ai.vespa.schemals.lsp.hover.SchemaHover Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package ai.vespa.schemals.lsp.hover;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import org.eclipse.lsp4j.Hover;
import org.eclipse.lsp4j.MarkupContent;
import org.eclipse.lsp4j.MarkupKind;
import org.eclipse.lsp4j.Range;
import ai.vespa.schemals.context.EventPositionContext;
import ai.vespa.schemals.index.Symbol;
import ai.vespa.schemals.index.Symbol.SymbolStatus;
import ai.vespa.schemals.index.Symbol.SymbolType;
import ai.vespa.schemals.lsp.completion.SchemaCompletion;
import ai.vespa.schemals.parser.indexinglanguage.ast.ATTRIBUTE;
import ai.vespa.schemals.parser.indexinglanguage.ast.INDEX;
import ai.vespa.schemals.parser.indexinglanguage.ast.SUMMARY;
import ai.vespa.schemals.schemadocument.resolvers.RankExpression.SpecificFunction;
import ai.vespa.schemals.tree.CSTUtils;
import ai.vespa.schemals.tree.SchemaNode;
import ai.vespa.schemals.tree.SchemaNode.LanguageType;
import ai.vespa.schemals.tree.rankingexpression.RankNode;
* Responsible for LSP textDocument/hover requests.
* As a TODO it would have been nice with some highlighting on the generated Markdown.
public class SchemaHover {
private static final String markdownPathRoot = "hover/";
private static Map> markdownContentCache = new HashMap<>();
* Helper to check if a comment exists and extract it from a line
* @param documentContent
* @param lineEndOffset offset at which the \n following this line occurs
* @return the string containing the comment, not including leading or trailing whitespace if found
private static Optional getCommentOnLine(String documentContent, int lineEndOffset) {
int prevLine = documentContent.lastIndexOf("\n", lineEndOffset - 1);
// note: if prevLine == -1 (not found), we should correctly extract from offset 0
String possibleCommentString = documentContent.substring(prevLine + 1, lineEndOffset).trim();
if (!possibleCommentString.startsWith("#")) return Optional.empty();
return Optional.of(possibleCommentString);
* Some definitions might have useful comments by them.
* This function takes a node which should point to some node where a symbol is defined,
* and returns optionally a string containing all contiguous comments above the definition, joined by newline.
private static Optional getSymbolDocumentationComments(SchemaNode node, String documentContent) {
int offset = node.getOriginalBeginOffset();
if (offset == -1) return Optional.empty();
int linePointer = documentContent.lastIndexOf("\n", offset);
List comments = new LinkedList<>();
while (linePointer != -1) {
Optional comment = getCommentOnLine(documentContent, linePointer);
if (comment.isEmpty()) break;
comments.add(0, comment.get());
linePointer = documentContent.lastIndexOf("\n", linePointer - 1);
if (comments.isEmpty()) return Optional.empty();
return Optional.of(String.join("\n", comments));
* Special handling of struct over to list the fields inside and where they are inherited from.
private static Hover getStructHover(SchemaNode node, EventPositionContext context) {
Optional structDefinitionSymbol = context.schemaIndex.getSymbolDefinition(node.getSymbol());
if (structDefinitionSymbol.isEmpty()) {
return null;
List fieldDefs = context.schemaIndex.listSymbolsInScope(structDefinitionSymbol.get(), SymbolType.FIELD);
String result = "### struct " + structDefinitionSymbol.get().getShortIdentifier() + "\n";
for (Symbol fieldDef : fieldDefs) {
result += " field " + fieldDef.getShortIdentifier() + " type " +
if (!fieldDef.isInScope(structDefinitionSymbol.get())) {
result += " (inherited from " + fieldDef.getScope().getPrettyIdentifier() + ")";
result += "\n";
if (result.isEmpty())result = "no fields found";
return new Hover(new MarkupContent(MarkupKind.MARKDOWN, result));
* Special handling of field hover to also list which indexing settings are set (index | attribute | summary)
* as well as whether the field is inside or outside its document.
