Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root.
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import java.time.Clock;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.OptionalDouble;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Function;
import static java.util.Comparator.comparingInt;
* @author bratseth
public class DeploymentSpecXmlReader {
private static final String deploymentTag = "deployment";
private static final String instanceTag = "instance";
private static final String tagsTag = "tags";
private static final String testTag = "test";
private static final String stagingTag = "staging";
private static final String devTag = "dev";
private static final String upgradeTag = "upgrade";
private static final String blockChangeTag = "block-change";
private static final String prodTag = "prod";
private static final String regionTag = "region";
private static final String delayTag = "delay";
private static final String parallelTag = "parallel";
private static final String stepsTag = "steps";
private static final String endpointsTag = "endpoints";
private static final String endpointTag = "endpoint";
private static final String notificationsTag = "notifications";
private static final String idAttribute = "id";
private static final String athenzServiceAttribute = "athenz-service";
private static final String athenzDomainAttribute = "athenz-domain";
private static final String testerFlavorAttribute = "tester-flavor";
private static final String testerTag = "tester";
private static final String nodesTag = "nodes";
private static final String majorVersionAttribute = "major-version";
private static final String cloudAccountAttribute = "cloud-account";
private static final String hostTTLAttribute = "empty-host-ttl";
private final boolean validate;
private final Clock clock;
private final List deprecatedElements = new ArrayList<>();
* Create a deployment spec reader
* @param validate true to validate the input, false to accept any input which can be unambiguously parsed
* @param clock clock to use when validating time constraints
public DeploymentSpecXmlReader(boolean validate, Clock clock) {
this.validate = validate;
this.clock = clock;
public DeploymentSpecXmlReader() {
public DeploymentSpecXmlReader(boolean validate) {
this(validate, Clock.systemUTC());
/** Reads a deployment spec from given reader */
public DeploymentSpec read(Reader reader) {
try {
return read(IOUtils.readAll(reader));
catch (IOException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not read deployment spec", e);
/** Reads a deployment spec from XML */
public DeploymentSpec read(String xmlForm) {
Element root = XML.getDocument(xmlForm).getDocumentElement();
if ( ! root.getTagName().equals(deploymentTag))
illegal("The root tag must be ");
if (isEmptySpec(root))
return DeploymentSpec.empty;
List steps = new ArrayList<>();
List applicationEndpoints = new ArrayList<>();
if ( ! containsTag(instanceTag, root)) { // deployment spec skipping explicit instance -> "default" instance
steps.addAll(readInstanceContent("default", root, new HashMap<>(), root, Bcp.empty()));
else {
if (XML.getChildren(root).stream().anyMatch(child -> child.getTagName().equals(prodTag)))
illegal("A deployment spec cannot have both a tag and an " +
" tag under the root: " +
"Wrap the prod tags inside the appropriate instance");
for (Element child : XML.getChildren(root)) {
String tagName = child.getTagName();
Bcp defaultBcp = readBcp(root, Optional.empty(), List.of(), List.of(), Map.of());
if (tagName.equals(instanceTag)) {
steps.addAll(readInstanceContent(child.getAttribute(idAttribute), child, new HashMap<>(), root, defaultBcp));
} else {
steps.addAll(readNonInstanceSteps(child, new HashMap<>(), root, defaultBcp)); // (No global service id here)
readEndpoints(root, Optional.empty(), steps, applicationEndpoints, Map.of());
DevSpec devSpec = readDevSpec(root);
return new DeploymentSpec(steps,
optionalIntegerAttribute(majorVersionAttribute, root),
stringAttribute(athenzDomainAttribute, root).map(AthenzDomain::from),
stringAttribute(athenzServiceAttribute, root).map(AthenzService::from),
* Reads the content of an (implicit or explicit) instance tag producing an instances step
* @param instanceNameString a comma-separated list of the names of the instances this is for
* @param instanceElement the element having the content of this instance
