yahoofinance.YahooFinance Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package yahoofinance;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import yahoofinance.histquotes.HistQuotesRequest;
import yahoofinance.histquotes.Interval;
import yahoofinance.quotes.fx.FxQuote;
import yahoofinance.quotes.fx.FxQuotesRequest;
import yahoofinance.quotes.stock.StockQuotesData;
import yahoofinance.quotes.stock.StockQuotesRequest;
* YahooFinance can be used to retrieve quotes and some extra information on stocks.
* There is also the possibility to include historical quotes on the requested stocks.
* When trying to get information on multiple stocks at once, please use the provided
* methods that accept a String[]
of symbols to get the best performance.
* To retrieve the basic quote, statistics and dividend data, a single request can be sent to
* Yahoo Finance for multiple stocks at once.
* For the historical data however, a separate request has to be sent to Yahoo Finance
* for each of the requested stocks. The provided methods will retrieve
* all of the required information in the least amount of
* requests possible towards Yahoo Finance.
* You can change the default timeout of 10s for requests to Yahoo Finance by
* setting the yahoofinance.connection.timeout system property.
* Please be aware that the data received from Yahoo Finance is not always
* complete for every single stock. Stocks on the American stock exchanges
* usually have a lot more data available than stocks on other exchanges.
* This API can also be used to send requests for retrieving FX rates.
* Since the data is provided by Yahoo, please check their Terms of Service
* at
* @author Stijn Strickx
* @version %I%, %G%
public class YahooFinance {
public static final String QUOTES_BASE_URL = System.getProperty("yahoofinance.baseurl.quotes", "");
public static final String HISTQUOTES_BASE_URL = System.getProperty("yahoofinance.baseurl.histquotes", "");
public static final String HISTQUOTES2_ENABLED = System.getProperty("yahoofinance.histquotes2.enabled", "true");
public static final String HISTQUOTES2_BASE_URL = System.getProperty("yahoofinance.baseurl.histquotes2", "");
public static final String HISTQUOTESQUERY2V8_BASE_URL = System.getProperty("yahoofinance.baseurl.histquotesquery2v8", "");
public static final String HISTQUOTES2_SCRAPE_URL = System.getProperty("yahoofinance.scrapeurl.histquotes2", "");
public static final String HISTQUOTES2_CRUMB_URL = System.getProperty("yahoofinance.crumburl.histquotes2", "");
public static final String HISTQUOTES2_CRUMB = System.getProperty("yahoofinance.crumb", "");
public static final String HISTQUOTES2_COOKIE = System.getProperty("yahoofinance.cookie", "");
public static final String QUOTES_CSV_DELIMITER = ",";
public static final String TIMEZONE = "America/New_York";
public static final int CONNECTION_TIMEOUT =
Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("yahoofinance.connection.timeout", "10000"));
* Sends a basic quotes request to Yahoo Finance. This will return a {@link Stock} object
* with its {@link yahoofinance.quotes.stock.StockQuote}, {@link yahoofinance.quotes.stock.StockStats}
* and {@link yahoofinance.quotes.stock.StockDividend} member fields
* filled in with the available data.
* Returns null if the data can't be retrieved from Yahoo Finance.
* @param symbol the symbol of the stock for which you want to retrieve information
* @return a {@link Stock} object containing the requested information
* @throws when there's a connection problem
public static Stock get(String symbol) throws IOException {
return YahooFinance.get(symbol, false);
* Same as the get(String)
method, but with the option to include
* historical stock quote data. Including historical data will cause the {@link Stock}
* object's member field {@link yahoofinance.histquotes.HistoricalQuote} to be filled in
* with the default past year term at monthly intervals.
* Returns null if the data can't be retrieved from Yahoo Finance.
* @param symbol the symbol of the stock for which you want to retrieve information
* @param includeHistorical indicates if the historical quotes should be included.
* @return a {@link Stock} object containing the requested information
* @throws when there's a connection problem
public static Stock get(String symbol, boolean includeHistorical) throws IOException {
Map result = YahooFinance.getQuotes(symbol, includeHistorical);
return result.get(symbol);
* Sends a request with the historical quotes included
* at the specified interval (DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY).
* Returns null if the data can't be retrieved from Yahoo Finance.
* @param symbol the symbol of the stock for which you want to retrieve information
* @param interval the interval of the included historical data
* @return a {@link Stock} object containing the requested information
* @throws when there's a connection problem
public static Stock get(String symbol, Interval interval) throws IOException {
return YahooFinance.get(symbol, HistQuotesRequest.DEFAULT_FROM, HistQuotesRequest.DEFAULT_TO, interval);
* Sends a request with the historical quotes included
* starting from the specified {@link Calendar} date
* at the default interval (monthly).
* Returns null if the data can't be retrieved from Yahoo Finance.
