Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root.
import java.util.Iterator;
* An execution of a chain. This keeps tracks of the progress of the execution and is called by the
* processors (using {@link #process} to move the execution to the next one.
* @author bratseth
public class Execution {
* The index of the searcher in the chain which should be executed on the next call
* An Execution instance contains the state of a chain execution by
* providing a class stack for a chain - when a processor is called
* (through this), it will increment the index of the processor to call next,
* each time a processor returns (regardless of how) it will do the opposite.
private int processorIndex;
private final Chain extends Processor> chain;
private final Trace trace;
private final Environment extends Processor> environment;
* Creates an execution of a single processor
* @param processor the processor to execute in this
* @param execution the parent execution of this
public Execution(Processor processor, Execution execution) {
this(new Chain<>(processor), execution);
/** Creates an execution of a single processor which is not in the context of an existing execution */
public static Execution createRoot(Processor processor, int traceLevel, Environment extends Processor> environment) {
return createRoot(new Chain<>(processor), traceLevel, environment);
* Creates an execution which is not in the context of an existing execution
* @param chain the chain to execute
* @param traceLevel the level to emit trace at
* @param environment the execution environment to use
public static Execution createRoot(Chain extends Processor> chain, int traceLevel,
Environment extends Processor> environment) {
return new Execution(chain, 0, Trace.createRoot(traceLevel), environment);
* Creates an execution of a chain
* @param chain the chain to execute in this, starting from the first processor
* @param execution the parent execution of this
public Execution(Chain extends Processor> chain, Execution execution) {
this(chain, 0, execution.trace().createChild(), execution.environment().nested());
* Creates an execution from another. This execution will start at the next processor of the
* given execution. The given execution can continue independently of this.
public Execution(Execution startPoint) {
this(startPoint.chain, startPoint.processorIndex, startPoint.trace.createChild(), startPoint.environment().nested());
* Creates a new execution by setting the internal state directly.
* @param chain the chain to execute
* @param startIndex the start index into that chain
* @param trace the context of this. If this is created from an existing execution/context,
* be sure to do new Context<COMPONENT>(startPoint.context)
* @param environment the static execution environment to use
protected Execution(Chain extends Processor> chain, int startIndex, Trace trace, Environment extends Processor> environment) {
if (chain == null) throw new NullPointerException("Chain cannot be null");
this.chain = chain;
this.processorIndex = startIndex;
this.trace = trace;
this.environment = environment;
* Calls process on the next processor in this chain. If there is no next, an empty response is returned.
public Response process(Request request) {
Processor processor = next();
if (processor == null)
return defaultResponse(request);
Response response = null;
try {
onInvoking(request, processor);
response = processor.process(request, this);
if (response == null)
throw new NullPointerException(processor + " returned null, not a Response object");
return response;
} finally {
onReturning(request, processor, response);
* Returns the index into the chain of processors which is currently next
protected int nextIndex() {
return processorIndex;
* A hook called when a processor is to be invoked. Overriding methods must call super.onInvoking
protected void onInvoking(Request request, Processor next) {
if (Trace.Level.Step.includes(trace.getTraceLevel()) || trace.getForceTimestamps()) {
int traceAt = trace.getForceTimestamps() ? 1 : trace.getTraceLevel();
trace.trace("Invoke " + next, traceAt);
if (Trace.Level.Dependencies.includes(trace.getTraceLevel()))
trace.trace(next.getId() + " " + next.getDependencies().toString(), trace.getTraceLevel());
* A hook called when a processor returns, either normally or by throwing.
* Overriding methods must call super.onReturning
* @param request the processing request
* @param processor the processor which returned
* @param response the response returned, or null if the processor returned by throwing
protected void onReturning(Request request, Processor processor, Response response) {
if (Trace.Level.Step.includes(trace.getTraceLevel()) || trace.getForceTimestamps()) {
int traceAt = trace.getForceTimestamps() ? 1 : trace.getTraceLevel();
trace.trace("Return " + processor, traceAt);
/** Move this execution to the previous processor */
protected void previousProcessor() {
/** Move this execution to the next processor */
protected void nextProcessor() {
/** Returns the next searcher to be invoked in this chain, or null if we are at the last */
protected Processor next() {
if (chain.components().size() <= processorIndex) return null;
return chain.components().get(processorIndex);
/** Returns the chain this executes */
public Chain extends Processor> chain() {
return chain;
* Creates the default response to return from this kind of execution when there are no further processors.
* If this is overridden, make sure to propagate any freezeListener from this to the returned response
* top-level DataList.
protected Response defaultResponse(Request request) {
return new Response(request);
public String toString() {
return "execution of chain '" + chain.getId() + "'";
public Trace trace() {
return trace;
public Environment extends Processor> environment() {
return environment;
* Holds the static execution environment for the duration of an execution
public static class Environment {
private final ChainRegistry chainRegistry;
* Creates an empty environment. Only useful for some limited testing
public static Environment createEmpty() {
return new Environment<>(new ChainRegistry<>());
* Returns an environment for an execution spawned from the execution having this environment.
public Environment nested() {
return this; // this is immutable, subclasses might want to do something else though
* Creates a new environment
public Environment(ChainRegistry chainRegistry) {
this.chainRegistry = chainRegistry;
* Returns the processing chain registry of this execution environment.