* @param parentTag the parent of instanceTag (or the same, if this instance is implicitly defined, which means instanceTag is the root)
* @return the instances specified, one for each instance name element
private List readInstanceContent(String instanceNameString,
Element instanceElement,
Map prodAttributes,
Element parentTag,
Bcp defaultBcp) {
if (instanceNameString.isBlank())
illegal(" attribute 'id' must be specified, and not be blank");
// If this is an absolutely empty instance, or the implicit "default" instance but without content, ignore it
if (XML.getChildren(instanceElement).isEmpty() && (instanceElement.getAttributes().getLength() == 0 || instanceElement == parentTag))
return List.of();
if (validate)
// Values where the parent may provide a default
DeploymentSpec.UpgradePolicy upgradePolicy = getWithFallback(instanceElement, parentTag, upgradeTag, "policy", this::readUpgradePolicy, UpgradePolicy.defaultPolicy);
DeploymentSpec.RevisionTarget revisionTarget = getWithFallback(instanceElement, parentTag, upgradeTag, "revision-target", this::readRevisionTarget, RevisionTarget.latest);
DeploymentSpec.RevisionChange revisionChange = getWithFallback(instanceElement, parentTag, upgradeTag, "revision-change", this::readRevisionChange, RevisionChange.whenFailing);
DeploymentSpec.UpgradeRollout upgradeRollout = getWithFallback(instanceElement, parentTag, upgradeTag, "rollout", this::readUpgradeRollout, UpgradeRollout.separate);
int minRisk = getWithFallback(instanceElement, parentTag, upgradeTag, "min-risk", Integer::parseInt, 0);
int maxRisk = getWithFallback(instanceElement, parentTag, upgradeTag, "max-risk", Integer::parseInt, 0);
int maxIdleHours = getWithFallback(instanceElement, parentTag, upgradeTag, "max-idle-hours", Integer::parseInt, 8);
List changeBlockers = readChangeBlockers(instanceElement, parentTag);
Optional athenzService = mostSpecificAttribute(instanceElement, athenzServiceAttribute).map(AthenzService::from);
Map cloudAccounts = readCloudAccounts(instanceElement);
Optional hostTTL = readHostTTL(instanceElement);
Notifications notifications = readNotifications(instanceElement, parentTag);
// Values where there is no default
Tags tags = XML.attribute(tagsTag, instanceElement).map(Tags::fromString).orElse(Tags.empty());
List steps = new ArrayList<>();
for (Element instanceChild : XML.getChildren(instanceElement))
steps.addAll(readNonInstanceSteps(instanceChild, prodAttributes, instanceChild, defaultBcp));
List endpoints = new ArrayList<>();
Map> zoneEndpoints = new LinkedHashMap<>();
readEndpoints(instanceElement, Optional.of(instanceNameString), steps, endpoints, zoneEndpoints);
Bcp bcp = complete(readBcp(instanceElement, Optional.of(instanceNameString), steps, endpoints, zoneEndpoints).orElse(defaultBcp), steps);
// Build and return instances with these values
Instant now = clock.instant();
.map(name -> name.trim())
.map(name -> new DeploymentInstanceSpec(InstanceName.from(name),
minRisk, maxRisk, maxIdleHours,
private void validateEndpoints(List endpoints) {
Set endpointIds = new HashSet<>();
for (Endpoint endpoint : endpoints) {
if ( ! endpointIds.add(endpoint.endpointId()))
illegal("Endpoint id '" + endpoint.endpointId() + "' is specified multiple times");
private List readSteps(Element stepTag, Map prodAttributes, Element parentTag, Bcp defaultBcp) {
if (stepTag.getTagName().equals(instanceTag))
return new ArrayList<>(readInstanceContent(stepTag.getAttribute(idAttribute), stepTag, prodAttributes, parentTag, defaultBcp));
return readNonInstanceSteps(stepTag, prodAttributes, parentTag, defaultBcp);
// Consume the given tag as 0-N steps. 0 if it is not a step, >1 if it contains multiple nested steps that should be flattened
private List readNonInstanceSteps(Element stepTag, Map prodAttributes, Element parentTag, Bcp defaultBcp) {
Optional athenzService = mostSpecificAttribute(stepTag, athenzServiceAttribute).map(AthenzService::from);
Optional testerNodes = mostSpecificSibling(stepTag, testerTag).map(tester -> XML.getChild(tester, nodesTag)).map(XML::toString);
switch (stepTag.getTagName()) {
case testTag:
if (Stream.iterate(stepTag, Objects::nonNull, Node::getParentNode)
.anyMatch(node -> prodTag.equals(node.getNodeName()))) {
return List.of(new DeclaredTest(RegionName.from(XML.getValue(stepTag).trim()), readHostTTL(stepTag))); // A production test
case stagingTag: // Intentional fallthrough from test tag.