* @param symbol the symbol of the stock for which you want to retrieve information
* @param from start date of the historical data
* @return a {@link Stock} object containing the requested information
* @throws when there's a connection problem
public static Stock get(String symbol, Calendar from) throws IOException {
return YahooFinance.get(symbol, from, HistQuotesRequest.DEFAULT_TO, HistQuotesRequest.DEFAULT_INTERVAL);
* Sends a request with the historical quotes included
* starting from the specified {@link Calendar} date
* at the specified interval.
* Returns null if the data can't be retrieved from Yahoo Finance.
* @param symbol the symbol of the stock for which you want to retrieve information
* @param from start date of the historical data
* @param interval the interval of the included historical data
* @return a {@link Stock} object containing the requested information
* @throws when there's a connection problem
public static Stock get(String symbol, Calendar from, Interval interval) throws IOException {
return YahooFinance.get(symbol, from, HistQuotesRequest.DEFAULT_TO, interval);
* Sends a request with the historical quotes included
* starting from the specified {@link Calendar} date
* until the specified Calendar date (to)
* at the default interval (monthly).
* Returns null if the data can't be retrieved from Yahoo Finance.
* @param symbol the symbol of the stock for which you want to retrieve information
* @param from start date of the historical data
* @param to end date of the historical data
* @return a {@link Stock} object containing the requested information
* @throws when there's a connection problem
public static Stock get(String symbol, Calendar from, Calendar to) throws IOException {
return YahooFinance.get(symbol, from, to, HistQuotesRequest.DEFAULT_INTERVAL);
* Sends a request with the historical quotes included
* starting from the specified {@link Calendar} date
* until the specified Calendar date (to)
* at the specified interval.
* Returns null if the data can't be retrieved from Yahoo Finance.
* @param symbol the symbol of the stock for which you want to retrieve information
* @param from start date of the historical data
* @param to end date of the historical data
* @param interval the interval of the included historical data
* @return a {@link Stock} object containing the requested information
* @throws when there's a connection problem
public static Stock get(String symbol, Calendar from, Calendar to, Interval interval) throws IOException {
Map result = YahooFinance.getQuotes(symbol, from, to, interval);
return result.get(symbol);
* Sends a basic quotes request to Yahoo Finance. This will return a {@link Map} object
* that links the symbols to their respective {@link Stock} objects.
* The Stock objects have their {@link yahoofinance.quotes.stock.StockQuote}, {@link yahoofinance.quotes.stock.StockStats}
* and {@link yahoofinance.quotes.stock.StockDividend} member fields
* filled in with the available data.
* All the information is retrieved in a single request to Yahoo Finance.
* The returned Map only includes the Stocks that could
* successfully be retrieved from Yahoo Finance.
* @param symbols the symbols of the stocks for which you want to retrieve information
* @return a Map that links the symbols to their respective Stock objects
* @throws when there's a connection problem
public static Map get(String[] symbols) throws IOException {
return YahooFinance.get(symbols, false);
* Same as the get(String[])
method, but with the option to include
* historical stock quote data. Including historical data will cause the {@link Stock}
* objects their member field {@link yahoofinance.histquotes.HistoricalQuote} to be filled in
* with the default past year term at monthly intervals.
* The latest quotes will be retrieved in a single request to Yahoo Finance.
* For the historical quotes (if includeHistorical),
* a separate request will be sent for each requested stock.
* The returned Map only includes the Stocks that could
* successfully be retrieved from Yahoo Finance.
* @param symbols the symbols of the stocks for which you want to retrieve information
* @param includeHistorical indicates if the historical quotes should be included
* @return a Map that links the symbols to their respective Stock objects
* @throws when there's a connection problem
public static Map get(String[] symbols, boolean includeHistorical) throws IOException {
return YahooFinance.getQuotes(Utils.join(symbols, ","), includeHistorical);
* Sends a request for multiple stocks with the historical quotes included
* from the past year,
* at the specified interval. (DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY)
* The latest quotes will be retrieved in a single request to Yahoo Finance.
* For the historical quotes, a separate request will be sent for each requested stock.
* The returned Map only includes the Stocks that could
* successfully be retrieved from Yahoo Finance.
* @param symbols the symbols of the stocks for which you want to retrieve information
* @param interval the interval of the included historical data
* @return a Map that links the symbols to their respective Stock objects.
* @throws when there's a connection problem
public static Map get(String[] symbols, Interval interval) throws IOException {
return YahooFinance.getQuotes(Utils.join(symbols, ","), HistQuotesRequest.DEFAULT_FROM, HistQuotesRequest.DEFAULT_TO, interval);
* Sends a request for multiple stocks with the historical quotes included
* starting from the specified {@link Calendar} date until today,
* at the default interval (monthly).
* The latest quotes will be retrieved in a single request to Yahoo Finance.
* For the historical quotes, a separate request will be sent for each requested stock.
* The returned Map only includes the Stocks that could
* successfully be retrieved from Yahoo Finance.
