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ai.vespa.http.HttpURL Maven / Gradle / Ivy

// Copyright Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root.
package ai.vespa.http;

import ai.vespa.validation.StringWrapper;

import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.OptionalInt;
import java.util.StringJoiner;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.function.UnaryOperator;

import static ai.vespa.validation.Validation.require;
import static ai.vespa.validation.Validation.requireInRange;
import static;
import static;
import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;

 * This is the best class for creating, manipulating and inspecting HTTP URLs, because:
  • It is more restrictive than {@link URI}, but with a richer construction API, reducing risk of blunder. *
    • Scheme must be HTTP or HTTPS.
    • *
    • Authority must be a {@link DomainName}, with an optional port.
    • *
    • {@link Path} must be normalized at all times.
    • *
    • Only {@link Query} is allowed, in addition to the above.
    • *
  • *
  • * It contains all those helpful builder methods that {@link URI} has none of. *
    • {@link Path} can be parsed, have segments or other paths appended, and cut.
    • *
    • {@link Query} can be parsed, and keys and key-value pairs can be inserted or removed.
    • *
    * All these (except the parse methods) operate on decoded values. *
  • *
  • It makes it super-easy to use a {@link StringWrapper} for validation of path and query segments.
  • *
* * @author jonmv */ public class HttpURL { private final Scheme scheme; private final DomainName domain; private final int port; private final Path path; private final Query query; private HttpURL(Scheme scheme, DomainName domain, int port, Path path, Query query) { this.scheme = requireNonNull(scheme); this.domain = requireNonNull(domain); this.port = requireInRange(port, "port number", -1, (1 << 16) - 1); this.path = requireNonNull(path); this.query = requireNonNull(query); } public static HttpURL create(Scheme scheme, DomainName domain, int port, Path path, Query query) { return new HttpURL(scheme, domain, port, path, query); } public static HttpURL create(Scheme scheme, DomainName domain, int port, Path path) { return create(scheme, domain, port, path, Query.empty()); } public static HttpURL create(Scheme scheme, DomainName domain, int port) { return create(scheme, domain, port, Path.empty(), Query.empty()); } public static HttpURL create(Scheme scheme, DomainName domain) { return create(scheme, domain, -1); } public static HttpURL from(URI uri) { return from(uri, HttpURL::requirePathSegment, HttpURL::requireNothing); } public static HttpURL from(URI uri, Consumer pathValidator, Consumer queryValidator) { if ( ! uri.normalize().equals(uri)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("uri should be normalized, but got: " + uri); return create(Scheme.of(uri.getScheme()), DomainName.of(requireNonNull(uri.getHost(), "URI must specify a host")), uri.getPort(), Path.parse(uri.getRawPath(), pathValidator), Query.parse(uri.getRawQuery(), queryValidator)); } /** Returns a copy of this with the given scheme. */ public HttpURL withScheme(Scheme scheme) { return create(scheme, domain, port, path, query); } /** Returns a copy of this with the given domain. */ public HttpURL withDomain(DomainName domain) { return create(scheme, domain, port, path, query); } /** Returns a copy of this with the given non-negative port. */ public HttpURL withPort(int port) { return create(scheme, domain, port, path, query); } /** Returns a copy of this with no port specified. */ public HttpURL withoutPort() { return create(scheme, domain, -1, path, query); } /** Returns a copy of this with only the given path. */ public HttpURL withPath(Path path) { return create(scheme, domain, port, path, query); } /** Returns a copy of this with the given path appended. */ public HttpURL appendPath(Path path) { return create(scheme, domain, port, this.path.append(path), query); } /** Returns a copy of this with only the given query. */ public HttpURL withQuery(Query query) { return create(scheme, domain, port, path, query); } /** Returns a copy of this with all entries of the query appended. */ public HttpURL appendQuery(Query query) { return create(scheme, domain, port, path, this.query.add(query.entries())); } public Scheme scheme() { return scheme; } public DomainName domain() { return domain; } public OptionalInt port() { return port == -1 ? OptionalInt.empty() : OptionalInt.of(port); } public Path path() { return path; } public Query query() { return query; } /** Returns an absolute, hierarchical URI representing this HTTP URL. */ public URI asURI() { try { return new URI( + "://" + domain.value() + (port == -1 ? "" : ":" + port) + path.raw() + query.raw()); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("invalid URI, this should not happen", e); } } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; HttpURL httpURL = (HttpURL) o; return port == httpURL.port && scheme == httpURL.scheme && domain.equals(httpURL.domain) && path.equals(httpURL.path) && query.equals(httpURL.query); } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(scheme, domain, port, path, query); } @Override public String toString() { return asURI().toString(); } /** Require that the given string (possibly decoded multiple times) contains none of {@code '/', '?', '#'}, and isn't either of {@code "", ".", ".."