return List.of(new DeclaredZone(Environment.from(stepTag.getTagName()), Optional.empty(), athenzService, testerNodes, readCloudAccounts(stepTag), readHostTTL(stepTag)));
case prodTag: // regions, delay and parallel may be nested within, but we can flatten them
return XML.getChildren(stepTag).stream()
.flatMap(child -> readNonInstanceSteps(child, prodAttributes, stepTag, defaultBcp).stream())
case delayTag:
return List.of(new Delay(Duration.ofSeconds(longAttribute("hours", stepTag) * 60 * 60 +
longAttribute("minutes", stepTag) * 60 +
longAttribute("seconds", stepTag))));
case parallelTag: // regions and instances may be nested within
return List.of(new ParallelSteps(XML.getChildren(stepTag).stream()
.flatMap(child -> readSteps(child, prodAttributes, parentTag, defaultBcp).stream())
case stepsTag: // regions and instances may be nested within
return List.of(new Steps(XML.getChildren(stepTag).stream()
.flatMap(child -> readSteps(child, prodAttributes, parentTag, defaultBcp).stream())
case regionTag:
return List.of(readDeclaredZone(, athenzService, testerNodes, stepTag));
return List.of();
private boolean containsTag(String childTagName, Element parent) {
for (Element child : XML.getChildren(parent)) {
if (child.getTagName().equals(childTagName) || containsTag(childTagName, child))
return true;
return false;
private Notifications readNotifications(Element parent, Element fallbackParent) {
Element notificationsElement = XML.getChild(parent, notificationsTag);
if (notificationsElement == null)
notificationsElement = XML.getChild(fallbackParent, notificationsTag);
if (notificationsElement == null)
return Notifications.none();
When defaultWhen = stringAttribute("when", notificationsElement).map(When::fromValue).orElse(When.failingCommit);
Map> emailAddresses = new HashMap<>();
Map> emailRoles = new HashMap<>();
for (When when : When.values()) {
emailAddresses.put(when, new ArrayList<>());
emailRoles.put(when, new ArrayList<>());
for (Element emailElement : XML.getChildren(notificationsElement, "email")) {
Optional addressAttribute = stringAttribute("address", emailElement);
Optional roleAttribute = stringAttribute("role", emailElement).map(Role::fromValue);
When when = stringAttribute("when", emailElement).map(When::fromValue).orElse(defaultWhen);
if (addressAttribute.isPresent() == roleAttribute.isPresent())
illegal("Exactly one of 'role' and 'address' must be present in 'email' elements.");
addressAttribute.ifPresent(address -> emailAddresses.get(when).add(address));
roleAttribute.ifPresent(role -> emailRoles.get(when).add(role));
return Notifications.of(emailAddresses, emailRoles);
private void readEndpoints(Element parent, Optional instance, List steps, List endpoints,
Map> zoneEndpoints) {
var endpointsElement = XML.getChild(parent, endpointsTag);
if (endpointsElement == null) return;
Endpoint.Level level = instance.isEmpty() ? Endpoint.Level.application : Endpoint.Level.instance;
Map>> endpointsByZone = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (Element endpointElement : XML.getChildren(endpointsElement, endpointTag).stream() // Read zone settings first.
.sorted(comparingInt(endpoint -> getZoneEndpointType(endpoint, level).isPresent() ? 0 : 1)).toList()) {
Optional endpoint = readEndpoint(parent, endpointElement, level, instance, steps, List.of(), endpointsByZone);
endpoint.ifPresent(e -> endpoints.add(e));
validateAndConsolidate(endpointsByZone, zoneEndpoints);
* @param parentElement
* @param endpointElement
* @param level decide what this method is reading TODO: Split into different methods instead
* @param instance the instance this applies to, or empty if it does not apply to an instance (application endpoints)
* @param steps
* @param forRegions the regions this applies to (for bcp), or empty (otherwise) to read this from "region" subelements
* @param endpointsByZone a map containing any zone endpoints read by this
* @return the endpoint read, unless it is added to endspointsByZone instead *sob*
static Optional readEndpoint(Element parentElement,
Element endpointElement,
Endpoint.Level level,
Optional instance,
List steps,
Collection forRegions,
Map>> endpointsByZone) {
String containerId = requireStringAttribute("container-id", endpointElement);
Optional endpointId = stringAttribute("id", endpointElement);
Optional zoneEndpointType = getZoneEndpointType(endpointElement, level);
String msgPrefix = (level == Endpoint.Level.application ? "Application-level" : "Instance-level") + " endpoint" +
(zoneEndpointType.isEmpty() ? " '" + endpointId.orElse(Endpoint.DEFAULT_ID) + "': " : ": ");
if (zoneEndpointType.isPresent() && endpointId.isPresent())
illegal(msgPrefix + "cannot declare 'id' with type 'zone' or 'private'");
