Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2015-16, Yahoo! Inc.
* Licensed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0. See LICENSE file at the project root for terms.
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
* Auxiliary data structure for answering generic quantile queries
* @author Kevin Lang
* @author Alex Saydakov
final class ItemsAuxiliary {
final long auxN_;
final Object[] auxSamplesArr_; //array of size samples
final long[] auxCumWtsArr_;
* Constructs the Auxiliary structure from the ItemsSketch
* @param qs an Itemsketch
ItemsAuxiliary(final ItemsSketch qs) {
final int k = qs.getK();
final long n = qs.getN();
final long bitPattern = qs.getBitPattern();
final Object[] combinedBuffer = qs.getCombinedBuffer();
final int baseBufferCount = qs.getBaseBufferCount();
final int numSamples = qs.getRetainedItems();
final Object[] itemsArr = new Object[numSamples];
final long[] cumWtsArr = new long[numSamples + 1]; /* the extra slot is very important */
// Populate from ItemsSketch:
// copy over the "levels" and then the base buffer, all with appropriate weights
populateFromItemsSketch(k, n, bitPattern, (T[]) combinedBuffer, baseBufferCount,
numSamples, (T[]) itemsArr, cumWtsArr, qs.getComparator());
// Sort the first "numSamples" slots of the two arrays in tandem,
// taking advantage of the already sorted blocks of length k
ItemsMergeImpl.blockyTandemMergeSort((T[]) itemsArr, cumWtsArr, numSamples, k, qs.getComparator());
// convert the item weights into totals of the weights preceding each item
long subtot = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numSamples + 1; i++ ) {
final long newSubtot = subtot + cumWtsArr[i];
cumWtsArr[i] = subtot;
subtot = newSubtot;
assert subtot == n;
auxN_ = n;
auxSamplesArr_ = itemsArr;
auxCumWtsArr_ = cumWtsArr;
* Get the estimated value given phi
* @param phi the fractional position where: 0 ≤ φ ≤ 1.0.
* @return the estimated value given phi
T getQuantile(final double phi) {
assert 0.0 <= phi;
assert phi <= 1.0;
if (auxN_ <= 0) { return null; }
final long pos = DoublesAuxiliary.posOfPhi(phi, auxN_);
return (approximatelyAnswerPositionalQuery(pos));
* Assuming that there are n items in the true stream, this asks what
* item would appear in position 0 <= pos < n of a hypothetical sorted
* version of that stream.
* Note that since that since the true stream is unavailable,
* we don't actually answer the question for that stream, but rather for
* a different stream of the same length, that could hypothetically
* be reconstructed from the weighted samples in our sketch.
* @param pos position
* @return approximate answer
private T approximatelyAnswerPositionalQuery(final long pos) {
assert 0 <= pos;
assert pos < auxN_;
final int index = DoublesAuxiliary.chunkContainingPos(auxCumWtsArr_, pos);
return (T) this.auxSamplesArr_[index];
* Populate the arrays and registers from an ItemsSketch
* @param k K value of sketch
* @param n The current size of the stream
* @param bitPattern the bit pattern for valid log levels
* @param combinedBuffer the combined buffer reference
* @param baseBufferCount the count of the base buffer
* @param numSamples Total samples in the sketch
* @param itemsArr the consolidated array of all items from the sketch populated here
* @param cumWtsArr the cumulative weights for each item from the sketch populated here
private final static void populateFromItemsSketch(
final int k, final long n, final long bitPattern, final T[] combinedBuffer,
final int baseBufferCount, final int numSamples, final T[] itemsArr, final long[] cumWtsArr,
final Comparator super T> comparator) {
long weight = 1;
int nxt = 0;
long bits = bitPattern;
assert bits == n / (2L * k); // internal consistency check
for (int lvl = 0; bits != 0L; lvl++, bits >>>= 1) {
weight *= 2;
if ((bits & 1L) > 0L) {
final int offset = (2 + lvl) * k;
for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
itemsArr[nxt] = combinedBuffer[i + offset];
cumWtsArr[nxt] = weight;
weight = 1; //NOT a mistake! We just copied the highest level; now we need to copy the base buffer
final int startOfBaseBufferBlock = nxt;
// Copy BaseBuffer over, along with weight = 1
for (int i = 0; i < baseBufferCount; i++) {
itemsArr[nxt] = combinedBuffer[i];
cumWtsArr[nxt] = weight;
assert nxt == numSamples;
// Must sort the items that came from the base buffer.
// Don't need to sort the corresponding weights because they are all the same.
Arrays.sort(itemsArr, startOfBaseBufferBlock, numSamples, comparator);
cumWtsArr[numSamples] = 0;
} // end of class Auxiliary