Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2019, Yahoo Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* See LICENSE file in project root for terms.
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
* {@link GraphQLDSL} programmatically construct GraphQL query(excluding query variables)
* and serializes it to a GraphQL query string.
* For example,
* {@code
* String graphQLQuery = document(
* query(
* "myQuery",
* variableDefinitions(
* variableDefinition("bookId", "[String]")
* ),
* selections(
* field(
* "book",
* arguments(
* argument("ids", "$bookId")
* ),
* selections(
* field("id"),
* field("title"),
* field(
* "authors",
* selection(
* field("name")
* )
* )
* )
* )
* )
* )
* ).toQuery();
* }
* will produces the following query
* {@code
* query myQuery($bookId: [String]) {
* book(ids: $bookId) {
* edges {
* node {
* id
* title
* authors {
* edges {
* node {
* name
* }
* }
* }
* }
* }
* }
* }
* }
* In addition, {@link GraphQLDSL} also allows programmatically constructing GraphQL response data. For example,
* {@code
* document(
* selection(
* field(
* "book",
* selections(
* field("id", "3"),
* field("title", "Doctor Zhivago"),
* field(
* "publisher",
* selection(
* field("id", "2")
* )
* )
* ),
* selections(
* field("id", "1"),
* field("title", "Libro Uno"),
* field(
* "publisher",
* selection(
* field("id", "1")
* )
* )
* ),
* selections(
* field("id", "2"),
* field("title", "Libro Dos"),
* field(
* "publisher",
* selection(
* field("id", "1")
* )
* )
* )
* )
* )
* ).toResponse();
* }
* produces the following response:
* {@code
* {
* "data":{
* "book":{
* "edges":[
* {
* "node":{
* "id":"3",
* "title":"Doctor Zhivago",
* "publisher":{
* "edges":[
* {
* "node":{
* "id":"2"
* }
* }
* ]
* }
* }
* },
* {
* "node":{
* "id":"1",
* "title":"Libro Uno",
* "publisher":{
* "edges":[
* {
* "node":{
* "id":"1"
* }
* }
* ]
* }
* }
* },
* {
* "node":{
* "id":"2",
* "title":"Libro Dos",
* "publisher":{
* "edges":[
* {
* "node":{
* "id":"1"
* }
* }
* ]
* }
* }
* }
* ]
* }
* }
* }
* }
* Note that {@link GraphQLDSL} follows Relay's connection pattern(
public final class GraphQLDSL {
public static final boolean QUOTE_VALUE = true;
public static final boolean UNQUOTED_VALUE = false;
* Jackson-serializes objects.
private static final ObjectMapper BASE_MAPPER = new ObjectMapper()
* Returns the JSON representation of an object.
* @param object Object to be serialized
* @return a string
* @throws IllegalStateException
public static String toJson(Object object) {
try {
return BASE_MAPPER.writer().writeValueAsString(object);
} catch (JsonProcessingException exception) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(exception);
* Creates a GraphQL query.
* @param definitions An variable-lengthed array of {@link Definition}s that composes a complete GraphQL query.
* @return a serializable GraphQL query object
public static Document document(Definition... definitions) {
return new Document(Arrays.asList(definitions));
* Creates a single root-entity selection spec.
* @param selection The single selection spec object
* @return a definition of a multi-definitions GraphQL query
* @see Field Selection
public static SelectionSet selection(Selection selection) {
return new SelectionSet(new LinkedHashSet<>(Collections.singleton(selection)));
* Creates a multi-root-entities selections spec.
* @param selections An variable-sized array of selection spec objects
* @return a definition of a multi-definitions GraphQL query
* @see Field Selection
public static SelectionSet selections(Selection... selections) {
return new SelectionSet(;
* Constructs a mutation.
* @param name Mutation name
* @param variableDefinitions Optional variables
* @param selectionSet Selected fields
* @return a mutation
public static Mutation mutation(String name, VariableDefinitions variableDefinitions, SelectionSet selectionSet) {
return new Mutation(name, variableDefinitions, selectionSet);
* Constructs a mutation.
* @param selectionSet Selected fields
* @return a mutation
public static Mutation mutation(SelectionSet selectionSet) {
return new Mutation(null, null, selectionSet);
* Constructs a named query.
* @param name Query name
* @param variableDefinitions Optional variables
* @param selectionSet Selected fields
* @return a named query
public static Query query(String name, VariableDefinitions variableDefinitions, SelectionSet selectionSet) {
return new Query(name, variableDefinitions, selectionSet);
* Constructs a named query.
* @param selectionSet Selected fields
* @return a named query
public static Query query(SelectionSet selectionSet) {
return new Query(null, null, selectionSet);
* Creates a collection of GraphQL variable definitions.
* @param variableDefinitions A variable-sized array of {@link VariableDefinition}s
* @return A collection of GraphQL variable definitions
* @see Variables
public static VariableDefinitions variableDefinitions(VariableDefinition... variableDefinitions) {
return new VariableDefinitions(Arrays.asList(variableDefinitions));
* Creates a single GraphQL variable definition without default value.
* @param variable A string (without "$" sign) representing the name of the variable
* @param type A simplified String representation of the aforementioned type literal.