String invalidChild = level == Endpoint.Level.application ? "region" : "instance";
if ( ! XML.getChildren(endpointElement, invalidChild).isEmpty())
illegal(msgPrefix + "invalid element '" + invalidChild + "'");
boolean enabled = readEnabled(endpointElement, zoneEndpointType, msgPrefix);
List allowedUrns = readAllowedUrns(endpointElement, zoneEndpointType, containerId, msgPrefix);
List targets = new ArrayList<>();
if (level == Endpoint.Level.application) {
if ( ! forRegions.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalStateException("Illegal combination");
Optional endpointRegion = stringAttribute("region", endpointElement);
int weightSum = 0;
for (var instanceElement : XML.getChildren(endpointElement, "instance")) {
String instanceName = instanceElement.getTextContent();
if (instanceName == null || instanceName.isBlank()) illegal(msgPrefix + "empty 'instance' element");
Optional instanceRegion = stringAttribute("region", instanceElement);
if (endpointRegion.isPresent() == instanceRegion.isPresent())
illegal(msgPrefix + "'region' attribute must be declared on either or tag");
String weightFromAttribute = requireStringAttribute("weight", instanceElement);
int weight;
try {
weight = Integer.parseInt(weightFromAttribute);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msgPrefix + "invalid weight value '" + weightFromAttribute + "'");
weightSum += weight;
targets.add(new Endpoint.Target(RegionName.from(endpointRegion.orElseGet(instanceRegion::get)),
if (weightSum == 0) illegal(msgPrefix + "sum of all weights must be positive, got " + weightSum);
} else {
if (stringAttribute("region", endpointElement).isPresent()) illegal(msgPrefix + "invalid 'region' attribute");
Set regions = new LinkedHashSet<>(forRegions);
List regionElements = XML.getChildren(endpointElement, "region");
if ( ! regions.isEmpty() && ! regionElements.isEmpty())
illegal("Endpoints in <" + parentElement.getTagName() + "> cannot contain children");
for (var regionElement : XML.getChildren(endpointElement, "region")) {
String region = regionElement.getTextContent();
if (region == null || region.isBlank())
illegal(msgPrefix + "empty 'region' element");
if ( zoneEndpointType.isEmpty()
&& Stream.of(RegionName.from(region), null)
.map(endpointsByZone.getOrDefault(containerId, new HashMap<>())::get)
.flatMap(maybeEndpoints -> maybeEndpoints == null ? Stream.empty() :
.anyMatch(endpoint -> ! endpoint.isPublicEndpoint()))
illegal(msgPrefix + "targets zone endpoint in '" + region + "' with 'enabled' set to 'false'");
if ( ! regions.add(RegionName.from(region)))
illegal(msgPrefix + "duplicate 'region' element: '" + region + "'");
if (zoneEndpointType.isPresent()) {
if (regions.isEmpty()) regions.add(null);
ZoneEndpoint endpoint = switch (zoneEndpointType.get()) {
case "zone" -> new ZoneEndpoint(enabled, false, List.of());
case "private" -> new ZoneEndpoint(true, true, allowedUrns); // Doesn't turn off public visibility.
default -> throw new IllegalArgumentException("unsupported zone endpoint type '" + zoneEndpointType.get() + "'");
for (RegionName region : regions) endpointsByZone.computeIfAbsent(containerId, __ -> new LinkedHashMap<>())
.computeIfAbsent(region, __ -> new ArrayList<>())
else {
if (regions.isEmpty()) {
// No explicit targets given for instance level endpoint. Include all declared, enabled regions by default
List declared =
.filter(step -> step.concerns(
.flatMap(step -> step.zones().stream())
.flatMap(zone -> zone.region().stream())
if (declared.isEmpty()) illegal(msgPrefix + "no declared regions to target"); -> Stream.of(region, null)
.map(endpointsByZone.getOrDefault(containerId, new HashMap<>())::get)
.flatMap(maybeEndpoints -> maybeEndpoints == null ? Stream.empty() :
if (regions.isEmpty()) illegal(msgPrefix + "all eligible zone endpoints have 'enabled' set to 'false'");
InstanceName instanceName =;
for (RegionName region : regions) targets.add(new Target(region, instanceName, 1));
if (zoneEndpointType.isEmpty())
return Optional.of(new Endpoint(endpointId.orElse(Endpoint.DEFAULT_ID), containerId, level, targets));
return Optional.empty();
static boolean readEnabled(Element endpointElement, Optional zoneEndpointType, String msgPrefix) {
return XML.attribute("enabled", endpointElement)
.map(value -> {
if (zoneEndpointType.isEmpty() || ! zoneEndpointType.get().equals("zone"))
illegal(msgPrefix + "only endpoints of type 'zone' can specify 'enabled'");
return switch (value) {
case "true" -> true;
case "false" -> false;
default -> throw new IllegalArgumentException(msgPrefix + "invalid 'enabled' value; must be 'true' or 'false'");
