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// Copyright Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root.
import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.OptionalLong;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.function.UnaryOperator;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
* Stores data and holds locks for the applications of a tenant, backed by a {@link Curator}.
* Each application is stored under /config/v2/tenants/<tenant>/applications/<application>,
* the root contains the currently active session, if any. Children of this node may hold more data.
* Locks for synchronising writes to these paths, and changes to the config of this application, are found
* under /config/v2/tenants/<tenant>/locks/<application>.
* @author jonmv
public class ApplicationCuratorDatabase {
final TenantName tenant;
final Path applicationsPath;
final Path locksPath;
private final Curator curator;
public ApplicationCuratorDatabase(TenantName tenant, Curator curator) {
this.tenant = tenant;
this.applicationsPath = TenantRepository.getApplicationsPath(tenant);
this.locksPath = TenantRepository.getLocksPath(tenant);
this.curator = curator;
/** Returns the lock for changing the session status of the given application. */
public Lock lock(ApplicationId id) {
return curator.lock(lockPath(id), Duration.ofMinutes(1)); // These locks shouldn't be held for very long.
/** Reads, modifies and writes the application reindexing for this application, while holding its lock. */
public void modifyReindexing(ApplicationId id, ApplicationReindexing emptyValue, UnaryOperator modifications) {
try (Lock lock = curator.lock(reindexingLockPath(id), Duration.ofMinutes(1))) {
writeReindexingStatus(id, modifications.apply(readReindexingStatus(id).orElse(emptyValue)));
public boolean exists(ApplicationId id) {
return curator.exists(applicationPath(id));
* Creates a node for the given application, marking its existence.
public void createApplication(ApplicationId id) {
if ( ! id.tenant().equals(tenant))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot write application id '" + id + "' for tenant '" + tenant + "'");
try (Lock lock = lock(id)) {
if (curator.exists(applicationPath(id))) return;
var applicationData = new ApplicationData(id, OptionalLong.empty(), OptionalLong.empty());
curator.set(applicationPath(id), applicationData.toJson());
modifyReindexing(id, ApplicationReindexing.empty(), UnaryOperator.identity());
* Creates a node for the given application, marking its existence.
// TODO: Remove in Vespa 9
public void createApplicationInOldFormat(ApplicationId id) {
if (! id.tenant().equals(tenant))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot write application id '" + id + "' for tenant '" + tenant + "'");
try (Lock lock = lock(id)) {
if (curator.exists(applicationPath(id))) return;
modifyReindexing(id, ApplicationReindexing.empty(), UnaryOperator.identity());
* Returns a transaction which writes the given session id as the currently active for the given application.
* @param applicationId An {@link ApplicationId} that represents an active application.
* @param sessionId session id belonging to the application package for this application id.
public Transaction createWriteActiveTransaction(Transaction transaction, ApplicationId applicationId, long sessionId) {
String path = applicationPath(applicationId).getAbsolute();
return transaction.add(setData(path, new ApplicationData(applicationId, OptionalLong.of(sessionId), OptionalLong.of(sessionId)).toJson()));
* Returns a transaction which writes the given session id as the currently active for the given application.
* @param applicationId An {@link ApplicationId} that represents an active application.
* @param sessionId session id belonging to the application package for this application id.
// TODO: Remove in Vespa 9
public Transaction createWriteActiveTransactionInOldFormat(Transaction transaction, ApplicationId applicationId, long sessionId) {
String path = applicationPath(applicationId).getAbsolute();
return transaction.add(setData(path, Utf8.toAsciiBytes(sessionId)));
* Returns a transaction which writes the given session id as the currently active for the given application.
* @param applicationId An {@link ApplicationId} that represents an active application.
* @param sessionId session id belonging to the application package for this application id.
public Transaction createWritePrepareTransaction(Transaction transaction,
ApplicationId applicationId,
long sessionId,
OptionalLong activeSessionId) {
// Needs to read or be supplied current active session id, to avoid overwriting a newer session id.
String path = applicationPath(applicationId).getAbsolute();
return transaction.add(setData(path, new ApplicationData(applicationId, activeSessionId, OptionalLong.of(sessionId)).toJson()));
* Returns a transaction which deletes this application.
public CuratorTransaction createDeleteTransaction(ApplicationId applicationId) {
return CuratorTransaction.from(CuratorOperations.deleteAll(applicationPath(applicationId).getAbsolute(), curator), curator);
* Returns the active session id for the given application.
* Returns Optional.empty() if application not found or no active session exists.
public Optional activeSessionOf(ApplicationId id) {
return applicationData(id).flatMap(ApplicationData::activeSession);
* Returns application data for the given application.
* Returns Optional.empty() if application not found or no application data exists.
public Optional applicationData(ApplicationId id) {
Optional data = curator.getData(applicationPath(id));
if (data.isEmpty() || data.get().length == 0) return Optional.empty();
try {
return Optional.of(ApplicationData.fromBytes(data.get()));
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
return applicationDataOldFormat(id);
* Returns application data for the given application.
* Returns Optional.empty() if application not found or no application data exists.
public Optional applicationDataOldFormat(ApplicationId id) {
Optional data = curator.getData(applicationPath(id));
if (data.isEmpty() || data.get().length == 0) return Optional.empty();
return Optional.of(new ApplicationData(id,
OptionalLong.of( -> Long.parseLong(Utf8.toString(bytes))).get()),
* List the active applications of a tenant in this config server.