* @param symbols the symbols of the stocks for which you want to retrieve information
* @param from start date of the historical data
* @return a Map that links the symbols to their respective Stock objects.
* @throws when there's a connection problem
public static Map get(String[] symbols, Calendar from) throws IOException {
return YahooFinance.getQuotes(Utils.join(symbols, ","), from, HistQuotesRequest.DEFAULT_TO, HistQuotesRequest.DEFAULT_INTERVAL);
* Sends a request for multiple stocks with the historical quotes included
* starting from the specified {@link Calendar} date until today,
* at the specified interval.
* The latest quotes will be retrieved in a single request to Yahoo Finance.
* For the historical quotes, a separate request will be sent for each requested stock.
* The returned Map only includes the Stocks that could
* successfully be retrieved from Yahoo Finance.
* @param symbols the symbols of the stocks for which you want to retrieve information
* @param from start date of the historical data
* @param interval the interval of the included historical data
* @return a Map that links the symbols to their respective Stock objects.
* @throws when there's a connection problem
public static Map get(String[] symbols, Calendar from, Interval interval) throws IOException {
return YahooFinance.getQuotes(Utils.join(symbols, ","), from, HistQuotesRequest.DEFAULT_TO, interval);
* Sends a request for multiple stocks with the historical quotes included
* starting from the specified {@link Calendar} date
* until the specified Calendar date (to)
* at the default interval (monthly).
* The latest quotes will be retrieved in a single request to Yahoo Finance.
* For the historical quotes, a separate request will be sent for each requested stock.
* The returned Map only includes the Stocks that could
* successfully be retrieved from Yahoo Finance.
* @param symbols the symbols of the stocks for which you want to retrieve information
* @param from start date of the historical data
* @param to end date of the historical data
* @return a Map that links the symbols to their respective Stock objects.
* @throws when there's a connection problem
public static Map get(String[] symbols, Calendar from, Calendar to) throws IOException {
return YahooFinance.getQuotes(Utils.join(symbols, ","), from, to, HistQuotesRequest.DEFAULT_INTERVAL);
* Sends a request for multiple stocks with the historical quotes included
* starting from the specified {@link Calendar} date
* until the specified Calendar date (to)
* at the specified interval.
* The latest quotes will be retrieved in a single request to Yahoo Finance.
* For the historical quotes, a separate request will be sent for each requested stock.
* The returned Map only includes the Stocks that could
* successfully be retrieved from Yahoo Finance.
* @param symbols the symbols of the stocks for which you want to retrieve information
* @param from start date of the historical data
* @param to end date of the historical data
* @param interval the interval of the included historical data
* @return a Map that links the symbols to their respective Stock objects.
* @throws when there's a connection problem
public static Map get(String[] symbols, Calendar from, Calendar to, Interval interval) throws IOException {
return YahooFinance.getQuotes(Utils.join(symbols, ","), from, to, interval);
* Sends a request for a single FX rate.
* Some common symbols can easily be found in the ENUM {@link yahoofinance.quotes.fx.FxSymbols}
* Some examples of accepted symbols:
* @param symbol symbol for the FX rate you want to request
* @return a quote for the requested FX rate
* @throws when there's a connection problem
public static FxQuote getFx(String symbol) throws IOException {
FxQuotesRequest request = new FxQuotesRequest(symbol);
return request.getSingleResult();
* Sends a single request to Yahoo Finance to retrieve a quote
* for all the requested FX symbols.
* See getFx(String)
for more information on the
* accepted FX symbols.
* @param symbols an array of FX symbols
* @return the requested FX symbols mapped to their respective quotes
* @throws when there's a connection problem or the request is incorrect
* @see #getFx(java.lang.String)
public static Map getFx(String[] symbols) throws IOException {
FxQuotesRequest request = new FxQuotesRequest(Utils.join(symbols, ","));
List quotes = request.getResult();
Map result = new HashMap();
for(FxQuote quote : quotes) {
result.put(quote.getSymbol(), quote);
return result;
private static Map getQuotes(String query, boolean includeHistorical) throws IOException {
StockQuotesRequest request = new StockQuotesRequest(query);
List quotes = request.getResult();
Map result = new HashMap();
for(StockQuotesData data : quotes) {
Stock s = data.getStock();
result.put(s.getSymbol(), s);
if(includeHistorical) {
for(Stock s : result.values()) {
return result;
private static Map getQuotes(String query, Calendar from, Calendar to, Interval interval) throws IOException {
Map stocks = YahooFinance.getQuotes(query, false);
stocks = YahooFinance.fetchHistoricalQuotes(stocks, from, to, interval);
return stocks;
private static Map fetchHistoricalQuotes(Map stocks, Calendar from, Calendar to, Interval interval) throws IOException {
for(Stock s : stocks.values()) {
s.getHistory(from, to, interval);
return stocks;