static List readAllowedUrns(Element endpointElement, Optional zoneEndpointType, String containerId, String msgPrefix) {
List allowedUrns = new ArrayList<>();
for (var allow : XML.getChildren(endpointElement, "allow")) {
if (zoneEndpointType.isEmpty() || ! zoneEndpointType.get().equals("private"))
illegal(msgPrefix + "only endpoints of type 'private' can specify 'allow' children");
switch (requireStringAttribute("with", allow)) {
case "aws-private-link" -> allowedUrns.add(new AllowedUrn(AccessType.awsPrivateLink, requireStringAttribute("arn", allow)));
case "gcp-service-connect" -> allowedUrns.add(new AllowedUrn(AccessType.gcpServiceConnect, requireStringAttribute("project", allow)));
default -> illegal("Private endpoint for container-id '" + containerId + "': " +
"invalid attribute 'with': '" + requireStringAttribute("with", allow) + "'");
return allowedUrns;
static Bcp readBcp(Element parent, Optional instance, List steps,
List endpoints, Map> zoneEndpoints) {
Element bcpElement = XML.getChild(parent, "bcp");
if (bcpElement == null) return Bcp.empty();
Optional defaultDeadline = XML.attribute("deadline", bcpElement).map(value -> toDuration(value, "deadline"));
List groups = new ArrayList<>();
Map>> endpointsByZone = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (Element groupElement : XML.getChildren(bcpElement, "group")) {
List regions = new ArrayList<>();
for (Element regionElement : XML.getChildren(groupElement, "region")) {
double fraction = toDouble(XML.attribute("fraction", regionElement).orElse(null), "fraction").orElse(1.0);
regions.add(new Bcp.RegionMember(RegionName.from(XML.getValue(regionElement)), fraction));
for (Element endpointElement : XML.getChildren(groupElement, "endpoint")) {
if (instance.isEmpty()) illegal("The default element at the root cannot define endpoints");
Optional endpoint = readEndpoint(groupElement,
steps, -> r.region()).toList(),
endpoint.ifPresent(e -> endpoints.add(e));
Duration deadline = XML.attribute("deadline", groupElement).map(value -> toDuration(value, "deadline"))
groups.add(new Bcp.Group(regions, deadline));
validateAndConsolidate(endpointsByZone, zoneEndpoints);
return new Bcp(groups, defaultDeadline);
* A bcp instance as written and imported may either specify groups containing all regions,
* or no groups, meaning it should contain one group with all regions.
* This adds that missing implicit group when appropriate.
private Bcp complete(Bcp bcp, List steps) {
if ( ! bcp.groups().isEmpty()) return bcp; // has explicit groups
var group = new Bcp.Group(prodRegions(steps).stream().map(region -> new Bcp.RegionMember(region, 1.0)).toList(),
return bcp.withGroups(List.of(group));
private Set prodRegions(List steps) {
.flatMap(s -> s.zones().stream())
.filter(zone -> zone.environment().isProduction())
.flatMap(z -> z.region().stream())
static void validateAndConsolidate(Map>> in, Map> out) {
in.forEach((cluster, regions) -> {
List wildcards = regions.remove(null);
ZoneEndpoint wildcardZoneEndpoint = null;
ZoneEndpoint wildcardPrivateEndpoint = null;
if (wildcards != null) {
for (ZoneEndpoint endpoint : wildcards) {
if (endpoint.isPrivateEndpoint()) {
if (wildcardPrivateEndpoint != null) illegal("Multiple private endpoints (for all regions) declared for " +
"container id '" + cluster + "'");
wildcardPrivateEndpoint = endpoint;
else {
if (wildcardZoneEndpoint != null) illegal("Multiple zone endpoints (for all regions) declared " +
"for container id '" + cluster + "'");
wildcardZoneEndpoint = endpoint;
for (RegionName region : regions.keySet()) {
ZoneEndpoint zoneEndpoint = null;
ZoneEndpoint privateEndpoint = null;
for (ZoneEndpoint endpoint : regions.getOrDefault(region, List.of())) {
if (endpoint.isPrivateEndpoint()) {
if (privateEndpoint != null) illegal("Multiple private endpoints declared for " +
"container id '" + cluster + "' in region '" + region + "'");
privateEndpoint = endpoint;
else {
if (zoneEndpoint != null) illegal("Multiple zone endpoints (without regions) declared " +
"for container id '" + cluster + "' in region '" + region + "'");
zoneEndpoint = endpoint;
if (wildcardZoneEndpoint != null && zoneEndpoint != null) illegal("Zone endpoint for container id '" + cluster + "' declared " +
"both with region '" + region + "', and for all regions.");
if (wildcardPrivateEndpoint != null && privateEndpoint != null) illegal("Private endpoint for container id '" + cluster + "' declared " +
"both with region '" + region + "', and for all regions.");
if (zoneEndpoint == null) zoneEndpoint = wildcardZoneEndpoint;
if (privateEndpoint == null) privateEndpoint = wildcardPrivateEndpoint;
// Gosh, we made it here! Now we'll combine the settings for zone and private types into one ZoneEndpoint to rule them all.
