Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root.
Provides the classes for the Vespa config model framework.
The {@link VespaModel} class
is the natural starting point. It reads the user-defined
application specification, handles plugin loading and currently
instantiates one {@link Vespa}
object. VespaModel is the root node in a tree of {@link
TreeConfigProducers} that is built from the structure of the
user's specification. In a future version, the VespaModel can
contain multiple Vespa instances, each built from a separate user
specification (currently called 'services.xml').
Each TreeConfigProducer in the tree represents an actual
service or another logical unit in the Vespa system. An example of
a logical unit is a cluster that holds a set of services. Each
child class of {@link
TreeConfigProducer} can contain hard-wired config that should
be delivered to the Vespa unit it represents, and its children. It
can also keep track of the status of the unit.
A service that runs on a hardware host is always represented by
an {@link AbstractService}
object, containing the command that will be used to start the
service, which host it is running on, and the ports that it
uses. Each hardware host in the Vespa system is represented by a
{@link Host} object, and the set of
hosts is handled by the {@link
HostSystem}. Each Host is responsible for avoiding port collisions
between services, see port
Config Generation
The method {@link, String)
VespaModel.getConfig} looks up the ConfigProducer with the config
ID that config is requested for. The composition of the actual
config starts from the root node of the ConfigProducer tree, which
is always an instance of the {@link
Vespa} class, and traverses each level of the tree back down to
the ConfigProducer that got the first call from the root node.
This is handled in such a way
that config from the root node gets the lowest priority, and the
ConfigProducer itself has the highest priority when the same
parameter is given different values in the path down the tree.
User defined configuration can be embedded in the service setup
file in the application specification. Currently this is done by adding
<config> tags at the desired position in the file named
'services.xml', where each position corresponds to a
ConfigProducer. These config values have a higher priority than
the default config returned from the same method. However, it can be overridden by the config
from a ConfigProducer at a lower level, both by its getConfig
method and by user defined config.
Say we have a config named 'sample' with an integer parameter
named 'v'. If the VespaModel root node's {@link,String)
getConfig(builder, configid)} method returns a hardcoded value of
'v=2' for that parameter, this becomes the default value for all
ConfigProducers when asking for the 'sample' config. Now, let's
assume that we need the 'sample' config for a ConfigProducer of
class 'Grandchild', which has a configId
'grandchild_0'. grandchild_0's parent in the ConfigProducer tree
is a ConfigProducer of class 'Child' and configId 'child_0' which
is a direct child of the Vespa root node:
The initial step when retrieving a config is always a call to
VespaModel.getConfig(builder, configId}. Here, the call
could look like this:
VespaModel.getConfig(builder, "grandchild_0").
This triggers a call to the {@link}) TreeConfigProducer.cascadeConfig} method for
grandchild_0 which calls the same method in child_0, and finally
in the VespaModel root node, where the {@link,String)
getConfig (name, namespace)} method returns the value 'v=2' as
previously mentioned. This value might be overridden on the
traversal back down in the tree, first in child_0, which could
return the value 'v=1'. Now, if the user specification for child_0
contains the value 'v=0', this overrides the previous values. The
same happens for grandchild_0: if there is a value returned from
the getConfig() method, this overrides the value from child_0, and
if there is a value from the user specification for grandchild_0,
that will always become the final result.
Plugin Loading
Each highest-level node in the setup file from the user's
application specification corresponds to a {@link ConfigModelBuilder}. The
builders are loaded when the system is started. Each builder produce
a {@link ConfigModel}. The model can depend
on other models by having them injected in its constructor. This ensures
that the builders are invoked in the correct order as well.
In its build method, the builder is responsible for building all its
ConfigProducers, and linking them to the parent ConfigProducer
given as input argument.
The built models are given to other models that depends on it.
Important notes for plugin developers:
- The constructors of all child classes of {@link
TreeConfigProducer} should throw a new 'RuntimeException' upon
errors in xml or other initialization problems. This allows the
exception to be nested upwards, adding valuable information from
each level in the ConfigProducer tree to the error message output
to the user. The exception should contain detailed information
about the error that occurred.
- The plugins are not allowed to put any constraints on the
contents of the hosts specification file (currently named
'hosts.xml'), such as demanding special hostnames for
different service types. This file belongs solely to the
vespamodel framework.
Port Allocation
Each {@link Host} has an available
dynamic port range running from {@link BASE_PORT} (currently 19100)
with {@link MAX_PORTS}
(currently 799) ports upwards. When an instance of a subclass of
{@link AbstractService} is
assigned to a host, it is given the lowest available base port in
this range. The service owns a continuous port range of {@link Service.getPortCount}
ports upwards from the base port.
The base port for a specific service instance on a host is
decided by {@link #getInstanceWantedPort
AbstractService.getInstanceWantedPort}. The most important aspects
are described below:
It is not possible to reserve a certain port inside the dynamic
range, but a service can specify that it wants a base port outside
the range by overriding the {@link #getWantedPort Service.getWantedPort}
method. If the service type is required to run with the specified
base port, it must also override the {@link #requiresWantedPort
Service.requiresWantedPort}. The user specified port number
returned from {@link #getWantedPort
getWantedPort} applies to the first instance of that specific
subclass on each host, and the next instance on the same host
must have its baseport specified by the 'baseport' attribute
in 'services.xml'
The user-defined application specification can also give a
required base port for each individual service. Currently this is
done by adding a 'baseport' attribute to the service's tag in the
file named 'hosts.xml'. If the port is not available, an
exception will be thrown.