* @return a list of {@link ApplicationId}s that are active.
public List activeApplications() {
return curator.getChildren(applicationsPath).stream()
.filter(id -> activeSessionOf(id).isPresent())
public PendingRestarts readPendingRestarts(ApplicationId id) {
try (Lock lock = curator.lock(restartsLockPath(id), Duration.ofMinutes(1))) {
return curator.getData(pendingRestartsPath(id))
public void modifyPendingRestarts(ApplicationId id, UnaryOperator modification) {
try (Lock lock = curator.lock(restartsLockPath(id), Duration.ofMinutes(1))) {
PendingRestarts original = readPendingRestarts(id);
PendingRestarts modified = modification.apply(original);
if (original != modified) {
if (modified.isEmpty())
curator.set(pendingRestartsPath(id), PendingRestartsSerializer.toBytes(modified));
public Optional readReindexingStatus(ApplicationId id) {
return curator.getData(reindexingDataPath(id))
void writeReindexingStatus(ApplicationId id, ApplicationReindexing status) {
curator.set(reindexingDataPath(id), ReindexingStatusSerializer.toBytes(status));
/** Sets up a listenable cache with the given listener, over the applications path of this tenant. */
public Curator.DirectoryCache createApplicationsPathCache(ExecutorService zkCacheExecutor) {
return curator.createDirectoryCache(applicationsPath.getAbsolute(), false, false, zkCacheExecutor);
private Path restartsLockPath(ApplicationId id) {
return locksPath.append(id.serializedForm() + "::restarts");
private Path reindexingLockPath(ApplicationId id) {
return locksPath.append(id.serializedForm()).append("reindexing");
private Path lockPath(ApplicationId id) {
return locksPath.append(id.serializedForm());
private Path applicationPath(ApplicationId id) {
return applicationsPath.append(id.serializedForm());
private Path reindexingDataPath(ApplicationId id) {
return applicationPath(id).append("reindexing");
private Path pendingRestartsPath(ApplicationId id) {
return applicationPath(id).append("restarts");
private static class PendingRestartsSerializer {
private static final String GENERATIONS = "generations";
private static final String GENERATION = "generation";
private static final String HOSTNAMES = "hostnames";
private static byte[] toBytes(PendingRestarts pendingRestarts) {
Cursor root = new Slime().setObject();
Cursor generationsArray = root.setArray(GENERATIONS);
pendingRestarts.generationsForRestarts().forEach((generation, hostnames) -> {
Cursor generationObject = generationsArray.addObject();
generationObject.setLong(GENERATION, generation);
return uncheck(() -> SlimeUtils.toJsonBytes(root));
private static PendingRestarts fromBytes(byte[] data) {
Cursor root = SlimeUtils.jsonToSlimeOrThrow(data).get();
return new PendingRestarts(SlimeUtils.entriesStream(root.field(GENERATIONS))
.collect(toMap(entry -> entry.field(GENERATION).asLong(),
entry -> SlimeUtils.entriesStream(entry.field(HOSTNAMES))
private static class ReindexingStatusSerializer {
private static final String ENABLED = "enabled";
private static final String CLUSTERS = "clusters";
private static final String PENDING = "pending";
private static final String READY = "ready";
private static final String TYPE = "type";
private static final String NAME = "name";
private static final String GENERATION = "generation";
private static final String EPOCH_MILLIS = "epochMillis";
private static final String SPEED = "speed";
private static final String CAUSE = "cause";
private static byte[] toBytes(ApplicationReindexing reindexing) {
Cursor root = new Slime().setObject();
root.setBool(ENABLED, reindexing.enabled());
Cursor clustersArray = root.setArray(CLUSTERS);
reindexing.clusters().forEach((name, cluster) -> {
Cursor clusterObject = clustersArray.addObject();
clusterObject.setString(NAME, name);
Cursor pendingArray = clusterObject.setArray(PENDING);
cluster.pending().forEach((type, generation) -> {
Cursor pendingObject = pendingArray.addObject();
pendingObject.setString(TYPE, type);
pendingObject.setLong(GENERATION, generation);
Cursor readyArray = clusterObject.setArray(READY);
cluster.ready().forEach((type, status) -> {
Cursor statusObject = readyArray.addObject();
statusObject.setString(TYPE, type);
setStatus(statusObject, status);
return uncheck(() -> SlimeUtils.toJsonBytes(root));
private static void setStatus(Cursor statusObject, Status status) {
statusObject.setLong(EPOCH_MILLIS, status.ready().toEpochMilli());
statusObject.setDouble(SPEED, status.speed());
statusObject.setString(CAUSE, status.cause());
private static ApplicationReindexing fromBytes(byte[] data) {
Cursor root = SlimeUtils.jsonToSlimeOrThrow(data).get();
return new ApplicationReindexing(root.field(ENABLED).valid() ? root.field(ENABLED).asBool() : true,
.collect(toUnmodifiableMap(object -> object.field(NAME).asString(),
object -> getCluster(object))));
private static Cluster getCluster(Inspector object) {
return new Cluster(SlimeUtils.entriesStream(object.field(PENDING))
.collect(toUnmodifiableMap(entry -> entry.field(TYPE).asString(),
entry -> entry.field(GENERATION).asLong())),
.collect(toUnmodifiableMap(entry -> entry.field(TYPE).asString(),
entry -> getStatus(entry))));
private static Status getStatus(Inspector statusObject) {
return new Status(Instant.ofEpochMilli(statusObject.field(EPOCH_MILLIS).asLong()),
statusObject.field(SPEED).valid() ? statusObject.field(SPEED).asDouble() : 0.2,