out.computeIfAbsent(ClusterSpec.Id.from(cluster), __ -> new LinkedHashMap<>())
.put(ZoneId.from(, region), new ZoneEndpoint(zoneEndpoint == null || zoneEndpoint.isPublicEndpoint(),
privateEndpoint != null,
privateEndpoint != null ? privateEndpoint.allowedUrns() : List.of()));
out.computeIfAbsent(ClusterSpec.Id.from(cluster), __ -> new LinkedHashMap<>())
.put(null, new ZoneEndpoint(wildcardZoneEndpoint == null || wildcardZoneEndpoint.isPublicEndpoint(),
wildcardPrivateEndpoint != null,
wildcardPrivateEndpoint != null ? wildcardPrivateEndpoint.allowedUrns() : List.of()));
/** Returns endpoint type if a private or zone type endpoint, throws if invalid, or otherwise returns empty (global, application). */
static Optional getZoneEndpointType(Element endpoint, Level level) {
Optional type = XML.attribute("type", endpoint);
if (type.isPresent() && ! List.of("zone", "private", "global", "application").contains(type.get()))
illegal("Illegal endpoint type '" + type.get() + "'");
String implied = switch (level) { case instance -> "global"; case application -> "application"; };
if (type.isEmpty() || type.get().equals(implied)) return Optional.empty();
if (level == Level.instance && (type.get().equals("zone") || type.get().equals("private"))) return type;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Endpoints at " + level + " level cannot be of type '" + type.get() + "'");
* Imposes some constraints on tag order which are not expressible in the schema
private void validateTagOrder(Element root) {
List tags = XML.getChildren(root).stream().map(Element::getTagName).toList();
for (int i = 0; i < tags.size(); i++) {
if (tags.get(i).equals(blockChangeTag)) {
String constraint = " must be placed after and and before ";
if (containsAfter(i, testTag, tags)) illegal(constraint);
if (containsAfter(i, stagingTag, tags)) illegal(constraint);
if (containsBefore(i, prodTag, tags)) illegal(constraint);
private boolean containsAfter(int i, String item, List items) {
return items.subList(i + 1, items.size()).contains(item);
private boolean containsBefore(int i, String item, List items) {
return items.subList(0, i).contains(item);
* Returns the given attribute as an integer, or 0 if it is not present
private long longAttribute(String attributeName, Element tag) {
String value = tag.getAttribute(attributeName);
if (value.isEmpty()) return 0;
try {
return Long.parseLong(value);
catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected an integer for attribute '" + attributeName +
"' but got '" + value + "'");
* Returns the given attribute as an integer, or {@code empty()} if it is not present
private Optional optionalIntegerAttribute(String attributeName, Element tag) {
String value = tag.getAttribute(attributeName);
if (value.isEmpty()) return Optional.empty();
try {
return Optional.of(Integer.parseInt(value));
catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected an integer for attribute '" + attributeName +
"' but got '" + value + "'");
/** Returns the given non-blank attribute of tag as a string, if any */
private static Optional stringAttribute(String attributeName, Element tag) {
return stringAttribute(attributeName, tag, true);
/** Returns the given non-blank attribute of tag as a string, if any */
private static Optional stringAttribute(String attributeName, Element tag, boolean ignoreBlanks) {
String value = tag.getAttribute(attributeName);
return Optional.of(value).filter(s -> (tag.getAttributeNode(attributeName) != null && ! ignoreBlanks || ! s.isBlank()));
/** Returns the given non-blank attribute of tag or throw */
private static String requireStringAttribute(String attributeName, Element tag) {
return stringAttribute(attributeName, tag)
.orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalArgumentException("Missing required attribute '" + attributeName +
"' in '" + tag.getTagName() + "'"));
private DeclaredZone readDeclaredZone(Environment environment, Optional athenzService,
Optional testerNodes, Element regionTag) {
return new DeclaredZone(environment, Optional.of(RegionName.from(XML.getValue(regionTag).trim())),
athenzService, testerNodes,
readCloudAccounts(regionTag), readHostTTL(regionTag));
private Map readCloudAccounts(Element tag) {
return mostSpecificAttribute(tag, cloudAccountAttribute, false)
.map(value -> {
Map accounts = new HashMap<>();
for (String part : value.split(",")) {
