying array.
final int arrStart1 = grpStart1 * blkSize;
final int arrStart2 = grpStart2 * blkSize;
final int arrLen1 = grpLen1 * blkSize;
int arrLen2 = grpLen2 * blkSize;
// special case for the final block which might be shorter than blkSize.
if (arrStart2 + arrLen2 > arrLim) { arrLen2 = arrLim - arrStart2; }
tandemMerge(keySrc, valSrc,
arrStart1, arrLen1,
arrStart2, arrLen2,
keyDst, valDst,
arrStart1); // which will be arrStart3
* Performs two merges in tandem. One of them provides the sort keys
* while the other one passively undergoes the same data motion.
* @param keySrc key source
* @param valSrc value source
* @param arrStart1 Array 1 start offset
* @param arrLen1 Array 1 length
* @param arrStart2 Array 2 start offset
* @param arrLen2 Array 2 length
* @param keyDst key destination
* @param valDst value destination
* @param arrStart3 Array 3 start offset
private static void tandemMerge(final double[] keySrc, final long[] valSrc,
final int arrStart1, final int arrLen1,
final int arrStart2, final int arrLen2,
final double[] keyDst, final long[] valDst,
final int arrStart3) {
final int arrStop1 = arrStart1 + arrLen1;
final int arrStop2 = arrStart2 + arrLen2;
int i1 = arrStart1;
int i2 = arrStart2;
int i3 = arrStart3;
while (i1 < arrStop1 && i2 < arrStop2) {
if (keySrc[i2] < keySrc[i1]) {
keyDst[i3] = keySrc[i2];
valDst[i3] = valSrc[i2];
i3++; i2++;
} else {
keyDst[i3] = keySrc[i1];
valDst[i3] = valSrc[i1];
i3++; i1++;
if (i1 < arrStop1) {
arraycopy(keySrc, i1, keyDst, i3, arrStop1 - i1);
arraycopy(valSrc, i1, valDst, i3, arrStop1 - i1);
} else {
assert i2 < arrStop2;
arraycopy(keySrc, i2, keyDst, i3, arrStop2 - i2);
arraycopy(valSrc, i2, valDst, i3, arrStop2 - i2);
} // end of class Auxiliary