com.yahoo.jdisc.Container Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root.
package com.yahoo.jdisc;
import com.google.inject.ConfigurationException;
import com.google.inject.ProvisionException;
import com.yahoo.jdisc.application.Application;
import com.yahoo.jdisc.application.BindingSet;
import com.yahoo.jdisc.application.ContainerActivator;
import com.yahoo.jdisc.application.ContainerBuilder;
import com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.RequestHandler;
import com.yahoo.jdisc.service.CurrentContainer;
import com.yahoo.jdisc.service.ServerProvider;
import java.net.URI;
* This is the immutable Container. An instance of this class is attached to every {@link Request}, and as long as
* the {@link Request#release()} method has not been called, that Container instance is actively kept alive to prevent
* any race conditions during reconfiguration or shutdown. At any time there is only a single active Container in the
* running {@link Application}, and the only way to retrieve a reference to that Container is by calling {@link
* CurrentContainer#newReference(URI)}. Instead of holding a local Container object inside a {@link ServerProvider}
* (which will eventually become stale), use the {@link Request#Request(CurrentContainer, URI) appropriate Request
* constructor} instead.
* The only way to create a new instance of this class is to 1) create and configure a {@link
* ContainerBuilder}, and 2) pass that to the {@link ContainerActivator#activateContainer(ContainerBuilder)} method.
* @author Simon Thoresen Hult
public interface Container extends SharedResource, Timer {
* Attempts to find a {@link RequestHandler} in the current server- (if {@link Request#isServerRequest()} is
* true) or client- (if {@link Request#isServerRequest()} is false) {@link BindingSet} that
* matches the given {@link URI}. If no match can be found, this method returns null.
* @param request The Request to match against the bound {@link RequestHandler}s.
* @return The matching RequestHandler, or null if there is no match.
RequestHandler resolveHandler(Request request);
* Returns the appropriate instance for the given injection type. When feasible, avoid using this method in
* favor of having Guice inject your dependencies ahead of time.
* @param type The class object of the instance to return.
* @param The class of the instance to return.
* @return The appropriate instance of the given class.
* @throws ConfigurationException If this injector cannot find or create the provider.
* @throws ProvisionException If there was a runtime failure while providing an instance.
T getInstance(Class type);