CloudAccount account = CloudAccount.from(part);
accounts.merge(account.cloudName(), account, (o, n) -> {
throw illegal("both '" + o.account() + "' and '" + n.account() + "' " +
"are declared for cloud '" + o.cloudName() + "', in '" + value + "'");
return accounts;
private Optional readHostTTL(Element tag) {
return mostSpecificAttribute(tag, hostTTLAttribute).map(s -> toDuration(s, "empty host TTL"));
private List readChangeBlockers(Element parent, Element globalBlockersParent) {
List changeBlockers = new ArrayList<>();
if (globalBlockersParent != parent) {
for (Element tag : XML.getChildren(globalBlockersParent, blockChangeTag))
for (Element tag : XML.getChildren(parent, blockChangeTag))
return Collections.unmodifiableList(changeBlockers);
private DeploymentSpec.ChangeBlocker readChangeBlocker(Element tag) {
boolean blockVersions = trueOrMissing(tag.getAttribute("version"));
boolean blockRevisions = trueOrMissing(tag.getAttribute("revision"));
String daySpec = tag.getAttribute("days");
String hourSpec = tag.getAttribute("hours");
String zoneSpec = tag.getAttribute("time-zone");
String dateStart = tag.getAttribute("from-date");
String dateEnd = tag.getAttribute("to-date");
return new DeploymentSpec.ChangeBlocker(blockRevisions, blockVersions,
TimeWindow.from(daySpec, hourSpec, zoneSpec, dateStart, dateEnd));
/** Returns true if the given value is "true", or if it is missing */
private boolean trueOrMissing(String value) {
return value == null || value.isEmpty() || value.equals("true");
private T getWithFallback(Element parent, Element fallbackParent, String tagName, String attributeName,
Function mapper, T fallbackValue) {
Element element = XML.getChild(parent, tagName);
if (element == null) element = XML.getChild(fallbackParent, tagName);
if (element == null) return fallbackValue;
String attribute = element.getAttribute(attributeName);
return attribute.isBlank() ? fallbackValue : mapper.apply(attribute);
private DeploymentSpec.UpgradePolicy readUpgradePolicy(String policy) {
return switch (policy) {
case "canary" -> UpgradePolicy.canary;
case "default" -> UpgradePolicy.defaultPolicy;
case "conservative" -> UpgradePolicy.conservative;
default -> throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal upgrade policy '" + policy + "': " +
"Must be one of 'canary', 'default', 'conservative'");
private DeploymentSpec.RevisionChange readRevisionChange(String revision) {
return switch (revision) {
case "when-clear" -> RevisionChange.whenClear;
case "when-failing" -> RevisionChange.whenFailing;
case "always" -> RevisionChange.always;
default -> throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal upgrade revision change policy '" + revision + "': " +
"Must be one of 'always', 'when-failing', 'when-clear'");
private DeploymentSpec.RevisionTarget readRevisionTarget(String revision) {
return switch (revision) {
case "next" ->;
case "latest" -> RevisionTarget.latest;
default -> throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal upgrade revision target '" + revision + "': " +
"Must be one of 'next', 'latest'");
private DeploymentSpec.UpgradeRollout readUpgradeRollout(String rollout) {
return switch (rollout) {
case "separate" -> UpgradeRollout.separate;
case "leading" -> UpgradeRollout.leading;
case "simultaneous" -> UpgradeRollout.simultaneous;
default -> throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal upgrade rollout '" + rollout + "': " +
"Must be one of 'separate', 'leading', 'simultaneous'");
private DevSpec readDevSpec(Element root) {
Element devElement = XML.getChild(root, devTag);
if (devElement == null) return DevSpec.empty;
Optional athenzService = XML.attribute(athenzServiceAttribute, devElement).map(AthenzService::from);
Map cloudAccounts = readCloudAccounts(devElement);
Optional hostTTL = XML.attribute(hostTTLAttribute, devElement).map(s -> toDuration(s, "host TTL"));
Tags tags = XML.attribute(tagsTag, devElement).map(Tags::fromString).orElse(Tags.empty());
Map endpoints = new LinkedHashMap<>();
Element endpointsElement = XML.getChild(devElement, endpointsTag);
if (endpointsElement != null) {
for (Element endpointElement : XML.getChildren(endpointsElement, endpointTag)) {
readDevZoneEndpoint(endpointElement, endpoints);
return new DevSpec(athenzService, Optional.of(cloudAccounts), hostTTL, tags, endpoints);
// TODO: if the other readEndpoints is ever refactored, factor in this, too.