* @return A single GraphQL variable definition
* @see Variables
public static VariableDefinition variableDefinition(String variable, String type) {
return new VariableDefinition(variable, type, null);
* Constructs a response field with string value.
* @param name Field name
* @param value Field value
* @return a field
public static Selection field(String name, String value) {
return new Field(null, name, Arguments.emptyArgument(), Field.quoteValue(value));
* Constructs a response field with numeric value.
* @param name Field name
* @param value Field value
* @return a field
public static Selection field(String name, Number value) {
return new Field(null, name, Arguments.emptyArgument(), value);
* Constructs a response field with boolean value.
* @param name Field name
* @param value Field value
* @return a field
public static Selection field(String name, Boolean value) {
return new Field(null, name, Arguments.emptyArgument(), value);
* Constructs a scalar response field.
* @param name Field name
* @param value Field value
* @param quoted Weather value is quoted
* @return a field
public static Selection field(String name, String value, boolean quoted) {
return new Field(null, name, Arguments.emptyArgument(), quoted ? Field.quoteValue(value) : value);
* Creates a request selection without {@link Argument}s.
* @param name The name of the selected entity/field that would appear in a GraphQL query
* @param selectionSet The fields of the entity that are selected
* @return a top-level selection
* @see Fields
* @see Object Types and Fields
public static Selection field(String name, SelectionSet... selectionSet) {
return field(null, name, selectionSet);
public static Selection field(String alias, String name, SelectionSet... selectionSet) {
List ss = ImmutableList.copyOf(selectionSet);
return new Field(alias, name, Arguments.emptyArgument(), relayWrap(ss));
* Creates a single entity(object field) selection.
* @param name The name of the selected entity/field that would appear in a GraphQL query
* @param arguments The {@link Argument}s that would be applied to the selected entity
* @param selectionSet The fields of the entity that are selected
* @return a top-level selection
* @see Fields
* @see Arguments
* @see Object Types and Fields
public static Selection field(String name, Arguments arguments, SelectionSet... selectionSet) {
return new Field(null, name, arguments, relayWrap(Arrays.asList(selectionSet)));
public static Selection field(String alias, String name, Arguments arguments, SelectionSet... selectionSet) {
return new Field(alias, name, arguments, relayWrap(Arrays.asList(selectionSet)));
* Creates an attribute(scalar field) selection.
* @param name The name of the selected attribute that would appear in a GraphQL query.
* @return a field that represents an non-reltionship entity attribute
* @see Scalar Field
public static Selection field(String name) {
return Field.scalarField(name);
* Creates an attribute field selection with arguments.
* @param name The name of the field.
* @param arguments The arguments.
* @return a field that represents an non-reltionship entity attribute
public static Selection field(String name, Arguments arguments) {
return new Field(null, name, arguments, null);
* Creates an attribute field selection with arguments and an alias.
* @param name The name of the field.
* @param alias The alias name of the field.
* @param arguments The arguments.
* @return a field that represents an non-reltionship entity attribute
public static Selection field(String name, String alias, Arguments arguments) {
return new Field(alias, name, arguments, null);
* Creates a complete set of {@link Argument}s that is passed to a object field selection.
* @param arguments A variable-sized group of {@link Argument}s passed to the object field selection
* @return a complete specification of selection arguments
* @see Arguments
public static Arguments arguments(Argument... arguments) {
return new Arguments(Arrays.asList(arguments));
* Creates a {@link Argument single argument} that is passed to a object field selection.
* @param argument The single {@link Argument} passed to the object field selection
* @return a complete specification of selection argument
* @see Arguments
public static Arguments argument(Argument argument) {
return new Arguments(Collections.singletonList(argument));
* Creates a spec object of an GraphQL {@link Argument argument} whose value is not quoted.
* @param name The name of the argument
* @param value An object that models argument value.
* @return a complete specification of selection arguments
* @see Arguments
public static Argument argument(String name, Object value) {
return argument(name, value, false);
* Creates a spec object of an GraphQL {@link Argument argument}.
* @param name The name of the argument
* @param value An object that models argument value.
* @param quoted Whether or not the serialized {@code value} should be double-quote
* @return a complete specification of selection arguments
* @see Arguments
public static Argument argument(String name, Object value, boolean quoted) {
if (value instanceof String) {
value = quoted ? Field.quoteValue(value.toString()) : value;
return new Argument(name, value);
// this is an object which needs to be Jackson-serialized
try {
return new Argument(
// GraphQL argument name is unquoted; hence quoted field is disabled.
} catch (JsonProcessingException exception) {
throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Cannot serialize %s", value), exception);
* Wraps a set of field selections inside a Relay connection pattern spec.
* For example,
* {@code
* book(ids: $bookId) {
* id
* title
* authors {
* name
* }
* }
* }
* becomes
* {@code
* book(ids: $bookId) {
* edges {
* node {
* id
* title
* authors {
* edges {
* node {
* name
* }
* }
* }
* }
* }
* }
* }
* @param selectionSet The field selections to be wrapped
* @return the same GraphQL spec in Relay's annotation
* @see Relay's connection pattern
private static SelectionSet relayWrap(List selectionSet) {
Edges edges = new Edges(
return new SelectionSet(new LinkedHashSet<>(Collections.singleton(edges)));