Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root.
import ai.vespa.validation.StringWrapper;
import static ai.vespa.validation.Validation.requireLength;
* @author olaa
public record TaxId(Country country, Type type, Code code) {
public TaxId(String country, String type, String code) { this(new Country(country), new Type(type), new Code(code)); }
public static TaxId empty() { return new TaxId(Country.empty(), Type.empty(), Code.empty()); }
public boolean isEmpty() { return country.isEmpty() && type.isEmpty() && code.isEmpty(); }
// TODO(bjorncs) Remove legacy once no longer present in ZK
public static TaxId legacy(String code) { return new TaxId(Country.empty(), Type.empty(), new Code(code)); }
public boolean isLegacy() { return type.isEmpty() && !code.isEmpty(); }
public static class Country extends StringWrapper {
public Country(String value) {
requireLength(value, "tax code country length", 0, 2);
public static Country empty() { return new Country(""); }
public boolean isEmpty() { return value().isEmpty(); }
public static class Type extends StringWrapper {
public Type(String value) {
requireLength(value, "tax code type length", 0, 16);
public static Type empty() { return new Type(""); }
public boolean isEmpty() { return value().isEmpty(); }
public static class Code extends StringWrapper {
public Code(String value) {
requireLength(value, "tax code value length", 0, 64);
public static Code empty() { return new Code(""); }
public boolean isEmpty() { return value().isEmpty(); }