private static Hover getFieldHover(SchemaNode node, EventPositionContext context) {
Optional fieldDefinitionSymbol = context.schemaIndex.getSymbolDefinition(node.getSymbol());
if (fieldDefinitionSymbol.isEmpty()) return null;
Optional dataTypeNode = context.schemaIndex.fieldIndex().getFieldDataTypeNode(fieldDefinitionSymbol.get());
String typeText = "unknown";
if (dataTypeNode.isPresent()) {
typeText = dataTypeNode.get().getText().trim();
// Create a nice long identifier for nested fields (e.g. field of type struct)
String fieldIdentifier = fieldDefinitionSymbol.get().getShortIdentifier();
Symbol scopeIterator = fieldDefinitionSymbol.get().getScope();
while (scopeIterator != null && scopeIterator.getType() == SymbolType.FIELD) {
fieldIdentifier = scopeIterator.getShortIdentifier() + "." + fieldIdentifier;
scopeIterator = scopeIterator.getScope();
String hoverText = "field " + fieldIdentifier + " type " + typeText;
if (context.schemaIndex.fieldIndex().getIsInsideDoc(fieldDefinitionSymbol.get())) {
if (fieldDefinitionSymbol.get().getScope() != null && fieldDefinitionSymbol.get().getScope().getType() == SymbolType.STRUCT) {
hoverText += " (in struct " + fieldDefinitionSymbol.get().getScope().getShortIdentifier() + ")";
} else {
hoverText += " (in document)";
} else {
hoverText += " (outside document)";
var indexingTypes = context.schemaIndex.fieldIndex().getFieldIndexingTypes(fieldDefinitionSymbol.get()).toArray();
// We simulate some kind of indexing statement
for (int i = 0; i < indexingTypes.length; ++i) {
if (i == 0) hoverText += "\n\t";
else hoverText += " | ";
hoverText += indexingTypes[i].toString().toLowerCase();
String fieldDefinitionDocumentContent = context.scheduler.getDocument(fieldDefinitionSymbol.get().getFileURI()).getCurrentContent();
Optional documentationComments = getSymbolDocumentationComments(fieldDefinitionSymbol.get().getNode(), fieldDefinitionDocumentContent);
if (documentationComments.isPresent()) {
hoverText = documentationComments.get() + "\n" + hoverText;
// Render as code
return new Hover(new MarkupContent(MarkupKind.MARKDOWN, "```\n" + hoverText + "\n```"));
private static Hover getSymbolHover(SchemaNode node, EventPositionContext context) {
switch(node.getSymbol().getType()) {
case STRUCT:
return getStructHover(node, context);
case FIELD:
return getFieldHover(node, context);
if (node.getSymbol().getType() == SymbolType.LABEL) {
return new Hover(new MarkupContent(MarkupKind.PLAINTEXT, "label"));
if (node.getSymbol().getStatus() == SymbolStatus.BUILTIN_REFERENCE) {
return new Hover(new MarkupContent(MarkupKind.PLAINTEXT, "builtin"));
if (node.getSymbol().getStatus() == SymbolStatus.REFERENCE || node.getSymbol().getStatus() == SymbolStatus.DEFINITION) {
Optional definition = context.schemaIndex.getSymbolDefinition(node.getSymbol());
if (definition.isPresent()) {
SchemaNode definitionNode = definition.get().getNode();
if (definitionNode.getParent() != null) {
String text = definitionNode.getParent().getText();
String[] lines = text.split(System.lineSeparator());
String hoverContent = lines[0].trim();
while (hoverContent.length() > 0 && hoverContent.endsWith("{")) {
hoverContent = hoverContent.substring(0, hoverContent.length() - 1);
hoverContent = hoverContent.trim();
String documentContent = context.scheduler.getDocument(definition.get().getFileURI()).getCurrentContent();
Optional documentationComments = getSymbolDocumentationComments(definitionNode, documentContent);
if (documentationComments.isPresent()) {
hoverContent = documentationComments.get() + "\n" + hoverContent;
if (hoverContent.length() > 0) {
// Render as code
return new Hover(new MarkupContent(MarkupKind.MARKDOWN, "```\n" + hoverContent + "\n```"));
return null;
private static Hover getIndexingHover(SchemaNode hoverNode, EventPositionContext context) {
// Taken from:
// https://docs.vespa.ai/en/reference/schema-reference.html#indexing
// Too specific to include in buildDocs.py
// Note: these classes belong to the indexinglanguage parser
if (hoverNode.isASTInstance(ATTRIBUTE.class)) {
return new Hover(new MarkupContent(MarkupKind.MARKDOWN,
"## Attribute\n"
+ "Attribute is used to make a field available for sorting, grouping, ranking and searching using match mode `word`.\n"
