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import java.time.Clock;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.ZoneId;
import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.UUID;
* @author olaa
public class BillingDatabaseClientMock implements BillingDatabaseClient {
private final Clock clock;
private final PlanRegistry planRegistry;
private final Map tenantPlans = new HashMap<>();
private final Map invoices = new HashMap<>();
private final Map> lineItems = new HashMap<>();
private final Map> uncommittedLineItems = new HashMap<>();
private final Map statuses = new HashMap<>();
private final Map startTimes = new HashMap<>();
private final Map endTimes = new HashMap<>();
private final Map exportedInvoiceIds = new HashMap<>();
private final ZonedDateTime startTime = LocalDate.of(2020, 4, 1).atStartOfDay(ZoneId.of("UTC"));
private final ZonedDateTime endTime = LocalDate.of(2020, 5, 1).atStartOfDay(ZoneId.of("UTC"));
private final List paymentInstruments = new ArrayList<>();
private final Map collectionMethods = new HashMap<>();
public BillingDatabaseClientMock(Clock clock, PlanRegistry planRegistry) {
this.clock = clock;
this.planRegistry = planRegistry;
public boolean setActivePaymentInstrument(InstrumentOwner paymentInstrument) {
return paymentInstruments.add(paymentInstrument);
public Optional getDefaultPaymentInstrumentForTenant(TenantName tenantName) {
.filter(paymentInstrument -> paymentInstrument.getTenantName().equals(tenantName))
public BillStatus getStatus(Bill.Id invoiceId) {
return statuses.get(invoiceId).current();
public Bill.Id createBill(TenantName tenant, ZonedDateTime startTime, ZonedDateTime endTime, String agent) {
var invoiceId = Bill.Id.generate();
invoices.put(invoiceId, tenant);
statuses.computeIfAbsent(invoiceId, l ->;
startTimes.put(invoiceId, startTime);
endTimes.put(invoiceId, endTime);
return invoiceId;
public Optional readBill(Bill.Id billId) {
var invoice = Optional.ofNullable(invoices.get(billId));
var lines = lineItems.getOrDefault(billId, List.of());
var status = statuses.getOrDefault(billId,;
var start = startTimes.getOrDefault(billId, startTime);
var end = endTimes.getOrDefault(billId, endTime);
var exportedId = exportedInvoiceId(billId);
return -> new Bill(billId, tenant, status, lines, start, end, exportedId));
public String addLineItem(TenantName tenantName, Bill.LineItem lineItem, Optional invoiceId) {
var lineItemId = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
invoice -> lineItems.computeIfAbsent(invoice, l -> new ArrayList<>()).add(lineItem),
() -> uncommittedLineItems.computeIfAbsent(tenantName, l -> new ArrayList<>()).add(lineItem)
return lineItemId;
public void setStatus(Bill.Id invoiceId, String agent, BillStatus status) {
statuses.computeIfAbsent(invoiceId, k ->
.put(, status);
public List getUnusedLineItems(TenantName tenantName) {
return uncommittedLineItems.getOrDefault(tenantName, new ArrayList<>());
public void deleteLineItem(String lineItemId) {
.forEach(list ->
list.removeIf(lineItem ->
public void commitLineItems(TenantName tenantName, Bill.Id invoiceId) {
public Optional getPlan(TenantName tenantName) {
return Optional.ofNullable(tenantPlans.get(tenantName));
public Map> getPlans(List tenants) {
return tenantPlans.entrySet().stream()
.filter(entry -> tenants.contains(entry.getKey()))
entry -> entry.getKey(),
entry -> planRegistry.plan(entry.getValue().id())
public void setPlan(TenantName tenantName, Plan plan) {
tenantPlans.put(tenantName, plan);
public void deactivateDefaultPaymentInstrument(TenantName tenant) {
paymentInstruments.removeIf(instrumentOwner -> instrumentOwner.getTenantName().equals(tenant));
public Optional getCollectionMethod(TenantName tenantName) {
return Optional.ofNullable(collectionMethods.get(tenantName));
public void setCollectionMethod(TenantName tenantName, CollectionMethod collectionMethod) {
collectionMethods.put(tenantName, collectionMethod);
public List readBillsForTenant(TenantName tenant) {
return invoices.entrySet().stream()
.filter(entry -> entry.getValue().equals(tenant))
.map(invoiceId -> {
var items = lineItems.getOrDefault(invoiceId, List.of());
var status = statuses.get(invoiceId);
var start = startTimes.get(invoiceId);
var end = endTimes.get(invoiceId);
return new Bill(invoiceId, tenant, status, items, start, end, exportedInvoiceId(invoiceId));
public List readBills() {
return invoices.keySet().stream()
.map(invoiceId -> {
var tenant = invoices.get(invoiceId);
var items = lineItems.getOrDefault(invoiceId, List.of());
var status = statuses.get(invoiceId);
var start = startTimes.get(invoiceId);
var end = endTimes.get(invoiceId);
return new Bill(invoiceId, tenant, status, items, start, end, exportedInvoiceId(invoiceId));
public void maintain() {}
public void setExportedInvoiceId(Bill.Id billId, String invoiceId) {
exportedInvoiceIds.put(billId, invoiceId);
public void setExportedInvoiceItemId(String lineItemId, String invoiceItemId) { }
private String exportedInvoiceId(Bill.Id billId) {
return exportedInvoiceIds.getOrDefault(billId, null);