}. */ public static String requirePathSegment(String value) { while ( ! value.equals(value = decode(value, UTF_8))); require( ! value.contains("/"), value, "path segment decoded cannot contain '/'"); require( ! value.contains("?"), value, "path segment decoded cannot contain '?'"); require( ! value.contains("#"), value, "path segment decoded cannot contain '#'"); return Path.requireNonNormalizable(value); } private static void requireNothing(String value) { } public static class Path { private static class Node { final Node next; final String value; Node(Node next, String value) { = next; this.value = value; } } private static final Path empty = empty(HttpURL::requirePathSegment); private final Node head; private final int length; private final boolean trailingSlash; private final UnaryOperator validator; private Path(Node head, int length, boolean trailingSlash, UnaryOperator validator) { this.head = head; this.length = length; this.trailingSlash = trailingSlash; this.validator = requireNonNull(validator); } /** Creates a new, empty path, with a trailing slash, using {@link HttpURL#requirePathSegment} for segment validation. */ public static Path empty() { return empty; } /** Creates a new, empty path, with a trailing slash, using the indicated validator for segments. */ public static Path empty(Consumer validator) { return new Path(null, 0, true, segmentValidator(validator)); } /** Parses the given raw, normalized path string; this ignores whether the path is absolute or relative. */ public static Path parse(String raw) { return parse(raw, HttpURL::requirePathSegment); } /** Parses the given raw, normalized path string; this ignores whether the path is absolute or relative. */ public static Path parse(String raw, Consumer validator) { Path path = new Path(null, 0, raw.endsWith("/"), segmentValidator(validator)); if (raw.startsWith("/")) raw = raw.substring(1); if (raw.isEmpty()) return path; for (String segment : raw.split("/")) path = path.append(decode(segment, UTF_8)); if (path.length == 0) requireNonNormalizable(""); // Raw path was only slashes. return path; } private static UnaryOperator segmentValidator(Consumer validator) { requireNonNull(validator, "segment validator cannot be null"); return value -> { requireNonNormalizable(value); validator.accept(value); return value; }; } private static String requireNonNormalizable(String segment) { return require( ! (segment.isEmpty() || segment.equals(".") || segment.equals("..")), segment, "path segments cannot be \"\", \".\", or \"..\""); } /** Returns a copy of this where only the first segments are retained, and with a trailing slash. */ public Path head(int count) { requireInRange(count, "head count", 0, length); Node node = head; for (int i = count; i < length; i++) node =; return new Path(node, count, true, validator); } /** Returns a copy of this where only the last segments are retained. */ public Path tail(int count) { requireInRange(count, "tail count", 0, length); return count == length ? this : new Path(head, count, trailingSlash, validator); } /** Returns a copy of this where the first segments are skipped. */ public Path skip(int count) { requireInRange(count, "skip count", 0, length); return count == 0 ? this : new Path(head, length - count, trailingSlash, validator); } /** Returns a copy of this where the last segments are cut off, and with a trailing slash. */ public Path cut(int count) { requireInRange(count, "cut count", 0, length); Node node = head; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) node =; return new Path(node, length - count, true, validator); } /** Returns a copy of this with the decoded segment appended at the end; it may not be either of {@code ""}, {@code "."} or {@code ".."}. */ public Path append(String segment) { return append(List.of(segment), trailingSlash); } /** Returns a copy of this all segments of the other path appended, with a trailing slash as per the appendage. */ public Path append(Path other) { return append(other.segments(), other.trailingSlash); } /** Returns a copy of this all given segments appended, with a trailing slash as per this path. */ public Path append(List segments) { return append(segments, trailingSlash); } private Path append(Iterable segments, boolean trailingSlash) { Node node = head; int count = 0; for (String segment : segments) { node = new Node(node, validator.apply(segment)); count++; } return new Path(node, length + count, trailingSlash, validator); } /** Whether this path has a trailing slash. */ public boolean hasTrailingSlash() { return trailingSlash; } /** Returns a copy of this which encodes a trailing slash. */ public Path withTrailingSlash() { return new Path(head, length, true, validator); } /** Returns a copy of this which does not encode a trailing slash. */ public Path withoutTrailingSlash() { return new Path(head, length, false, validator); } /** A mutable copy of the URL decoded segments that make up this path; never {@code null}, {@code ""}, {@code "."} or {@code ".."}. */ public List segments() { ArrayList list = new ArrayList<>(length); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) list.add(null); Node node = head; for (int i = length; i-- > 0; node = list.set(i, node.value); return list; } /** The number of segments in this path. */ public int length() { return length; } /** A raw path string which parses to this, by splitting on {@code "/"}, and then URL decoding. */ private String raw() { StringJoiner joiner = new StringJoiner("/", "/", trailingSlash ? "/" : "").setEmptyValue(trailingSlash ? "/" : ""); for (String segment : segments()) joiner.add(encode(segment, UTF_8)); return joiner.toString(); } /** Intentionally not usable for constructing new URIs. Use {@link HttpURL} for that instead. */ @Override public String toString() { return "path '" + raw() + "'"; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; Path path = (Path) o; return trailingSlash == path.trailingSlash && segments().equals(path.segments()); } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(segments(), trailingSlash); } } public static class Query { private static final Query empty = empty(__ -> { }); private static class Node { final Node next; final String key; final String value; public Node(Node next, String key, String