private static void readDevZoneEndpoint(Element endpointElement, Map endpoints) {
String endpointType = getZoneEndpointType(endpointElement, Level.instance)
.orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal endpoint type for : only 'zone' and 'private' endpoints are allowed"));
if ( ! XML.getChildren(endpointElement, regionTag).isEmpty())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal 'region' children of in ");
String containerId = requireStringAttribute("container-id", endpointElement);
boolean enabled = readEnabled(endpointElement, Optional.of(endpointType), "Dev endpoint");
List allowedUrns = readAllowedUrns(endpointElement, Optional.of(endpointType), containerId, "Dev endpoint");
ZoneEndpoint endpoint = switch (endpointType) {
case "zone" -> new ZoneEndpoint(enabled, false, List.of());
case "private" -> new ZoneEndpoint(true, true, allowedUrns); // Doesn't turn off public visibility.
default -> throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported zone endpoint type '" + endpointType + "'");
endpoints.merge(ClusterSpec.Id.from(containerId), endpoint, (o, n) -> {
if (o.isPrivateEndpoint() == n.isPrivateEndpoint())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Multiple '" + (o.isPrivateEndpoint() ? "private" : "zone") +
"' type endpoints declared for container-id '" + containerId + "' in ");
return new ZoneEndpoint(o.isPublicEndpoint() && n.isPublicEndpoint(), // Private one doesn't affect this.
o.isPrivateEndpoint() || n.isPrivateEndpoint(), // One has to be private, since we merge.
new ArrayList<>() {{ addAll(o.allowedUrns()); addAll(n.allowedUrns()); }});
private void deprecate(Element element, List attributes, int majorVersion, String message) {
deprecatedElements.add(new DeprecatedElement(majorVersion, element.getTagName(), attributes, message));
private static boolean isEmptySpec(Element root) {
if ( ! XML.getChildren(root).isEmpty()) return false;
return root.getAttributes().getLength() == 0
|| root.getAttributes().getLength() == 1 && root.hasAttribute("version");
/** Returns the given attribute from the given tag or its closest ancestor with the attribute. */
private static Optional mostSpecificAttribute(Element tag, String attributeName, boolean ignoreBlanks) {
return Stream.iterate(tag, Objects::nonNull, Node::getParentNode)
.flatMap(element -> stringAttribute(attributeName, element, ignoreBlanks).stream())
/** Returns the given attribute from the given tag or its closest ancestor with the attribute. */
private static Optional mostSpecificAttribute(Element tag, String attributeName) {
return mostSpecificAttribute(tag, attributeName, true);
/** Returns the first encountered sibling with the given name, or sibling of parent, or sibling of grandparent, etc.. */
private static Optional mostSpecificSibling(Element tag, String siblingName) {
return Stream.iterate(tag, Objects::nonNull, Node::getParentNode)
.map(element -> XML.getChild(element, siblingName))
* Returns a string consisting of a number followed by "m", "h" or "d" to a duration given in that unit,
* or zero duration if null or blank.
private static Duration toDuration(String durationSpec, String sourceDescription) {
try {
if (durationSpec == null || durationSpec.isBlank()) return Duration.ZERO;
durationSpec = durationSpec.trim().toLowerCase();
var magnitude = toMagnitude(durationSpec);
return switch (durationSpec.substring(durationSpec.length() - 1)) {
case "m" -> Duration.ofMinutes(magnitude);
case "h" -> Duration.ofHours(magnitude);
case "d" -> Duration.ofDays(magnitude);
default -> throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must end by 'm', 'h' or 'd'");
catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal " + sourceDescription + " '" + durationSpec + "'", e);
private static int toMagnitude(String durationSpec) {
try {
return Integer.parseInt(durationSpec.substring(0, durationSpec.length() - 1));
catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must be an integer followed by 'm', 'h' or 'd'");
private static OptionalDouble toDouble(String value, String sourceDescription) {
try {
if (value == null || value.isBlank()) return OptionalDouble.empty();
return OptionalDouble.of(Double.parseDouble(value));
catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal " + sourceDescription + " '" + value + "': " +
"Must be a number between 0.0 and 1.0");
private static IllegalArgumentException illegal(String message) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
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