} else if (hoverNode.isASTInstance(INDEX.class)) {
return new Hover(new MarkupContent(MarkupKind.MARKDOWN,
"## Index\n"
+ "Creates a searchable index for the values of this field using match mode `text`. "
+ "All strings are lower-cased before stored in the index. "
+ "By default, the index name will be the same as the name of the schema field. "
+ "Use a fieldset to combine fields in the same set for searching.\n"
} else if (hoverNode.isASTInstance(SUMMARY.class)) {
return new Hover(new MarkupContent(MarkupKind.MARKDOWN,
"## Summary\n"
+ "Includes the value of this field in a summary field. "
+ "Summary fields of type string are limited to 64 kB. "
+ "If a larger string is stored, the indexer will issue a warning and truncate the value to 64 kB. "
+ "Modify summary output by using `summary:` in the field body (e.g. to generate dynamic teasers).\n"
return null;
private static Optional rankFeatureHover(SchemaNode node, EventPositionContext context) {
// Search for rankNode connection
SchemaNode currentNode = node;
while (currentNode.getLanguageType() == LanguageType.RANK_EXPRESSION && currentNode.getRankNode().isEmpty()) {
currentNode = currentNode.getParent();
if (currentNode.getRankNode().isEmpty()) {
return Optional.empty();
RankNode rankNode = currentNode.getRankNode().get();
Optional rankNodeSignature = rankNode.getFunctionSignature();
if (rankNodeSignature.isEmpty()) {
return Optional.empty();
SpecificFunction functionSignature = rankNodeSignature.get().clone();
// Clear property from the signature if the hover was not explicitly on the property node.
if (node.hasSymbol() && node.getSymbol().getType() != SymbolType.PROPERTY) {
Optional result = getRankFeatureHover(functionSignature);
result.ifPresent(hover -> hover.setRange(node.getRange()));
return result;
* Public interface to be used by {@link SchemaCompletion}
* @param function
* @return Hover with empty range
public static Optional getRankFeatureHover(SpecificFunction function) {
Optional result = getFileHoverInformation("rankExpression/" + function.getSignatureString(), new Range());
if (result.isPresent()) {
return result;
return getFileHoverInformation("rankExpression/" + function.getSignatureString(true), new Range());
public static Hover getHover(EventPositionContext context) {
SchemaNode node = CSTUtils.getSymbolAtPosition(context.document.getRootNode(), context.position);
if (node != null) {
Hover symbolHover = getSymbolHover(node, context);
if (node.getLanguageType() == LanguageType.RANK_EXPRESSION) {
var content = symbolHover.getContents();
if (content.isRight()) {
MarkupContent markupContent = content.getRight();
if (markupContent.getValue() == "builtin") {
Optional builtinHover = rankFeatureHover(node, context);
if (builtinHover.isPresent()) {
return builtinHover.get();
return symbolHover;
node = CSTUtils.getLeafNodeAtPosition(context.document.getRootNode(), context.position);
if (node == null) return null;
if (node.getLanguageType() == LanguageType.INDEXING) {
return getIndexingHover(node, context);
Optional hoverInfo = getFileHoverInformation("schema/" + node.getClassLeafIdentifierString(), node.getRange());
if (hoverInfo.isEmpty()) {
return null;
return hoverInfo.get();
public static Optional getFileHoverInformation(String markdownKey, Range range) {
// avoid doing unnecessary IO operations
if (markdownContentCache.containsKey(markdownKey)) {
Optional mdContent = markdownContentCache.get(markdownKey);
if (mdContent != null) {
if (mdContent.isEmpty()) {
return Optional.empty();
return Optional.of(new Hover(mdContent.get(), range));
String fileName = markdownPathRoot + markdownKey + ".md";
InputStream inputStream = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(fileName);
if (inputStream == null) {
markdownContentCache.put(markdownKey, Optional.empty());
return Optional.empty();
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream));
String markdown = reader.lines().collect(Collectors.joining(System.lineSeparator()));
MarkupContent mdContent = new MarkupContent(MarkupKind.MARKDOWN, markdown);
Hover hover = new Hover(mdContent, range);
markdownContentCache.put(markdownKey, Optional.of(mdContent));
return Optional.of(hover);
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