value) { = next; this.key = key; this.value = value; } } private final Node head; private final UnaryOperator validator; private Query(Node head, UnaryOperator validator) { this.head = head; this.validator = requireNonNull(validator); } /** Creates a new, empty query part. */ public static Query empty() { return empty; } /** Creates a new, empty query part, using the indicated string wrapper for keys and non-null values. */ public static Query empty(Consumer validator) { return new Query(null, entryValidator(validator)); } /** Parses the given raw query string. */ public static Query parse(String raw) { if (raw == null) return empty(); return parse(raw, __-> { }); } /** Parses the given raw query string, using the validator on all keys and non-null values. */ public static Query parse(String raw, Consumer validator) { if (raw == null) return empty(validator); Query query = empty(validator); for (String pair : raw.split("&")) { int split = pair.indexOf("="); if (split == -1) query = query.add(decode(pair, UTF_8)); else query = query.add(decode(pair.substring(0, split), UTF_8), decode(pair.substring(split + 1), UTF_8)); // any additional '=' become part of the value } return query; } private static UnaryOperator entryValidator(Consumer validator) { requireNonNull(validator); return value -> { validator.accept(value); return value; }; } /** Returns a copy of this with the decoded non-null key pointing to the decoded non-null value. */ public Query add(String key, String value) { return new Query(new Node(head, validator.apply(requireNonNull(key)), validator.apply(requireNonNull(value))), validator); } /** Returns a copy of this with the decoded non-null key pointing to "nothing". */ public Query add(String key) { return new Query(new Node(head, validator.apply(requireNonNull(key)), null), validator); } /** Returns a copy of this with the decoded non-null key pointing only to the decoded non-null value. */ public Query set(String key, String value) { return remove(key).add(key, value); } /** Returns a copy of this with the decoded non-null key only pointing to "nothing". */ public Query set(String key) { return remove(key).add(key); } /** Returns a copy of this without any key-value pair with the decoded key. */ public Query remove(String key) { Node node = without(key::equals); return node == head ? this : new Query(node, validator); } private Node without(Predicate filter) { Node head = null; boolean changed = false; for (Node node : nodes()) { if (filter.test(node.key)) changed = true; // skip node if filter applies else head = changed ? new Node(head, node.key, node.value) // if our tail has changed, so must we : node; // otherwise, return us unchanged } return head; } /** Returns a copy of this with all given mappings appended to this. {@code null} values, but not lists of values, are allowed. */ public Query add(Map> values) { Query query = this; for (Map.Entry> entry : values.entrySet()) for (String value : entry.getValue()) query = value == null ? query.add(entry.getKey()) : query.add(entry.getKey(), value); return query; } /** Returns a copy of this with all given mappings added to this, possibly replacing existing mappings. */ public Query set(Map values) { Query query = remove(values.keySet()); for (Map.Entry entry : values.entrySet()) query = entry.getValue() == null ? query.add(entry.getKey()) : query.add(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); return query; } /** Returns a copy of this with all given keys removed. */ public Query remove(Collection keys) { Node node = without(keys::contains); return node == head ? this : new Query(node, validator); } /** * A mutable copy of the URL decoded key-value pairs that make up this query. * Keys and values may be {@code ""}, and values are {@code null} when only key was specified. * When a key was used multiple times, this map contains only the last value associated with the key. */ public Map lastEntries() { Map entries = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (Node node : nodes()) entries.put(node.key, node.value); return entries; } /** * A mutable copy of the URL decoded key-value pairs that make up this query. * Keys and values may be {@code ""}, and values (not lists of values) are {@code null} when only key was specified. * When a key was used multiple times, this map lists the values in the same order as they were given. */ public Map> entries() { Map> entries = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (Node node : nodes()) entries.computeIfAbsent(node.key, __ -> new ArrayList<>(2)).add(node.value); return entries; } /** A raw query string, with {@code '?'} prepended, that parses to this, by splitting on {@code "&"}, then on {@code "="}, and then URL decoding; or the empty string if this is empty. */ private String raw() { StringJoiner joiner = new StringJoiner("&", "?", "").setEmptyValue(""); for (Node node : nodes()) joiner.add(encode(node.key, UTF_8) + (node.value == null ? "" : "=" + encode(node.value, UTF_8))); return joiner.toString(); } /** Nodes in insertion order. */ private Iterable nodes() { Deque nodes = new ArrayDeque<>(); for (Node node = head; node != null; node = nodes.push(node); return nodes; } /** Intentionally not usable for constructing new URIs. Use {@link HttpURL} for that instead. */ @Override public String toString() { return head == null ? "no query" : "query '" + raw().substring(1) + "'"; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; Query query = (Query) o; return entries().equals(query.entries()); } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(entries()); } } public enum Scheme { http, https; public static Scheme of(String scheme) { if (scheme.equalsIgnoreCase( return http; if (scheme.equalsIgnoreCase( return https; throw new IllegalArgumentException("scheme must be HTTP or HTTPS"); } } }

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