* The registry may be empty, but never null.
public ChainRegistry chainRegistry() {
return chainRegistry;
* Tre trace of this execution. This is a facade into a node in the larger trace tree which captures
* the information about all executions caused by some request
* @author bratseth
public static class Trace {
* The node in the trace tree capturing this execution
private final TraceNode traceNode;
* The highest level of tracing this should record
private int traceLevel;
* If true, do timing logic, even though trace level is low.
private boolean forceTimestamps;
* Creates an empty root trace with a given level of tracing
public static Trace createRoot(int traceLevel) {
return new Trace(traceLevel, new TraceNode(null, timestamp(traceLevel, false)), false);
* Creates a trace node below a parent
public Trace createChild() {
TraceNode child = new TraceNode(null, timestamp(traceLevel, forceTimestamps));
return new Trace(getTraceLevel(), child, forceTimestamps);
* Creates a new instance by assigning the internal state of this directly
private Trace(int traceLevel, TraceNode traceNode, boolean forceTimestamps) {
this.traceLevel = traceLevel;
this.traceNode = traceNode;
this.forceTimestamps = forceTimestamps;
* Returns the maximum trace level this will record
public int getTraceLevel() {
return traceLevel;
* Sets the maximum trace level this will record
public void setTraceLevel(int traceLevel) {
this.traceLevel = traceLevel;
public void setForceTimestamps(boolean forceTimestamps) {
this.forceTimestamps = forceTimestamps;
public boolean getForceTimestamps() {
return forceTimestamps;
* Adds a trace message to this trace, if this trace has at most the given trace level
public void trace(String message, int traceLevel) {
trace((Object)message, traceLevel);
public void trace(Object message, int traceLevel) {
if (this.traceLevel >= traceLevel) {
traceNode.add(new TraceNode(message, timestamp(traceLevel, forceTimestamps)));
* Adds a key-value which will be logged to the access log of this request.
* Multiple values may be set to the same key. A value cannot be removed once set,
* but it can be overwritten by adding another value for the same key.
public void logValue(String key, String value) {
traceNode.add(new TraceNode(new LogValue(key, value), 0));
* Returns the values that should be written to the access log set in the entire trace node tree
public Iterator logValueIterator() {
return traceNode.root().descendants(LogValue.class).iterator();
* Visits the entire trace tree
* @return the argument visitor for convenience
public VISITOR accept(VISITOR visitor) {
return traceNode.root().accept(visitor);
* Adds a property key-value to this trace.
* Values are looked up by reverse depth-first search in the trace node tree.
* @param name the name of the property
* @param value the value of the property, or null to set this property to null
public void setProperty(String name, Object value) {
traceNode.add(new TraceNode(new Pair<>(name, value), 0));
* Returns a property set anywhere in the trace tree this points to.
* Note that even though this call is itself "thread robust", the object values returned
* may in some scenarios not be written behind a synchronization barrier, so when accessing
* objects which are not inherently thread safe, synchronization should be considered.
* This method have a time complexity which is proportional to
* the number of trace nodes in the tree
* @return the value of this property, or null if none
public Object getProperty(String name) {
return accept(new PropertyValueVisitor(name)).foundValue();
* Returns the trace node peer of this
public TraceNode traceNode() {
return traceNode;
* Returns a short string description of this
public String toString() {
return "trace: " + traceNode;
private static long timestamp(int traceLevel, boolean forceTimestamps) {
return (forceTimestamps || Level.Timestamp.includes(traceLevel)) ? System.currentTimeMillis() : 0;
* Visits all trace nodes to collect the last set value of a particular property in a trace tree
private static class PropertyValueVisitor extends TraceVisitor {
* The name of the property to find
private final String name;
private Object foundValue = null;
public PropertyValueVisitor(String name) { = name;
public void visit(TraceNode node) {
if (node.payload() == null) return;
if (!(node.payload() instanceof Pair property)) return;
if (!property.getFirst().equals(name)) return;
foundValue = property.getSecond();
public Object foundValue() {
return foundValue;
* An immutable access log value added to the trace
public static class LogValue {
private final String key;
private final String value;
public LogValue(String key, String value) {
this.key = key;
this.value = value;
public String getKey() {
return key;
public String getValue() {
return value;
public String toString() {
return key + "=" + value;
* Defines what information is added at which trace level
public enum Level {
* Every processing step initiated is traced
* All trace messages are timestamped
* The before/after dependencies of each processing step is traced on every invocation
* The smallest trace level at which this information will be traced
private final int value;
Level(int value) {
this.value = value;
public int value() {
return value;
* Returns whether this level includes the given level, i.e whether traceLevel is this.value() or more
public boolean includes(int traceLevel) {
return traceLevel >= this.value();